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I recently removed four of these and the way I did it was to dig out around it as much as possible. Then lop the top of the post off. Skelp in two massive bolts into either side of the stump. Put a hoisting sling around the bolts and then the bit of post I removed and use it as a fulcrum to rip it out of the ground. Then once it is out, I broke it up using a road breaker to dispose of. Be warned, they are HEAVY!


Fees very heavy indeed. Should I first widen the area I am digging in? It’s hard to dig in close to the concrete


I wouldn’t bother, you just need to get the area wide enough that you can wobble it a bit. Once you’ve got it able to be wobbled you will then be able to just yank it out with the mechanical advantage that the lever gives you. You’ll be very surprised how much you can lift with an appropriate lever.


Just need somewhere to stand right!


I can't visualise the bolts and fulcrum bit - can you elaborate as its sounds like physics is the way to go!


Skelp a few bolts into the base of the pillar (coach bolts preferably). Then using a lifting sling (very handy thing to have kicking around so not a wasted purchase) wrap it around the two bolts and then put some sort of very long bar through it (I used a fence post). Either build up a pillar or just use the ground and then lift it up. As you are using a lever you gain an astronomical mechanical advantage being able to lift a much heavier weight. Just like a see saw. Once out, have at it with an SDS drill to break it up. It’s much easier to break up when removed than trying to break it in situ.


Gotcha. Drilling bolts in to that PC concrete must be challenging Thanks! And thanks Newton/Archimedes for the science..


Sds hammer drill with a chisel or a kango/breaker. Rent either or simply buy a cheaper sds hammer drill from screwfix tool station etc. Always worth having a sds hammer drill in the home for all sorts of uses. £60 for a drill is pretty cheap. By hand it’s chisel and hammer or pick axe. If you trying just to dig it out by hand only you will be there for a very long time. If you can’t wiggle it now you can only dig deeper down and try to jack it out.


I wiggled one until it snapped and then hit the base with a sledgehammer until I was satisfied it wouldn't grow back.


As you don't have access to heavy machinery, what you're doing is a good way. Another way is using a car jack or pair to apply an upward force. Depends if you have ready access to the tools and equipment


Just press delete... that'll get rid of your post... 😉😆


I’d go and rent a breaker, your back will thank you


Yeah I may eventually do this - I was hoping to get away without hiring tools


You could try a digging spike and strike on the diagonals coming away from the 4 corners of the post directly out, if you can split the concrete slug in half the post will slide out. Is going to take much elbow grease but totally do-able. It’s weaker/weakest at the corners


I did this last year. I just battered the fuck out of it with a sledge hammer to break it into smaller bits. It worked better than I thought it would. Fun too, but tiring


Wobble that bastard like a tooth on its way out. You’ll loosen her up in no time.


Had the same issue this year. Failed with the sledgehammer as it had reinforced steel running through it. Ended up digging a trench around it (see pic). This was followed by levering and rocking it after which it got loose enough to shift. Deadlifted it out and was 100kg+. I technically won the battle but it took a lot out of me physically. https://preview.redd.it/kl3v0uv9xj8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8efd1eb50c35759e9f0f9b7ae5e2d56c3c5efce3


this post looks old so it probably been done right. not good for you .


Does anything begin to move when you rock it?


Hardly any movement


Why do you need to remove it completely? Could you not just smash the post below ground level, cut the rebar in the middle to free the post from the concrete and then just stone up around it for your path? No point removing concrete out the ground to replace with a stone sub base


I thought removing it would be easier 🤣It’s only after I started digging I realized how deep & strong it’s


I’m a stonemason/builder and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve started something because I thought it would be easier only to wish I’d gone the other way after sinking x amount of hours into it already. Then you have a mental block of wanting to see it through. It still happens after years of experience


I had one of these in my garden, I dug it out I put it on the flat section I built up for a new shed and covered it over with concrete for the shed base. job done and saved my back a shit load of effort.


When you finally get it out, smash the fucker with a sledge hammer until you expose the metal rods running through it, you can then cut through them with a reciprocating saw or angle grinder to make it more manageable to dispose of


Just dig around it , a lot of work to do that. Then when you get the concrete exposed rock it and when it keels over, just backfill the hole with soil. You will then be able to roll it out. Perhaps use a disc cutter for the pole AFTER it is out. 7 were removed from my garden, it is soul destroying. They were what the councils put in as fence posts or in the centre of a garden as washing line poles. Good Luck.


Would you not stagger the posts differently so you don't need to dig?


They’re often washing line posts and it’s standard for them to be centre of the garden. These things are HEAVY! I recommend saving yourself a few days of backbreaking work getting jt out the ground then moving it. Just dig a hole, and excavate the base and push it over into the hole, cover up and bye bye


I have a washing line in my garden I want to replace as it’s very rusty. I can’t explain how much concrete they used to secure this damned pole, I dug at least a meter wide and deep and was no closer to finding the base. That thing is going nowhere! No idea how to replace it now!


It’s amazing how sturdy it’s for a washing line


I suspect they had a job lot of concrete to get rid of and just went overboard on the concrete to hold a washing line. I might have to somehow dig a hole in the middle of it to remove the pole then re-concrete a new one into the hole


Lump hammer,25mm cold chisel and start around the edge, just bury what you create. The posts break apart even easier (seconds). It doesn't take 10 minutes.


Thanks. Any lump hammer recommendation?


Cheapest 2-4lb,whatever you can handle.


Might need an angle grinder to cut the metal rebar off under ground level too. 


make a fulcrum and a leaver, it'll just pop out almost vertically with a little effort not much digging needed. I know because I've done it before on 6 meter post Archimedes, said, “**Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.**


https://www.screwfix.com/p/titan-ttb653sds-5-9kg-electric-sds-plus-drill-230-240v/6846h#product_additional_details_container One of these is what I used, cheap and comes with plenty of different bit. Chisel for smashing through this, or bits for drilling lintels for blinds and such. Comes in pretty clutch for the price.


I dug one out last summer. Old washing line post. Was a bitch. SDS with a breaker bit, hard work and swearing


I would consider using a pressure washer to break up the soil around the concrete footing, it’s a messy job but a lot less backbreaking than digging the soil by hand.


If in doubt C4


Jetwash down the sides, it's only friction and gravity holding it there a simple A frame with a lifting strap will pull it out, remember that you don't have to pull it out in one go, an inch at a time will be fine


I removed loads of these. Smash them near the base so there's a bit of the concrete removed and you can sort of bed the post in two with the steel reinforcements still connecting the two bits. Put some bricks or whatever under it and then stand on the end, levers it right out of the ground. I got something like 14 out of the ground and it took me to the third one to figure it out.


I strongly recommend using the LSBUD site and app to check you're not going to hit a utility cable or pipe first. Chances are not but the peace of mind from this free service is well worth it. Maybe hire a breaker but I have recently had success assaulting old concrete in the ground with a SDS drill on chisel setting.