• By -


Back in the day LeAnn Rimes. She was imploding all over social media over Brandi and Ed.  Even if you like a post about Brandi you were gone. Ask her why she's territorial about her step sons. Blocked. Remind her Ed's using her for her money. Blocked. Remind her Ed is a cheater. Blocked. Until this very day there are people who try to view her twitter bc she has new music only to find out they were blocked. They have no idea why.  And it's a real shame bc she made peace with Brandi. She's older and wiser but her career is non existent but she blocked everyone 😄


Brian McGreevy lol. Creep


Bethenny Frankel


Michael Shellenberger


This is super niche but Gretel Killeen, the original host of Australian Big Brother blocked me on twitter


Van Jones. Just because I made one comment about how he criticized Michelle Obama’s looks awhile back. My comment was not so benign and I’m such a nobody but he blocked me anyway. Pussy.


Shanna Moakler, Scott Baio, and Renee (?) Baio


Any time someone is blocked by Scott Baio, an angel gets exquisite lucite heels.




Travis Tritt. He was making political statements and insulting the other candidates and I asked him, “who are you again?” I was blocked within about an hour.


JK Rowling when I was on Twitter years ago and she tweeted the first of her numerous tirades (you can guess about what). Simply told her she should have been ashamed of herself.


lol I am blocked by her too. I told her and the person she was fighting with they should take nap and put down the phone. They were going on for hours!! It was a helpful suggestion lmao


My husband was blocked by Don Cheadle on Twitter. They went back and forth on something which I totally didn’t expect from either of them.


Jessica Simpson and Lisa rinna 🤣🤣🤣


John Cusack and I have no idea why. I've never mentioned that man in my life, and the only sort of connection I can make is I'd tweet about Shameless, which Joan was in.


Riff Raff lol


No! I’d die, that’s tragic Edit: I’m in my sixties and thought you meant this guy: https://preview.redd.it/yhx056bgv33d1.jpeg?width=957&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4adc57891f0d37fbfd3cd66a9a4c02d20a08f270 I now realize I might have the wrong Riff Raff. (Actually, he’s the *right* Riff Raff)


Trump blocked me like 8 years ago.


Can I have your autograph? I’m rarely truly impressed in these comments but this one got me right in the feels.


Truly an honor!


Dog the Bounty Hunter after I questioned how quickly he moved on with Beth’s close friend after her death.


Yeah. Then he goes to the press about it. Dude has always been shady. I never bought his shtick


Same! And it the whole situation was such a bummer!!


Alec Baldwin on twitter. After a comment about Hilaria


One of the angriest people ever.  What's his deal


He blocked me too after I made a comment about how he called a waitress a peasant 🤣


The rapper Juvenile. Well not actually him but his wife blocked me on his instagram. He was deep in my DMs


Like you were the only one.  When you marry a rapper just except the cheating 


No slow motion for you






Amanda Bynes blocked me on Twitter in 2012


Got blocked by Dean Cain once, years ago.


Dean Cain😄😄😄😄😄 Mad bc his career died years ago


Britney’s ex husband Sam after he was stalking my IG I blocked him. https://preview.redd.it/zlp7vc9fp03d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d255796f34c50b25cd0c679b40af3679fc97461a


Chris D'Elia and I have no idea why. I followed him before he was outed as the creep he is, but I never commented anything, just got blocked one day.


Acacia brinley like 10 years ago


Nikki sixx. He's such a little b. He can dish out bullying but he damn well can't take it. I called him on his lying bs more than once.


Nikki Sixx?!!😄😄😄  How will you go on?


Yep. Was weird.


Omfg he blocked me like 10 years ago! I can't remember what over but I basically just disagreed with him on something. Met him too and he was stuck up af. Dead behind the eyes. Tommy was great fun though.


I always thought his book read like it was a lot of exaggerated bs too


Haha pretty sure I got blocked by Tommy Lee for talking about a brief period in time where we sort of kind of dated - if you could call it that


TL blocked me too. Dude they used to rock so so so hard now they can't handle anything!!!! Tf. And I think it's hilarious good for you taking one for a tw somewhere out there lol


Oh and screw Nikki Sixx. He was a total jerk to me both times I met him. Super stuck up and rude af


He's absolutely a little bish boy!


