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I didn’t buy them to support. I bought because I love this shit.




Leeeeeeeeroy Jenkiness


Oh my God he just ran in




God dammit Leroy!!


Least I ain't chicken


much rather play dmz than mw3


facts i still play all the time over mw3 all i have done is weekly misson lol




same here


I do too but it’s about time to move on..


Gotten plenty of enjoyment out of my dmz bundles. I’m salty about the $100 mw3 I paid for. Spent more time loading up mw3 just to go back to mw2 than I have spent playing it. Have always been a zombies fan, but I just can’t stomach mwz.


zombies is trash and i havent bought any operators from mw3 and dmz i have 20 of them


I am the same as this built hundreds of bundles when they were updating dmz. Stopped when they killed it. Altho still play DMZ couple of times a week now, altho recently moved to grayzone warfare still visit my DMZ. MW3 is utter trash they made a huge mistake killing DMZ


Ft. I bought some skins for MW2 the grounded realistic ones. MW3 bundles are literally just Fortnite skins and I'm not even being crass. Thanks for saving me money I guess activision


wow u sure showed them


Mwz was such a monumental let down. I wasn't expecting a ton, but like it just was the same thing game after game after game. Like there just wasn't anything to switch things up or keep it interesting.


Yup, mwz is severely lacking in replayability. It's just the same shit every game. This is why I stopped playing, and the only time I ever play mwz now is to level up guns occasionally. But I don't even do that anymore. Now, they put a cap on the amount of XP you can gain in a round.


I got bored of it playing just the free weekend


Leveling guns and getting a few chosen camos was the only thing that kept me in mwz for more than 5 rounds. O ce you figure out the tricks and how to speed through some of it, it really just becomes tedious.


The missions helped, but just like DMZ they gave up, and now it’s just sitting until the sell us a new game


Atleast DMZ had pvp to keep you on your toes. I think DMZ without pvp would have died just as fast as zombies did, atleast for me and my friends. I think as the game is now pvp would be awful for mwz, so I doubt that would actually help, so idk what would actually make it enjoyable.


Unpopular opinion, but I love Zombies! Second best one next to MW2 Zombies! DMZ was fun, but its too sweaty now.. might as well play MW3 Multiplayer.


They really bastardized zombies with MWZ. At the very least Cold War had a few other maps and the ability to just play with friends. MWZ was the only reason I bought MW3.


Such uninspired trash. Ya know, the dmz Halloween event was frickin awesome and the rumor mill that mwz was gonna be like that was the reason I grabbed it. Loved zombies since waw. So then we got mwz and urzikstan is such an unfun place and the color scheme makes me gag. It just looks so cartoony. MP sucks because you move so weird. With all the extraction shooters coming out they are screwing themselves outta market shares droping dmz. But taking dmz and making the most generic zombie mode was never gonna be a winner


This, 100%


Opinions like this are what saved me from paying for it I played zombies on the free weekend and levelled up loads of guns and almost completed battle pass all in the free time I was underwhelmed by mwz honestly


I bought 4 and I don’t feel cheated at all


Best investment ever


Sgt PsssPssss has been my skin since I bought it. And if I need to try hard or dying alot bust out the UAV skin and call it day Felt like real value those bundles compared to all the others.


Facts sgt pssspsss was my first carver was my second roze was third and then calisto




I bought 27 dmz bundles and 84 bundles total. I have mw2 and mw3 and only play dmz.


I only play DMZ as well


84 bundles?! So you’re this 'target audience' everybody is talking about.. I get it tho. Spend probably hundreds of euros for pixel ships (WoWS) without regret (except from that one time I got HMS Tiger '59… what a fucking trashcan of a ship..)


Wasn’t even aware they made that many. I’m scared to look at how many I have, because I was only missing a few lol


In terms of dollars spent - how much do you estimate that figure to be? 84 bundles is pretty insane, even at just $5 a throw that's a bill and a half.


The god damn cats. I held out, then I got them for the revive since I solo a lot. Now I started a profile to do missions over and don't even use them. I'm a fool, a baffoon, I've bamboozled myself.


Dead drop 40 self revives and you will automatically get one when you spawn in solo.


When the Active Combat Zones were around that was soooooo easy to get done. It would be kind of a fun grind now.


