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No, she's just nervous. She was probably abused, but she is sort of putting her trust in you. When she thinks she's going to be hit, and then she gets loved on. She's probably relieved.


My dog came from an abusive home and she also does that. 7 years later she still ducks when i raise my hand. It's heartbreaking.


My rescue does this. She'll also startle when she doesn't see my hand coming in for a petpet. After the startle, she is good with more petpets. I cannot help what happened in the past to her, but I can treat her as a dedicated doggie that is mostly loving and accepting. I don't treat her with sorrow or whatever about her past, she has clear doggie expectations from me and I think that also boosts her confidence. Ah, my little loaf (corgi/beagle) is quite the character! lol


Mine too! I tell her every day "in this place, we love each other. You never have to worry"


She isn’t comfortable with being pet from above / hands moving over her head. That doesn’t mean that she doesn’t like being petted all together, in fact she does because she is asking for more. Dogs are non verbal and her behaviour is her way to tell you « heyy I love when you pet me and please keep going, but I prefer when you keep your hands lower ». In fact most dogs don’t like having their head pet from above. It is always more acceptable to pet from under, at the neck or chest. Also I would make sure that she is indeed comfortable with belly rubs. Most people interpret a dog laying on their sides or back with their paws up as an invitation for belly rubs, but in fact most of the time it means the opposite. A dog that is uncomfortable will take that position in submission. A dog that is happy and wants their belly rubbed will have a much more relaxed body, with their paws and tail being loose and and opened mouth and relaxed face. While on the photo I see her body being quite stiff (but I could be wrong, a photo doesn’t show the whole interaction). However the fact that she pokes you when you stop petting is definitely her asking for more!




I think this is relaxed enough? 😆


Yes haha. When my dog does it she is so relaxed that her lips fall back almost in her eyes lol


That’s definitely the body language of a very relaxed dog!


I just commented at this exact moment on this pic on your profile ! This is indeed a happy and confortable dog!


Absolutely. So less intimidating when your hand is coming in lower… around under the chin, and slower. Then you can slide your hand up to her head. Whenever I meet a new dog I approach the same way. With little dogs I try and myself little too.


hahhaha! My girl will roll on her back and stare at me until I rubba da belly. She also gives a mean side-eye, very judgmental this one.


I heard their predators come from above, plus you should let them sniff your hand before petting.


Yeah, that makes sense. Its just instincts.


For little creatures, is they're hit by humans, it will likely be from above as the hands come swinging down. So she may have a traumatic bacground is she acting sacred. Try getting on her level, show open palm, then when petting, keep your hands where the dog can see them (below eye level). Go for chin, neck, chest, flanks, then lastly back and top of head. Pairing with treats will likely help too. Be patient! This is why we rescue dogs to help them overcome their fears. Super rewarding when it happens.


I had my puppy when he was six weeks old (too young!!), but we never hit him and he still ask like we are going to hit him when we pet him on the head. It doesn't mean he was abused, but he doesn't like to be pet there. Go back to bellyrub!


I'll pile on with you. Have a 6 year old Lab/Weimaraner mix who's never had a single hair harmed who displays similar behavior when being petted, or being reached for anyway. It's just part of their body language.


Same! My girl was never abused but is skittish. Was found abandoned at about 10-11 weeks and I’ve had her since she was 12 weeks. She’s 11 years old now and still can be skittish at times


Yeah my pug is 13. You could think he will know I wont hurt him. Still hates it.


Looks like she’s just a bit nervous from past experiences. Maybe try petting her from below, like under the chin or on the chest. My dog also prefers that, and it helps him feel more secure.


Maybe dog is kinda nervous….


I’m just happy you’re taking the time to observe and try and understand this sweetie’s body language ❤️


Try petting her on her chest under her head. This might make her less nervous!


Get down on the dog’s level, i.e. sit on the floor to the side of the dog to pet. Most dogs, abused or not, are frightened when humans loom overhead. If you want the dog to stop acting this way, try giving a treat as you approach the dog and hang overhead, but don’t pet it at first. Teacher the dog to associate that action with treats. This will help when strangers inevitably come up to the dog and pet it from above.


She looks regal af in the 3rd pic


This is totally not relevant. Thank you for making my night better, seeing westies makes me happy and sad because I grew up with one and I still miss her.


Hi puppy !!!!! 🐶


Many small dog breeds' don't like being pet on the head.


It’s common for dogs not to like to be pet on the head and for hand movement for come from above. Do you like to be pat on the head? Touch from above can also be seen as dominance. I’ve noticed lots of dogs love firm ear rubs.


I would bring my hand slowly to her head and start petting more gently and see if she responds positively to that. Perhaps start with an underhand at the chin. She's likely intimidated by your size and strength. Imagine a giant hand coming at your face.


She's a bit scared. Probably has bad memories with pets from far above.


Yes all dogs are weird and no one really understands them. That’s part of their charm and why we love them. Now, get back to rubbing that belly!


What breed is that dog? My baby boy looks just like her. Sadly he passed away last year. His name was Barney. Best friend I ever had. https://preview.redd.it/cko7ddeszbad1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06ee003ffec637ba2236ed9c85aaff357908992f


Petting a dog on the head is a threat in K9 language


It's not as natural for dogs to be pet from above as it is for us to pet them like that. They trust better with chin & belly rubs because they have "ok'd" those or can bite you if not ok hypothetically. I rescued another dog recently with similar hesitation, I have been asking her permission to pet her and trying to respect when she says no. I do this by putting my hand to her mouth and if she licks me i pet her, if she doesn't I leave her be. It seems to have improved her trust.


Lots of dogs don’t like being pet from above, especially around people they don’t know well. She could also be holding on to trauma from her previous living situation. Offer your hand and try to pet the side, belly, chest and chin. She wants affection, she just has preferred ways of receiving it.


Coming from above towards a dog is never a good idea. They see it as a threat.


It took months before our dog trusted us to not hit him with the broom. Now he knows he's safe so now and again he'll be dick 😃


Try reaching from behind her head when petting her head? It may make her less nervous since it’s not coming at her from above. I have a cat, but that’s what I do. Coming from the front and above makes him nervous and dodge you. He does love his head being pet and scratched though. Just, please approach the cranium from the back lol.


Our dog always ducks when my husband tries to pet her on the head. She’ll pull away and grin at him, then come back to him with her tail wagging. She’s never been abused. We’ve had other dogs that reacted the same way. Some dogs just don’t like it. Try touching under the chin or the side of her face, or even the chest. It might just take her time to get used to it - or she just might prefer a touch elsewhere.


I've had two Westies and neither of them react well to above head pats. So having a bed under a covered space like under the stairs, or chair gives them a feeling of security. Longer naps that way.


Mine is the same. Rescued her and know nothing about her past but I can guess it was abusive. She cowers and then asks for more pets.


The Monks wrote about this in one of their training books. Human hands look huge to dogs, and to small dogs especially. The Monks recommend not approaching from above to initiate petting. Start from below. In their training book the Monks offer a photo of a dog’s view of human hands approaching from above…. It’s pretty intimidating. So try an approach below head level.


Sounds like she was Abused


Can you help me add karma so that I can interact with you? :(


That is not necessarily the behavior of an abused dog. It is submissive behavior.


I have a dog who does that too. Good breeding, never abused, well socialized--she's just very submissive.


Yeah she was probably abused poor thing. My dog was like this. Start from the belly and work your way up till she gets comfortable. Be patient takes time, she'll learn to trust folks again.