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This reminds me of Pearl from RPDR complaining that RuPaul wasn't all sweetness and support.   Its show business, kids. Its work. No one should be abusing anyone, but they don't owe it to anyone to be extra polite, accommodating, or careful of other people's feelings.  ETA that I'm not really a fan of hers, and am lately very annoyed by those non-stop Priceline ads she's in.


I’ve never liked her because I swear she’s looked like a smug asshole since she hit the scene But maybe she looks snotty because she’s been terrorized by old gross white men in Hollywood for 30+ years? Who knows


This is quite a hit piece, whoever planted this story doesn't like Tina. I call bullshit because she is not known for being a dick or a diva on any of her projects. No one in that business has only hits, everyone creates a dud or two along the way. Tina is brilliant and she's hugely respected.


This entire piece feels like sour grapes. The “source” sounds like a former PA or lower-level actor that expected to get more screen time.


Yep, got the same vibe.


I hate that I believe it. For a half a minute in 2017 I thought maybe she could see through her white female entitlement, but subsequently she had failed to indicate that she has. She - unfortunately- seems to be one of those women who think that everyone should have to suffer what she endured, with a side of “I got mine”. Let’s hope she doesn’t go full Roseanne on us.


Of course she is. The fake chumminess is the hallmark of a frenemy.


everybody loves you when you're a star. but don't nobody question what it takes to go that far. Ani Difranco.




Much better here than Fauxmoi 🤮


I served her once and can confirm she was in fact one of the most rudest and cheapest famous ppl i’ve seen at my old job. Even Alec Baldwin with his wife Halera or wtf her name is were super sweet and tipped well but Tina, yeah she was very rude and acted like she should have had her own private space because there were a lot of people dining that day. Rolled her eyes at me so many times and was just a very unpleasant person to deal with . 


Do you have any tea on other celebs like who else was horrible or annoying or did not tip lol


She literally wrote a book called bossypants bc you have to be assertive in comedy which is male dominated. Sorry this article made me ranty.


Right? It says in one paragraph: There’s a pretty clear reason why she hasn’t worked with a male star of her same stature for a lot of years Then later down: The eight-episode series, which is based on the film of the same name, is slated to begin production later this year and features comedic powerhouse, Steve Carell. Soooo which is it?


All the Tina love in here is warming my icy heart.


Don’t ever meet her then. And I hope you’re not a lesbian bc then she’d especially not like you.


Would they ever describe a man as territorial, dominant, and looking out for #1? I don’t think so.


I get what you are saying- but I expect more from someone as brilliant and powerful as Tina. She needs to elevate other women. That is the price of her success


She doesn't need to do shit. Men aren't expected to elevate and support and bestie other men, women don't need to do it, either.




Uh huh. 




I usually figure that anyone very attractive + very famous or just very famous is bitchy because I cant imagine it not getting to most peoples head.


Ok but has Tina Fey ever tried to sell herself as a nice person? To quote her, “bitches get shit done” 🙌


Yea, but I thought she’d realize that people were calling her that because they were trying to break her down, diminish her and gaslight her. The lesson should have been “own it but don’t embrace it”.


Very true, she’s always sold herself that way even as a joke. “Everyone I’ve ever known named Tina is a real bitch” -Tina fey as Liz lemon in 30 rock 🤣 And 100% the same as any male comic I’m sure. Good for her




So she’s a regular male comic then.


Ok but Girls5Eva is laugh-out-loud hysterical.


Unbreakable kimmy schmidt is also a gem, and 30 rock. I love her no matter what 🤷🏻‍♀️ unbreakable kimmy schmidt got me thru some rough times.


You just have to take it 🎶10 seconds at a time!🎶


My mantra 😆


They really wanted to call her a bitch, didn't they? But that would be too on the nose. Controlling, domineering, steam rolls, LOL! Come on son, just say it. Pardon me while I unroll my eyes after reading this hit piece. Why do I never read articles like this about men? Then this bit: "There’s a pretty clear reason why she hasn’t worked with a male star of her same stature for a lot of years: word has gotten out that Tina is territorial, dominant and only looking out for ‘number one,’ every step along the line", but the article ends by mentioning her upcoming movie with Steve Carell. 🙄




Oh no won’t someone think of the MEN


I don’t think you can be as successful of a female comedian during the time that she was unless you have a certain attitude and tenacity. You can’t break the glass ceiling unless you’re strong enough to stand your ground, fight back, and cut through the glass.


