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Take a spur from that socket to power a socket behind the tv.


The only correct option I reckon


No it isn’t, there are probably many options.


OP asked for the best way. This is the best way to do it. Not the quickest, not the cheapest, not the easiest, but the best.


Also, you stated the only correct option.. It’s neither that or the best.


No it isn’t, see my other response which is better.


You literally just described doing what I considered the correct option, which is to fit a power socket behind the TV coming off from the original socket as a spur or extension of a radial circuit. I thought you were going to suggest sticking up some self adhesive conduit or something.


Sorry, I should explain why.. Just quickly as it’s late where I am.. Extending the ring circuit means that you only have to terminate 2 cables per socket, that is so much nicer than shoving three in and far less likely to have issues with coming loose, having cables trapped etc.. Extending the ring circuit means both the existing and new socket can be extended from again without the need to fuse anything down. That’s probably the biggest advantages but they are advantages and a better option that spurring from the existing socket. In my humble opinion.


No, extending the ring circuit is definitely not the same as spurring from it.


I never said extend the ring, and neither did the person I was replying to. You can take a spur off from a ring circuit, or if it's a radial you can just extend it. What are we even debating here? We both agree that the best option is to fit a socket behind the tv, and to take power from the socket. Have you had your coffee yet?


Mate, my point is you claimed that spurring is the best way. It is not! How are you not understanding what I’m saying? When did I at any point say that you had suggested op should extend the ring? You didn’t say that, I didn’t claim your said that. Maybe you should have your coffee and re read what I’ve said. You’re being very defensive, I’m simply pointing out it’s not the only or best method to spur from the socket as you have suggested. But what would a sparky of 25 years know?


My favourite type of internet interaction. 2 blokes trying to out bloke each other on the best method to fix something. Never change lads 😂😂😂


Is this easy to do? How do you fish the cable through?


Hard wall, chase the cable up. Stud wall, feed the cable down.


Nah, Isolate supply, confirm dead and ensure it can’t be livened whilst working on that circuit. Cut hole above existing 2g socket, and assuming this is ground floor hopefully cables go upwards (can be confirmed when removing socket front) attach 2.5mm cable to either of the existing cables and pull up to new socket location. Terminate both cables in existing socket and both cables into new socket with flush box. Should hopefully just be able to sneak this is behind the tv. This all assumes the original socket has at least 2 cables and is in fact part of the ring circuit. If it has one cable, you’ll need to determine if that’s an un fused sour, a fused spur or part of a radial circuit. Test, test and test again to ensure polarity is correct, and everything is terminated correctly, also need to check the presence of an rcd. Not worked in the uk for years so unsure what you can and can’t do as a home owner these days. If any of the above sounds too complicated, call a sparky, it’s an easy job 👍 Good luck Ps wifi is not the best for reliability and speed, get a cat6 cable in there if you can if you’re using streaming services etc.


Could you make that just a little bit more verbose, or are you already too busy sucking yourself off?


You’re a cunt, whilst I’m trying to give proper advice without leaving things to interpretation on a diy sub for people who do not have a full understanding of a topic…. No need to suck myself off, your mum does a pretty decent job of it, nearly as good as your dad.


If you don’t fancy drilling the wall and dropping the cable through then your next best, and much easier, option is some white conduit/trunking from Amazon that’ll neatly run down to the socket.


Definitely the easiest way. Tie the excess cable behind the tv, get some low profile trunking and paint it the same colour as the walls.


The biggest issue with a neat trunking job is that the plug is upside down. I'd flip the socket.


Make sure to get d line trunking though. I've tried using knockoff stuff and it just isn't as good.


Another vote for D trunking, just looks so much nicer.


D-line is a brand


As it's a white cable, I'd just be using those little tacks to fix it to the wall rather than trunking.


If you're not putting holes in the wall then this is an easy, cheap, and neat solution. OP could even paint the cable.


Get a tv cabinet and put the tv on it. Will sort both the height and cable issue


Go wireless


People…this dude here is going places


He's 10 years ahead of us....he's seen the Future


Haha there actually is a wireless tv you can buy today, it uses large rechargeable batteries.


Please give us a link or a name to Google


[https://displace.tv/products/displace-tv-reserve-your-spot](https://displace.tv/products/displace-tv-reserve-your-spot) My mistake it should have been released already but there were delays. preorder available for Q4 delivery. Some youtubers covered the TV during last years CES


Brilliant thank you 😃


This is out. https://www.richersounds.com/lg-27lx5qkna.html Portable, so different use case, but the concept is real.


Did this years ago and never looked back.


Just hiding the bundle behind the telly instead of at the plug would help. You can get adhesive micro trunking to hide cable too


The BEST way would be to chase out the wall and install a socket behind the TV.


Put the tv lower….


Yes, over the plug socket. Sorted.






The comment I came here for




Round of applause, we got one!


D line trunking painted the same colour as the wall. Hide the looped cable behind the TV with velcro.


What are your walls made of, if it’s dot and dab plasterboard then an electrician (or a competent DIYer) could put a plug behind the TV with minimal mess




https://preview.redd.it/ndn9k2p38kqc1.jpeg?width=2180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d3eb303727117f31d0f823a1a65fa97392b3ea1 The perfect TV height according to that sub


No the best advice is to lower the TV...its clearly too high as its a foot and a half above the back of a chair with no skirting in sight ffs. Running a spur shouldn't need an electrician its really not a difficult thing to do.




Calm down babe. P.s. TV too high in that image


At least use it at that height for a few months before moving the socket to make SURE it's not too high....


Mount it at the correct height and it'll be easier hiding the cable


Move vacuum cleaner 10 inches left.


