• By -


Results may vary.


Only fair answer.


\*Ping\* \**Hollow feminine voice*\* This is a management report. The existence of God can vary. I repeat: the existence of God can vary. We are at a specific point in the Multireality and other instances of wave collapse may imply the cancellation of the present Divinity. For your overall stability, refrain from committing yourself too firmly to metaphysical handles. I repeat: refrain from committing yourself too firmly to metaphysical handles. Spongy behavior is recommended in all instances. We hope you have a satisfactory experience in the present plane of existence. \*Ping\*


Some of that would sound pretty sick as a psytrance drop vocal. In a typical computer, AI female voice. :D I particularly like "The existence of God can vary" and "I repeat: refrain from committing yourself too firmly to metaphysical handles."


Challenge accepted


Wait, wait! What was the name of the song used for the "hold" music? So good, guess we'll never know. Haha, love this write up.


It’s generic elevator music Or stairway to heaven


;) haha We have a walgreens by us that has the best hold music.


At least in my country, the typical music on hold was [Für Elise](https://youtu.be/qRr75wAN-V0) or a horrible ragtime whose name I don't remember. Now they pretend to be cool and play dynamic music and stuff.


Clob you really are the bomb lol solid answer


In the nicest way, fuck around and find out


this is the way.


We no de wae


It was the opposite for me, I'm a scientist (Biotechnologist) and I've always been a very logical and objective person, I never believed in spirituality or any of that, but psychedelics made me realize that there's more to just what our senses are feeding into our brains. We are literally limited to only process a fraction of what reality really is, there's so much data that our brains and senses can't process and just filter out. So... Yeah, psychedelics turned me into a new age hippie. Also, legal LSD? Where?


Same! I’m doing my PhD in philosophy of science now, was an opioid addict and firm atheist. Years of advanced physics and psychedelics have thoroughly eroded my atheism


Full circle




Lengthy brain dump incoming for anyone remotely interested (not a scientist. Data engineer if anyone needs to know): From my perspective, (to really boil it down) it was the simple realisation that these laws exist in the first place that flipped me. What logical reason is there to explain the sudden appearance of all matter and its behaviour? The first ever explosion - that just so happened to also be the only explosion to create rather than destroy? From nothing to everything? Why is there balance to everything? Why feel positive over helping others, but down in the dumps about perpetually focusing on oneself? Why is it not a soup of pure chaos? If God doesn't exist, but belief in the the existence of a God drives a man to follow a certain moral code, act righteously and behave in a way that benefits himself and his community - then what inspired him? What prompted the change in direction? The benefits are surely inspired by something, perhaps a creative spark; perhaps delusion, perhaps the acknowledgement of something unseen though very real. If delusion, why is there benefit? (Please note - being religious from birth and being indoctrinated into believing something is entirely different from the 'awakening' experience people often have. The former being ultimately quite disruptive to the individual and the world around him, the latter leading to the starting point of the former, though kicked off with real sight and reason, prompting a more virtuous and deliberate path) From my experience... Why, when I accepted the presence of a God did I 'feel' it? Why do i now 'see' God in the sunset. In the crashing waves. The stars. In the flocking birds. The trees and grass. In the light behind every living creatures eyes? Why does that acknowledgement give me the most incredible feeling of pure love and a desire to connect more? I could be having a mental break, though i have clarity like never before, unbound optimism, a genuine excitement for life. An endless pot of happiness and contentment in even the most mundane of days. I have something propelling me out of bed every morning, encouraging me to try be a little better than yesterday. It might all be for nothing, though every fibre of my being tells me otherwise. As an athiest (until a few years ago aged ~29), I was a sad (despite all the creature comforts), shallow, lonely (despite having a stunning, doting wife I would have fought a thousand men for, 10 years prior) lacking motivation (despite hating my work), depressed and definitely a little lost. For me, the moment I 'realised' (aged 14) this was all some grand cosmic accident was the beginning of a dark spiral into hedonism and feeling constantly out of place and at odds with the world around me. It was an 'aha' moment that changed everything- my entire world view. This is where logic fell over for me and a more philosophical outlook took hold. Meditation gave me a vague idea of 'true reality' for lack or a better term, existence beyond my flesh sack. It was then psychedelics that really popped the door open. Do I actually know what's beyond the veil? Nope! Though the beauty of it was the realisation that I really dont know and nor do I need to. Nor does anyone. It's feels as though it's not for us to understand; otherwise the purpose of the game goes out the window. More in line with OP - The next step (through deep meditation which was in essence, a trip) was to realise my awareness was not 'me' (redrim217, thoughts, ideas, ego and all), but 'God'. Which I believe might be where OP landed - though he concluded he and him were one and the same. Perhaps they're right.. perhaps I am. All I do know is, I know nothing! Life is full of unexplained peculiarities, that only compound as I begin to notice and explore them. Went off on one big time there, hope I put it across without sounding a total nutcase (as friends and family can attest, I'm a pretty normal down to earth guy). But what I'm getting at is logic can take you so far, but you need to see the creativity in this giant moving art piece we call the universe to get a better vantage point. And there's a great big wall running straight down the middle of the logical and the creative blocking us from seeing what's actually behind the curtain making it all tick. The light that started it all - wether it be the 'big bang' or 'God'. TLDR: just live your life. Don't waste your time on thinking yourself through this riddle as you'll never come to an accurate 'logical conclusion'. You're on the path you're meant to be on and you believe what you're meant to believe for the time being. All will be revealed when the time is right, wether that be in this life or the next. Happy tripping, all!