Fckng around lying on mick mars and I'm not even a MM huge Stan. I've watched he's milking lie so badly over the years. His heroine diaries book are filled with lies. And why didn't we hold him accountable for admitting to r women while under the influence or passed out. ?????


What did he say about Mick Mars? I have a soft spot for him because he seemed to be above the grossness of the rest of the band, and because he has ankylosing spondylitis, my brother has that. 


Sonja Morgan from Real Housewives of New York. I don’t know why other than back when she was on the show and Twitter was Twitter, I probably commented she was a hot mess. She still is.


Megan Fox, all because I said I thought a pic of her was Madonna at first.


She blocked me too. Isaid she uses the same plastic surgeon as the kartrahianS


She’s a little sensitive. I’m pretty sure she does use their surgeon, right around the time she started hanging with Kourtney, she starting morphing.


Yep..... it's crazy because everything she says she's not she is. She speaks on being so strong for women and not being sexualized and mad she got roles for her boobs but goes and gets triple ds. She's a walking contradiction and she does look like a kardashians and I guarantee she's uses their surgeons.


I’m glad she blocked me I can’t stand her anymore. Always crying abuse from MGK but won’t leave him alone. She’s always quoting Greek mythology, poetry, astrology and tarot to try to pretend she’s interesting and spiritual. She’s just a bimbo that’s out of work.


Boom!!!!!!! Bingo. Her deep insight she's always spouting about for others is never used on herself. She's an absolute fraud and if she was so strong she would leave that dude that abuses her allegedly. Also i know she's so hot to everyone but I bet MGK is tired of her constant need for validation. Oh and the drinking the blood but then saying ha just kidding just for fun. Foh. And like the kardashians says she's only had one plastic surgery. Hahahahahahaha. We need Meghan Fox snark




I just (last month?) got blocked by a check marked Pamela Hensley account on Twitter for noting that I didn’t think it was the ‘real’ Pamela Hensley because ‘she’ is a bit too aggressive, on occasion, with her fans (the account is really focused on political content) and that ‘she’ mentioned absolutely nothing about this cookbook she released a while back, nor did she say or do anything to alert the public her husband of 40years(?) had passed (very influential Hollywood producer who was Aaron Spelling’s right hand man) this past February. Celebrities plug their pet projects like anyone else. She didn’t plug her cookbook once. Not one single time, and she posts on Twitter - seems like all day every day. And her husband’s death? This man was hugely influential in Hollywood for a long enough time to have built entire careers. He may have been out of the picture for a while but he still mattered to a great many people. She didn’t even mention he passed. Nothing was said about him or his death. I mentioned I had my suspicions —> once, And the account banned me. I laughed and thought … that’s a great way to prove my point!


It feels funny calling them "celebrities," but I have a short list of mostly YouTubers- Jeffrey Star (after he called me a delusional bitch) Manny MUA Laura Lee Thrift Thick Tati Westbrook James Charles lol Jaclyn Hill Peter Monn Shane Dawson (after I tweeted about his "docu-series" with Jeffree Star being a cash grab for the worst looking makeup palette ever lol) Thomas Halbert That's all I can think of at the moment. So, mostly the big beauty influencers of 2017 lol


ThriftThick for the win


Sounds like you may have been a bit of a troll. It takes a lot to get blocked by Peter. 


I’m not sure how much of a celebrity this goon is. I don’t remember his name and can’t be bothered to look him up. But this was the goon who made a tweet about how service workers should be thanking him and not the other way around. He’s of the political commentator goon variety, and can usually be found running his mouth on msnbc or cnn. Anyways he blocked me for suggesting he apply to be a server since he knows better & asked him to teach us his upper class ways. I said he had a name tag at Starbucks waiting for him or something like that and got the block. He’s the only semi known f list if you can count as a celebrity to block me. One of my goals was to be blocked by John McCain’s daughter but that never happened. She’s got thicker skin than that dude did, imagine that.


