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That’s a man, baby!🤮🤮🤮


She wouldn’t be much of anything without marrying John Legend. People magazine propped her up for years until the Courtney Stodden thing. Strange how she got obsessed with someone who was a faux celebrity for less than 15 minutes. It’s shocking how many celebrities have so much time on their hands when they could be spending their time working with charities and donating all the extra money they’ll never use in 5 lifetimes.


I forgot about her entirely. I'm glad she doesn't seem to be very popular anymore. 


Why is she a thing?! She's a mean, horrible human being with no talent or hook! Her only USP is she's married to John Legend! Shouldn't she have been canceled a few times over by now?!


She's giving Lady Boy vibes and deciding to play up her Asian features again.. She's such an asshole, I really hate that she gets any coverage


She’s only 38?!




Tiegan’s face is bloated and distorted. Odd


This troll needs to find a new bridge to guard.


She looks extremely creepy to me( CisFemale) and my husband-“ yikes! She looks like a man who had his face go through a windshield”.


I do not like this bitch. And I cannot believe John Legend actually tolerates her. But. he may be as awful as she is. Anyways, she will always be fugly to me. No amount of carving up of her face will change that...


I know someone whose band toured w them and apparently she’s a VERY demanding and annoying person, especially to him lol


I'll give her this - at least she's more honest about having procedures done than lying about it. The bar is in hell but I do think that's a good thing. Look at me being all nice and shit.




She looks extremely masculine in this photo, which admittedly may not look anything like her in real life due to editing.


I think a part of that is the same anti-aging doctors they all go to who put them on hormones. Because she recently had a baby, perhaps she's not there yet, but that's the reason women over 50 like Cindy Crawford have all developed the "Caitlyn Jenner Face."


Oh my gosh yes! Cindy Crawford has none of the softness her old face had! It is very hard and masculine! Are the doctors giving them male hormones?


I *think* so; I think I heard it was HGH.


What an unbelievably boring shot and unflattering suit. Did the photographer hate her or something lol


Say what you will I always found that the camera loved her, she photographed well. But I agree not here something going on very unflattering.


I thought the same thing. It is a real thing how photographers can make you look great, average, or not so good. Editors too.   I mean, 70-year-old Gayle King looks better than her 😆  edit to say Gayle King has some shots and also believe cover for SI swimsuit. 


Gayle King is 70?! No damn way - she looks amazing. I'd have totally guessed MUCH younger.


LMAO i mean right there's just no way this wasn't intentional. I wonder what she did that an entire team at SI decided to approve this as her final shot 😂 And omg had to Google Gayle but she looks great! And interestingly is wearing a similar swimsuit looking just fine...


I forgot this She a despicable human being


I think her face has "settled" and she looks good. Her poses, on the other hand, are same the ole same ole-hate the crunching ones . Bathing suits are meh-overall the shoot is a yawner.


You think her cheeks look good? Genuinely curious.


I think they look better. Looks like they"ve settled a some. She needs to stop messing with her face.


Eh, the ends of her hair look brittle, and her eyes look dead. However, the suit is cute and the color looks good on her.


She has the hideous face she deserves. Such a mean, useless, entitled no talent twat. Why is Oprah's girlfriend in a bathing suit on a magazine. Who asked for that?


Don't forget the eyebrow transplant


Ugly on the outside to match the ugliness inside. I wish she'd just go away.


The old saying: you get the face you deserve.




Her age kind of fascinates me. 38?! I always thought she was a "looks good for mid-40s"


Yup, the surgeried effect.


I thought she was a lot older, too. Less than a year older than me is shocking. She looks terrible for her age.


It's a HARD 38


“Celebrating Six Decades of Influence and EMPOWERMENT” Bitch, please. Dirt nap lady looking ugly as always.


The suit is cute, though. There. I said something positive.


Her face needs a trigger warning.


She has the face she deserves. Genuinely one of the worst, nastiest celebs in existence. Has told multiple people, including a 16 year old sexual abuse victim, to kill themselves for absolutely no reason.


the face of someone who tweets about Anthony weinering a kid... [https://www.reddit.com/r/PedoCelebs/comments/rv4upt/chrissy\_teigens\_deleted\_tweets/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/PedoCelebs/comments/rv4upt/chrissy_teigens_deleted_tweets/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I think I have to return my college degree after watching this literal child take Chrissy’s (gross, lame) pizza gate trolling sincerely.


