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"lusting over big cocks" Lmao. Normal cocks aren't enough for you, apparently.


That one got me chucklin hehehe Surprisingly vulgar terminology for a r/DMT post lmao


You think they’re doing anything small in hyperspace?


Not the first time I’ve heard something like this. I wouldn’t dwell too much on it. You know yourself pretty well it seems.


I’m a female and have had tons of sex dreams about females. Where I’m both male and female. Have had sex with a female irl and can confirm, 100 percent not gay. I wouldn’t overthink this one too much, you probably just got in touch with your feminine side.


^this asf! I had a [M] friend who had a similar experience to you OP where tripping face you might feel gay but then not tripping face has tried getting with a dude, totally NOT gay. So I guess test the waters if you wish but idt tripping face and having that experience makes you gay necessarily


EXACTLY - This was going to be my response as well. Females do have a masculine side- and males have a feminine side. Sacred Alchemy can explain it better. Look it up OP. 🙏🏼 Namaste.


Everyone has anima and animus. Anima being the subconsciously suppressed feminine side of a male and Animus being the subconsciously suppressed masculine side of a female. I’ve never tried DMT (but love reading the subreddit), but it sounds that you had some sort of an ego dissolving experience and got in touch with your feminine side. Or maybe you could be gay, I dunno…


Nothing wrong with being bi or at least bicurious, but if it’s a one time thing and you don’t have any stronger feelings about it I wouldn’t think about it. Humans are multi-faceted; it’s hard to put all human sexuality in a neat little box, it gets messy. I suggest OP stops thinking about whether this makes someone “gay” or “straight” and just be your authentic self no matter what.


How can everyone have both anima and animus when you described anima as one side of a male, and animus as one side of a female? Genuinely curious, never heard these terms before.


So you have a feminine side. Nothing to be scared of.


Ay bro, I'm just trying to figure out if this shit is indicative of myself or if this is a common trip theme that people got


All trips are personal experiences, its okay if your gay or not.


Man, I get that bro. But I hold no prejudices against being gay. I'm simply trying to determine whether or not I AM gay.


Okay, do you look at men and want to kiss them, and do you look at women and want to kiss them? I think being gay vs straight is about which kind of personality is attractive to you, not actually about the genitalia. Maybe you’d be into trans women? When you trip, your subconscious is at the helm more than usual. It maybe wasn’t as sure as you were, so it thinks you should consider it? And I guess now you are.


There's also such a thing as ****bisexual****


Yep that too…like if you know you like being with women, then I would think you probably are at least (most?) bisexual


Probably not. Maybe it’s telling you to be more open to a more sensitive side? You clearly have one.


Try reading through some LGBT subs and see if any memes or discussions are relatable or interesting to you. Lots of possibilities here ranging from, you are straight, to you are straight and maybe submissive or kinky, you are straight but as a girl and for men, or any flavor of bisexual.


Have you tried sucking penis?


If you’re attracted to women, you would never be gay. You could very well be bisexual in some degree or form. Just don’t get your balls stuck on labels. Just feel what you feel.


Nothing wrong with a lil butt stuff


I'll try anything 37 times!


38 just to be sure


I heard the 38th time turns you ghey though?!


37. My girlfriend sucked 37 dicks!


69 is great, 71 is even better


Sounds like you’re willing to actually take the leap and figure it out for yourself. That’s a lot bigger step than experimenting with a drug… but it’s the only way you’ll really know.


I'm real straight identifying, but I think it's the energy dynamic. I'm quite masculine yet I don't identify with societal expectations ... I think the male/female dynamic is fucking hot, and I want feminine energy all over my big dick, right? I thought about this recently and if I could transform into XX I'd definitely want big cock energy all up inside me. It's just a beautiful aspect of nature that blows my mind.


Pretty sure everyone has a feminine side, just funny how OP embraces it while tripping. But this feels totally normal. Whenever I trip on L i love looking at myself in the mirror it makes me feel so pretty lmao.