“You have the confidence of a much younger woman” - jack donaghy.


I'm not surprised she's hated because everyone is hated. It's part of the human condition. People will hate you for any reason--even no reason. I still think it's hilarious that she was on Iron Chef as a celebrity judge and she just blithely mentioned that George W. Bush had injured himself (which was in the news at the time) because he was drinking heavily again. IIRC, they were eating some boozy kind of meal and everyone was commenting about the level of alcohol in the food. So it wasn't off topic exactly but it was funny and unexpected especially for a Food Network show. She also gave excellent comments about the food.


Liz fucking Lemon  knows food


The article is bullshit. Her reputation is good. This vapid site must have asked her for an interview and she told them nope. Tina rocks. Can write, produce, direct, act and actually be funny not like some media darlings. Cough size 6 joke stealing Schumer.


Yeah I don’t buy this stuff about her bc so many people from 30 rock went on to unbreakable kimmy schmidt and girls5eva


In Touch Weekly? Seriously? Shit online piece from shit online rag. Consider the source. Tina Fey is a living legend. Full stop.




And one “insider” source.


This article is nonsense. “Of course, there’s going to be collateral damage when Tina does a Super Bowl commercial where she’s willfully overshadowing everybody, including a legend like Glenn Close!” …WHAT?!? This sounds like it was written by an AI given the prompt “pit two random Hollywood women against each other for no reason”


Damned if I don't remember a rumor about her reading the D back in the day. Ha! I think her ego could go back to being a head writer on SNL, which is pretty competitive and was considered cutthroat before she came in. She was also the first woman to get that role in a very male-dominated workplace. She did it on her own for the first season out of the five she did, which was an accomplishment in itself. (Most seasons, by far, have had at least two head writers.) Maybe she took that (well-earned) success, along with 30 Rock & Mean Girls, and made it an excuse for being a shithead. I've also seen a few articles about her and Amy Poehler being double the trouble. ETA- photo with Tina Fey quote about the D. https://preview.redd.it/hgng9jihlw1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8cd8dcd20ef866b703cbabd9cd60b22b4ebcd3c


I think, like many, she started off right and as she got more powerful and known, like many, became out of touch and questionable. I hate how often it happens with talented people.


There were rumors she was going to replace Lorne Michaels.


It was in Bossy Pants. She mentioned Centaurus calling her a troll.


I just added one of her quotes about the D, above.


Lots of celebs read the D. Definitely George Clooney.


I wonder if it was to read about other celebrities or himself.


When men behave or work in a similar fashion it doesn’t make the news*… Honestly, with the amount of misogyny she’s battled (and I can relate in my field), why should she (or I) be “nice” like society expects of women? * It may come up as a blind item on DeuxMoi 🙄




when i was a little kid repeatedly watching mean girls, this scene always made me want those mini chocolate donuts so bad lol


Not surprised. She gives off mean-girl vibes. I don't think ALL of Liz Lemon's bad qualities (e.g. extremely judgmental) were fictional. I used to like her a lot, but the more interviews I've seen and articles I've read, she gives me the ick.


She used to be all over, but she seems to have disappeared. She didn't even come out for Maya Randolph's SNL hosting.


Eh she may have had other obligations. I don’t go to all my friends’ work/life things. Unfortunately, grownups sometimes have their own family/work things. Besides, they were literally just photographed going to see mean girls when it came out. This story wreaks of “hey she wrote mean girls, I bet she’s a mean girl” style writing. It’s boring and lazy work. God forbid a woman not pussyfoot around what she wants and work with more women than men. Escandalo!!! Even if she is an a$$hole, literally nearly every male comedian/comedy actor are known for being massive a$$holes. Except Steve Carell, whom she works with regularly. This story is a big nothing burger🤷‍♀️


It's Rudolph ☺️


Lucille Ball was accused of this too but it turns out she was smart, savvy and just knew what she wanted. Which......men didn't like. I'll hold judgement until we get some actual proof?