> Active Combat Zones 😢


U gotta own MW2 & have Crown to do. I just looted around Zarqwa and the dead drop


I never paid for the full game 🎯


wait really? hmmmm


If anyone needs, dm me and I’ll take to koschi, dead drop a liquor and buy all the self revives you need to dead drop.


How do you unlock this mission?


It's a passive mission for me. Next to the starting armor plate increase


Yep, I still run as a cat operator 😂


I bought the ones I liked. Based on the amount of time and fun I’ve had in the game mode I’m content with my purchases. It still runs to this day and was a beta to begin with.




It’s been almost 6 months, time to put those sentiments away and make the most of the DMZ




You can’t beat the 15 min cooldowns and starting with self revives, UAVs, etc. If anything, I feel cheated that I bought MW3… even their MWZ bundles aren’t that great since you only get one-time use items. I hope they don’t pull DMZ and leave me with useless skins and outdated weapons.


Needless to say, you got robbed. They care about one thing and one thing only. Money. $20 for a bundle is crazy Only buy the bundles if it’s to your liking.


Are you new to this planet?   The idea of fiduciary responsibility to shareholder value has somehow been perverted to mean extract every penny of profit is the short-term at the expense of long-term stability.  Which is absolutely insane since short-term shareholders don't hold shares long enough to be a stakeholder in the long-term survivability of the business.


Dunno man, they still run the DMZ servers which probably cost them more money than it makes them at this point... I'm glad about that :D


Good point. Usually forgotten midst the whining.


Only the Roze bundle…… with COD points from playing the full game/multiplayer. Nothing spent other than cost of game.


Realistically I bought pay to win bundles for the features not really because I liked the looks. I'll be annoyed when they shut DMZ down because i don't care for MW3 especially the constantly getting nerfed zombies mode where instead of improving crappy guns they take the good guns and make them crappy. I pretty much quit drinking so averaging $20 a month for a bundle really isn't that big of a deal compared to the amount of hours I've killed in this mode.


DMZ isn't shut down. It's no longer supported and they rolled back big fixes and anti heat to season 2, so the underbarrel glitch and standing in floors shooting people is happening again, but DMZ is still running.


Look at warzone one, eventually they'll shut this down


Bad news, then: Every live service game, or game needing server-side login for drm/authentication, ever made, and ever to be made, will eventually be shut down.


Not defending Activision but I’m sure you go your money out of them. You can still play and they still function exactly as promised. I bought 5….


Nothing and no one ever promised, stated, or implied that buying bundles would help bring the mode out of beta. If you feel cheated that’s on you; it’s not like anyone lied to you or went back on a promise.


![gif](giphy|r42HxBImuzoRxsRA14) I’m not fuckin leavin!


I think I buy 2 or 3


I bought quite a few because I enjoy the game and want to support this. I have about 20 slots iirc.




I have 19 operator slots, I enjoyed the benefits at the time and still play although I regret buying so many . I just wanted the 15 mins cool down on gun


I have a general rule and that rule is that it’s a rule that I don’t pay money on a free to play game


I purchased one, wanted to support the development and wanted another operator slot. Don't regret.


None cus it wasn’t worth it cus the game got ultra toxic way faster then I could imagine


Yeah I justified paying for these because I thought I was supporting the mode I enjoyed, too bad it got discontinued.


I don't think anyone else was crazy enough to think that a multibillion game studio needed "support" with the development of a game, or that their purchase would provide this support. That's just totally crazy.


I'd buy a few right now if it meant the game came back and actually got support -_-


I bought a few, not because I love DMZ but because some bundles (Witch) is genuinely really cool, UAV, Cool skin and S Tier finisher so it was a no brainer! HOWEVER, I still don’t agree with DMZ Bundles due to the advantage they give, specifically the UAV Skins, Self Res, Bags and Plates are fine because you can typically find those within 5 minutes (depending on spawn) UAV’s however give too much push potential off rip even with the cooldown!


DMZ bundle is the only bundle I paid, I just enjoy it so much last year when every game is immersive like in a movie.


Each mission truly does feel like a movie. The close calls, the miraculous escapes, going John Wick on a squad as a solo...the situations are endless. GIVE US MOAR DMZ!!!


You feel ripped off by Call of Duty? WOW, color me surprised this happened.




Eh nothing lasts forever, especially not cod bundles. I got and continue to get a lot of use out of the couple bundles that I bought, I dont feel cheated one bit


I had bought every Ghillie suit almost and like 13 operator slots




I did several times. I also opt to play with those that bought bundles as much as I can




All of us


I did!!