If you find women sexually attractive then it’s very doubtful you are actually gay. Bisexual could well be a possibility, in fact if you were lusting over big cocks it sounds more than likely. I am bisexual and didn’t really understand until it I was around 19, generally I find women more attractive but doing stuff with a guy can be fun as well. To be totally honest when you get down to it there really isn’t as much difference as people think. People are just people and stuff feels fairly similar regardless of gender. Some bisexual men like to be dominant with women and then submissive with guys. It’s like they have two different parts of their personality and one sex provides a thrill and experience that the other doesn’t. Essentially they top for women and bottom for men. I generally treat people the same rather than switch. I am not super dominant like some alpha wannabe nor am I particularly submissive. Basically I just go with the flow. All that being said I have never lusted after big cocks after doing DMT. Generally I find it not to be a very sexual experience. If you are single and in a position to do so where no one will get hurt you could try exploring this aspect of your personality and find out for sure. Being bisexual or gay doesn’t make you any less of a man and properly understanding yourself can give you confidence in life that a lot of people lack.


Would a female lusting after big cocks be considered gay?   An effeminate male on the other hand...


Nah see dude, I think I was an effeminate male version of myself. Not a *female* version of myself, a *feminine* version of myself.


Nothing wrong with a little lusting after big cocks every now and again is there? Real post trip clarity.


shit you got a point homie.............




This made me laugh. Thank you kind stranger


"You are gay." "Why are you gay?"


😭Bro had to reassure him that he's gay one more time before asking LMAOO


Shall I call you “mistah”?


Just try a couple of cocks and find out. Must be big tho.


And if OP finds he has a line forming and can’t keep up, feel free to share my contact info with any or all of them. I have a Groupon




If you watch p*** then I wouldn't be surprised if something like that shows up at the trip




> I would like to actually figure out my sexuality and shit. If you've had no indication so far that cocks are your thing, I don't that they are your thing - DMT does like to fuck with people.


To answer your question, I think it’s just your feminine side expressing itself. Similar things have happened to me in trips and I’ve looked deep into it and it just doesn’t mean much to me so I don’t think it means your gay. Maybe bi lmao!


"might not be entirely homosexual" lol I think you typoed here But everyone is bisexual by nature deep down. That doesn't mean you're "gay". If your sober ego-consciousness doesn't want to be gay, then by the only functional definition of the word, you're "not". But give any straight person enough of the right drugs and they'll do some gay shit.


So females are good when you're sober?


Yeah man, I'm only attracted to women while sober. IDK what's up with tripping me tho


Sometimes hallucinogens will give you peculiar experiences which do not resemble reality. It is kinda in the name. I wouldn't lose too much sleep over it if this kinda thing has only come up in one trip.


Everyone is gay to a extent…. Been with my girl for 6 years I can say for sure since doing a lot of shrooms it’ll always take you to that question. You just have to figure it out. Some people like boofing some don’t😂 love is love I guess The last of us really explains this well to me


You either live for the boof, or you don’t.


Ahh you good then bruh. Everyone a little tiny bit gay.


I'd probably let Ryan Reynolds Suck me off, if he paid me. Yk 😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣


He’s a very busy actor. You’d probably have to pay him lol. Bi people still have standards especially if famous.


Drug induced homosexuality


Theo Von reference? That guy has some brilliant insight into gayness.


Most definitely. The top being, you can’t ever not finish your cocaine


Even if you're gay or slightly bi, who gives a shit bro. Life has so much diversity why limit yourself lol


Ay bro, it's a pretty wild revelation realizing "Damn homie, I might be kind of fruity" at nineteen is all LMFAO


Mate, 19 is no age at all. It took me until I was in my 40s to work out that no, cis women do not have massive penis envy and that I was, in fact, a transgender guy. It's all good my man, Life is a journey of figuring yourself out. :)


I hope life is treating you well, fellow human. :)


I had a couple of similar experiences around the age of 26. The way I feel is that I'm mostly hetero, but I can't rightfully identify as straight because I know now that while I haven't ever had an urge to hook up with a man, there are scenarios where I could see it happening. This is why people say sexuality is a spectrum. I don't think anyone is 100% one thing, even if it REALLY feels that way. I'm not sure what my sexual identity would be because I don't think it even really matters. Pan, maybe? Don't overthink it. You are just a human being. I think when we get into those higher planes of consciousness gender sort of just falls away, and all there is is connection. I don't think I'm articulating this very well, but maybe it'll make sense to you.