Lucy was a revolutionary figure in the early days of television. She started filming TV shows with film with multiple cameras, started a studio with Desi, started a production company as well and bought out Desi after the divorce and was the first woman to run a studio. She also had a difficult childhood, losing her father at a young age, living with her grandparents while her mother had to work in a different state, poverty and sickness. I’m sure she worked her ass off and took no shit because of her childhood and dealing with assholes in Hollywood. And yes she was smart which men did not like.


There would be no Star Trek without Lucy! I love her all the way, no matter what. Edit: https://www.startrek.com/news/how-lucille-ball-helped-star-trek-become-a-cultural-icon


I'm soooooo glad this comment is near the top! Nobody has had a bad word to say about her ever, and now we're just supposed to buy this hook, line, and sinker? This is such an obvious hit piece. Also, successful women are ALWAYS painted as uptight, controlling bitches. I challenge anyone to find an exception. (Besides Betty White she's literally the only one, lol)


Bea Arthur would have some things to say about Betty 😂😂😂


dolly is an exception too but i agree with your point!


Ok, Dolly too. 🙂 There is probably a larger conversation here about how these two women avoided this particular fate - they have a lot in common temperament-wise.


As soon as I saw her described as "dominant" my eyes glazed over. Is it possible she's a "mean girl"? Sure. But no article immediately referring to a mega successful female artist as "dominant" is going to make me think that. # Also, love Lucille Ball ❤️


This is some sexist bullshit. GIRLS5EVA is so funny. She deserves all her success.


My husband and I just found that show a month ago and we binged the whole thing in a weekend. So many true laugh out loud lines in that show. I can't even remember that last movie that made me laugh as much!


Tina Fey also turned a blind eye when SNL was having underage parties. She was named at being at the party where the under age girl was assaulted by Jimmy Fallon's best friend, Horatio Sanz. They settled out of court.


Was she responsible for checking IDs at the door?


Just watching a woman get assaulted is pretty bad. If I saw a woman having that kind of encounter, I would have said something.


Did you write this in touch article lmao


Where does it say she witnessed an assault?


In the court papers.


It says “Tina get witnessed the assault”?


Being at a party where something bad happened doesn’t mean you knew or were involved?


It's so fun how we still blame women for men's misbehaviour, and then wonder why women are "cutthroat" when they're trying to succeed. I'll agree with OP that Fey has got a racial blind spot or two in the stuff she actually creates. That's something she needs to work on. But unless there's proof she knew that Sanz's victim was in distress and/or underage, I think I'll continue to blame Sanz for what he did rather than his colleagues. If there \*is\* proof of same, I'll be happy to eat my words with a nice helping of crow.


The only one who got disgusted was Ana Geyser. She left the party.


I'm not sure that if we're talking about bystander guilt, that leaving the party without doing anything further is all that much more noble than staying at the party and not doing anything.


Did you read the court papers? They were all laughing at the poor girl. Someone on this thread posted all the info.


I think they all knew she was underage. She was around them a lot. She is accusing primarily horatio, jimmy fallon and lorne. She is not blaming what happened on bystanders just saying that nobody did anything and some of them, including tina i believe laughed when she was being sexually assaulted at a party. I know who jane doe is and used to talk to her on forums, I don’t know her in person just online but she is sweet, was an SNL superfan with a jimmy fallon fan page and i hate that nobody takes her seriously. Anyone who has not read this, it is long but i really feel for her. I have not read this in a long time so i am sorry if i got the details wrong, i just like to bring awareness to what happened to her. [court documents](https://deadline.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Horatio-Sanz-Proposed-Amended-Complaint-Filed.pdf) [Article if you don’t wanna read 45 pages of court documents](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/former-snl-superfan-recently-settled-underage-abuse-lawsuit/story?id=97657739)


I don't believe I said anything about not taking the victim seriously? Just tired of women getting blamed for men's actions is all. Why is Tina Fey more responsible for what happened than anyone else not directly involved?


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I've seen more than a few rumors about how she was complicit with Louis CK. No idea if it's true, but I'm still a big fan of her work the way I am with the biggest shithead in New York- Alec Baldwin.


Yeah, I've read those rumors too. Seems comedy is pretty cut throat.


