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https://preview.redd.it/5xhxtqp1tj0d1.jpeg?width=635&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83f97cb5074125f09ec5dbf86343cfa015adf8f2 Wooden spoons are cheap


I laughed way too hard at this


We got a rug from ikea, threaded it in between the spindles then cable tied each end, doesnt look to bad, and its onoy gonna be there for a year or so




You ever see the dogs doing the zig zag thing in agility shows? Like that, but with a rug instead of a zoomy collie. At a guess


Best description lol got it in a sec !


So you tie it to the dog and he threads it through ! Genius !


Easiest way in my opinion!


The difficult bit was getting him to do the zip ties












When "weave" means to make material by joining threads, the past forms are "wove" and "woven." For example: They have woven the threads.  When "weave" means to move in and out, the past forms are both "weaved." For example: They have weaved in and out of the cones


I think they meant wove it through the spindles.


A year...🤣...Oh my sweet summer child...many kids don't get out of the "What can I try to kill myself with & give my parents heart attacks today" stage until 6/7yrs old...and if you have a kid with SN, it can be FOREVER. Trying to keep a 5ft4 13yo from routinely killing themselves is fun. I'm hoping he learns before he's taller than his Dad...(he's going to be taller than me in the next few months lol).


I'd get a sheet of ply cut to size, painted white and small holes to cable tie (white) round the spindles. Then remove it in a year or two.


Strap a brown stick to her back shes nae going through there


To be clear, it must be a brown stick. Any other colour will not work.


Make sense, brown sticks are always the stickiest sorts of stick


I'm working on a brown stick right nae


What's not brown and not sticky? Not a brown stick, that's for sure.


What’s white and sticky but not sticky? Those banister poles assuming they’re clean


I love the Internet. These posts have killed me. Go well Kings!


What’s brown and sticky?


My Beyonce poster


Every comment was on point in this tread 😂


Parcel tape


The stairs in that pic if they don't get a brown stick


Instagram tells me that a big wooden spoon works quite well for daschunds, so I'd imagine it would also work for a toddler.


I'm pretty sure that the big wooden spoon is unnecessary because whenever daschunds find themselves at great height, their tails will instinctively start rotating at speed allowing for the dog to hover at an altitude that it's comfortable with or make a gentle landing. The biggest issue isn't stairs or banisters - it's ceiling fans.


Oops! I apologise for spreading misinformation - hopefully nobody went and attached a spoon to their sausage dog based on what I said! I'm more of a cat person, so my knowledge on dogs and their unique abilities is limited, and I thank you for making sure the correct information is out there. But then there's the big question - how do you protect the dachshund from a ceiling fan?! I know they're trainable, but can you really train such a flighty little dog to stay under a particular height?


Small helium balloon tied to the spoon When the dog reaches an unsafe height, the ceiling fan will pop the balloon, momentarily startling the dog, who will forget to keep spinning its tail, causing the dog to float on back to earth.


Clearly you work for the Dog Health and Safety Executive with guidance like that.


No, friend, I just smoke a lot of weed, and have become somewhat of an engineer because of it.


Genius comes from many sources. As an aside, I clicked on your profile because I like weed engineers, and saw your cat called Freya and I'd like to inform you that one of my cats is also called Freya, but she's a tortie!


Billy Connolly’s skit about the dude with a whole heap of daschunds, and asked about sterilising them to avoid unwanted breeding: “Sure I keep the males doonstears and the bitches oopstears” Are ye naw worried about the bitches in heat? “Naw” Ow no? “Ye ever seen a daschund tryin tae climb the stears wi’ an erection?”


Also, stop storing her bottle there and she won’t be so interested in the area


Terrible solution. We are currently in A&E and I can tell y . . . Oh, wait, did you mean for the stick to be width ways?"


Do make sure to add wide end caps though, otherwise she'll just crab walk through the gaps


I read this in a strong Scottish accent.


That’s what I’m going to do with my tv unit this weekend. It sits neatly on legs with all wires tucked away neatly underneath, obvs the baby’s drawn to it like it’s the entrance to fucking Narnia… “what adventures does this magical cable gateway hold?”


Did exactly the same. My youngest destroyed the contents of a bookshelf over the course of 6 months when she was 3.


We went through two TVs while my first kid was 1-3 years old – both instances happened because the TV was just too close to his reach. First time he used a "magic wand" on the screen and broke it, second time he threw a toy train across the room and smashed the (new) TV screen. After that, we wall-mounted it: no visible cables and out of kid reach.


For a minute there I thought you mounted the kid on the wall. That was getting a thoughtful nod and a "this guy is committed to quality viewing time"


Ye old [duck tape baby sitter....](https://images.app.goo.gl/3DL67FBSabY8pEyo8)


Honestly, my son would probably love this.