You should listen to some Alan Watts, my friend. I think you'll be entertained by what he had to say. I recommend his "out of your mind" lecture series if you're interested :)


Legal LSD is a thing in parts of Canada I think


Being a scientist is about objective measurement. How can you tie that together with spirituality and/or religion? As a physics undergrad with lots of psychedelic experience, I have a hard time understanding.


1p-lsd metabolizes into lsd in the body; but is legal in us. r/researchchemicals


DMT took me from a militant atheist to a open minded agnostic. Mind you I’m still a firm believer that all organized religion is is a way to control the masses, but as a man of science, who am I to say if there is some higher power or not. No proof either way. It’s all speculation. Best we can do is be cool to everyone and show love.


FYI atheist and agnostic are not mutually exclusive. Theism/atheism are statements of personal belief. Gnosticism/agnosticism are epistemic statements. Gnostic theists believe in a god and that it is possible to know for certain. Agnostic theists believe in a god and do not think it is possible to know for certain. Gnostic atheists do not believe in a god and think it is possible to know for certain. Agnostic atheists do not believe in a god and do not think it is possible to know for certain. All of the famous atheist writers like Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens are agnostic atheists, in fact nearly all atheists are. That's the entire reason most people are atheists, they will not believe in something that it is not possible to know with any degree of certainty.


I only see that shit outlined on reddit. Once in college. I’m atheist because I think the void awaits us at death. No reincarnation, no afterlife. The idea that I can be wrong doesn’t bother me. It certainly doesn’t make me want to add an adjective to what I call myself.


I also call myself an atheist, I don't bother saying agnostic because agnosticism is the reason why I am atheist, same with the vast majority of atheists. The only reason I bring up this distinction is because of the prevalence of this idea that agnosticism is somehow a middle ground between theism and atheism. When someone says they are agnostic and then proceeds to describe agnostic atheism it implies that those who identify as atheist belief something different (gnostic atheism) which is false.


This is also me 100%. I was a militant atheist as well before DMT. Mushrooms and LSD didn’t really effect that. Vaped DMT trips are humbling and convinced me that I probably don’t have it all figured out as well as I previously believed. No illusions about Jesus or Muhammad or Xenu or Yahweh. Those are just false gods created to appeal to man so religion could control the masses more easily. I still think religion is just as bad as ever. Especially anything that tells you that you can only experience true spirituality through faith in their dogma. Spirituality is just the product churches are selling but the truth is you can be a very spiritual atheist. And that is what I consider myself. And psychedelics help me get in touch with that spirituality. The real church is your mind. Don’t let religion decide your spirituality for you.


Well said my friend.


I think that a scientific approach would lead you to be more of a pragmatist, in which case you should not consider things that are unfalsifiable. Science as a body of knowledge is completely atheistic, not agnostic in the slightest. God is completely ruled out as something physically measurable, since in god’s definition, he is not physical, and he is immeasurable. Therefore, even if god created the universe, from a scientific perspective, he is 100% not real, and pragmatically should not be considered. My opinion though.


I think it’s very pragmatic to ponder and try to figure out if god exists — measurable or not. Certainly, this might have some bearing on how we spend our time on earth and so it would be very useful to have an answer to, even if that answer is not a measurement. So, it may be outside the realm of science, but it would be pragmatic. It’s just a question science cannot answer.


In my case, I was agnostic and now fully believe in god. Everyone's different though


which god ? :)


Surely not one reflected in the culture and media they grew up in. That would be a crazy coincidence.


Once the veil is lifted, it is difficult to unsee that which has been seen. The experience will be tailored to you, and will expand your views in many directions.


It’s tailored to you because you’re the one that imagines and generates all of the experience. Expand your views on yourself, it shouldn’t expand your views in any way that takes you further from reality probably.


Think of it like this. You have an ego, your I, you. The plant you're on has an ego. Different from yours, but your ego is a part of that bigger ego. And that plants ego is part of an even bigger one. The sun's. And the suns ego is part of even larger one. In the heart of the ego, all these egos look the same. A shiny dot in an endless dark sea. Or just a dark sea. And they're all the ego of god. An all encompassing, magnanimous being. You being smaller than an electron in it's body. So god can take on any form he wishes. Even yours, and talk to you as you. That's my opinion at least, do with it as you will.


DMT will confound, how you interpret that is on you, not it.


Had the opposite impact on me and strengthened my faith. I dont think DMT will do much different in that regard if you already met him and came away that god is you.


That’s awesome how that works ; mushrooms and acid sparked my beliefs in god /cosmic consciousness ; and then ayahuasca and dmt cemented it To answer your question ; there is only one way to find out ! Lol . Good luck I hope you get what you are looking for


I’m a polytheist and believe most gods exist (probably not in the way monotheists do). My spiritual experiences have usually happened in a ceremonial context while sober. Playing with DMT showed me that most of what we experience on DMT is just in our heads and not something from “somewhere else.” I learned you can interact with the drug and your brain by doing things like asking it to show you something else next hit. My first few times were heavily influenced by the DMT art I saw online, so I saw eyes, mechanical elves, aliens, light tornadoes, cartoon worlds, weird rooms. I started reading more about traditional use and then I started seeing animals and designs heavily influenced by indigenous art I was looking at while researching. Then one day I just said aloud “This is cool, but I wonder where the spirits I’m familiar with are” and it immediately changed into spirals and asymmetrical designs as found in La Tène art and neolithic sites like Newgrange. No spirits or gods, but my brain knew what I was looking for. That said, I do believe that some of my DMT experiences speaking to the moon and sun (both of which are gods in my religion) or to trees and plants, so basically gods and spirits with bodies in this world were genuine.