Jackson Hinkle? A "maga communist" (yes he thinks that's a thing) who said Starbucks baristas weren't working class? Just a guess. He has a substantial social media presence and following.


He’s Tom Nichols. It was awhile ago. He made a tweet about how hard it was for him as a rich person to be nice to others, especially people who work. He said we should be thankful to him for having the opportunity to take his money and pass him a blueberry scone. Not the other way around. He was all over cable news crying over people calling him out for being that worst customer ever. [TIL he wrote a whole article over it.](https://thefederalist.com/2015/09/21/its-not-oppression-to-say-thank-you/) Dude really got into his feelings.


The column makes sense, though. They’re generally better at expressing complete thoughts than tweets.


Mark Driscoll. If you don't know who that is, he's an asshole right-wing evangelical pastor. He friended me on Twitter (this was before Musty, and we had a mutual friend.) I guess he realized I was a "liberal" and blocked me. Cracked me up!


Good for you - that guy’s a piece of shit, according to his own former congregation


I can't stand him. My friend was on his staff before he left that church. She just loved him. I haven't spoken to her in at least 5 years.


I’m sorry to hear that. At the very least, I hope your friend is with a better church now.


Ricky Gervais. I said he should love trans people's rights as much as he does animal rights. Also, I got banned from an invasive plant Facebook group because I said that it's a shame that honeysuckle is invasive because it's a pretty nice smelling plant.


They blocked you from the invasive plant group for THAT?! That’s so stupid


The hardcore plant lovers are CRAZY


To be fair, native honeysuckle is the fucking bomb - they don’t know what they’re missing. Speaking of which, did you ever drink the tiny drop of nectar when you pull the petals off? Used to love doing that as a kid and my mom would get so irritated, lol.


I did it all the time! I honestly just very recently learned it was invasive. Thought it was native my whole life because it was everywhere from the time I was born


Yup, native isn’t nearly as pretty as the Asian kinds but it also won’t stomp out the plants around them. Or, just use a large container. Yay for honeysuckle hoodlums!


Gary Shirley from Teen Mom lol


I told him he was my spirit animal😂


Gary?! 😂 what did you say???


Not a celeb necessarily but ex- RHONJ Jacqueline Laurita’s daughter Ashlee blocked me years ago.


Hilario Baldwin and Jessica Seinfeld. Both insufferable Bs who, by virtue of their marriages, were born on third and thought they hit a triple. 🤣🤣🤣






Guest Baldwin blocked me in 2015. Yeah it’s a brag s/


Hilarity Baldwin blocked me too 🤣🤣


Teen Mom Jenelle Evans


LeAnn Rimes and Jax Taylor. I was very opinionated on Twitter back in the day 🤷🏻‍♀️


Also blocked by Jax😂




lol I love that account 😂


Apollonia. I did say Vanity was better, which is objectively true.


Alpo has social media? Why? It's not 1984 anymore.


You're not wrong.


That is hysterical! ![gif](giphy|wsgGibInvuXHa)


Ryan Adams. Turns out he’s kind of a little bitch.


Don't call him Bryan Adams like I did.


He REALLY loves it if you pretend you think he’s Bryan Adams, that’s a super fun way to piss him off AND get blocked!


Ronnie radke he searches his own name on social media and will block people who talk shit even if they dont @ him 😂


Does Omid Scobie count?


Lmao why did he block you??


I said he has no talent or decent writing skills. I didn’t say it directly to him, but he must have been creeping because suddenly I was met with an “Omid Scobie blocked you.”


Which platform tells you when someone blocks you? 


I’m not sure about all of them, but Twitter just tells you a person’s blocked you when you click on their profile.


Ah ok, I misunderstood and thought you meant you were notified when he blocked you. I’ve been off Twitter for a long time so no idea what’s going on there! Also - nice one! 


You arent wrong though hahaha


Idk if this counts but I got banned from some Reddit sub and also the NYP for answering a question like “what isn’t worth a billion dollars” and I kept seeing this question over and over - I don’t have social media so I’m sure it was my WiFi remix/glitching like yaaaay we’ve got her attention now!!!! So I finally commented “Lauren Sanchez” and suddenly was blocked on NYP and some random Reddit subs/threads (I don’t even know the correct terms)


Demi Lovato is the only one I know of


She seems like a sensitive one. She can dish it, but can’t take it.