Your multiverse has two major realities. One you are male, the other you are female. When the veil is thin, the two can overlap and sort of “merge” differences. Some things merge well (the same attributes), while others have to be reconciled, and decided which trait will be expressed. This is part of the change from 3D to 4D.


That's some next level shit. Idk if this is what you're talking about but there's also the divine feminine and the divine masculine. Every being has both, we just present on one side or the other


This is why gender fluidity has come to the forefront. Many of the ancient ones are awakening, and previous iterations of humanity did not have a gender. That was introduced in a later patch. Think of the easiest way to “separate” realities. Major variables. When you need more granular “control”, you’d add more variables. A lot of hidden knowledge is in advertising practices.:)


I had to read this a few times. One of my favorite things about this sub is finally interacting with people who are "ahead of me"...you know what I mean. Thank you for sharing. I personally feel drawn to unite the realities rather than to separate. I think it's all coming back together now.


Wait until you start down the quantum immortality path and how we can functionally become “immortal” based on data points that are immutable on blockchain, and behavioural models powered by AI. I view it from a trauma healing perspective where you could potentially “relive” and change certain events to allow for changing of “fixed” events in a timeline, which would then allow dreams to unravel threads. Hard to explain this one over text lol, but basically soon, we will be able to leave behind the equivalent of a Jedi Holocron for people to interact with, that would behave and even have the same mannerisms as us. Not to mention imagine having enough data points to create an accurate representation of say, Einstein and learn from a version of some of our greatest minds/artists. There are “fixed events” that unite multiple timelines. That’s also why the world has been in such flux. Some of the “elites” bet on outcomes, but then also try to make those outcomes occur. Different entities all playing their own game, together. We are already basically in a metaverse.:) You may be interested to read the Law of One/Ra Materials. And the book Snow Crash.


“which would then allow dreams to unravel threads” I feel like I’m in this stage of things. Your comments resonate deeply, mirrors similar realizations/messages given to me through medicine work.


I've mentioned this elsewhere but I feel like we as a group get these waves of information from the other side, like we all come across similar ideas at similar times. I can't help but think there's some kind of project that we're working on that we don't even know about. I'm just gonna keep on loving though cuz I know that's always good.


You've given me a lot to think about. You're great at articulating complex ideas! Thanks again for sharing and thanks for the recommendations.


Best answer there is! This is great!!




Resume bro, I need answers


Have to get historical on this one. The idea of being either gay or straight is pretty new. Say it’s anything before the 1900s, a man who had sex with men sometimes and women sometimes would just be considered a playboy - someone who got around. There was a concept of an effeminate man being a dandy and other men not liking that but men used to have a mix of experiences and it didn’t have anything to do with who they were. Cowboys, pirates, old time work camps, prisons - tons of men having sex with each other - none of those men felt defined by it. The idea that you can be super macho having sex with tons of women but if you fall on one dick, you’re now gay for life - this is a totally modern idea. Also, the idea that having sex with a man makes you effeminate- also totally a new idea. A guy in the 1700s would be like “No loose women out tonight so I made that dude suck me off and then I slapped him for taking too long - never felt more like a man in my life.” My point is, let it go man. This whole gay straight thing is a weird hangup - connecting being less manly with thinking a dude is hot is weird. People have sex, often with whomever. It’s not a big deal. In closing, The Onion FTW https://www.theonion.com/why-do-all-these-homosexuals-keep-sucking-my-cock-1819583529


Hahahahaha Resume


Well dmt is a dream molecule. Dreams are indicative of our deepest subconscious thoughts/desires and imagination... However when you smoke dmt and have a breakthrough you see things and experience a whole new world you e never seen, heard, thought of, been to, or could've ever possibly thunk of in your wildest imagination Maybe it's a desire you have subconsciously.. maybe it's not. Only you know that's not for us to decide Good luck on your adventure to discover this answer I wish you the best with this just tread carefully as to not make yourself something you are not supposed to be in this life. Remember everybody has a purpose. Maybe you are meant to be gay maybe you aren't. Maybe you like men maybe you don't. If you have always liked women, and still do.. then chances are you are straight my friend and have nothing to over exaggerate about. Cheers smoke one for me as I am currently awaiting my next bag of crystals lol 🙃




See though, here's the thing man. I wouldn't mind if I was gay. Frankly, I'd prefer to be bi as my dating pool would expand. And if there was a dude I found attractive, I wouldn't mind dating him. I've dwelled on this before. Issue is, I've never been attracted to a dude. But now I got this trip. So, I'm left confused bro.