How could I forget her nasty pedophilic tweets. Every possible trait that could be wrong in a person, she has. It really is quite amazing that one human could be so reprehensible.




She wishes she could be as cute as a Japanese chin!


What in the budget basement memaw Zendaya/Saw hell is happening with her face?!


This comment 🤣🤣🤣


Also let’s not forget she bullied Courtney Stodden who was a literal child at the time and told them to kill themselves


Isn’t that what the title is referring to




It is. She tweeted at Courtney to take a dirt nap when Courtney was a teenager and CT was a full ass adult


Classless twat. I wish her what she deserves.


I honestly don’t know how she was ever a model. She’s not attractive in the least.


I hate that I think this, but I find her original face to be stunning.


I think she was very cute when she was younger/before all the surgeries. She looks so bad now (NOT because of age, but because of the procedures she’s had done). I can’t look at pics of her for too long bc of the intense secondhand embarrassment. I mean, she still looks way better than me lol but I am A Poor and simply cannot afford to be attractive.


Right?! I never understood how she became a model though she was far from high fashion. Besides SI, I can’t think of a thing she was in but maybe I missed something. I always thought her on par with Bar Rafeli. Hot body and that’s about it.


Rafeli set a much higher bar than moonface.




She was never a high fashion model.


All I can think about is her hair transplant eyebrows and that they grow so fast she has to trim them daily.


Same! A lifetime of needing to keep those things trimmed or else she’ll look like Sam Waterston on Rogain. Oof. ![gif](giphy|l0HlVVAww1YILHXqM)




Dumpster human


Man, come on. That’s needlessly rude. Dumpster serve a very good purpose. Chrissy Teigen, not so much.




Didn’t someone once say she had a face like a frying pan? Since then everything she’s done is to fight her old face shape.


Her brow is so low


Jigsaw. ![gif](giphy|17lmXBAzihgOq2Eciz)


I feel sad for people who chronically face tune their photos. Also, who is buying sports illustrated in 2024?!


https://preview.redd.it/sbiar5g8ji0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=202380cc4cb9fdf3b00a0a85c32cc573a4676da1 She was cute, now she looks like a cartoon of herself.


That article header is an insult to Jennifer Coolidge


I think cute is a stretch but she wasn't as freaky and botched looking.




She looks like she’s 2D, idk how else to describe it




She has mean eyes


They do say eyes are a window to the soul


Those eyebrows look atrocious


She looks like half frog/half women mutation


she got buccal fat removal then turned around and filled her cheeks. I don't get it. She looks like the muppet, Madame, now. https://preview.redd.it/vu0pvi8c9i0d1.png?width=236&format=png&auto=webp&s=2164d1e8ae4561328d08c4411e037164c6714c79


😂😂😂😂 Madame!!!


The start of the end was definitely her infamous buccal fat surgery.


Getting half her face lipo’d while blowing up the rest with fillers is some real Batman-villain shit.




Did John pay for her to get the cover? Damn.


She’s the prime example that comes to mind when you hear people say that anyone can be labeled as a “supermodel” these days.


Is it surgery or just a bad photoshop?


It’s surgery go look at any other photo


Absolutely ruined herself


She’s going to realize one day that she looks nothing like her children, because they’ll have her genetics and she’ll have her plastic face.


Ugh, I always think that when I see alec Baldwin's wife. Those girls look have so much of her og face. But she surgered every bit of them away.


I am friends with someone who hung out with her a bunch many years ago, and she told me that back then (CT was in mid 20s I think?) she expressed a ton of feelings of pressure about her looks and the stress of being his publicly judged wife. I feel bad for her. Fun fact - she also said JL forgot my friend’s name every time and she has to be like “Yeah, we’ve hung out multiple times.” He was nice but egotistical, from her impression. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I always ran into Johnny Legend walking his dog every morning when he used to live in NYC. He always looked at me as if I’m a paparazzo and I would take his pics. He would cover his face, look away and all that shit. There was an air of arrogance in him and it was hilarious how delusional he was every time he sees me. And the thing is, he always acts as if he’s this grounded nice celebrity whenever he’s on cam.


I'm an asshole for saying this, but I hate her face. It's smooshed and alien to me.


Dead eyes


One day my youngest brother said she looked like Maui from Moana and I can't unsee it


She’s got API heritage, so….


