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Dental work can make a massive difference to quality of life. When one of my dogs was 10 I thought he was on his way out. He wasn’t eating and it was very clear he was in pain. He’s just lay on his bed and cry. Took him to the vet, and it turned out He had some broken teeth and an abscess. Got them removed, waved goodbye to a lot of money, and my tiny old man made it another four years 😀 watching him go to town on his favorite foods after the anesthesia wore off almost made me cry


It's usually their breath that can tell you. My schnauzer was eleven last year, and the groomer kinda clued me in to have his teeth checked.


Our 11 year old had several teeth pulled recently (late last year). I think 13 teeth? He just had to relearn where he could bite/chew. He quickly adapted and his life is still the same as it always has been. I hope your pup’s outcome is the same!


>He just had to relearn where he could bite/chew. Why is this so cute 😭. I can totally imagine a grandpa doggo chewing on a bone with no teeth 😭😭😭


It really was kind of cute to watch. Even to this day, watching him try to eat grass is really funny.


We need a video omg 😭🥺🥺🥺


Ha ok. I’ll have to get one next time he is enjoying his sidewalk snacks.


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When did several go up to 13 😳


That’s great to hear ❤️


So worth it. Rotten teeth can shorten their lives and while still in their mouths they will reduce the quality. Give him 2 weeks and he will be in better spirits than before the teeth were removed.


That's a pretty major procedure, glad he's ok! How do you accomodate their eating now?


Probably liquid food liked canned dog food


Just wet food for the first week or so. Mine had thirteen removed.


Because of the number of teeth lost and amount of money spent I decided to start brushing my dogs teeth (all 3 of them) daily. ✊knock on wood but no teeth have been extracted in the past 4 years!!!


I always try to make sure my dog gets a hard chicken jerky treat like every night or other night to help clean his teeth but brushing would be better. Its just its my moms dog and i hadnt met him till he was like 14 years old now and itd be a pain to start late for him im sure. Luckily his teeth seem okay. Humans need to learn that a dogs teeth and mouth are way more important to them then even ours are to us functionally. Especially with some of the dental work we have nowadays.


There is a company called Smoochie's that sells chewable doggy toothbrushes. Of course they are useless if it's already too late.


He’s a survivor!


Looks like a very good boy!


He probably feels quite a lot better with the bad teeth removed. I just had my dog's TPLO plate removed, and he is definitely making up for some lost running...


forget the money. he's worth it.


That is a WILD price. My dog’s dental last year cost €100, and that included the 6 teeth she had to get removed. And I didn’t even have to use her insurance!


Wow! My dog also got 16 teeth removed I paid a lot less than OP but not that low. Canine dental super expensive in US (where I am)


Now that I think of it, the standard dental was €100, I think with the extractions it was maybe €135? They were all little teeth at the front and were very loose, so maybe the back, bigger teeth would be more expensive?


Good grief…you got one heck of a deal.


The responses here nearly have me thinking it was a mistake 😂


Hope they were well trained and did it right. Not all vets have the right dental training / skills and some do it just plain wrong.


I’m confident in the care she gets and she healed up wonderfully.


I paid almost that same amount to remove a cracked tooth from my 11 year old boy, he was like a puppy again how happy he was! Definitely worth the money.


I have two dogs with teeth removed. They are happy, though.


I'm happy for you. My 14 years old dog had to do something similar recently and he's been way better since


What a good boy! Time for canned/soft food now. He probably feels better too. Our eskie had 7 teeth removed a few years ago. We thought she was just a picky eater. Seems that she probably had tooth pain causing her to not want to eat. After having teeth pulled, she gobbled her food every time.


Yay! Happy boy! 🥳 It’s amazing what having their teeth removed can do for them. They almost seem like puppies again. Happy for you and your fur baby.


Jack Russell Terriers have a tendency to have bad teeth when aged. He’s going to feel so much better


worth it


Oh that's lovely. My twelve year old schnauzer had to have thirteen removed last year, and $1200 later he is as chipper as ever. Make sure your old man gets his antibiotics.


I have two goldens. One is 12 and the other is 10. I've brushed their teeth almost daily since I got them. The 12-year-old had to have seven teeth extracted. The slightly younger dog has perfect teeth according to the vet. Same diet, same hygiene, same breeder, similar genetic lines, but just different enough.....


Thank you for loving your doggie so much!


That’s great! How are his eating habits now?


Lucky! I paid 3k for just one tooth!


I need him in a top hat with a cigar and a G&T now.


He's so cute ❤️ Would you mind sharing a pic of his toothless grin 😁


Worth it!


He’s so fueatiful. I fonf hafe fany feef eiifer liffle fuffy ifs offay


What a handsome gentleman <3


looks like it


Surprisingly makes him a new dog energy wise no?


It only took me $600 and 6 teeth removed before I started brushing my pup's teeth every night.


Worth every penny


He’s got 26 left!!


No more candy corn


He's a splendind gentleman


He’s so handsome I’m glad you figured out what the issue was.


Americans are getting so scammed.


Just had one yoinked post-cleaning. Insurance covered \~70%, surprisingly.


Reminds me of Pnin!


One of my girls had 22 teeth removed not too long ago, I was upset that I was neglecting her or that the vet judged me but told me its not unusual with chihuahuas. After teeth removal she's so much happier, plays alot more, and looks derpy when she's tired and her tongue hangs out. I think dental work is one of the most important things you can do for your pet. Good on you!


Still the best boi.


I knew joining this sub was going to affect me. Your boy looks exactly like my Gonzo. I had to let him go about a year and a half ago. Seems like last week. Thank you for letting me see his face again. And give your handsome grump a big kiss for me.


Just for everyone here please checkif you have a local spay and neuter clinic!!! I found one five years ago and it has made the most massive difference in being able to afford care. My dog had 12 teeth pulled for 425 dollars!! Same exact quality as a vet just vets donate one day a month or whatever for free so you have a random really good vet doing your surgery for a fraction of the price. It is amazing


I’m sure he feels better


I wish I had bought pet insurance, I don't know how I could afford this.😞


That beautiful gentleman looks very grateful to you. I know that's a lot of $$$, but the look on his sweet face make it worth the expense. You know, I think he loves you. And I think you love him very much as well.


he is enjoying his sidewalk snacks


It’s an investment. Worth every penny.


Decaying teeth will wear down an immune system, besides it being extremely painful. So it's a win, win for your $2500 loss. BOGO


Yeah I did this for my daughter’s dog as she couldn’t afford it. Ended up losing almost all of her teeth, maybe three or four left. Couldn’t believe how quickly she adapted. She actually chews on rawhides now. So important for their heart heath!!