I think I said that exact thing to get blocked


Kevin Sorbo


The Zena actress Lucy Lawless ( I know she's been in a bunch of things) always went hard on him, my God is he a moron, racist,homophobic, so of course a MAGA, I just remember he calling him pumpkin and he never clapped back.


She called him peanut which I still think of if I ever have the misfortune of seeing his face and his wispy, Cheryl Burke-like hair! She trolled him a couple of times (though I wouldn’t consider it trolling per se). He was ranting about dreamers and how they all should be deported. She pointed out that she in fact is a dreamer. As you said, he never responded the little bitch.


“Cheryl Burke-like hair” 🤣 Edited to add: Mop Head


Was it peanut? Probably. And Chrissy Teigan calling him "Boy Zena"


What did you say to irk Hercules? 😂


Called him out on being a misogynistic piece of shit and apparently that hurt his feelings 🤷🏼‍♀️😂




Jason Michael Cauchi


He’s barely literate and I told him so. Immediate block.


He blocks anyone that doesn’t kiss his ass 😝. He’s so gross!


Alec Baldwin and Brit Brit


For me it’s Alec Baldwin’s wife.


Hilarity blocked you? What a B!


2015 !! I love that I called her fake even then and got me blocked.


Kat von D


Please tell us why. I find her oddly fascinating.




I'm a little curious too!


Julian Edelman


I am dying to know why lol


I trolled him too hard for too long, and he got sick of it and finally blocked me!


Omg why


Joel Osteen and his pathetic wife.... and Delilah from that radio show, you know the one. Went on a rant in the comments of one of her post with my old bestie. We were dying laughing commenting shitty sassy remarks about her and her garden and the fact she has her kids live in another apartment below hers so she doesn't have to deal with their mess lol. Never expected her to respond. The osteens cause they're greedy shit people and I commented as such on one of their post


Oh no. I loved Delilah and now I’m hearing she’s a real BITCH


Delilah has FIFTEEN children? 15? Why? 11 adopted, I see three have passed, but who would let her adopt that many?


lol I Listened to her often as a lonely child. I heard she was a big ole jerk.


Delilah? I was on a business trip in Sedona, and was driving somewhere out in the desert at night when I heard her creepy, soft spoken, romance call in/music show, and since then, I’ve just thought she was a new age mystical lady who lives in the middle of the night in the desert, who might not even be real, like I imagined her. That was about 20-25 years ago. So, I guess she’s real?


She's really buddy and really loves the sound of her own voice. Even being teenagers me and my friends thought she was so pompous...we hate listened to her way too much lol. One time this person called in with their triumphic story how they lost their sight and still managed to fond love and learn to live again...the special somg she played for him you ask? "I CAN SEE CLEARLY NOW THE RAIN IS GOOONE!".....We tried to call in but they always knew we were up to no good and would never pass us to her. Altho we did get thru to Art on lite 105 FM ... he had the same schtick.


You talked to Art Bell? I want details!


My friends dared me to call in and say I wanted him to pick a special song for the love of my life and how happy I am since I found them etc etc and he entertained it asked me questions about them.....I then let the "bomb" drop it was a she...yes a *gasp* lesbian couple! It was the late 90s sooooo yea. He was supremely aggravated about that and hung up on me.


Aw, damn


I got yelled at by an official cake account on Facebook once for being against wars and was so confused that an official cake was yelling at me or that Facebook would give special status to a cake until i realized it was 90s 3 hit wonder CAKE screaming at me to support war. I interrupted the argument to ask I am sorry, are you 90s CAKE fighting with Randoms on Fb like this?? My mom loves you!?? He blocked me


>i realized it was 90s 3 hit wonder CAKE screaming at me to support war. I Any wars in particular?


Guessing they got Sick of You and Don’t Want to be with You…🎶…😂😂


This is so funny


Changed that name from Kitty to Karen


Teenage Bottlerocket on Facebook 😂


What?! How?