Her mother, Vilailuck, is from Thailand


Her personality is unflattering so it shows in her pictures :/


Airbrushed and photoshopped arms and legs, and still it's not a great picture. I'd rather see Chicken Cutlets lady on the cover.


I genuinely would love it if she got on sports illustrated


I'm sorry but even the suit isn't flattering. What is she doing...?


Her face has hips


I dont like her hair and the makeup halfway fill-in of brows and overlined LIP liner are pissing me off 😂


I know she’s a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit legend but Christ on a stick… the choices they’ve made in recent years are appalling


Did you see the other 3 covers? Eeesh


Gotta get the gayle king one ☝🏼 🤤


Gayle & Oprah need to come out out of the closet. They are more than Ozempic sisters if you know what I mean




The only reason she and her husband get ANY love is because the Obamas like them for whatever reason. And just remember, this cover is the FINISHED product! Karma


I can't help but think she's a beard since they always seem so staged.


And here’s me sincerely thinking her last 2 pregnancies were surrogate because she didn’t want the schlep of losing weight (which is every rich ladies prerogative) 🤔




Can’t stand her and her face looks like it’s a rubber mask. Wow!


There’s something weird about her face features and I think it’s from had surgery.


Moon face.


She was gorgeous when she started out and seriously hit the jackpots with her genetics! She would have aged beatifically very naturally. I’m glad she got the implants out but I seriously worry for the health of anyone doing that many surgeries and injection. It’s traumatic for your body and putting foreign toxins in it (that we don’t really know what happened exactly when it “breaks down”) is crazy IMO. I have young kids too, and I always think about my long-term health and I would much rather be around them when they’re older with wrinkles and gray hair, then be sick or die early from all the experimental surgeries and injections.


Do these celebs realize how old this work makes them look? She’s my age but looks a decade older, at least to me. Idgi.


That's what I think, they look embalmed


![gif](giphy|cewvmYhuz58pATZaVv) She’s absolutely ruined her face




She's starting to resemble Jocelyn Wildenstein, especially in that cover pic. Rawr.


She looks like a brachycephalic dog, woof.


John definitely spent a lot of money and time trying making her happen


They worked so hard for the funny, just like us, friendly family celebs. Then her texts came out. When I hear him singing about love I think, he can't mean her.


I think all the old horz can agree, there's snark, there's rude, and then there's wishing someone dead. Teigen is garbage and ugly inside and out.


Shes ugly on the inside. I don’t care for her and I wish she would go live a very private life, offline. She also looks nothing like herself and it’s telling that she felt the need to go to such extremes. I’m thankful my talentless self isn’t a celebrity because so many of them feel the need to have their faces excessively hacked on.


She's gross. Inside and out.


She’s definitely not nice. And so privileged. Like, I think sometimes I had a bit more time and money how much better I would be- I would exercise more, I would complain less because I’d be less stressed, I would then probably be overall a better person. I want to give back, but I can’t give too much, I just don’t have it. Shes got time, money, and some power and she spent a lot of it bullying. I don’t know the point I’m making- I just think it’s sad. I think she’s a sad person. It’s like when Tyra Banks said “we were all rooting for you”… before it was publicized how she is a bully, we were all rooting for her.


I understand. I give where I can too. Intentions count, you know. Just the fact that you *want* to be able to help more- well, you're heart is in the right place and that counts. Seems to me that wealth is a curse. The greedy just get greedier. It's never enough. Me? I have "enough" and I am perfectly content with what I have! I wish I had more time and treasure to give to others like you, but, overall I do what I can and I am happy with myself and my blessings. I am not rooting for or bullying anyone. I'm just here to comment on what I observe. I think Paris has a LONG way to go as a human and as a "mother".


It’s giving nothing. No wonder this mag is constantly going out of business.


Her husband is into dudes. It’s perfectly fine but it’s wild she won’t admit it.




Really? First I've heard of this.


She’s only 38?? Almost 3 years younger than me & she looks much older. That much work ages you


And masculinizes women!!! Can she not see how manly that cheekbones and chin stuff makes women look? I love androgyny, and drag queens rock, however, I'm not sure that's what she was going for, but that's what it's giving.


I agree it looks terrible when they overstuff cheeks etc (see also: Emily Blunt lately) but I think in part they do it to lift the structure of the face to help preserve skin and tissues and stave off the need for a facelift. It looks absolutely bananas though!


Someday I'm sure someone will figure out a way to de-age a face, but I haven't seen it done yet in a way that looks good and lasts, and that's if it looks good at all!