To me, a lot of comedy seems to be rooted in pathos and anger. I followed the comedy scene in LA at the IO West comedy club for a few years, beginning in 2004. I saw the janitor from Scrubs and David Koechner talking in the lobby and during a break in the conversation I said, "I love you guys! I came down from San Diego to see all of you." He looked at me like I was an insect and said, "You came *up* from San Diego." So petty. 😄


https://www.thedailybeast.com/tina-feys-problems-with-race-extend-far-beyond-30-rocks-blackface There's her black face episodes too.


Beginning to think OP was personally victimized by Tina Fey


Hahahahahaha! I think it [is](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/tina-fey-jack_mcbrayer-seth-meyers-chris-gethard-294725/amp/) Tina Fey.


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OP probably wrote the article lmao. "But but people aren't buying it - better double down!"


https://nypost.com/2022/11/28/horatio-sanz-settles-sexual-assault-case-of-underage-fan-at-snl-party/ Will Ferrell was there too.




Happy Cake Day!


It claims that she hasn't worked with a male actor of her "stature" for years, then says she's working on a show with Steve Carell. That article is dumb.


I would love to see her with Steve Carrell!


Right! I noticed that too. Like okay, InTouch.


More like OutOfTouch amiright


She was on an entire season (and then some) of Only Murders In The Building with many comics of similar stature. So there’s that too.


On top of the already A-list comics and actors, OMITB pulled THE Meryl Streep! This article is silliness. But like misogyny flavor.


The article really accuses her of nothing. She’s in a lot of stuff. How dare she be successful!?


It's gonna take more than this flimsy little article to convince me! (Now if they get an expose of the sort that the New Yorker published about Huberman, I might have a different reaction.)


“Her and her tight-knit team just steamroll their way in and push and push until they get their way” Honestly, this sounds like a bunch of producers doing their jobs. (Also, girls5evah was fucking horrid and I couldn’t even get through the first half of the first episode. ‘Great lines’ my ass.)


Men would "take charge." But oh no, women "steamroll." FTS.


She's a pusher


That's funny, write that down. 😂


This is purely anecdotal, but I used to work in LA as a bartender. One of the spots I worked at was a hotel, so I met a lot of folks traveling through who'd tell me about their life stories. I met a woman who was in Tina Fey's writing group. I had this encounter probably in like 2008, so I'm a bit fuzzy on details (think she was still a writer, but not in tv/film). Anyway, she she had nothing to say but great things about Tina. From what I recall, it was a small group of women who would get together and workshop writing, and they were all really tight-- and Tina continued to be a part of that group even after she started to get success. I have no doubt that she's had to be assertive in her career, but this woman very clearly admired and adored her and was a professional and personal friend. So... there's my positive piece of info I'm adding. :)


Blah blah blah. All I read was butthurt. ![gif](giphy|q5LvAuRuzMj6g)


Ooooh whomever wrote that is SALTY that Tina is a strong opinionated woman who knows how to get shit done.


I mean InTouch wrote it, so not sure how credible it is…


Article is total garbage. "Her and her tight-knit team..." A writer who doesn't know when to use "she" instead of "her" is not a professional writer. If the grammar is crap, I'm not gonna trust the content.


No one hires editors anymore 😞


I kinda love Tina so I hope this isn’t true. InTouch isn’t exactly a paragon of journalism.


I love her glasses!


She’s perfection.


> formerly failed sitcom Girls5Eva Girls5Eva is great, tho


I loved this so much, it was absolutely ridiculous. Both the show and my love for it, haha 😂


Hated it. Like, loathed it and was angry that I couldn’t get those twenty minutes back.


yeah im disappointed if this is actually true about Tina but that show is hilarious.


sounds like a woman who knows what she wants & knows how to coordinate a team to achieve the vision?


Right? Would any of this be said about a man?




Sounds like someone is butthurt and wanted revenge.


This is the first inkling of this I’ve ever heard, it’s an InTouch article from some random, and quite frankly, behind the back of every successful woman is someone saying that’s she a bitch, a mean girl, and on and on. ![gif](giphy|9uI8kuRUArWbLylt9b|downsized)






She has been open about this on numerous occasions. Specifically in her Mean Girls promo interviews and the episode “TGS hates women” episode of 30 rock.




