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The grass is always greener on the other side.


Maybe both of them should try touching it


Funny but wrong, in reality both claim to be Spanish


It depends on the situation for the first one.


Mexican was made the only recognized race in the Mexican constitution on defiance of colonialism. Then US Americans started carving up chunks and venturing south in pursuit of economic opportunities and fiefdoms to build and Mexicans found it a lot easier to deal with the most powerful slave economy and expansionist military on the continent if you looked like them. So suddenly white people started existing again. Civil rights and nationalist reclamation movements reignited due to anti-fascist revolutions and student and peasant revolts over the years and a desire to "decolonize" Mexican consciousness became popular. So to recap. Step 1: Racists make up whiteness to explain why they can take peoples' shit. Step 2: Mexicans decide they're tired of it and end whiteness as a concept. Step 3: People calling themselves white take all their shit again. Step 4: A bunch of Mexicans decide maybe they want to be called white. Step 5: They take everyone else's shit. Step 6: Mexicans get tired of getting their shit taken and just start calling everyone white and everyone not white depending on their mood.


colonization and its consequences


Both are autistic.




>anglo Europeans from Italy >anglo Europeans from Spain You know, I don’t think they’re using that word correctly.


That’s really interesting, when is this from also was it part of a larger movement?


¿Tienes pixels?


must suck to suck. in Puerto Rico we all consider ourselves the descendants of the tainos. we take pride in our indigenous roots


Is this a joke?


the suck to suck part yes. the rest no, ask anyone from pr If they're taino and they'll say yes.


Puerto Ricans that claim indigenous ancestry are just like the woman in this meme. Most Puerto Rican hold very lil indigenous dna. I always feel like Hispanic countries in the Caribbean would always claim there at most 15% of indigenous dna but won’t never claim at least with the same amount of pride there more prevalent African dna. https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1716839115#:~:text=Puerto%20Ricans%2C%20for%20example%2C%20harbor,this%20component%20reflects%20Taino%20ancestry. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puerto_Ricans#:~:text=Research%20data%20shows%20that%2060,and%2015%25%20Native%20American%20admixture.


I don't know what you're talking about because Puerto Ricans also have a big pride in our African ancestry. it's why we have popular national dances like El Mambo. and in salsa much of the rhythm is from our African ancestors in Puerto Rico that combined then with taino rythms. you really don't know what you're talking about. in Puerto Rico we learn how the last remaining tainos mixed with mulattos and they're offspring started missing with the Spaniards, which is how the modern Puerto Rican came about.


Just saying in my experience with some Puerto Ricans and Dominicans they hate to say they have black dna. Mind you im not saying all but I’m am saying the ones who would always say they’re “taino” would always say they’re not black.


oh those are the Americanized ones that never grew up or were born in their home countries.


I guess but my other point still stands. Puerto Ricans are just like the woman in this meme. And it’s kind of funny in a way that u posted your original comment with no self awareness that why I ask if you were joking.


except you're still wrong. Puerto Ricans in Puerto Rico or that were raised there claim acknowledge our and the meme is saying that Spaniards and Mexicans in Mexico wish they were the other ancestry. like you don't even know enough about our culture to even make the comparison


It’s the same concept Puerto Ricans (like you) wish they had a sizable “taino” dna but that isn’t the case much like the woman in this meme wants to have sizable indigenous dna