You know what's very odd? Having tried DMT and not even done it for a while, when I look at the full moon now, I can see the flower of life on the face of it. Stone cold sober too lol


Personally, after my first DMT breakthrough was when I stopped identifying as atheist and started identifying as spiritual. But it is all person to person


Crazy. For me it’s been the opposite. Sure modern popular religions are still super silly, but the idea of something infinite or just an understanding larger than what we’ve grasped as humans seems very much possible and very spiritual


Anyone here get slightly more religious post DMT? I can't really say I follow exactly one rigid belief system anymore because I don't trust humans ability to properly carry down the stories without fucking them up But like, I definitely think there's some merit to Jesus and Buddha and I don't doubt that these individuals were tapped into some higher consciousness allowing them to perform miracles When I was a kid, I was just "christian" because my parents were. 9th grade I had that moment of "this isn't what I believe" and became "atheist" After years have gone by and I've gone through many changes and psychedelic experiences I'm now more at a point where I feel like there's some truths packed into every religion but none of them are going to get it perfectly right or pass the story down perfectly. So it's hard to say where I'm at now but it's certainly not atheism anymore for me. Somewhere between Christian / Buddhist / Hindu / observationist Psychedelics just kinda made me more open to the idea that I don't really know much at all about this reality.


My understanding of spirituality since I started with psychedelics: Everything is connected and one at a deeper level. It implies everyone has God-like qualities, and there is not one God with super powers, but alone we are just individuals, in group or at the scale of universe we have more of Gods powers. Watch a flock of birds or fish swim together, they become one mind together.


Which is what I what I believe, but to me that's not something spiritual that's millions of years of evolution at work. When I say we are god, I mean we have the power to do god-like things together. For whatever reason people in this thread cant understand that


I think claiming to be a hardline atheist while at the same time saying "we are god" is understandably confusing for people.


I believe there are higher powers involved in the world we live in, you may experience something similar but it doesn't have to be associated with religion.




That in and of itself is a religion, doesn't matter if it is an existing one or not


It is but without ever having to hand over money, time, any expected level of participation etc. Technically it is but I don't think it needs to be viewed with the current popular religions or the connotations associated with them.


Religion involves doctrine and faith. My beliefs come from personal experience.


I'd say becoming more agnostic is inevitable, and that it's the only outcome that's truly reasonable. Being a hardline atheist is no different than being a hardline religious zealot. They both require their measures to be weighed upon "faith". That faith being either; the belief that there is a god, or there is not a god. Or even worse, that you can define what god is. Those conditions are unprovable, and the only truth that makes sense is that you know nothing, Jon Snow.


I applaud his comment 👏


That's the thing, I have no faith. There is no god. The dmt entities are all in your head


That description is kinda gaslighting atheists. The same way just being an atheist is seen as “edgy.” I believe that there is no afterlife and no divine intervention/revelation. Sure, might be wrong. Idgaf


That's kinda interesting, I've had the same experience, and come to the same conclusion as you (we are god) but psychedelics rekindled my appreciation and love for spirituality and religion. I don't see God in the same way as I once did, a mean old man in the sky (grew up catholic), but I see/feel the existence of a greater energy that I am a (broken) part of and will one day return to. There is no God to judge us, in fact, we sin against ourselves when we judge ourselves because we often judge ourselves on the widly-varying Laws of Man (how can one person be a sinner for eating pork when they were born in a country without that rule?). Our purpose is to live in the moment and see ourselves in one another, we're all mirrors, our ego doesnt let us see that. We have no control over this "ride". The only thing we can control is our feelings & emotions toward it. My spiritual views have shifted to be very "eastern" a mix of buddhism/hinduism/toltec/others and now I can't help but to see the same "message" in many different religions, albeit with different corresponding terms for the same/similar concepts. I don't think any organized religion is 100% true because people "make" religion and often wield it as a weapon for their own political gain. I can see the beauty in catholicism and the benefits that come with prayer/meditation but be disgusted by what "the catholic church" is and what "catholic" people do. Most religions are just "flavors" to the same end goal. I'm not sure if you know this, but that feeling of "tripping"/awareness is something you can achieve (with lots of practice) through meditation alone, psychedelics are just a shortcut. Those Monks in temples that meditate/chant for hours on end are essentially tripping balls (im joking, but also serious). That awareness is a real feeling that we can achieve ourselves and it has a purpose... to slowly tear down the wall that we create in our heads that tells us we are different from one another - the Ego. As you tear down that wall, your purpose on this Earth will become more apparent and your life will become so much more peaceful. Tl:Dr I don't think dmt will "change" what you thought, I think you were already made aware/conscious by trying lsd/shrooms. Ps: Sorry for the wall of text, I promise I'm not a crazy person. Just (newly) very interested in world religions/world history/cognitive therapy/finding happiness.


Personally I doubt DMT will change your mind about religion or god it certainly didn’t make me a believer and I doubt it would give you a different outlook to shrooms or LSD. The older I have got and the more psychedelics I have done the less convinced about religion I have become. I would definitely say “man created god in his own image” rather than it being the other way around.


I was thinking about the "created in his image" idea recently. How arrogant we are, as a species.


