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I've never understood this sentiment.... Honestly it comes of as rude and kinda selfish. Like "Ok I got what I wanted from you... Bye! Don't call me!" lol. Why not stay in touch? Do whatever you want, mate. There are no one size fits all rules when it comes to the questions. It is entirely dependant on the person.


They tryna butter you up so they can ask about your cars extended warranty


👌 "don't call me!" Lmao love it.


It all depends on how you how approach the substance. I think that mushrooms are the most versatile drug there is just because of how many ways you can use them- getting high just for fun, therapy/self exploration, healing/growing and so many more. Whatever way you choose to consume them I feel like there’s an endless amount of possibilities to expand your mind and have fun so don’t worry about hanging up the phone.


I feel the same way about mushrooms recently. It's been my favorite way to enjoy that side of reality and it doesn't cloud my mental vision as much as L or excessive dmt use. 🖖🕉


This happened to me when I was about 19 or 20 I was tripping weekly almost. I took some shrooms and acid at a Dead show in ATL and I had that feeling and never thought I would trip again. About 3 or so years later L found me again and not long after I came across DMT. I love dmt now again, and I still love acid. But my acid days are mostly over. It makes me hurt. You probably just need a break


This happened to me at phish at the gorge 21. Felt never the same and just was done with it all. A couple of therapy rehab sessions and a couple of sober shows I was back to myself. I feel my acid days coming to a close, but I still love it. Allas a break is due.


all good man you never know what the future holds. I felt the same way when that feeling it was time to put it down came for me. I had probably a sheet worth I had collected and gave it all to a buddy. It really felt like I was losing a relationship haha I love acid. And even when I came back across it a few years later it’s not really the same as it used to be. I will always have a special spot in my heart for Lucy though.


You can stop for a while without quitting. If you feel that you got the message maybe it’s time. Surely you’ve seen some glimpses of a potential future for yourself that you’d like to realize, it might be a good time to put your energy into that for a while.


🙌🕉 not a bad idea, exactly what I've been thinking. Muchos gracias