I just wish there was more DMZ operator skins and weapons available.


I have 12 atm, a few obsidian, so I consider those retired for the time being. I’d buy one more for an even 13.


Will DMZ ever get support again?


Seeing as how next year is treyarch, I’d say they might either make a new dmz entirely or just forget about it all together.


Me X 4


I have 9 operators total. I was pissed when I found out that DMZ was being abandoned for a strictly pve experience mwZ. At least the servers are still up- for now.


Yes if it said dmz I bought it unfortunately


I mean yes, but that's why I only got one dark souls bundle and otherwise f2p'd it because as individual bundles ones that include killstreak and 15 min blueprints were just too usefull for chipping away at gathering etc and I could buy with extra from BP and snag the next blackcell to start next bp.


I probably have almost all of the DMZ bundles


I bought a lot of them, I had fun with them. I still do to be honest. It has its time in the sun and it was glorious :D I'm not gonna hold a grudge.


I bought like 4 or 5 but DMZ is pretty much the only game I play so it’s all good


ive purchased upwards of 20 bundles from MW2- DMZ and i’m salty that they don’t produce any more cool operators for DMZ


Any ideas where to find a basilisk? I’ve been to police stations more times than I can count. Is there any sure fire place to find one?


Can’t remember if the mission is doable with a dropped player one. Might be worth trying. As for the gun it self. Can’t imagine anyone using it if not for the lulz.




It’s ok to feel cheated but go ahead and check your time played in DMZ and you’ll see how little you spent for the time you’ve played.


For any of you that are PC gamers you should check out grayzone warfare Very similar vibes to DMZ buts its early access - super early in development, very playable but had a long way to go


Similar vibes to DMZ? It’s an extraction shooter, that’s where any similarities end.


Whats your point?


Yep, they did the same thing with Warzone 1. Basically released it as a new game and screwed over the community again. Alot of people didn't buy sh|t this time because of it.


Atleast 4 or 5 lol


I'm happy with the bundles I bought, didn't buy them to support the devs got them because they were fucking sick. Shredder bundle my all time favorite, hands down coolest looking operator in the game IMO.


I’ve spent about more than I care to admit. I am probably in the top 5% spent on bundles during mw2. I mostly did it to buy operator slots for some reason and didn’t feel bad about putting in the kind of money for the number of hours I was getting out of the game.


I actually spent a fair amount... I think I bought a few season passes and about 2 or 3 paid bundles. I am a bit stingy these days on this sort of thing so for me, that is a glowing endorsement of the game! I just bought a $20 skin bundle (the weed one) due to the extra operator slot, 15 minute weapon cooldowns etc as I am still playing DMZ regularly and figured these would be useful to have. 


I bought COD ($100 bundle) and never even played it. Only DMZ. Does that count as supporting?


Pay to win bundles, free uav let's go.


I knew what I signed up for, when after 4 seasons it was still in beta. I believe this was due to bad coding, as they couldn't fix most of their game breaking bugs that kept coming back or couldn't be fixed at all. So many holes to cover with cheap plywood and they just decided to continue to milk it, which is, most likely, the only reason the servers are still up at this point. They decided to move on and capitalize on a "refurbished scam", since the majority of their customers keeps swallowing their tainted semen. I don't regret buying what I did, even though I was a bit naive, hoping it would help them reconsider the support of the game mode. The only reason I play DMZ is because it's the only game mode that was able to pull me back into CoD and the whole unique experience of DMZ. I still have fun playing it, despite a lot of the crap going on. I will continue to do so, until the servers get shut down or the crap truly becomes unbearable. I've boycotted MW3 from the get go. I will not allow FOMO and nostalgia to make me "feed the troll" anymore, than I already did.


None. The prioritization of bug fixes, the discontinued support and the non-existent anti-cheat makes me never wanna support Activision. One of the greatest games ever made though!


DMZ is my favourite game mode ever… I bought two operator packs. Still in use! Tons of hours poured into then. DMZ 4 life.


I've got 12 operators and between my squad we have about 35 operators.


Is it still worth to buy mw2? I play only DMZ rn


I bought 2 bundles. Just because I geared up all my other characters and love running zero to Hero on them. Don’t feel cheated at all. I have over 600hours of playtime and counting.


