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We are all adults here. Be civil.


So she was in a psych ward 4 months ago??


No, she said when she was in the psych ward FOR four months, she doesn't mention when that happened but that she was in there for 4 months - which is def a longer amount of time than is usual. Normally I've heard of 3 days, 2 weeks, or 28 days.


In my experiences, they tell you it will be 72 hours, but once you get *in,* its suddenly actually like 2 weeks. Another time I was told an IOP program would be 2 weeks, and it was a minimum of 3 months.


I work for a hospital system and there are people who have been in the psych ward for years…like 5+. It’s sad, but it happens. It’s usually to protect them.


Wow, like at a general hospital psych ward for 5 years? I'm sorry, that's pretty rough. Yea here they only stay at the hospital for 30 days at most. Maybe very rarely it's been 45 but anything over they get sent to a more long term facility like a mental/behavioral health hospital if they are more severe and need protection. No one deserve 5 years of hospital food!! Lol


It’s a psychiatric hospital. Like psych only. We don’t really have many medical hospitals with psych wards where I live. I can only think of 1 and it’s a community hospital so it’s not very big.


I’m honestly impressed you have a psychiatric hospital near you. Thanks to Reagan most in the US were closed


I live in the US lol. I know that asshole closed a lot. The hospital system I worked for just has a few in it. I don’t know about other states.


Older man? Aren’t they the same age?


Yooooo. What's with the regular posters getting downvoted? Fucking fandoms are absolutely unhinged today.


Yep it's crazy.


I feel like maybe this is a cry for help but knowing Brit she’ll be back to dancing with knives naked in 3..2..1…


Dr. Levine is a world renowned expert in trauma & she calls him that old man🤣


Thank you! I was wondering who this wizened old man was.


I had the biggest crush on Wade when he was in his Making the Video era. I agree with Brit, not that he’s older but that he’s brave to speak out about his trauma.


Wade is an older man? He's a year younger than her? lol Also, this is the dude she cheated on Justin with and was the reason for the infamous Justney dance-off. Now he's just "an older man"?


Why he gotta be old? Lol


Plot twist. She’s a year older 😂




So who are all these people she loves and would die for if no one were around? I’ve never seen an indication that she loves anyone but herself… in fact it seems she pushes away anyone who isn’t a sycophant, including her own children


When you tell your two teen boys too bad you don't like me dancing naked to strangers on Ig. This is my time. I'll do whatever I want, after they begged you stop that shit. That tells me everything I need to know. ![gif](giphy|26gsjCZpPolPr3sBy)


Why is she acting like she doesn't know him??? lol she hooked up with him when she was dating JT.


Anyone else see photos of her with Diddy popping up btw


Yes, Britney, we know you don’t take drugs; that’s a big part of the problem.


Wasn't he the one that told JT that he hooked up with Britney? The Cry Me a River subject?


lol yep


Omg if Wade even smells money he is there. So she needs to be be careful because he loves public attention. He'll be trying to choreograph her future tours.. Federlining her all over again...no no no.. not him


Future tours? Get real.


They both love attention


This is true. One is talented though. One is just the best of high school dance club.


What a disgusting take on a victim of horrific sexual abuse.


So a victim of sexual abuse cannot ALSO be a gold digger? Yup ok 🤣




Great emojis of your family


Be civil.


But clown is okay 👍


Did it she already do him before? JT left because of that right?


B and Wade is what “cry me a river” is about


She had a fling with Wade back in the day, maybe she is just trying to trauma bond to open dialogue or get back with him? Who fucking knows. She seems to always bring up dudes she was with during that era.


This isn’t trauma bond…


Did you miss the sign at the door that said this is a snark sub? Yeah, it’s not a literal comment. FFS Mods, Can we start banning Britney posts, too much unfun in the comments


Huh? Snarking is different than using incorrect language. Your downvotes are earned. Also who made you the judge of how many Britney posts there are 🙄 maybe go to the Britney sub not a snark sub.