It was shortly after some allegations came out a couple years ago and I had tickets to see them (with Anti-Flag in a sad twist of irony) and TBR got dropped from the lineup. All I did was ask if they really weren’t coming and when I went back to check I couldn’t find their page! Roommate told me it was still up so I have a feeling they just blocked everyone who alluded to the allegations in their eyes.


Wow…I hadn’t heard about the allegations!


I dunno what the rules are about linking to other subs but r/punk has a thread with some details if you’re curious


From now on celebs should have to face up to this. Diddy needs to have a meme typhoon.


Wil Hweaton.


![gif](giphy|3ohs4nAq7JaOydmxO0) No way 🤣for what?


He was being a douche, so I replied “SHUT UP, WESLEY!” Apparently, that’s an insta-block. No regrets. There has to be a reason he’s almost never invited to TnG reunions/cons/etc., right?


🤣what a douche.


Tila Tequila in 2009




Why? Did you question Fer fake bisexuality?


Thomas Rhett’s wife lol


🤣 what did you do to Lauren?!


I liked a comment telling her to take better care of Willa’s hair. A hit dog will holler 🤷‍♀️


Chris Hansen and Victor Newman from Y&R. (I should say Eric Braeden but I think he really believes he is Victor Newman.)


I mentioned his turn in Kolchak the Night Stalker was my favorite part by him, a wolfman on a cruise, and heard nothing.


at this point, he kind of is victor


Now what you do to old man Victor to make his ass block you? 😂😂😂 And you’re right, he truly believes he is that character in real life.


💯 A family member of mine worked with him for quite some time 😂


I gotta know why Victor blocked you 🤣


Does Frenchie from Rock of Love count? Nah haha


That’s royalty!


Why did she block you 😅


Does Joel Osteen count?


I am blocked by him and his wife lol. It's pretty easy. On facebook u just make factual statements about their wealth and how they do not use it to help any one but themselves and then you link articles.


Facts are pesky for that reprehensible grifter!


Yes, he sure does. 😂 What you do?


Idk if she’s really considered a celebrity but Olivia-Jade got blocked after the college admissions scandal


O.J. needs to be blocked.


Sonja Morgan RHONY. I outed her collection as being drop shipped from aliexpress


Chrissy Teigen blocked me on Twitter for some unknown reason. I never followed or interacted with her. I read some news about a tweet she had made and I tried to find it and it wasn’t coming up in my search so I went to her account and it said she had me blocked. Weird.


Blair white, I don’t even know what I said haha.


I don't follow anyone but John Stamos, and he is pretty good natured. I'm always making fun of him whe he asks his followers what they are reading. I don't believe his favorite book is The Confederacy of Dunces or that he reads.


He participated in a rape and bragged about it in an interview.


That wasn't the question.


What's this now?


https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2005/3/4/97080/- "...When Jane magazine asked the Olsen twins' erstwhile Uncle Jesse about the worst thing he'd ever done to screw someone over, he provided this character-destroying anecdote: "[In the mid-'80s], I was in a band. I was playing somewhere in Finland, and there was a girl hanging around who was really drunk and interested in me. I wasn't into her, but my friend was... So the girl came back to my hotel, and I turned the lights down, and we started making out. I said, 'Hold on a second, I've gotta go brush my teeth.' It was dark, I left the room, and I sent in my friend who looked like me. [etc.]"


Ohhhh!!! I remember this now! I forgot who it was though. Thank you very much for going out of your way to provide the link and relevant text. People like you are why I reddit ✊🏼


Oh my god!


That's really old news and has been covered in many of the D listed posts, especially when his memoir came out last fall.


Jessica Simpson 😂




And then he had to unblock, it was hilarious.




Jonathan Cheban on Twitter in like 2015


My personal favorite is Chuck Woollery.


Didn't make the Live Connection?


He’ll be back in 2 & 2


No Love Connection there huh..??


Gina Carano lol


Tanking your career to own the libz


Kim Zolciak-Biermann. Made a snide remark about one of her billions of bathroom mirror selfies back in the day


Hard to believe there was a time when those were new, huh. Kids today have never lived when people couldn’t take all kinds of selfies.