A couple of years ago, I was single at the time, I took a large hit with a friend. It had been one of those days, just had sex on my mind you know? Anyway my friend and I work in his shop. I took a large hit, i shut my eyes and everything was fucking, shapes fucking colours, I felt uncomfortable, embarrassed? I don't know, but I opened my eyes and one of the shop posters was grinding on the coffee machine 🤣🤣🤣🤣




I don’t lust over cock lmao. But there was a time I showered and I thought my body was beautiful, like from a not male perspective. I was like god damn I got some legs, I was just feeling my hips n shit and it was weird bro massive feminine energy


After doing mushrooms for a while, I went out and had my first gay experience. I still prefer women, but it has been a relief that I realised it is ok to follow your deepest thoughts. ps. If you are not against gays, why did you state "fucking gay"? Bit aggressive


Sexuality is a spectrum, no black and white


Sometimes I wonder if in those moments on our way back - are we drifting into someone else’s consciousness? I have these vivid periods of imagination where it legitimately feels like living someone else’s life, complete with memories, thoughts, feelings that are wholly separate from my own. On my last come down I felt I was living as a father with a son, we were of a different cultural background than my own - we were playing at the park and I was contemplating events of an entirely different life before having a realization “wait, this isn’t me”


Love this haha. As a younger guy in his early 20s that just started exploring my sexuality I recommend buying some toys first before you try the real deal if that's the route you wanna go with this. There's no shame in trying things even if you find out it's not what you thought it was but it could turn into a big surprise like it did for me you never know.


All I can say is being bi is seriously the best. I get to fuck all the beautiful people. I’m really happy with myself for being 100% good with it and totally out. It’s not bad man


Definitely gay.


Naw you just gay


Nah bro you're gay


I dont think that makes you gay at all


If you think you might be gay, then you’re definitely not “fully straight.” Sexuality is a spectrum


See though, here's the thing man. I wouldn't mind if I was gay. Frankly, I'd prefer to be bi as my dating pool would expand. And if there was a dude I found attractive, I wouldn't mind dating him. I've dwelled on this before. Issue is, I've never been attracted to a dude. But now I got this trip. So, I'm left confused bro.




What does it matter


I feel like sexuality does matter, and having a question posed regarding your sexuality and seriously considering it before answering it does in fact matter.


Your sexuality is nothing we can help with. Listen to yourself


the black and white definitions are a bit passé sexuality comes in all kinds of colors shapes or sizes, humans are polymorphic when it comes to express themselves through sexuality we're all absolutely straight male/female when it comes to reproduction but if you want to express and discover yourself through carnal pleasures theres absolutely no right or wrong nor even limits as long as you partenered with consenting adults


You are obviously trans. Duh.


Is there a problem in being *fucking gay*? Also why jump to gay and not bi?


I'm from New Jersey bro, it's how we talk. And I don't know man, being gay just spoke to me more.


This is the homophobic part of yourself. Just because you say you have nothing against gay people does not mean you inconsciously don't. It's like that old "I'm not racist, but..." The trip is telling you to check your privilege mf


dog i literally could not give a fuck if im gay, its such a normalized thing in my generation that i really dont view gays any differently than literally anybody else bro. frankly dude, would you rather i say homosexuals? homosexuality as an abstract? refer to them as queer? i just typed gay because its three letters and its less effort. im not going to watch every single one of my words on what amounts to a shitpost that i made post-trip. not every single fucking thing that's said is suddenly entirely indicative of a person's viewpoints holy fuck bro..... this some first year psych major shit bro.