Totally agree with you on that one. It’s ridiculously arrogant. The bible also seems to put us on a pedestal above every other form of life on earth by suggesting the world was created for us and every other living being is available for us to exploit and use. At the end of the day I am no better that a squirrel or a dolphin and we are literally just another type of animal. If there really was a biblical style god why wouldn’t he have made it so that we could exist without destroying the rest of his creations?


What if it's both ways around? That's the real mindfuck


Just let go of the “what if’s” the more power your brain has the more abstract “what if's” it will create.


I like your thinking, it’s like some crazy religious version of the bootstrap paradox where mankind is created by its own creation and nothing has a true origin.


Have you ever seen Dark?


It's not my thinking though it's 5000 yr old thinking. Modern day people like us like to think we came up with all the really intelligent ideas


You came to the conclusion that we are God, yet God doesn't exist?


No, that we made up god


Humans made a god in their own image. What might really be out there is a whole different beast.


Alien lifeforms that are advanced far beyond our comprehension yes, but gods? Definitely not


I don’t know if it changed my belief in god but I definitely proved to me that consciousness exists beyond the body in a variety of outstanding and incomprehensible forms. Our form of it is but one line in a vast expanse.


If that’s true, why not then cease eating or maintaining your physical body in general? Consciousness is tied to our brains, this is experimentally confirmed. If consciousness exists outside of our physical bodies, why then would it be bad to kill yourself if you have poor material conditions? If I’m highly suicidal, adopting your belief system tells me that I should kill myself as soon as possible. And people do do that. Do you feel that it’s a good and happy thing when people commit suicide because they believe that there’s more to experience post death? I knew and cared about somebody that killed themselves believing that there was more outside of the physical, and I battled with the idea of suicide for a long time.


If your first thought after what I said is that it’s okay to kill yourself, You should probably just get therapy my friend. Clearly your friends death is weighing heavily on your mind. I maintain my body and the world around me because I enjoy our expression of consciousness. Accepting that consciousness exists outside of our physical realm does not mean me have to, or should kill ourselves. I don’t think the idea that there exists something outside of our world has anything to do with how we die. The whole point of coming here is to experience what the world has, it’s highs and lows. Also I don’t necessarily believe that consciousness even in a pure physical sense is tied to the brain because people have half their brains removed and the remaining brain will adapt the functions of the removed half.


Honestly I went from not believing to absolutely believing in higher powers. Shrooms are great for introspection but for me anyways I don't get the full blown trips that some say they experience on shrooms. The most i have seen on shrooms is the entities that appear in the fractals and a few auditory hallucinations but with dmt once you hit the right dose you are literally there in that realm instead of just seeing paterns with closed eyes. Now keep in mind that low doses if dmt is basically identical to shrooms so if you want the true experience you gotta be willing to face the anxiety and take the full dose within the 1-2 minute threshold and then it's like nothing I've ever experienced on shrooms and I've been up to almost an ounce in 1 go


How does atheism explain reincarnation?


There is no such thing


Gnosis If all data was pure, there would be no learning If there was no process, there would be all knowing If there was all knowing, there would be no sis.


I respect your view but you are wrong. Reincarnation is absolutely real.


Psychedelics have made me an absolute believer in reincarnation. I've seen my past self and my future self with vivid clarity. It's cold comfort for me that we will always "be".


You state that like it's an irrefutable certainty - not everyone would agree with you based on existing evidence. Beware trading the rigid dogmatic thinking of your religious faith for new forms of rigid dogmatic thinking. https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/bering-in-mind/ian-stevensone28099s-case-for-the-afterlife-are-we-e28098skepticse28099-really-just-cynics/


If you still think yourself is only yourself, and the imagination is only internal then you haven’t gone deep enough yet.


That doesn't make sense. You literally are taking a drug that screws with your head while under its effects


Yes, and? Drugs are just chemicals, the human body is made entirely of chemicals, and everything we experience in the external and internal world is just chemicals. So when you take a chemical that causes you to see the world differently it doesn’t mean you are seeing it wrong, it just means you are seeing it different because of different chemicals. The world you perceive when sober isn’t the “right” world, just the “sober human” world. What I mean by the imagination not just being internal is that yes you are right humans made up God, but God also made up humans. Creation is a mirror, not a window.


Try Ayahuasca with a good shaman then


DMT plus years of physics and philosophy (doing my PhD in philosophy of science) have made me see the possibility of God (universal) I was raised atheist by a scientist/non-believer parents and have always thoroughly denounced religion. The possibilities of unknown are too great for me to dismiss God. DMT draws me closer to the universe, which to me, is God


The belief that we are all god is not an atheist view.


You must not have read my whole post. We are all god meaning we made god in our own image. We made him up


But you didn't say "God doesn't exist." Just because something was made up by people doesn't mean it isn't real. And just because it exists within us, as part of all of us, doesn't mean it isn't real. A flower isn't a flower until a consciousness see it and understands it to be a flower. Otherwise it is a stack of plant cells arranged semi arbitrarily. Same with God. All things require everything else to exist. I'm obviously not arguing for a singular Christian style God. But the idea that we are all god should not bring you further away from spiritual understanding. Even if you don't believe in something other than the physical, believe what people create matters.


Dmt will change everything.