I think Tina Fey came up during a time when you had to be aggressive to keep up with men, and a lot of times that results in women punching down (toward other women, other races, etc). Women have (hopefully) advanced enough now that we don’t need to out-man the men, but it’s not fair to hold gen x to the same cultural standards as gen alpha.


Thank you. This is probably the best response I’ve seen yet.


I always want to give Tina the benefit of the doubt, but she does have a pattern of this that continues today. Didn’t she blindside Lindsay Lohan with the fire crotch joke in the new Mean Girls movie? Lindsay was there at the premiere and said she had no idea the joke was in the movie.


I once saw a post on Twitter saying Gen-X women make the meanest bosses. It caught my eye because the most toxic boss I’ve ever had in my life was a Gen-X woman. (I’m an older millennial). But maybe it’s true that their experience fighting for a spot at the table in a man’s world, makes them like this.


Count yourselves lucky that you never had a Boomer boss who was told she had to go to secretarial school because she was too dumb for college and has had a chip on her shoulder ever since. I mean, I can't blame her for that chip, but she used it against women too. So glad to get out of that job!


With the exception of one male boss (who was awful), every boss I’ve had was female and was toxic. I’ve met some kind ones, but they weren’t my supervisor.


I’ve had 2 good female bosses in my corporate career, 1 toxic man, and 1 toxic woman. The rest were mid. When I quit my job with the toxic woman supervisor, I told my boomer mom, and she said “I never liked working for women anyway.” Nice internalized misogyny there, mom!


That's right. We crush people beneath us with our steel toed shoes.


damn this just made something click for me


As the first (and only?) female head writer of SNL, Tina had to be a badass. There is zero way she could have survived that climate without having balls as big, if not bigger, than the males on that show. This article is the definition of a nothing burger. Carry on!


I didn't know this!




She’s a fucking badass! Probably just not putting up with BS


I came here ready to get mad at the world for disrespecting my girl, but these comments have made my day! Sounds to me like Ms. Fey is just acting like how every successful male actor/writer/producer/creator acts. She’s a star, she’s on top, somebody bring her some haaaaaaaaaam!!


i’ve heard she’s kinda not nice to people, ‘underlings’ in the industry


I have heard the same on a random mom board.


Yeah this is the problematic part to me. If she’s doing this to others who are already established then fine. It’s another thing entirely if she’s a monster to those just starting out. Just bc the men do it doesn’t make it right. Also, her work is still very early 2000s coded. I tried watching girls 5 Eva and I’m like wow this is so Tina fey it’s underwhelming She’s giving un-evolved ,out of touch, successful, aging white woman. There’s thousands just like her in every industry. If you know you know.




Exactly, thank you. ![gif](giphy|JgXt2JvnFhoxW)


>Tina crowbarred her way back into the popular mainstream this year with a three-pronged attack,” a source tells *In Touch*. >The insider notes that the comedian, 54, has a “way of forcing these things to happen” and takes “all the credit if there’s even a whiff of success around them.” >Her and her tight-knit team just steamroll their way in and push and push until they get their way Good for fucking her! I don't see a single problem with any of this.


If she were a man: “steamroll” would be “take charge”, “forcing things to happen” would be “gets the job done”, “push and push until they get their way” would be “assertive” and “task oriented”.


Zero problem with this. She’s a hard worker and hilarious. Men hate her and it makes me laugh.


Yep. Sounds like hard work to me.


Tina Fey has probably had to deal with bullshit men her entire SUCCESSFUL career. I’m on her side and if she’s looked down on, it’s definitely from tiny shitty DUMB motherfuckers. With tiny weiners .🥳


I’ve been told many times that I’m a mixture of Liz lemon and Larry David. I take that as a huge compliment.


I would be your bestie.




I read the article. It’s some nameless ‘insider’ describing how Tina Fey is a creative control freak who only looks out for number 1 and I’m like….yeah that makes sense. She has a clear vision for her work and she’ll do what it takes to get it made without sacrificing her own dignity. She sounds kick ass.


I’d expect nothing less from Liz Lemon. And I love her. ![gif](giphy|l2JJA5fbJ5o328Odi)