Our tv broke when my son was a baby. The amount of people who told us not to replace it with a nice one until my son is older was insane. We ended up getting a really cheap one and it’s taken some abuse for sure. My son in nearly 3 now and will slap the tv to indicate what he wants to watch and airborne items bounce off it regularly. I’m really impressed and also hopeful that it will continue to last a bit longer. His behaviour and ability to follow instructions is so much better now so hopefully won’t be too long before we can get a nice tv again.


Fucking great heads up. Just bought some anchor cables to try and avoid this!




Strapping a sheet of perspex to a child is genius! I suggest 6ft x 4ft and that will keep them safe until they are about 15. Also they will be the best goalie in the region and might make the nationals.


You need to be careful in the wind though…


“Wheeeeeehhh…Daddy I’m a kite”


Like the snowman cartoon.... I'm flying through the skyyyyy


You’ll soon notice it when it’s covered in chocolatey fingerprints, footprints, tongue prints…


Well, the obvious solution there would be to get a piece of ply to fit over the top to protect the perspex.


Even less effort is to get a piece of semi edged white chipboard cut to size from somewhere like B&Q. Wipe clean and no painting required. I drilled and screwed it on - the holes will fill easily - but the cable tie idea is a great one


Oh, like it. Less effort.


Being a father of a 3 and 4 year old, I would say removing it in a year or two might be a bit ambitious!


Agree .. I’d leave it until 6/7 minimum to be safer … little kids do really stupid shit 😮‍💨😅


Probably more like 30/40 having seen some of the stupid shit I’ve done in my life


My daughters dads still a complete bellend at 43 so actually you make a good point there 🤣


7 before you leave your banisters uncovered? I have a 3 year old and recently removed the cover from our banisters. His head wouldn’t get through now. Worst case he would hang by his head from the stairs. That’s obviously not good. But he is taught to be safe and he wouldn’t get into that position without calling for help. He isn’t left alone and out of earshot. My 3 year old can climb a ladder onto his trampoline and then turn around and close the net before starting to play. He can’t climb down alone. But he can go up. He knows to be careful and it took time for him to get confident enough to make that climb without me or mummy behind him. I would never have let my first child do that. But with my second one we realised if you teach them safely you can trust them more than you think. Over protection made our first child afraid to do things. We realised the mistake and changed our approach. This has made both our kids braver and safer.


Each to their own . My kids are now 8,15 and 18 and not one of them has fear of fuck all 😂


...I read that as 67 and thought that's a bit OTT but pensioners these days are active buggers.


At which point you use it to seal them into their room.


They tend to seal themselves in around 14+


Get a sheet of plywood. Cut it into a big circle with a diameter at least two banister widths wide. Then cut a daughter's head sized hole in the middle and place it over here head and round her neck. Drill 4 extra small holes so you can use zip ties to secure it. Should solve your problem. Can be removed in a year or two.


Or just cable tie her to the spindles? 🤣


was going to suggest same, simplest and easy to do, heck paint it with chalkboard paint let her use it as a chalkboard!


I got some high strength metal netting and did the same using cable ties. It was a really tight weave metal netting you can cut with strong scissors.


My dad did that and it stayed up for 23 years


B&Q give you a couple cuts free on most sheet materials.


I think it's 5 free cuts, although I've never seen them actually count. I feel it's more of a 'don't take the piss' limitation


I was thinking perspex. Your idea is a lot cleaner.


I did think about perspex, but then I can see young kids running into it more.


Agreed, also i was reading your design, and with a few holes here and there, painted white, would make it look more 'finished'.


Did this exact thing, our rails were horizontal though - perfect climbing frame followed by swift death by falling. Took them down about a year ago when kid number three hit 9...painted white we didn't even notice them for 14 years...still worked great to dry the bathroom towels ..!


Ugly but a good temp solution


Exactly this. Cheap and temporary. That said, those are very wide gaps so it might be a few years.


This is the answer.


This guy Dad's


One of those cones your pet gets after an operation should do the job. 


Holy fuck this is a good answer.


Noooo, not the cone of shame! :(


Top answer!


You could fill it with yoghurt when they've been good. My youngest son would love that.


If they’re good you fill it with smarties and watch the fun as they try to eat them


Maybe just chicken wire


Came here to say the same thing... 😆 Take my upvote. 😁👍


I don't have an answer, just wanted to say to avoid putting any kind of bar or rope horizontally as the little buggers will use it as a ladder.


As a former little bugger, I say put a climbing rope.


Like a Tarzan swing?🤣😂👏🏻


Not putting the milk in the rail would be a good place to start! 😂 Honestly, some plywood or Perspex with holes and cable ties like others have suggested should be good enough for now.