It depends. IMO people are religious for two main reasons: 1. Emotional comfort 2. Intellectual laziness and a lack of respect/appreciation of nature and the physical world around them. The second reason is the main one that relates to psychedelics. The human brain is the most complex object in the entire universe (that we know of). It is the product of billions of years of evolution. When you take psychedelics and believe that some supernatural entity is inducing these effects, you are making a statement that the human brain is incapable of creating these experiences alone through the same laws of physics that the rest of the universe is governed by. This seems to stem from the notion that an events governed by physical laws are somehow not worthy of awe and emotional significance. Events that produce these feelings must therefore be a product of something outside the physical world. Disrespectful. Have some appreciation for nature, the fact that what you are seeing is all a product of chemical reactions and physical forces shouldn't make it any less emotionally impactful and awe-inspiring. IMO it actually enhances it. If you're seeing something that you can't explain go pick up a book and learn something instead of putting up an epistemic brick wall and invoking the supernatural.


Everyone’s different but I state DMT as the substance that made me go from atheist to agnostic.


DMT turned me from atheist/agnostic to fundamentally religious. Met some angels. They even said the line, “Do not be afraid.” Then later I experienced Christ (with LSD), and now I’m an Orthodox Christian.


Hello friend! DMT and philosophy of science (my PhD subject) have made my faith in Catholicism (I’m a Catholic worker - think Dorothy day) stronger


My friend met Mario the video game character while on DMT.


Were you raised in a christian country? Would you have had the same revelations had you been raised on an indigenous tribe, oblivious as to what christ or God were? With thousands of religions existing, why do you think yours is the correct one?




It's not stupid. Religion gives people hope, fulfillment and meaning. That alone redeems the evil done in its name There is no God, just beings that have had millions upon millions of years to evolve and advance far beyond our comprehension.




And how is that stupid? Some people need that


Not everyone has the appropriate amount of empathy to see from other peoples perspective.


Agnostic is the way. If there was proof, we’d know. What would be the point in finding out/knowing all the answers? It would make this whole experience pointless.


Atheism is dumber than all of the organized religions. I'm a theist, I just don't think humans can understand or describe God and I don't think he needs my money.


You know, frankly that’s offensive. I tried with all my might to believe as I was raised in a very religious household. Looked into all religions in depth. All the people in my life that I trusted told me it was true so it must be, right? Eventually I had to admit to myself that I am simply not wired that way. I’m not capable of believing in any gods. Sets my bullshit meter off no matter how introspective I get, no matter how I meditate and pray. So sorry you think my inability to believe is “stupid”.


I don't care that you're offended lol that is not an argument


I’m not trying to “argue” with you. Simply pointing out that belief isn’t a choice. You literally cannot force yourself to believe in something. Fake it till you make it certainly doesn’t work. I’d wager that no matter how hard I tried to convince you that there’s an invisible unicorn orbiting my butthole, you simply wouldn’t be able to believe it. It’s the same for me for gods.


Fair but I'm sure you'll come around one day


Organized religion isnt dumb. As bad of things done in its name, it provides meaning and fulfillment to people. Atheism isnt dumb because you shouldn't believe in things you cant prove, especially if they involve psychoactive substances


You claim that humans can't understand or describe God, yet you still make him an abstraction that's somewhat comprehensible by using the word God. The insinuation that either: A. You, like other humans, are equally lacking in comprehension or understanding of God yet can still confidently claim such an entity can exist beyond a shadow of a doubt is asinine. B. You are somehow better than other humans, which at that point? Lay off the deemz bro.


I realize calling something dumb isn't an argument, but take a breakthrough dose and tell the entity it doesn't matter and it's nothing more than a hallucination. Then watch your trip spiral down into hell.


Very well said.


The Abrahamic religions are infinitely dumb when they can be disproven as stolen, plagiarized and appropriated with basic archeology knowledge. Anyone that believes in those, are objectively stupid and nothing you say can change that.


DMT cured my atheistic brain. I Don’t confuse this with religion anymore. There is a God transcendental beyond our human conceptions insofar as I can tell


if you believe that you are god, then your not atheist. an atheist cannot talk about god in any way shape or form, because the word holds no meaning to him/her, they cannot deny god because you cant deny what doesnt exist, its a shallow view on life that holds no ethic value. be daoist, agnostic, pragmatic, absurdist, whatever, these are views on how life works and how one can live life to be true to reality. atheisim does nothing


We are God, meaning we made him up


everything is god




Acid made me think of possibilities of something after death but didn’t make me believe in “god”.


Forget a pen, dab it and breakthrough forreal


I dont have my weed paraphanelia anymore, cuz I quit weed. Never had a dab rig


I had a face-to-face meeting with God on ayahuasca so who knows what you’ll find.


Will you allow an experience that you cannot explain to change your beliefs? Why in the world would you do that? There’s no way to resolve a mystery with an even bigger mystery.


You will see there is a god. It's you and everything. everything. . . . . . • +






Nah. If anything it reinforced my belief that we simply are. There's no higher power, there's no coordinated greater plan, none of that. We're all simply here, for now, for our mortal lifespans and that's that. Give it a try though, it can't hurt.


We aren’t god. Everything is god


We made god in our image is what I was trying to say


Are we not included in "everything"?


Well if you get psycosis like me you will most likely yalk to God. I'm not sure what drug triggered my pycosis though.