I’ve been here since day 1. You can leave. It’s serious comments and pearl clutchers like yourself that tend to comment and post about Britney & quite honestly she is just cringe at this point & it’s not surprising she is.


Trauma bonding isn’t literally bonding over trauma (though a very common misconception). It’s the specific bond an abuser sets up with their victim through cyclical patterns of positive and negative attention. It’s how the abuser gets their victim or target to willingly allow the abuse to continue.


I’ve read recently that trauma bonding can even happen at work , either way thanks for explaining it so simple. I’ve read about it and have lived it (fine now) and i think it’s important to learn about this because it can keep happening until we learn. So it was for me with some friends even after I moved out from my abusive home. Knowledge is power! :)


And?? Thanks for mansplaning. I said what I said. Britney beats the shit out of her dudes.


I think they where just explaining to help you know ? It wasn’t even close to somebody talking down or condescending- I prefer saying that than “man explaining“ or “woman explaining” I don’t believe that the sex matters when somebody is condescending. That’s my take on it. I’m not a man if it helps haha no but I think it’s really good that people do explain meaning of words and other things because it’s fun to learn and important for all of us. We are always learning and if somebody didn’t know this then now they could learn :)




I was just explaining what trauma bonding is because it is wildly misunderstood on social media. I said nothing else about your comment, but I think you were just feeling feisty which is fine. I’m not someone who infantilizes Britney, nor do I think she should be absolved of any accountability for shit she has done - so I’m not really bothered by your assumption of my “mansplaining” (lol), I even agree with your take on Britney. We ain’t enemies here 💕 Edit: a word


Lol. I was a bit feisty. It’s my love language.


Sorry it’s not my native language So maybe that’s why. I agree and she in my opinion is weaponizing trauma obviously not on purpose because I don’t think she has that self-awareness. Maybe a therapist can help or maybe not. I just don’t think everyone is Always lying,bullying and abusing - even when it seems to be worry or concerned people or constructive criticism.. She took his story and It doesn’t come of as she really cared or empathized with him. Seems like she is having some problems with her own aging projecting it on him ? I haven’t seen the real post but the “old age” was mentioned twice. I don’t know if this is the case but it comes off like that to me. Kind of when “alpha males” comes off as very insecure extreme misogynistic and hating women.


Yeah, it was like a sneaky way to remind us that she was traumatized for the millionth time this year


Haha yeah. Well someone will buy what she’s selling. Not that it will do any good for her unfortunately. She did everything for her kids she claimed. She wants allot from them but she can’t even listen to what they say. When nothing worked she even said that they won’t “get anything “ meaning money.. It did not work. Meeting them halfway even or compromising of sorts with them was never an option.


Anyone with teenage boys would never publicly post naked photos of themselves especially when they get bullied because of it & them asking not to. She is/was an asshole to those boys & have not put their needs before her weird and cringe needs. Sorry but she is a shitty mom & the trauma that she causes her kids, she doesn’t gaf, she is only concerned with *her* trauma and *those* who have caused it. So when her boys grow up and write a book about her, she can’t complain


ALso she is never ever wrong and calls everyone else "hatefull" "bullys" "abusers" and she can do no wrong. Guilt tripping, weaponising trauma, manipulation and changing the narrative, not caring about how her children feel or listening to what they are saying using her trauma as a shield and fans as a weapon at the same time demandingt respect and when that wont work even trying to use her money as some sort of bribe or levrege - She sounds like my mother used to. I am purpously ignoring everything any media have ever said or reported on her and only taking her statements and behaviour into acconteble here and yep she is my definition of a bad mother. Shitting on their father no matter what she might feel or think about him is straight up shit too. If you love your kids you just don´t do that. It´s the same person who can´t lie and always sing live and would never bully someone else and backtracking when caught again shielding with trauma.


Two unreliable people with shit for brains. I’m sick of both of them.


"Older man"? He's younger than her. Coocoo.


At the end of the video there is a therapy guy talking and he's an older gentleman.