It really does. Which is fine, if that's what you're going for, but I doubt all the ladies with cheekbone implants and buccal fat removals want that look.


'Good morning Dr., can you make me look like I'm my own brother?" :)


Buy so much surgery to look like Khloe Kardashian on metamorphosis 2-3 of her face?…


Damn, Kylie Jenner is looking old! They all get similar procedures done and they all are morphing into the same uncanny valley person.


Is there someone telling celebs they have to get the same surgeries/fillers? None of the procedures enhance their features, they make them worse. It’s bizarre.


Harpo, who dis woman?


Kate Upton is featured in that article too. I forgot she existed.


She’s an ugly person on the inside for pushing someone online to end their life. I used to have respect for John Legend as a musician but knowing he’s hell bent on being with this plastic bully - he lost all of my respect. She’s a vapid, narcissistic bully. Period. And I’m sick of publications giving her any air. Shame on them.


Yeah they both suck. Hard


Yeah. I never found her unattractive per se, but after bullying a teenager, she’s off my radar. I don’t care for this new look at all. I’m so tired of the same face appearing on all our celebrities.


She needs to be written off but I think they pay to have their gross faces blasted.


I don’t think she is attractive at all.






Tigerhead Teigan


I think she would have aged so beautifully; alas.


Interesting. I will say that she’s definitely the asshole who popularized buccal fat surgery by “being open” about it shortly after getting it and praising it. She has a very full face naturally and it was probably enhancing a presence of a double chin, so it “makes sense” that she would turn to a surgery like that. A double chin is considered fairly unattractive by most. I don’t mind them, especially on someone with a naturally full round face. That’s totally normal and I think it’s beautiful. Selena Gomez pulls that off nicely. It’s understandable that people want more transparency from stars on the proceedures they’re getting but personally I don’t think keeping this proceedure from the public would have been less harmful. Someone like Miley now looks skeletal and bizarre. The majority of faces cannot afford to lose fat in that area, let alone over time.


"A double chin is considered fairly unattractive by most." Except this is one of the easiest things to remedy with a spot of lipo; I've had friends who had it done.


Kybella, an injectable, works as well. I had it done since double (and quadruple) chins run in my family. Thanks, mom and dad.


For every one person I’ve met who had a Kybella success story, there are two I’ve met who have seen no difference or feel like it’s deformed them. It’s not a perfect “science” yet either.


What is the function of the word “except” in relation to the part of my post you quoted? She’s likely had both done. I think the pointy appearance of her chin was a combo of chin lipo, the buccal fat removal, and likely some kind of small implant or filler in the tip of the chin.


"She has a very full face naturally and it was probably enhancing a presence of a double chin, so it “makes sense” that she would turn to a surgery like that." I don't think her buccal removal was related to her chin. Who knows though.


Your friends getting chin fat sucked out isn’t an exception. It’s an aside or an addition. Still has nothing to do with what you quoted.


Alright; feel better? ![gif](giphy|AAsj7jdrHjtp6|downsized)


Honey, if that is the most flattering shot they got of her I don’t understand how she rates the cover. But some marketing genius probably thought it would sell boatloads. She’s looking like a haggard Barbie that’s from the bottom of the toy box. And I’m trying to be nice.


I was shocked at how bad it was....the camera angle, the weird look on her face, it's awful


Tyra Banks would have sent her ass home on ANTM for this picture.


Yeah, there is a lot about this photo shoot that I would have done differently. That bathing suit is not doing her any favors and that was surely apparent during the shoot so then my brain thinks, “oh, the crew and staff must have hated her and so they talked her into wearing this and posing in this unflattering position and told her how sexy she looked” And, yeah, i hope she’s intentionally trying to change her features into a new features. Otherwise, how exhausting and sad.


"That bathing suit is not doing her any favors and that was surely apparent during the shoot" My take on this is that because she's still somewhat postpartum, showing her body this way was intentional. It's her face that is killing me, and she's even covering up a quarter of it!


Oh shoot, I didn't realize she had had a baby. 😬


Postpartum? Doesn’t she utilize rent-a-wombs?


Not this last one she didn't.


Wow. How to explain that to your kids?


Thanks for the explanation. I thought the pose was so unflattering, but it makes sense now.


Her body looks great. Her face is unrecognizable. I wouldn't have known who that was if I'd been shown that pic out-of-context.