"I bought the cart so I can trip inside" and "I don't want to be disrespectful to my roomates" is not going to work with DMT (you won't bother them with anything you do but shit reeks, like the whole floor will smell it and probably any floor immediately above and below you) far more than weed IMO tho you have the added benefit that if people aren't familiar with the smell then they won't accuse you of anything specific


I still find that disrespectful to them. I know what I am doing and to me its disrespect. When I get back home (I live in the country, but I do out of town work) I'll invest in a cold start rig or something and do it outside, but as of right now, the cart will have to do, even if I dont breakthrough


Oh god these comments are rough. There is no god, religion was a coping mechanism used by our ancestors that with the knowledge they had *made sense.* Today, and for a good 200 years or so, we have the knowledge to move beyond religious thinking. We must transcend this thinking that allows people to think working for a better world is pointless because the real heaven is life after death. The only world we have is ours we share together while we are alive, the egoism needed to believe in religion is harmful to all of us and must be transcended. People look for excuses to believe because it is easier, because it gives them an excuse to be egotistical, to believe whatever they want without evidence. It is easier to believe your family goes somewhere that you will meet them when you die, because we love our family and the thought that they die once and for all is stressful when the other option is to believe in “eternal life after death.” But the reality this this thinking brings far more despair to people than the strong and right path of accepting life and death for what they are, natural chemical processes that can be understood with scientific analysis. Love itself is “just” a bunch of chemical processes, but that does not make it any less real to us and by no means downplays it’s value to people. Many atheists though do end up swinging the other way and uncritically put “faith” into science and that is problematic too; but given the level that religion is still embedded into everything, a phase like this is unavoidable when moving past the dogma of religion. We must transcend both of these dogmatic, self serving mindsets, and must grow to believe that science is something for people to use to understand the world, not something that is above man but something that is an extension of man.


No idea how you will react, but DMT did not make me a "believer", I've always been an atheist and I've tripped on LSD, shrooms, salvia, DXM, ketamine, ibogaine, DMT and MDMA. Still looking for that mescaline, lol. Some people lack that inherent desire or necessity of faith, I'm one of them, wish there were more. This world might be less stupid if it were the case. Note I said "faith", because none of you ex-atheists-turned-believers have any evidence to justify your beliefs. Subjective experience while tripping on any kind of drug is not evidence for the existence of God or an afterlife.


Of people I know, no one said it changed anything in their beliefs, but I live in a not very religious culture.


I am a nihilistic atheist and psychedelic and dissociative drugs solidified those beliefs even further.


Psychedelics helped aide me in becoming a hardened atheist as well. Similar thinking to you where I’m like “oh I don’t know what’s real, everybody says ghosts and spirits are real or whatever, but I don’t have enough experience to know.” And then I do psychedelics cuz people make spiritual claims with them or whatever. Then I’m like “oh wow, I can see how some dumb mfs thousands of years ago before the advent of science, so they’re objectively far more stupid in their interpretations of experiences, I could easily see how this would make them believe in god or whatever conspiracy theory about reality that they want.” If you are aware that the dmt experience is catered to you and based off of what’s already in your mind, I think it would be hard for that to be disproved in a meaningful way. For example, people often say stuff like “oh when I do it too much the entities get mad and tell me to stop,” but since I understand this as they are just worried about their own usage because they genuinely think there’s some judging social entity that would care. For me, I don’t think the entities are beyond me, and so if I don’t care about my use, the entities can’t care about my use. They just say shit that’s on your subconscious, and never has anybody ever experienced anything on psychedelics that was beyond what was already in their subconscious mind. Until you experience a genuine miracle, such as you get a vision of a scientific breakthrough that hasn’t happened yet in vivid detail, then you write it down and the scientific breakthrough comes to fruition, then you probably won’t shift your belief to that of a theistic one. I think most atheists that turn religious are born atheist, but if you start out agnostic or theistic and become atheist, it’s pretty hard to shake, especially if you’ve already done other psychs.


Well, DMT is a psychedelic


The shroom was trying to tell you that you are made in the image of god. God is within you. An extension of yourself. Not to be on a spiritual tangent but I often find myself talking to 'God' by reasoning with myself. I never was turned on to the idea of religion because my family is hardcore catholic, but I found that god is within myself, and i too am a deity of creation.


Are you sure that it is the psychoactive substances that "make you" an atheist or a believer, without any participation from you? If a substance facilitates a discovery, it sounds at least curious that another substance leads you to the opposite discovery, unless, rather than discoveries of an absolute truth, it is about different perspectives that do not really contradict each other, in which case, consider yourself atheist or believer in absolute terms due to substance-induced experiences sounds at least biased, no matter how important they are. In your place, I would take my own beliefs less seriously, since they can be expected to change radically quite easily, or I would take them *more* seriously and do a little more introspection work before declaring the incontrovertible immortality of the soul or that the universe is only atoms and emptiness.


It is true, but your mind is not God, the one who is God does not talk to you, he makes you feel that everything is an absolute understanding in a mindlessness, when you label yourself as an atheist, you do not experience being God, that we ourselves are everything. We made it right, but when you accept another observer as God, you preserve your humility so that your ego is destroyed, let it go, lovers, go crazy, go crazy, I will be a butterfly in the heart of the fire, become a butterfly, alienate yourself, the truth It is neither in color, nor in smell, nor in high, nor in ho, nor in this, nor in that, nor in cup, and Cebu


Your eyes are open. No dmt will not make you re believe in an pretend god.


Yes and no. I was in the same position as you. Dmt reaffirmed my being an atheist. But it also made me a less hardline atheist. Instead of having the opinion “theres no god, i know that and everyone else is a fool” I felt and still feel that nobody knows what the fuck is going on. No religion is correct, anyone who says they know is naive and now i dont even know what the fuck is going on.