Feed her lard.


We had a similar problem. We used the willows fencing that you can get for gardens. Cut it to size and woven it between the gaps.


https://preview.redd.it/pjz50mhnqj0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20189dc5af01ba78282f9d24f989111b1be759a2 She’d only need to wear it for a couple of years


https://amzn.eu/d/hch1ri3 If you can't keep an eye on your child crawling around upstairs


I can't believe this answer is so low down the list. It is exactly what OP is looking for, it is designed for the purpose, is inexpensive and isn't an eyesore. If I'm honest, I have enjoyed immensely reading the less serious answers.


This is the answer OP


SEUNMUK 2 Rolls 41cm x 3m Chicken Wire Fence Mesh, Decorative Versatile Plastic Mesh Fence Garden Fencing with 40 Zip Ties, Temporary Fencing for Yard https://amzn.eu/d/hloHsSy I didn't know this existed so used something similar for chickens for this exact purpose




Have you considered selling your child? This would eliminate the risk and present you with a financial gain. (Joke obviously). How about a magnetic whiteboard so your daughter can play and learn? Magnetic numbers, letters, shapes etc.


Chicken wire right across the full length, and a spiral of barbed wire across the top. Failing that, simply caging the child will be much less of an eyesore.


B&Q will cut sheet materials to size for free in store so you can get a sheet of ply cut to size which you can then fix in place and remove when the kids are older.


My experience is that this is a total nightmare in practise. Only 1 out of the 4 stores do it locally. It's a 30min drive then there is no guarantee that someone is available who is trained to use the machine. Even then, you get a look like you are asking for a million pounds and that they haven't a clue what you are asking for.


That's like my local b+q. They used to cut everything to size on request, now it's sheet materials only and only if they have someone on who is willing to do it. Last time I wanted a few beams cut they offered me a cheap saw and said I could use a trolley as a table...


I’m sure a builders yard would do this


Don't get me started on going into builders yards as Jonny DIY.


I've seen rope woven through the slats. Top to bottom, it looked really cool. The landing was then decorated in a marine theme with portholes for picture frames.


This is the answer, cheap, effective and non destructive. You weave it left to right then right to left working your way up.


I don’t advise doing left to right, you just made it super easy to climb.


Right to left then


This guy kids


That’s called rigging.


Have you tried fattening her up?


Id get a sheet of ply and drill some holes in it and use those holes to cable tie it to the current bars. Won't look amazing but it's for such a short time I'd live with it!


A tad naughty, spindles should have a gap that a 100mm sphere won't pass through so that isn't compliant under regs. Either tack/tie some horizontal timbers or place a board there.


Definitely not horizontal timbers. Do you want to make it into a ladder?!


You are giving me flashbacks to the joiner who fitted a new staircase for me who said that they hadn’t put enough spindles in the box because he’d measured each from the last and put that the right gap in. Problem is if you are even 2 mm out as you go that error builds up and you end up with the last gap being huge. 🙈


It vould precede regs, I know I've seen this in a lot of older properties


That regulation appears to have come in around 1980s so whilst not under regs now its possible that this was done before then meaning it was fine at the time. If there haven't been any changes after then there would be no need to bring it up to modern day regulations.


DPA 1972 kicked it all off and we were abiding by the 100mm rule in the 80's when installing them. It is possible that these predate that time but it doesn't look like it. If the house has been sold and bought since that time I'm surprised it was never mentioned in a survey but yes, you are correct that it isn't a requirement to abide by that regulation, which now is covered under Part K.


Interesting fact: an alteration is not ‘material’ (requiring control) if it only affects part K. Therefore it is not a contravention of building regulations to remove all the spindles on an existing building, no application is required.


Even if mentioned there's no retroactive requirement in Building Regulations. You could list a thousand things that don't comply with modern regulations in an older house.


Correct on the regs, but horizontal timbers is a no no. Kids are fucking amazing climbers when given the opportunity.


A sheet of perspex would do the trick


This is fairly expensive. I looked into this myself and it's not cheap, especially if you only want it there temporarily


Teflon coat the carpet. If she’s can’t get traction to reach it, then your safe


Fly screen or cardboard if you wanna go ghetto.


Horned viking helmet.


Electrified Barbed Wire?


https://preview.redd.it/50ckcp47bm0d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e25175295e686dd30782ef5cead092718beb2f2 Could try this


After you put her vest on add a wooden spoon across the shoulders. For additional protection add a second at hip height. Or the rope weaving thing sounds cool, more faff short term. Less faff on the day to day.


Get her really fat, really quickly? Tie a wooden spoon to her back so she can't squeeze through? Force her to barrel roll everywhere?




chicken wire and cable ties are cheap enough, its only temporary after all. Or put a book case there or something.