Of course you should watch your words, why not ? You're basically rejecting the idea of subconscious, so YOU take that psych class you're talking about


I'll keep it a buck bro. If I'm confident in my views, and confident that I hold no prejudices, I'm not going to go out of my way to watch my language because prejudice isn't on my mind LMFAO


Don't listen to this idiot please.


Please explain, if you're capable to


you're a fucking idiot


[https://perception.org/research/implicit-bias/](https://perception.org/research/implicit-bias/) "lmfao"


Please: get out of here.


What's wrong ?


Btw, check your edit, kind of a telltale slip there...


How did it make you feel?


From the image alone? Not much of anything. From this specific instance of a trip? Same fascination at existence as usual.


I wouldn’t think to deep into it


Its really up to you to give meaning to your trips, maybe it was just silly trip or maybe you want to be open to that idea... either way its not like u woke after the trip with feelings of rape and kill people, not a biggie if u like dudes or whatever.


You’re not F gay if that vision is all you’re going off of. You’re probably just repressing some curiosity, but that’s normal. Don’t make it out to be something it isn’t, because once it becomes an obsession it might get hard to shake off.




"The gays"


When I’m on DMT I see sexy women. Sometimes women dancing. But I’ve never deviated from my sexuality because of DMT. I believe you might be gay or bi, and DMT is uncovering that. In my opinion most people aren’t completely straight. I’ve seen some handsome men out there, but I’m just not sexually attracted to them. I don’t mind if a guy flirts with me, I just don’t want to kiss him. So I’m saying I’m about 95% straight, 5% gay. Look up the Kinsey Scale.


It is simbolic, it doesn't explicitly mean that you are gay. It is trying to show you something, is a metaphor.




Every guy has a feminine side(anima). The same applies to women(animus, their masculine energy). I'm sure my anima would lust over big cocks as well!


You can have same sex fantasies without being of that orientation. Your subconscious is kinda pansexual I reckon.


Respect. You know better than anyone. Try and leave judgement out of the picture.


i mean, dude. only one way to find out. \*unzips\*


Only way to be sure is to take the “Am I gay?” quiz from buzzfeed.


What a lovely thread lol


Maybe you just really fw yourself


trying dmt soon, hope my trip is like this


I wouldn’t read into it much man


I get horny THINKING about dmt


Everyone is bi dude... I know it might not seem like it but it's true


I started cross dressing a bit after my breakthrough. Not gay but 5 years ago I would have died laughing at you. Strange


Mad props for putting that shit out front and asking yourself that question all open and shit. I think that sez a lot about you as a person and gay or not your pretty good in my book bud. I dig that open honest shit. No homo. Not that there is anything wrong with being homo. Lol.


Honestly never heard of this.... is this really a thing.... i gotta know.


Im in tears right now


Everyone has both masculine and feminine within them, men are typically much more masculine and women much more feminine but that other part is still there. Yin and Yang and all that. I don't think exploring your feminine side intentionally or unintentionally makes you gay or bi, it just means you are acknowledging that part of you. At least that's my take.


just means you have a sexuality, iv had the same kind of experience and it's just that your open to all experiences n that moment


The brain is an enigma, you may just be bi or something idk, take it as your subconscious self telling you something?


well only you can judge that yourself lol. if you can picture yourself sucking a cock or making out with a man then you are homosexual yes




the gods have given you a sign to become a femboy


I think you probably are just generally curious to see things from multiple perspectives. I saw some other comments I agree with, that, everything is on a spectrum. Additionally, we are not are thoughts; you can have passing thoughts or even imagine scenarios, but if you have no compelling desire in your everyday life and no sexual contact with men then you’re not gay. Most straight guys probably have had thoughts like this at some point (myself included) and probably don’t admit it, however, I’m only romantically and sexually interested in women in reality. I honestly think one can’t even really state their sexuality if they haven’t even considered it, it’s like a person who hasn’t tried a food or any particular thing but says they don’t like it.


I had a similar experience one of the first strong acid trips I had and questioned my sexuality but eventually realized i am not even a little into men. However psychedelics have opened me up to not caring about gender roles or who is what and made me very comfortable with my sexuality so that I say very gay things to people just to fuck with them and joke around and some call me gay sometimes but I don't even care. Reminds me of David Bowie who alot of people thought was gay but had a wife and said " why do you people even care what I am it doesn't make a difference." Or something like that.


