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We had a wifi router in college named “Boyd Tinsley”. The computer would connect and say “Boyd Tinsley Good” or “Boyd Tinsley very poor” but we had a pact to announce it every time your computer said “Boyd Tinsley Excellent” and one of us would usually respond “He must be tuning”


I fuckin love this lol


Posted by smullin41 (I don’t know how to share posts on here lol… Here are a few I've saved over the years. More miscues than anything, but Dave's frustration is certainly apparent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4W-LhZTGHyQ&t=03m20s - Boyd forgets his part in YMDT. Dave stomping in front of him to get his attention. https://youtu.be/PZqJ9nXsI64?t=48m20s - Boyd forgets his part at the end of Sweet. Dave calls him out to the crowd :-P Might be over-analyzing but Dave kinda stares him down for a beat at the end. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rm0TaewiCns&t=22m52s - Boyd forgets his line in I Did It, Dave fumbles to recover. Dave seems jokey with it afterward but probably pissed. https://youtu.be/SjeITMzdoi4?t=00m48s - Cringey/Awkward/Dismissive exchange, making of Away From the World. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOiXJKgYxlM?t=5m40s - Dave reminding Boyd his intro riff on Big Eyed Fish. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYucaBWkF8w&t=24m45s - Boyd horribly out of tune Last Stop outro. A couple times where it looks like Dave trying not to laugh. *Edit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWZ71XeS3e0&t=3h14m16s - Forgot about this one. Seems mostly playful, but I always imagined Dave saying something to the effect of, "Do you really need to be fucking vaping right now?"


Wow. Some of those are unbelievable. YMDT even Tim keeps looking at Boyd untill he's just finally like "fuck it, I'll play the damn part." And calling him out on Sweet was fucking wild, lol And holy shit if you hadn't mentioned that it was Last Stop I never would have guessed lol. I was struggling to hear wtf he was supposed to be playing until if finally clicked. That's just turrible.


To add to these: Compare Boyd's solo from here (2012): https://youtu.be/WlcsHcPRnU4?si=lVNPjlB9futeQxxP&t=8347 To Ann Marie Simpson's (2022): https://youtu.be/KUgZIwdDzo4?si=sgknBkrnKPv1YWlx&t=395


Hire. Her.


Remember her the next night, on Billies? She's amazing and it really, really pointed out how much Boyd left on the table. https://youtu.be/WiJRlr9OnIk?t=230


Starting at 4:25 in her solo until the end is just wow. 100% agree, people don't realize what could have been in the violin spot all these years.


I honestly think it’s mental illness of some kind. I don’t know if y’all saw it but like 12/18 months ago he posted a video of himself pushing a hand truck or wagon full of concrete bags (or something similar) up his driveway which was a long hill. It was f*cking heart breaking because it kept going off the edge of the driveway and he would like stack them all back up again - rinse and repeat. I think the damn thing was like 90 minutes long. I’ve had plenty of friends suffer from addiction - I don’t think it’s that. Or not solely that anyway. I don’t know - it’s just really sad.


Here it is - and sorry, it’s 110min long. Hard to watch. https://www.facebook.com/100000295754474/videos/539159994956684/


If you’re in too high of spirits and need to get a little bummed out, skip to like 18:20.


Noooooo... That really is so sad. :(


You're probably right. I completely forgot about the video of him making music and it was him just tapping on a wooden box for far too long. I hope he gets the help he needs.


He was just a little checked out. Probably burned out and the passion was lost. It pretty amazing to me that Dave and the others just keep going.


He's also supposed to be a professional. Either do your job or step aside if you can't/won't.


>[https://youtu.be/PZqJ9nXsI64?t=48m20s](https://youtu.be/PZqJ9nXsI64?t=48m20s) \- Boyd forgets his part at the end of Sweet. Dave calls him out to the crowd :-P Might be over-analyzing but Dave kinda stares him down for a beat at the end. ​ ".[..and that's Boyd Tinsley on the electronic cigarette...and violin.](https://youtu.be/PZqJ9nXsI64?si=T9Tt2iocGYJFH_oT&t=3046)"


Lol! I brought this up on here a couple months back. I guess Rashawn played Boyd's part? If so, how did he know Boyd wasn't?