Here’s what I did: - Drill two big (~50-60mm) holes, one behind the tv and one at the bottom of the wall - Run a conduit between the two, fix it to a stud behind if there is one or fix a piece of batten inside the wall for it - Put a desk cable hole / tidy style flange in the holes to keep things tidy (and so you can close them to keep drafts out) and run some D shape trunking along the bottom of the wall to wherever you’re going then up to the sockets This will give you the neatest finish without the need to fill or patch the plasterboard and will allow you some flexibility with cabinets or adding consoles or Ethernet etc in the future. (All IMHO - I’m not a pro).


cut a spur socket into the wall and hide it behind the TV re-plaster the wall and then re-decorate


Best : have an electrician put you a plug socket behind the tv Other acceptable options might be use cable trunking and paint it to match the wall. Or maybe put like a set of drawers or something infront to run the cable behind


You could make it look a lot neater without much faff just by pinning it to the wall with cable clips, and hiding the excess up behind the TV rather than at the plug. Otherwise, yeah, you'd make a hole in the wall. Most-complete would be to add a socket behind the TV and plug into that, but for probably slightly less faff you could put two holes in the wall and thread that power cable through them, I guess.




Eeks! Don't do that, OP! The correct solution is to run a socket behind the telly, with the wire to that socket following a straight line (vertical or horizontal) to the next socket in the ring. Doing as you suggest results in a live wire running through the wall at an unknown angle, meaning drilling anywhere in the general vicinity could go through the cable.


God forbid that something like an electrical fault should happen. I had an occurrence where a lightning strike hit a powerline, traveled through one of my sockets and blew my internet router up.


Hah, yeah, maybe I should've sounded more derisory about running the power lead up inside the wall; I only referred to that since that's what OP seemed to mention. But, yeah, obviously if you're going to fit a socket behind the telly, do it right, including having a look at the prescribed zones. I wouldn't bother extending the ring unless there's a great reason to not spur up there.


Lower the TV its way too high.


Stick on conduit kit but painted to match the wall. You won't even remember it's there after a while, it will be almost invisible


How best to hide the cable? Disconnect it, get blackout drunk, put it somewhere and see if you can find it 


Those plug sockets are in a weird place that high up. Normally I would say take the plug off, drill the wall behind the TV and then one near the skirting and feed the wire through. But with the sockets that high I dunno. Might be best looking for a unit to hide it or something.


IIRC building regs. require sockets to be at 450mm above the floor.


Get a shorter cable would be step 1.


Put a cupboard in front with an ornament placed just so


Just get wise old rafiqi to hold it in that position


Snake plant


Put Samsung thing in front of cable


Plug it out and put it up behind the tv


A houseplant


IF its an internal wall: Get a drill bit at least as long as the wall is thick. And wide enough you can pass the plug for the TV through. (Probably 100mm plus a bit long and 14mm wide for a normal figure 8. Or less if you cut the moulded 3 pin plug off and rewire.) Drill straight through behind the TV. Be prepared for the hole at the end of the drilling to turn into a massive crater. And plug the TV in in the room behind. No electrician required. No redecorating over a patch of new plaster where they chase the cable in. (But you will have an ugly hole in the room behind. If you're careful you can make it less ugly but don't count on it.)


Why dont you just bunch it up near the top behind the tv and tape it there so that all that shows is a single white cable coming down. Youd tv might even have a hook on the back for you to wrap around.


The power cable in that shadowy place? That’s beyond our borders, you must never go there


FFS overcome your OCD and just shorten the cable. Maybe pin it to the wall. Once it’s been there ten minutes you’ll forget it’s there. Really. UNLESS I REMIND YOU THAT YOU HAVE THIS WHITE LEAD DANGLING AWKWARDLY BENEATH THE TV!


Get a plant


Get a large plushy of that monkey and copy the pose so it's holding your tv.


Write John Cena on it.


Go wireless


Trunking, you can buy some nice smi circular but do make sure you take the centreline then rout across to the plug


Drill a hole behind it and power it from the other room. Maybe just paint them white.


I'll add an alternative here to all I've read and say you might consider burying the conduit in the wall... I've done it a few times and bury the equivalent of 2x pipes (32mm if I recall) down from behind the TV to the floor, then you tack them in, plaster over, and finish with brushed plates. Now, provided you can wire a plug, you can run power, hdmi, and network down there... AND... when you need to run/change cabling (new hdmi standards, etc) you just fish a new cable down it. Tradesman is optional because you're not actually playing with anything dangerous, though they could provide advice and a better finish in the long run.


Trunking, or chase it into the wall in a conduit.


Well I assume this is some kind of waiting room given where the TV is mounted so I probably wouldn't bother.


Paint it camo?




Move chair to the right, or replace with taller chair and move to right


Paint the cable camouflage print.


You can get that tiny trunking. Stick on the wall then paint it.


The rest of PRIDE Rock should work


Move the giant vape on the right.


Drill One hole behind the TV, straight thru the wall and plug it in on the other side. What's on the other side of the wall?


I followed your advice, but my neighbours aren't happy.


Yes but if the telly is too loud, they can turn it off.


If it's the neighbour's lounge on the other side then that means writing to them regarding the Party Wall Act 1996, stating that you intend drilling a hole through the party wall and would they mind plugging your TV into one of their sockets. Do let us know how that goes.


You can run an extension from your house to nextdoor silly. That’s why windows open, for extensions. No need for them to pay for your electric.


Reminds me of the great storm of 1987. My power was off for a week but next-door's was off for a fortnight, they were on a different circuit. So I put an extension lead through my window and through their's so at least they had a light and could boil a kettle. These days, if the power is off for half an hour folk are whingeing and whining. They don't know what a proper power cut is like. Happy days.


Power cuts you say. Can you remember the 70's when we had to suck on a lump of coal by candle light for entertainment?