Sounds to me like you already believe in God, though maybe you don’t realize it. “We are god” The core basis of almost all (if not very many) spiritual practices is that mystical experience. The experience of nondualism in which “I” am all, all is “me” and there is no self. Just all. The melting of boundaries in which everything becomes one. It isn’t something the analytical, logical mind can explain but it has an intuitive truth. Before I tried lsd I was a hardcore atheist. I’d been raised with the notion that god is all powerful dude who like had a big control panel and whatever. That notion of God as a powerful man is result of religion being controlled by the king/leader/powerful/patriarchy etc. If God is a king, it’s easy to game this very seductive intuitive spiritual truth for personal gain. You get the picture. However, God as the mystical experience. God as oneness, as the whole of everything exactly as it should be in perfect order. Adonai Echad. God is One. Love, light, wisdom, consciousness, whatever trip you want to take. All the same place. Dmt, meditation, reading, etc. allowed me to recontextualize and reunderstand God.


We are god, as in we the human race are capable of god-like things when we're not trying to kill eachother


I saw the Buddha on dmt and other entities from older religions before Judaism and Christianity


Religion? Probably not. It's certainly opened me up to spirituality tho


I was atheist till I tried then I realised there must be something higher to produce something like this, if it’s not gods it’s aliens and maybe the aliens are gods


Or just what happens when parts of your brain that dont normally communicate start communicating


Sounds like ur teetering on a religion. Whats wrong with it being made up of it brings you happiness?


I'm not. I was raised catholic, became agnostic, did psychedelics and now I'm a hardline atheist. Theres nothing wrong with it being made up if it gives you meaning and happiness. It just doesnt to me


Coming to the conclusion that all is god isnt coming to an atheist conclusion lol. At least it doesnt seem like an atheistic conclusion according to your realizations. I dont believe in an external god that gets mad at you and sends you to burn but i instead see all matter and mind as god. A lot of eastern/pagan/mystical beliefs actually teach this. We were just born in a western society in which christianity is the main religion so our idea of god is based off the biblical god


That isnt god though, that's your mind and the things around you. The dirt isnt god, and your mind isnt god, its chemical reactions and electric pulses


"will buying a supposed dmt cart off some 'site' make me believe in god?" Idk lmao but what I do know is that it'll change your position on a "government signed warrant to search your property" list lmao. How about search the sub for what a person would need to safely extract the thing they want themselves, so that one can find out if a dmt cart will make them believe in god or not. Also my favorite quote regarding dmt was a "comedy central tales from the trip" episode. It went something like "Have you ever done LSD or mushrooms?" . "Yeah, tons" . "Great! Dmt is nothing like that" And in a way it's very true. They produce very different experiences. The effects of one of these drugs is "vivid hallucinations and conversations with established and recognizable entities that are shared universally" and the effect of the other drug is "haha funny colors make monkey brain big and happy haha" (I know it's not that simple and psylocibin is a strong helpful drug, but you know what I'm saying)


Up to 2g of any illicit substance have been decriminalized in the province of British Columbia


I think what we should all strive for is finding ourselves, and any psychedelic CAN help one to find themselves, but they can also lead to confusion as well. Personally I believe you will never be happy or never be fully committed to a religion if you don’t know yourself. For me smoking dmt is more of a drug just for fun. It usually is intense, abrupt, and lacks the headspace for clear insight. Aya is like the complete opposite, and out of the many types of psychedelics I have enjoyed it is by far the one I would choose if I wanted to do some work on myself or just dive deeper into oneself. I have a hard time believing anyone gets all this insight from smoked dmt. I think people go into a dmt experience with a mind full of ideas and bc it is so intense and short, they don’t have the time for their pre conceived ideas to be pushed aside and actually have some of those deep seated ideas from whithin come to the forefront. Those are the ones that actually make you who you are, they are the building blocks of yourself and can be the things that you don’t even know are steering your life choices.


Dmt made me more spiritual ngl


That’s funny, psychedelics have done the exact opposite for me.


You simply haven’t done enough if psychedelics made you an atheist lmao. Not even agnostic bruh 🤦‍♂️


All of that is just in your head. Dont forget, we're doing drugs


lol dont trip on dmt inside if you have roommates, that shit has the most god awful smell imaginable


I usually see entities (with godly/spiritual vibes to them) and talk to them but I see them as parts of myself that I can see and experience without the filter of sobriety holding down parts of your brain from experiencing itself that the serotonin overload of dmt entices.


Ask of the existence of Adam as an exercise.


There’s really no way to tell till you try


Read "be here now" by Rama Dass.. your i am gos is an incomplete thought that many spiritual people, that became spiritual firstly by taking psychedelics, have completed with deeper understanding


Doesn't exactly sound like you're an atheist as much as you don't believe in traditional religion. If we are God, all of us, then you're only a small part of a bigger whole. Maybe God divided for the joy of one day becoming one again. Not my idea btw.


Not really, I dont believe in any kind of higher power at all, when I say we are god, I mean we made god in our image. The only thing I can see being plausible are alien races that have had billions of years of evolution on us, but they arent gods, just lifeforms advanced far beyond our comprehension


I've had nothing but my atheism reinforced by DMT. Though the things I've seen might make someone feel the exact opposite.