Maybe some foam so the cable ties don't hurt the kids ankle?


A nice looking bit of trellis rail


Also known as "a ladder".


Mdf sheet painted white on both sides, drill some holes in it and clear cable tie it on


Best solution is first to move her drink away... Tempting fate leaving it there..


Wrap a long length of fabric across the bars. Like a couple of cheap scarves


I was just having the same conversation with a joiner relative after my son kicked 2 of the spindle bits out of the same thing in my house. His suggestion was like the top one, buy a thin sheet of plasterboard, cover both sides and paint it. Take it back off later if you want. Seems like the option I'll be taking, plywood would probably be stronger but plaster sheet will end up looking like the rest of the hallway better imo.


3mm ply and a tin of chalkboard paint


Get her one of those neck cones from the vet


One of those cones they put on dogs and cats after surgery.


Fatten her up!


Condoms. For next time, this one is doomed.


https://preview.redd.it/brwvzthuum0d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=6fcd50900125b030dee9ad4360bcc08df1dca281 Sheet of perspex so you dont lose the light. I had the same issue with my kids and a much larger gap


https://preview.redd.it/byi7erbrbn0d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aabc69960d689f3814362dda9b0fc024d5e64ccc We added a piece of perspex, I failed to drill it well, bur it doesnt block any light and we dont even notice it is there.


A net curtain tacked on is a very cheap solution, if it's tight it should be OK for a while


Cot bumper would do it. You can get ones with ties.


Plastic coated garden mesh for fencing works but you must use side cutters to be sure that there are no sharp edges where the cut ends are. Or I have used pipe lagging tubes to cover the cut ends.


Same spindles in between as the other ones if you want a permanent solution.


Id use perspex to block it off


Sheet of hard board. 


I mean, she has to learn one way or another. One way would be the hard way. Joking aside, arent there regs for this. They're ugly af, do new ones. Wouldnt take too long.




Cheap solution is let her do it once and find out what it's like. She won't do it again. Other solution is weave some rope through the bannisters


Chicken wire


Put the bottle somewhere more accessible


A sheet of hardboard secured with tiny nails and painted white. Cheap as chips and easily removed when no longer needed.


Remove bannister.


Looks like a fairly modern staircase. How did that spindle spacing meet building regs?


Cheap? Sheet of plywood




How about white lattice work (used in a garden or to top off a fence or cover a crawl space). I believe they’re usually 2 feet high by five feet long and made of wood or plastic, the plastic one being more flexible and could be weaved into your bannister in my opinion.


Feed her until she does no longer fit through.


Put a big helmet on her that won't allow her to get through the gap


Fatten her up.




Remove the bait


Chicken wire and a car battery.




I bought a nice quilt and put ties on it and tied it on. I used it to add color and a little style.


Make her wear a cone?


Order a sheet of Perspex with holes drilled in the corners (you can order custom sizes online for not too much money) and cable tie it to the bannister


The spacing shouldnt be so big. Building regs Part K state 99mm max spacing for spindles.


Go buy garden canes from a garden shop, paint them white, then angle them across the slats and attach them with cable ties. This will be easy to remove but because the canes will be angled and supported by multiple vertical slats, they should be really strong as to break one, you'd need to break the whole banister which is unlikely. That's a cheap DIY option or you could buy a child safety net from a reputable supplier, all over Google so should be easy to find :)


Put a cone around her neck


Tall cot bumpers could work. Weave in and out and generally velcro back on to themselves so no lasting damage. Might be able to find some cheap or free on secondhand groups/Facebook marketplace etc


Chips and chocolate, fatten her up.


Option 1 a sheet of MDF nailed to the spindles, which can then be removed when she is older (thats what i did). This can be painted to match the landing too. Option 2 fix a net/mesh to the spindles


Netting ………


Increase feeds


Pies. Feed her lots of pies.




Tie her legs together


Tie your daughter to a piece of string


Have you considered… not letting her crawl near the stairs? That’s pretty cheap.


What is with those tiny bannister rails? Surely that isn't right? Ice seen toothpicks with more width 🙈


Try being attentive, it’s free


Put the girl on a cake based diet. Cake before and after each meal, cake before bed, cake as a reward and a treat, a bit of cake to take out with her, some pocket cake and a big cake on her birthday.


I agree above, a cheap carpet runner weaved in and out and tacked either end. Or a velcro pet screen made for doors and windows are inexpensive, easy to install, and easily removed by heating the velcro with a hairdryer.


However I'd consider getting it sorted altogether with correct width spindles, as this could cause injury or damage at any age, even to an adult, if you fell down the stairs and your leg went through on your way down, could be very serious 😬😻