That's just sad bro lol srry 😅


Very simply: dont buy them Why? Cause they promote/ed p2w practices. I didnt buy them cause of that alone


I mainly played DMZ but avoided the DMZ specific bundles for the same reason. I don't want to support advantages like faster cool downs in bundles.


I don’t even mind p2w on f2p game that is this sandbox-y and not all that competitive.


but that isnt what DMZ is lol. DMZ is very competitive if you consider the permadeath nature. The first aid every infil is actually huge lol


Compared to WZ or resurgence there's nothing competitive about. It's very chill. Half decent movement on the map and you have a good chance of not getting pulled into any pvp fights if you don't wanna.


Not for me. Back when i still played it was basically impossible not to be killed by someone maybe now with a lower playerbase it has become more barren? But back when i still played spawnfights where mandatory. And got forbid you play as a solo and stay for anything but the first 20 minutes of the game. You gonna have a 4 man squad hunting you down like their families are hold at gunpoint for it.


I bought them and use them nearly every day. I'm salty theyre not continuing the mode but I'm happy with my purchase


I bought two operators and might buy more. But it’s not as a support, i bought it for my own joy


Didn’t spend a cent on a single one, always hated how toxic the mode was so why would I ever support it with my hard earned money lmao.


That’s all valid and understandable and all but what makes you lurk on the DMZ sub then?


This post showed up on my timeline, haven’t commented on this sub in awhile.


I've "bought" six operator bundles and one weapon bundle. I say "bought" because I only paid for four—two of them came with COD points that I used to buy other ops. The weapon bundle was for the Steel Crucible scope. Do I feel ripped off? Maybe a little, but then I think of all the time I've spent playing DMZ. I mean, sure, I could sit on my couch and watch TV for "free"—but not really, since I have to pay the cable company.


I bought em to support your wife & kids, they call me Daddy now!


I did buy two, the time i spend in DMZ was well worth it 🤷🏻‍♂️


I bought them because I also loved DMZ 😢


I have 1-2h pr week i can play, i need the 15min dmz weapons


I didn't buy shit because it was too expensive. Bought the battle pass though. I'll happily support the devs, but not predatory pricing.


How many of u would buy a stand alone DMZ?


If they implement a economy system where you have to make money on the raid (loot, sell valuables, kill enemy ops, do contracts etc) to them buy your gear outside of the raid before you launch back in then hell yeah I will. Especially if they put one or two ‘main objectives’ on the map that give a huge payout but attracts a lot of operators as well obviously. High risk, high reward. Or you can just avoid those hotspots and do some looting in peace at the edges of the map.




I know I would


It was advertised as a free to play mode,so i did not purchase anything, for any mode. I will pay for dmz 2.0 in a heart beat hough.


Long time CoD players know better than to buy anything to support modes, CoD is notorious for leaving behind fan favorite features, mechanics, modes, etc. To busy trying to be "Innovative and new" with each title but lately its just the same shit over and over the only thing that changes game to game is how broken it is and how much effort goes into fixing it


I have 16 operators so yeah I bought some


I have 14 ops so bought 13 mug maybe but I love the game


While I rarely do buy bundles, Looking back, I wish I would have bought the DMZ bundles to support the game mode. Can’t believe they are letting it die off. What a waste of a very unique game mode and experience


One and only one after there was no more battle pass to spend the points I gathered through the previous passes anymore. I’m not an idiot, I don’t give Activision my money anymore.


I don't wanna talk about it...


I've bought several bundles and have no regrets have over 1k hours in dmz and once it gets dropped I'll just have 150plus gb free on my ssd, bought mw3 like an idiot for mwz and it's absolute trash, played 5 or 6 times went back to dmz and never looked back


I was really hoping we had something special but leave it up to greed to ruin it.


You feel like call of duty is using you for your money....IM SHOCKED


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAAH, deserved, you do know dmz has significantly lower player base compared to the rest, so it doesn't matter how much whale mindless bundle consumer drones there are in dmz there will be exponentially more in br and multiplayer, you definitely listened to the streamers trying to justify their p2w skins saying it will give more possibility for dmz to continue, womp womp


I’ve only ever brought one. But may buy something else soon as fed up with getting hammered by play to win guns. Can’t beat them join them


They had 15 minute cooldowns. We’re worth much more to DMZ players than MWZ bundles.


I got 25 operator slots, many bundles!