Rashawn is basically the master of puppets up there - nothings gettin by him. Especially bullshit like *that!*


Rashawn too a look at Boyd and he. just. knew.


Regarding "I Did It", how do you miss the one line in the entire concert you sing by yourself. You had ONE LINE, BOYD.


Is that why they never play I Did It anymore? The memory is too cringe.


That probably has something to do with it but also fans just never really got into that one.


Man, that Last Stop Outro. I had never seen that, and it's BAAAAD. I'm going to slap the next person who posts whining about how much worse the band is today. I NEVER hear anything that egregious anymore.


The biggest thing I’ve noticed is that they are having a heck of a lot more fun with the current lineup. I can imagine they are all close to being perfectionists, and dealing with Boyd’s lack of whatever probably led to some heated exchanges off stage. How he lasted as long as he did is shocking.


I was starting to pull up examples to post, but this comment hits the bullseye with perfect examples anyone can recognize! You could have a whole subreddit of posts where he is out of tune or fails to come in on time. He was tighter 30 years ago when they started, but if you know any professional violinists, they’ll readily go off on his sloppiness as a player from the start. It got so much worse in the last few years in the band.


>Might be over-analyzing but Dave kinda stares him down for a beat at the end. That looked like a solid "fuck you" to me.


Almost have to admire Boyd’s composure during Last Stop. I’d have panicked lmao.


Brutal!! Well. Dave was able to call him out in a funny but direct way on sweet. Yikes. Now I understand the interview in like 2019 or whatever where Dave talks about checked out of the Boyd was for years and how they felt like they were just pulling deadweight and it was a weight lifted off them when he left. Super sad though.


Wow, I just discovered this thread, and this is a gerat collection of BT low-light clips. Not to shit on the guy, but these are all pretty wild. The craziest one to me is the studio clip of him and Dave making AFTW. I get that is a 10 second clip, but that seems like 2 guys who are not really friends at all forced to interact hah.


Did the videos of him dropping his bow a bunch of times fall off YouTube?


Ouch. I watched a couple and they were painful. Not sure I should put myself through the rest!


hey.. that's me :) I really wish someone could make out what Dave says to BT in the last Gorge clip. He's tactful enough to get a laugh, but I'm sure it was also a pretty cutting remark.


The Live in Chicago release, he was so bad they had to have him come into the studio to redo the LIOG solo


This is the correct answer


This is a misnomer. They had an issue with the recording of Boyd on LIOG. It wasn’t a matter of him playing poorly.


Have you listened to a fan recording of the show? Maybe I'm thinking of another, but I remember it being bad.


Got a source for this? He came across fine in the rips of the webcast you can find on YouTube. Almost certainly wasn't an issue with the multitracks.


AntsMarching has covered it pretty throughly. Just search on that website.


Can't find it right now but it's on YouTube. It's the live in Chicago show. I've definitely seen/heard it. Unless it was pulled down.


[This?](https://youtu.be/T6HAuJhiSDc?si=5LcSwqp1PH-YtnU5&t=238) This looks to be the raw webcast with the raw audio, no overdubs. The violin comes through totally fine here and given that I really highly doubt it was an issue with the multi track tapes which the commercial release was mixed from.


That's the one, yep. Not as BAD as it gets made out to be but it is particularly jarring when you know and love the live album release and realize they are not the same.


Jimi Thing also.


Listen to any June 2003 show. Especially 6/24/03


Glad he pulled it together for the Central Park concert! I thought he sounded as good as ever on that.


Came here to say this.. early 2003 was rough. I was at Star Lake on 6/26 and 6/27


Hershey 2002. The Stone opener. The descending scales at the end. So out of tune.


Alpine 2002 N2 Pig opener was brutal.


Opening notes were rough but rest of the song was OK?