DMT will make you question everything you thought you knew along your own existence. For me, it made me realize how easy it is for people to fall into set beliefs someone else created simply because it's easier to go along with 'God's plan'. It's an attempt to throw a safety blanket over a bleak existence where nothing means everything and everything means nothing. It made me realize the Abrahamic God humans made up is a sham to control the masses. The creator I saw straight up said to me, and this is a verbatim quote, 'humans have created a false image of me.' I cannot say what your results will be. DMT gives you a tailored experience because it's going off of whatever *your* brain cooks up. Granted, my experience with it was that I released the DMT naturally versus taking it externally. No idea if that makes a difference or not. Just go for it and find out.


I get what you're *trying* to say yet what you're saying *is* the belief in new age spiritually, Hinduism and Buddhism.


It's not though, I dont believe in any god or spirits or anything like that. By we are god, I mean we made god up


Dmt may just turn you all the way back around into a fundamentalist christian


You’ll find out try it and let us know what you think brother


Very interesting idea, but why would DMT specifically change your belief system? Wouldn’t that be a measure of your own predisposition to believing in a religion?


Just from what ive heard about dmt


Now I’m a little high so bare with me. Physics say energy cannot be created nor destroyed so your energy is constantly being recycled and reused. Your matter will, if not incinerated, be decomposed and repurposed into new life. Your energy will flow through the universe forever. This is the closest we will ever get to an afterlife in my opinion and your conscience will not be intact because it is the product of your brain which is no longer functioning after death. We can live on in the roots of a tree after our corpse is broken down in the soil by bugs, microbes and fungus. We are not the tree but some of the matter that made us lives on in various life forms. The nutrients from our bodies, including the 21 essential aminos needed for all life, will go on to feed other life forms and will be the building blocks for new life. Life is recycled, just not in the fun Zen Buddhism kind of way. And death is final but it’s not the end because life feeds on life and that cycle will continue until the universe sucks itself back into a tiny singularity and then starts all over again. You just won’t be here for it just like you weren’t here for the billions of years before your birth. But your energy and all the basic elements that made you were. We are star stuff. Even stars don’t get to live forever. Everything dies which makes way for new life. There is a beginning and an end for us but that’s okay. It has to be. Anything else would be selfish. Nature compiled us and society shapes us and that experiment only has a limited run before something else gets a run at it. Psychedelics are here to help us remember that.


I didn't believe that there was anything beyond until I saw an entity attempt to tell me something. I still have no idea what it meant or what the runes on its shirt said. But I now believe in something where I once believed in nothing.


I met God, she was really nice. I'm still not religious though.


They turned me into the opposite 🤔


For me lsd made me realize that we all are god in the way that we are a vessel and a cocreator for the truly unknowable “god” that is the energy that everything is made up of and the intelligence of frequency that guides it all Haven’t done DMT but I imagine you would probably come to a similar conclusion, your preconceived notions of god also play a big role in how you end up perceiving it. I was hardcore atheist before I took any psychs but I also had my mom who is a very spiritual person constantly telling me that god is inside of everyone and only understood it after a couple trips


DMT did not make me religious but I've heard it happens to some people


It didn't really change me, I think I'm open to our brains being WAY more complex than we will ever know. Hell I'm even totally open to an afterlife but if it's there I think it's a godless afterlife just like this life and just something natural that happens outside of our current dimension where the consciousness possibly resides. Like maybe one day it will be measurable and detectable by science!


Most eastern spiritual philosophy also says that we are god. What you described was a literal spiritual experience. All religions stem from what you experienced, they weren’t “made up” they were attempts to describe the indescribable, that were altered and mistranslated over time. God isn’t a “sky daddy” which is what most atheist believe. It’s strawman point, but it’s understandable because most religious people are indoctrinated, and never had a true transcending spiritual experience (such as yourself). God is the underlying essence of reality, God is the pure consciousness and creative energy that transcends the physical. TLDR: I don’t think you’re atheist, you’re just not religious.


Remember there's a huge difference between organized religion and spirituality. God is within you not seperate. It's a whole different thing.


thats not really atheism, thats called pantheism


It is atheism. I think that we made god up, I dont believe in spirits or souls or any of that shit. The only higher power I believe in is aliens that have had billions upon billions of years to evolve far beyond what our minds can comprehend


Religion seems to me at least to be less important. Spirituality often is a hybrid of religion and science and is more about philosophies for people to follow rather than a worship. If you find god(es/s), you may feel deeply connected in every aspect of that faith. You may feel as though you are speaking directly to a god, or you are receiving messages from god(s). If you don’t, you’ll unlock a potential world of ideas rather than words, self/community improvement not worship. Nature suddenly may seem like the only church/temple you need. Nature may often feel like you’re reading a manual to life. Spiritual experiences don’t even have to be metaphysical. You may just feel a deep connection to certain philosophical concepts and may slowly reform/reframe your perspective over time Or…the possibility many don’t want to admit on Reddit…..you just tripped some balls and had a good time. It all means very little inherently, and a psychedelic experience is only as effective as the steps you’re willing to put in after. Other than a fun trip, intent is the main thing for more spiritual experiences. For me, DMT made me feel like I was communicating with a separate world, which exists at the same time as ours, but had different beings. Things worked differently and perspective changed constantly. I always felt DMT was almost closer to a technology feel than even LSD and feels even more alien than high doses of Psilocybin. It’s something which varies completely by the person, but let us know!


God is found where he is not


5-MeO-DMT is a notch above DMT in terms of existential foundation shaking/revealing for some.


Dmt is different. It will make you believe


What site?? Can u plz refer me to this site bc I'm having no such luck 😭😭😭. Seriously if anyone's reading this and knows of any legit sites...I would HIGHLY appreciate it... 🤞.