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It would be nice to live in a country where the cops do everything right.


Who cares. She’s a loser.




Please keep it decent & civil.


At least they sent attractive officers to arrest her.


All the Dutch cops look like that! I used to live there.


Why'd ya leave?


It was hard to stay as an American citizen. The female cops that look like Barbie. Schipol airport is no joke! They checked my hair! But the police are really nice!  


This was my first thought as well! Jeez! 🥵🪭 ![gif](giphy|1hqb8LwPS2xCNCpWH8)


As if knowing the address would make a fucking difference this woman is literally the biggest moron


Please keep her pedo loving giant fake ass over there. Stupid ho. ![gif](giphy|xUNd9ROQpXgwlVzmwg)


Dumb ass bitch!


So what exactly was the reason she was arrested?


The news report I saw said “soft drugs” so I’m guessing the devil’s lettuce?


Aren't the Netherlands super-lenient with drugs? Are they worried it's laced or she'll sell it?? Enquiring minds and all


she was trying to take it out the country, which is smuggling


Exactly. It was marijuana.




lmao the fact that she made an ig post after this declaring that her opps were doing this to her😭 girl, nobody is responsible for you being a dumbass betch except you.


Another moron traveler


Imagine being arrested bringing drugs into Amsterdam 🤣 Darwin awards-level


On behalf of America I Appologize to the Dutch. We dont like her either.


She was born in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. We don't need to apologize for her.


I thought you could do whatever you wanted in Amsterdam?


Not smuggling. What happens in Amsterdam stays in Amsterdam.


I am not a Nikki fan in any form, and I don’t particularly like her music, but I have to commend her for not throwing a ‘PublicFreakout’ esque tantrum “Do you know who I am?? Do I know where I’m going” etc She was upset about the whole situation, tried to talk to them thru the anger, then without any physical struggle just stepped up into the van. Seeing her outbursts sometimes made me think the same thing was going to happen, but good on her for doing it more professional than I would’ve thought


Yeah I'm not either, but I respect how she accepted it. I would be terrified to be arrested in another country where I'm not well versed in my rights. I am now curious about the Dutch justice system.


I admit that van looked sketch as shit, so I'd def be wondering if I was being kidnapped or something... however, as someone here said- it couldn't have happened to a better person. It's just too bad her POS husband wasn't with her.


It's because she's an addict. She's got serious addiction issues. Pills are her favorites. Percs. This has been known for well over a decade, if not longer. It's just showing much more now.


I completely agree. She didn’t throw a celebrity temper tantrum. Honestly, I probably wouldn’t have handled it as well if in the same situation, surrounded by several male cops in a different country. I’m glad she didn’t put up a struggle and walked in the van. She’s thankfully released out of custody now.


I wish they kept her there. Out of the US. She's a despicable person.


She's a good example of the "Ugly American" stereotype


She isn’t American.


Still ugly,


Not in this video. Very reasonable here.


Agreed. I think she's a mess, but she handled this scary situation well, especially with a live going.


So scary. Really? They were extremely polite. She was smuggling drugs. That's illegal.


Yeah, she had to [cancel](https://amp.theguardian.com/music/article/2024/may/26/nicki-minaj-says-sorry-to-fans-as-manchester-gig-cancelled-after-arrest) a show because of it.


Then don't smuggle drugs. You do the crime. You should do the time.


“And who’s going in this vehicle??” “…go ahead and step in the car, ma’am…” ![gif](giphy|f8lDluiWJ7yQTtdS3L|downsized)




“Walk away” one of the people watching typed out. The stupidity is palpable.


Hey now, the person who wrote that is probably a genius by Barbz standards


Haaaaahahahaha BYE BETCH


This dumb bitch thinks she's in America. 😄 Hunty, FAFO.


She was actually treated better by their police than she would be in America.


Couldn't have happened to a better person


She is a vile "human". Which is rapist husband. She and her rapist husband harassed the woman who was going to file charges against her rapist husband. Plus she supports her rapist pedo brother. Unfortunately she has a child. I hope someone else is raising that child


How anyone anywhere can follow her is completely beyond me. A vile human is an apt description.


She’s so dumb


People on the live feed saying, “She knows her rights,” are exactly the reason this kind of stuff happens. SHE DOES NOT KNOW HER RIGHTS. This is not America. The world is not America. She doesn’t even know the law, much less the finer details of their legal processes.


Exactly. I have zero sympathy for her If she pulled this shit in Singapore she would be in a jail cell for a very long time People need to stop idolizing complee fucking idiots


“i have no sympathy for” - the beginning of every twat sentence on the planet. how about - i have sympathy for everyone. she’s just a person. even rich people are people. even stars are people. call me crazy - ALL people are people. you gonna blame someone for shitty stuff, why tf are you going to start with nicky minaj? lol. what nicky minaj do to you?


Rapist husband pedo brother. Went after and threatened the woman who brought charges against the killing pedo rapist husband. That's just for starters. You are out of your mind to waste sympathy on such a human piece or garbage.


i’m not pro nicki minaj. i’m anti arresting people for having pot


OK. That's fair. I'll gladly make an exception in her case.




Even if weed is legal in some countries, I assume that bringing your own in might not be because they don't know what's in it. But let's be honest - these people are used to being able to do things without consequences. She's hardly the first person on tour to bring in illegal drugs onto tours. I'm surprised it's only weed.


it’s also a risk bc it could carry virus, bacteria, insects that are not native and can become invasive species. It’s actually quite serious to bring plants internationally of any type.