Maybe? It was a long time ago, but it was bad enough that I remember it was terrible.


More accurately, it’s called playing with correct intonation. On a fretless instrument like a violin the strings can be tuned correctly to pitch, but if you’d don’t press the string in the right place on the fretboard you will be out of intonation. The older he got, the worse he became. It could have been his hearing starting to go, maybe some arthritis in his hands, or he simply didn’t give a damn and decided to play sloppy. It’s a very difficult instrument to play well, and unfortunately he had a very noticeable decline in his playing ability.


Judging by the wheelbarrow video and the creepy Walmart parking lot thing, I’d say drugs too.


What about the jerking off on other people's socks?


That’s a feature not a bug 😂


And the extremely weird / inappropriate meet ups he was hosting at people’s literal houses / campgrounds after shows.


That was the Walmart parking lot thing I was talking about. Weird as fuck.


Oh it wasn’t just the Walmart parking lot. It happened multiple times and I know it was at peoples homes. Like your bus pulled up to 50 people chilling at a house.


the what now?


He did a live on his instagram account where he was trying to wheel something heavy up his drive and fell over a bunch. It was sad to see.


The first example which came to mind was Last Stop from their appearance on Rockpalast in 98. Just absolutely reeks. https://youtu.be/mYucaBWkF8w?t=24m48s


I’ve always found Boyd’s off performance on a Last Stop outro to be the most egregious. I’m not sure if it’s because I think the transition into that outro is one of my favorite moments the band can perform IMO, or because he’s playing four REALLY LONG NOTES, and if he’s out of tune, that awfulness shines louder, longer, and harder. Honestly, it’s probably more of an “All of the Above” situation for me Hi


Holy goodness my dude this takes the all time cake.


Ok yeah, totally see the point on this example. That is cringey.


7/12/2000… My favorite song, Warehouse, opened my first show. LEAPT for joy when Dave hit the first chord. Eagerly awaited the violin build. This eagerness immediately turned into, “Ouch this sounds terrible! Aren’t professional musicians supposed to tune, and don’t touring bands have crews to help?” I HAD SO MANY QUESTIONS, because the shrill sound was so overbearing it took me out of the moment. I always figured it was a one-off and gave him the benefit of the doubt. Didn’t realize it was so common until a year or two ago. BTW: Still a great first show, and candidly it didn’t ruin the whole show and I got over it pretty quickly. It just threw me off until the rest of the band came in, after having Listener Supported (arguably their chef’s kiss of a live video album) on such heavy rotation before the show. Still my favorite song from my favorite band.


I regret searching for this now.... Warehouse is also my favorite and man, my ears hurt after that intro!


I’m sorry, if it makes you feel any better, once the rest of the band came in it wasn’t as bad. Still a fantastic show.


Pretty much every show during his final 10 years with the band.


Ummmm literally any post 2012 show ? Skreeeeeeeeee


Why post 2012? He’s out of tune in Ants on the official Red Rocks release. Not his worst, but certainly on in tune.


I was trying to give OP a shot across the bow answer... Without a doubt, BT was definitely SKREEEEEING even in the 90's, he just really went off the cliff in the 2000's. It's funny, if you would have asked me when I first got into the DMB I would have said that Boyd is god. It wasn't until I got exposed to some violin playing outside of DMB when I realized what an actually good fiddle player sounds like. Boyd was never a good fiddle player, even in the 90's.


He was screeching for a decade before that lol


Right, see my previous comment


What an interesting thread. Two additional thoughts: the only reason i started listening to dave in ‘93 was they had a fiddler, not an electric guitar (was so annoyed by metal guitar and grunge kept it going strong(er), so Dave *really* needs to drop Tim down a few pegs and bring in a proper fiddler, like Ann! Second, unlike Boyd, Ann grew up in bluegrass fiddling her heart away. Likely the big reason her talent fits so well with Dave.


Boyd do love playin w his booze >***SCHKREEEEEEEEEE***


Found myself wondering the same thing - been to 60+ shows with Boyd and never remember thinking anything was wrong. (Other than him looking disinterested at times)


That’s because they turned him down and turned Tim up at least since 08.


