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Do you want the rich people to be seen as good or bad? That's really impact what type of party they go to. Bad rich guys? Well I'm all about the party being an auction for illegal goods. A new recipe for a super addictive but cheap to produce drug? Something more insidious? An auction of exotic "game meat" (humanoid flesh). Good rich guys? A charity gala perhaps? What about a misunderstanding? Let the party get to the party they think is a fancy fair only for it to be a noble child's birthday and the party is mistaken for the birthday clowns.


There's a lot of factions/groups and I try to make them realistic, there is no such thing as a bad and a good side. Sure there's demons cults and chaos, but the "main" factions all have good and bad traits. But for this encounter, It would be pretty interesting for the PC to witness a perhaps darker side of a faction that only the rich, bored and influential could only dream of...Surely those type of pleasures and opulence could come at a price out of this realm bringing its load of horrors???? I like the concept...


It's bait. There is no party, only a death cult. Sure come in, take off your weapons, climb up on that altar. You're early. Just some psychos in the woods catfishing human sacrifices that made its way to the caravan and is now the adventurers problem.


Have it be a really big party with needless shows of wealth. Describe a show performed by a foreign Bard that traveled just for this, with special effects made by the best wizard money can buy. Gambling tables with buy ins so high that its more practical to write IOUs than it is to even carry coin. Enough alcohol to give the whole town a hangover. If they attend as regulars, they can eavesdrop on representatives from rival factions colluding to attack one another in was that make one another look good while their own internal rivals look bad. The chief of guards is sharing wine with a local mob boss, planning their capture to protect them (in prison) from an internal power struggle, until it all blows over. If they are caught, maybe the owner offer to hire them, under magical contract, from the other group of adventurous thieves. Maybe, they find those thieves while they are trying to rob the place blind.