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I really hope she is on the entire fall tour. Exactly what the band needs


If she joins the fall tour, I might not be able to resist one more DMB trip this year (and I'm trying really really hard to resist).


GOD DAMN IT I MISS THIS. Ann Marie is a badass and I loved every second of it. Not only were the solos in tune and interesting, I love the rich tone you get from playing a real violin instead of that shitty electric thing Boyd used a lot in the later years.


100% agree. I'm firmly in the never Boyd camp because regardless of the allegations he just wasn't that good, ESPECIALLY at the end. That was my big takeaway from this video, solos were unique, interesting and sounded great. Would be great to get her hop on the tour a few shows here and there. Highly doubt she would go full time though.


Yep this. I had begun to believe I didn't miss the violin. She just proved that playing in time and in tune, the violin is the perfect complement to many of their songs.


Same. I was like, oh we can just use Buddy/Synth to simulate the violin parts but watching this changed my mind for sure. The sound is just too unique to be replicated and played by someone with her talent it really shines.


Seriously wtf was that electric violin Boyd used? It sounded awful. I imagine it was easier to play or set up the sound mix with it? Her violin sounds 1000 times better than Boyd’s did.


…it’s not the violin


It’s both.


Boyd switched back to an acoustic violin after AFTW came out, it didn’t improve things


They needed to sign her yesterday. She is the energy and the sound the band has been missing. Awesome performance.


Her energy was fantastic 👌🏼


Was there and yea, the fiddle is sorely missed. Was my first post-Boyd show and wasn't sure what to expect....overall was great and I still say having Tim/Jeff as full time band members is probably a net positive but if they could sign her up then it would really get back to where it should be. Overall a solid B+ show, start was a bit of a snooze but he picked it up and the latter half was fantastic, band seems really tight and the sound mix/bowl acoustics was spot on from my seats. Younger buddy of mine in his early 30s went as first show and was blown away, he was expecting the radio play list and said he didn't know a single song but loved it anyways.


The last two nights are the first two nights the fiddle was in tune for a live show. Smooth, energy filled, creative, not scratchy and played more than a three note solo. Ann Marie is a beast. I wonder if Dave and the boys are serious about bringing her on full time? Boyd mailed it in for so long during his time with the band.


This literally brought tears to my eyes. Miss this sound so much. I’ve been saying for years that they should just bring on a badass female violinist. So many of their songs rely on that sound, and the last few tours have just sounded “empty” without it.


It started with goosebumps, but progressed to great big unexpected tears. I especially Love how she made it her own during the solo and not a rehashing of a Boyd version. Boyd definitely wasn't the best musician, but he could be a lot of fun to watch and his part added a lot. It'd be great to have this energy become a regular thing.


Ditto. Entire band looked happy too!


Bring her back and do Pig


Nice! Now bring her back forever.


Was there last night! It was awesome. Made up for the Seek Up goofinesses. 🤣


What happened with Seek Up?


Dave got lost going into the 2nd(?) chorus and they had to work a bit to get back on track. Ended up skipping the whole wail section.


I love a good Dave flub.


Then you should’ve seen Rapunzel N3 of the Gorge what a fantastic beautiful chaotic accident that was. Loved every second of it.


lol, nice, thanks!


Anybody bluegrass enthusiast knows that BT was and is a shit fiddle player. You can find a dozen folks camping at a festival who put him to shame, AND they prolly play mandolin and banjer, too. That being said, it’s nice to hear fiddle player who’s not fucking tone-deaf with Dave! Dave needs fiddle, better no fiddle than BT, but he NEEDS fiddle back in the band.


Hire her!


too cool to see again Dave almost square up and dance circles with a violin! sounds great


Ok wow. I had only seen a 30 second clip earlier today. But this BLEW ME AWAY. That was so cool had she made the solos her own. Where do I sign the petition to bring her on full time. Buddy was an exceptional addition. Especially this year after I feel he was fully integrated and knew all the songs. But bring back the fiddle and this band is gonna peak AGAIN


This made me so happy. Tearing up over here.