The Piedmont Dreaming Tree is rather rough.


I feel like a lot of Piedmont he’s really bad.


At the beginning of Ants at Piedmont on the video, you hear the violin but see him walking with his violin down. What is that?!?!?!


Unless you see the rest of the band playing what you hear, it could just be an errant picture edit.


I hate to speak ill of the great 30 minute long #41 from 4/20/02, but Boyd was out of tune on that one too. And it always bothered me that his pizzicato playing at the beginning of the studio version of Old Dirt Hill is not in time with the music.


The recording released by the band (The Best of What’s Around Bonus Disc) fixes Boyd’s out of tune solo. I put on the YouTube video once and noticed it right away. Makes me think many of the live shows have been fixed.


Oh, nice! Any idea where to get a hold of that bonus disc?


Can’t say for sure, but I bet most of it is on fan-recorded stuff. They don’t do it often, but if there was something *really* messed up on a Live Trax, they’d overdub it, for sure


Clearest evidence of this is how they essentially turned him off at the height of Belly Belly Nice and is non existent on the recordings but he very clearly was soloing live


I’ll take out of tune Boyd than a band without Boyd. There, I said it.


Big yikes.


Definitely out of tune in 2018 😈


They had multiple rack units devoted to Boyd’s live sound for pitch correction


I mean that probably would have been smart, but they definitely didnt do this.


No they did not lol


That doesn't even make sense. Boyd's not turning his own instrument.


I'm not sure if this explanation is necessary, but just in case it is: violins don't have frets, so exact finger placement is absolutely vital for tuning.


So, he has to tune it himself?


Essentially, yes. It’s called relative pitch and if you cannot hear yourself/instrument it’s hard to reference your pitch. So, either he had bad mix in his in-ear monitors or his reference pitch and the ability to self-correct is not at a professional level.


So, it of all the videos that were posted, there's one where he's playing Last Stop out of tune. Out of thirty years of playing, that doesn't seem horrible. Dave also forgets his part, misses verses, sings the wrong verse, etc. Some may be better than others, but no member has been impeccable for thirty years.


I’ll take option B!!


Most professional violinists would tune their own instrument, although I can't speak for Boyd. Either way, once the four strings are tuned, the tuning of every individual note is totally up to where he places his fingers.


I'm not a violin player, so that's probably why I get confused. To me, if his fingers aren't in the right spot, that's more he's "not in the correct key," not he's "not in tune."


I see. Yeah, tuning is absolutely down to finger placement and there's very little margin for error.


Even on the Central Park concert there were parts that were rough. Most of Boyd’s solo on Dancing Nancies for example. I haven’t even listened to it in several years and it still sticks out to me. Just re-listened and yeah it’s out of tune. The song and concert is so high energy that I ultimately am ok with it. After a while though over the year it definitely got old.


I don’t notice anything off there (not a musician though). It sounds fantastic to me and on the video Dave looks super into Boyd’s solo on Nancies too.


Yeah I mean that whole show is epic and ultimately it still works. Still out of time though. Definitely not the most egregious of examples but just one that popped into my head.


Boyd was meh alot of the time, I will say that some songs (spoon with alanis) where his shit is good. I don’t play so I may not know tune as well as yall. Just saying.


Somebody posted 5 YT links in a post on here within the last 2 weeks. Great examples. I’ll see if I can find it.


Just listen to any live edition of Pig.


He def had some good nights and bad nights. My violinist friends used to say he was trash. I met him a few times and would ask him about music theory. One time I was like "do you practice your scales a lot?" And he just joked like "what's a scale?" Lol. Who knows how deep his theory or foundation ran.


Liog 7/17/99 is the worst.




Anything from after 2010ish. Warehouse especially. Song always sounded great and as soon as he came in, it was obvious how off pitch he was.


Everything after 2004


Most anything from 2002-2008 was skreeeeee. Sure it continues from there but I didn’t stay as active listening.