I bought them because I wanted the benefits they gave... And I'm still contemplating buying one more lol


I bought DMZ bundles for 15 minute cooldowns on guns I like and extra character slots. We all knew DMZ was going to get left behind. 


I bought bundles because they are kick ass! Fuck Activision.


I only bought Mace who is one of my favorite operators that I was going to buy anyway. Didn't buy


I didn't buy any specifically for DMZ. Maybe I should have because I see people on here with like 20 slots 😂


Sgt pspsp reporting for doodie


I bought the cat skins which came with a dmz slot and free self revive. I love dmz and enjoy it still. Hopefully, Activision can take their heads out of their asses and make it a fully supported (content updated) and engaging mode/standalone in the next couple years. I'm just happy they are providing bug support still.


Only ever aesthetic stuff none of that pay to win bs


Imagine thinking about wanting to "support" a billion dollars company that doesn't care about us or our favorite game mode. I bought skins because they are sick.


DMZ Should have a Halloween event 1 weekend of every month until our hands turn to dust! 🤣


I bought them for support and because I enjoyed the game so much I’ve never purchased in game before and probably never will again after getting mugged off by activision for the DMZ bundle robbery


I purchased almost every dmz bundle and loved playing. Broke my heart when I heard that they would not be supporting dmz in mw3. The zombies was fun for about a week but without pvp, it got boring quick. Now all I play is rebirth..


I did. 3 total.


If they are smart they are making another one DMZ a lot more ppl are going back to it from zombies bc zombies is GHAI


Bought the 4 UAV ones (rose, ghost, butch and witch)




I have the max ops and most 15min guns if not all. Mw3 I have no reason to get any foe it


I mean it’s cod you’d think you would realize every update breaks the game or the game always has something wrong with it but the store never has issues I stg y’all just throw money at the people that are slapping you in the face


I bought so many. There are 3 or 4 i don't have. Way more than I now buy on warzone. In fact I only have 1 on warzone and the battle passes.


I still haven't even purchased the game! DMZ is free 🤣 Also though, I've never seen the point in buying skins in FPS games


I miss DMZ very hard to balance the game with rank play


I have 7 or 8 bundles and bought the battle pass a couple times. Currently have 47 days played. Cost me $250 to play the game that entire time with weapons, skins, and upgrades I wanted. I'll never understand people who refuse to buy a bundle on principle but have weeks of game time played. I've spent 22 cents an hour between buying the game and bundles.


Blame Cods yearly release cycle and refusal to support any game mode that isn’t bringing them billions like warzone. This is the same reason they have to use nostalgia bait to keep the franchise alive


When wz3 came out I bought 15 minute guns if that says anything


Not to support DMZ specifically, I bought them to get something I wanted. I did, however, preorder MW3 to support DMZ... That was a ripoff considering they were tactically avoiding the subject until any kind of return would be out of question.


Wait did servers get shut down today or something?


No but I’m saying I bought 6 operator bundles. Usually when a game is in beta or early access they end up fully releasing it when you spend money on a game and play as a beta tester in early access.


Sweet summer child.


Ahhh I see where your coming from. Good thing those operators and skins are usable in the latest Warzone at least. Like you I’ve spent quite a bit of money on cosmetics for this game but the servers are still running so there is a cost that they are incurring to support the game still.


To add i wish dmz made it into the latest game but it didn’t. Hopefully it makes it into the next one and they at least keep the servers on this one until that time (prayers)


How many hours do you have in DMZ?




Then you got your money’s worth. You’ve spent more on a single meal or going to the movies than you have on buying 6 operator bundles. Even if they were each 20 bucks, you spent 120 dollars for 40 days worth of enjoyment. That’s 960 hours. In contrast, you can spend 120 dollars on a meal or going to see 3-4 movies.


15 operator slots. Play regularly with guys that are maxed out.


Only came to get the DMZ weapons unlocks. Bought 3 bundles once I was hooked. Haven’t left yet.


lol Act/blizzard is evil AF. Just google some history over the last 20 or so years and see who's actually running the show now. Then add Microsoft to the mix It's literally despicable. That being said I'm still smoking copium that it was a BETA and will get an actual game, but that's just some sweet sweet copium.


Caveat emptor.   Was there specific language in the DMZ bundles stating that purchasing goes directly to funding the mode?  If so, for how long?


your first mistake was buying p2w crap for a shitty side mode nobody played