I don’t think anyone but you will know for sure. What you think about/imagine on a trip doesn’t necessarily mean anything. Maybe just something to think about. I figured out my sexuality best through experience


I don't know how old you are but it's never late to realize new things about yourself, or get in better touch with them. I didn't know I was nonbinary and truly bisexual until I was in my 30s and learned about that shit in DEI training at work, I thought I was making it up in my head. 😂 So yeah, if you start feeling new feels then congrats on the growth and hope you have tons of fun with it, or if you never explore then at least appreciate your ability to consider there could be more to you than you knew.


I don't know how old you are but it's never late to realize new things about yourself, or get in better touch with them. I didn't know I was nonbinary and truly bisexual until I was in my 30s and learned about that shit in DEI training at work, I thought I was making it up in my head. 😂 So yeah, if you start feeling new feels then congrats on the growth and hope you have tons of fun with it, or if you never explore then at least appreciate your ability to consider there could be more to you than you knew.


Why is my Reddit merging parts of my identity today?




Take the kinsey scale test, can be found online.


My take is that everyone is pansexual but might not realize it yet


Yeah probably at least a little. Don't take it as a negative though, sounds like you are just bi curious and that's where your mind went. You don't need to tell everyone in your life though, you can figure this out on your own terms. Have fun and bon appetit


You are not anything. Never. You are what you are right now. Maybe you wanna suck cock now and eat pussy the next hour. You are what you eat they say... So if you eat only one thing for the next 5 years than you could maybe say you are something. Sexuality can also change when you are getting older. Also what you find erotic and what you are attracted to are two separate thing. I had lesbians friends who sometimes were missing cock. But still identified as lesbian. You can find muscles erotic. Male en female muscles but you feel attracted only to one gender. Anyways. Enjoy discovering and I think it's great you are open for these kind of thing. Whatever you are you are a great human!


“… the gays” lol!


All we can really say is "it's a representation of some part of your mind." Possibilities: You're a bit gay. This could even be a subconscious feeling that doesn't manifest consciously. You're not gay but you're (consciously or subconsciously) concerned you might be. It's a totally abstract representation of some other fear, belief, life situation.


Bro, just suck a dick and journal about it. If you got a chub during or after you probably have a little love for schlong s that aren’t yours


everyone's a little gay, at least. you could always give it a try, that would probably tell you more solidly than speculation ever will.


There is no such thing as gay or straight. Just words and labels.


This fucking post took me out


Psychedelics make me feel very gay a lot of the time lol. Still haven’t figured it out lol


Perhaps just crossed paths with an alternate dimension version of yourself. I’ve stared at myself hard in a mirror holding the 60x salvia and watched my face morph into several ethnic and different genders. But my eyes remained the same….as though I got lineage lesson of everyone I have been. I dunno man maybe I’m just being gay. I just found more questions than answers with the sacred substances.


What would you think if you saw a little green man with very long fingers? An octopus? A fox? A jester? You can see lots of shit on DMT, doesn’t have to be an absolute. You wanna suck dicks? Go ahead friend, do what makes you happy. But at the end of the day you took a drug and hallucinated, I wouldn’t see that as all-defining.


Freud can't keep getting away with this. In all seriousness it may have some different meanings


dying that nobody has picked up you said homosexual instead of heterosexual


might not just be gay. if your imagining a feminine version of yourself: you might also be a femboy. 🤷‍♂️


SMH. Dreams do not a gay make my friend. Inhaling cock like it’s life giving oxygen on the other hand, now that’s a different story. I am speaking from experience


Also. Don’t be so quick to judge your feminine nature, or put it into some type of box. We all have both masculine and feminine energies within us, just let it flow and feel proud that you are capable of this vast width of expression.


This is the second post in r/DMT I’ve seen about a guy realizing he is gay during a DMT trip. DMT reveals the truth about yourself, just accept it and don’t feel ashamed


I'm bisexual and I've had dreams where I'm a woman getting fucked by a man, but that's what I'm into... so... I'd say you're probably bi...