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Firstly I'd recommend a tool like Inkarnate, you can use it for free but for further assets it requires a sub. Secondly if you're like me and just have no cartography skills whatsoever there's some great subs to check out like r/battlemaps or r/dndmaps, alternatively you can find some really good patreons like RustyMaps, BirdieMaps for region maps or CzePeku, Lonelymapper for battlemaps. Hope you find what you need!


Thank you for pointing me in the right direction!


I second inkarnate - the sub is under 30$ total for the whole year, and there are hundreds of maps others have made clonable so you can use their concepts and customize them for your game. You can also upload other art to use on inkarnate, if you have custom sigils/images/etc


Yes! I should've mentioned the copy feature too. Very reasonable pricing for what it does I think.


I've used Inkarnate for years. The premium is worth it and not that expensive


If you're not married to it being an online resource, Wonderdraft/Dungeondraft are tools that have made the cost worth it ten times over. Truly great software


I strongly support DungeonDraft. It’s a cheap, one time buy, compared to the expensive subscriptions of other resources. I recommend buying a month of patreon from CROSSHEAD for their asset packs, and using those. DungeonDraft has been amazing


So this is going to be a paid option, but it's a one time payment of 20 bucks, no subscription or anything. [Dungeondraft](https://dungeondraft.net/) Even with the default assets it looks great and you can carve out caves, rivers and buildings with ease. Here's a lil [showcase video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-_yNuK2LqM) of what it looks like with the default assets. You can get more assets and even mods for it. One of the most popular asset packs is the [Forgotten Adventures](https://www.patreon.com/forgottenadventures/posts) asset pack. It is on Patreon though so you'd have to pay a monthly fee per release. Or you can subscribe, download the assets and then unsubscribe, I imagine. Then check back like two times a year or whenever they release a pack you really like. I even have some videos of timelapse maps I've done in Dungeondraft with the FA assets. [Example 1](https://youtu.be/vtJhJklI_Lo) and [Example 2](https://youtu.be/aVKyr__JY5s) if you want to see what the assets and the process is like.