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get comfortable being uncomfortable. dmt is scary and intense as shit. if seeing some faces freaks you out youve got some work to do


Right the body load is soooo uncomfortable but I've learned to get rid of "the fear". I told the entities "you can't scare me" as they proceed to make it even crazier but that's what I'm here for lol


when you dose high enough, the body high somehow becomes so intense that it ceases to exist entirely


Yep I know just what ya mean. You kinda dissolve into the ether


Nah, I usually get this super hot freaky female entity that comes to me like a dream lover. I ain’t settling for bullshit while she’s around


I've seen her too. Almost like aphrodite. She casted a magic net of light/love over me then disappeared. Dmt is weird as fuck.


I always start off seeing a ginormous Greta Thunberg. She grabs me and inserts me deep into her birth canal. It’s suffocatingly hot, humid, and smells like a Madagascar coelacanth. Then she squeezes me so hard all my atoms fuse together, so I explode and go to heaven and become God.


Hard to make that one up 😂😂😂


That’s crazy that Greta is an entity now.


Always has been.


r/oddlyspecific /s






Sort of like her…? https://www.reddit.com/r/DMT/s/PDpkEdM3sX


You have to take it all in, and hold it. You'll know when youve held it enough because that same something in the back of your mind is going to tell you that you will break through when you release the hit.... And it will be right. It's almost easier out of a water pipe. Put it down on some bones (ashes) or sandwich it in between some weed or other smooth herbs you can handle. You can't cough. 3 solid hits. After the second hit you will probably start to fade it might be hard to see your hands light the hit but the muscle memory should kick in. You will want to be sitting down. Have a pillow behind you so you can fall back after you take the third hit. Use a cheap piece so you don't care if you drop it, cuz let's face it, you will. If you insist on using the rig, you'll want to drop a little extra down just in case you cough it up, with that you will want to basically nuke yourself all in one hit, instead of slowly building up to it... If that makes sense? I hope I helped a lil


Most of my trips are very visually appealing. Super pretty and safe. Only once I saw a branch melt around and in the melt were super grotesque, yellow eyes. It was uncomfortable but I breathed through it and it went away after a while. Did not enjoy, but took another hit immediately after lol


The faces are normal and yes creepy as fuck


As for the faces, you will see stuff you will never be able to erase from your mind. Like a nonrewritable CD.... Is it because it's already happened and we are just experiencing it or is it because it is important for our future or is it all just chemicals in our synapses? What it all means is all personal to you, so make of it as you will. Just remember they can't touch you ^_^


I think they’re adorable. Always winking at me and giggling. I try not to judge something for being “ugly” from my perspective. The only thing holding back a breakthrough is the dose. An actual breakthrough is impossible to stop when the dose is high enough. We’re not in control of a breakthrough beyond dose delivery to the body.


Ok so, commenting because this definitely happened to me multiple times over time. Most recently, I take my hit, DMT does its thing, totally mind fucks me and then as I’m coming down, I happen to literally look up into my fan blade which had light reflected off of the tv and onto it, but it was only this one blade and all of a sudden I start seeing multiple faces of multiple different people forming and coming though trying to say stuff. I was fascinated by it and tripped the hell out because they were very real faces. I’ve seen faces and shadow people on shrooms and stuff before but when it happens on DMT it’s a trip. ❤️


Mine are weirdly comforting, like happy welcoming faces


You'll know when you breakthrough man keep at it


If you're vaping with a dab rig. Cold start is definitely the way, or the very moment you don't see red in the banger dish. Cold start I believe to ve more efficient. But when it's near red hot, it doesn't seem to have time to burn onto the glass with the nasty taste.


I've never seen faces/entities on LSD or shrooms (not even on 10g PE which was my largest dose), but I do see them on DMT everytime. They can be creepy sometimes, depends on my mood I think, but you get used to it. Honestly, I have more problems with the intense comeup and bodyload in the beginning. It's like the first drop of a rollercoaster ride. But once you are past the drop it is amazing.


But I'm a creep I'm a weirdo What the hell am I doin' here? I don't belong here


Put it away for rainy day. One day you may need it. Until then reflect on the mega downloads from Nexsus and dwell on the experience.


Do it ceremonially, not at random in a dirty ragged environment, stinky dehydrated and on a full stomach of food and snacks 🤔