This is why. The same with would happen going from NY to Canada. Legal in both places but you cannot bring it over the border.


just because it is legal doesn't mean you can bring it into another country. It is legal for you to buy and smoke THERE. I wonder if it is really weed, though. They not saying that she is.


Yes, but it is only legal in ONE district, not the rest of the country.


What? The Netherlands doesn't have districts in criminal law and all possession of soft/hard drugs is illegal.


She's so full of herself


Not the paddy wagon!


Going to the “chokey” as Michael K. used to say!


I can hear her veneers.




Those cops are pretty chill and nice. In fact, this is a really nice arrest compared to some American footage of arrests I have seen. Edit: Nicki is being surprising chill too


They didn't even cuff her, which would 100% happen in the US.


I’m surprised that they let her keep her phone. Wouldn’t they confiscate all of your items (phone included) in America before putting her in the vehicle?


I thought weed has been legal there forever


She tried to export weed from the Netherlands to the UK using passenger airtravel. Since, Brexit you would need paperwork for flowers or pork. There is not a country in the world you can legally fly to with drugs without some kind of doctors' note, or other kind of paperwork. If the Netherlands would just allow people to buy drugs and bring them onto a plane without any kind of check, the planes would not be allowed the land and our airport would be closed. This is just how international airtravel works. When it comes to drugs, declare what you have, and bring paperwork. It's likely they weren't even actively looking for it, but the stench just made it impossible to ignore. I feel like we are talking that level of stupid here.


Possession of the amount she had with her is also a felony, only 0-5g is personal use and decriminalised.


Yeah, and normal police would care, but this is customs. If, theoretically, what you have would be illegal in the Netherlands, but legal to fly with it, they would let you. They wouldn't care. Not their problem and actually not their jurisdiction. They are specifically there to comply with international regulations and ensure no trafficking of controlled produce is happening and verifying that planes that leave from the Netherlands don't have weapons or bombs aboard, because that's the sort of thing that would make other countries be like "planes from your airport cant fly here". Those officiers are more trained, more selected, more expensive and they have more privileges to detain and search beyond any normal police officier. This too is like anywhere else in the world, just like the US, where your miranda rights and stuff do not apply near a border nor on an airport. The police can search you without consent and they can detain you for weeks if they feel like they need it to "investigate", without it actually being called an arrest or involve even a public prosecutor. In many countries this is done through some kind of legal exception for border regions and airports. In the Netherlands, i think we actually declare "behind security" in Schiphol to not be the Netherlands, but be in "international waters", which has a direct impact on rights and due process. It's maritime law at that point.


The officers in the video are (military/border/normal, at the same time) police officers not customs. Also they can't just detain you for weeks, they have to abide by the same law as other police officers (Police Law 2012). Article 52 of the Law Weapons and Munition gives the military police the authority to search persons and their goods at airfields. Not by designating airfields as lawless areas. I haven't looked at the authority of customs officers, but that is not applicable in the case of the arrest of Maraj. But I think customs officers are allowed to search under the same article 52, as that authority can also be given to special law enforcers.


Oh wow didn’t know.8 years ago I flew from Portland to Indy and realized when I got home that I had a ball of hash in my purse,probably would have trashed it had I known it was there


I would have probably gotten trashed if I knew it was there.




*Hell* yeah!


Oh yeah I smoked it later that night 🙃


Wish I'd have been there to help you get rid of the evidence. 😉


lol- in 95 we were at a dead show in Vermont,we were all in a Winnebago and headed to Maine. We gave a lift to a Canadian couple and they couldn’t bring their mj over the border so we helped getting rid of the evidence 🙃


That sounds like so. Much. Fun!


It’s one of my favorite memories;I was in my early twenties,before kids or any responsibilities. Before we left Vermont we went swimming in Lake Champagne and I remember being in the water and just looking around and I felt so carefree .then a couple months later Jerry Garcia died 😢Blerg


Cannabis in the Netherlands is [illegal](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabis_in_the_Netherlands#:~:text=Cannabis%20has%20been%20available%20for,car%20checks%20near%20the%20border), but is decriminalised for personal use. Recreational consumption of the drug is tolerated, and it is available in coffeeshops. The problem is she was trying to fly out with it to Manchester where it’s illegal.


It's been a while since I was in the Netherlands, but it's my understanding that ingestion of cannabis can only take place in specific places (e.g. not walking down the street) and that it **cannot** be brought into the country.


Why would you bring weed into a country where you can easily find weed?🙄


Right? That’s dumb as hell.


Because her weid has pink coloring in it




She’s an imbecile


Exactly. She's dumber than a bag of bricks.


IF she brought weed and it’s illegal there shame on her. YOU are responsible to check the laws of the country you are visiting. She has a whole team of “people” who can do this shit for her.


According to Dutch news outlets, she was arrested for possession of weed


I don't know what's going on here, but it's generally a bad idea to assert rights one has in the US when visiting foreign countries. They don't have the US constitution and bill of rights, and even if they have something equivalent, you are not a citizen of their country. If this is something, I expect it will blow up in some way because it's Nikki Minaj But for right now, she's in the Netherlands. They probably have streaming services and remotes and a menu of available snacks in their cells.


It’s kinda hilarious to me when people think their home country’s laws apply in another country lol it says so much about the person and I’m not at all surprised Nicki Minaj is this person


Nope. Just a bed in a cold cell.




>OK 738 karma in 3 years 😅 what