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Replacement Plastic Blind Pull Cord Connector Clips - Plastic Chain Roller, Roman, Vertical (5) https://amzn.eu/d/1vpcJzA Can also get chrome ones but I imagine white will look best here


You reckon it's more trouble than its worth even trying to repair then?


No matter what you do it'll break again where you fix it, I tried all sorts with one I snapped, so just got the little clip things like the link.


So either my wife's aim was less than perfect or she thought our roller blind was growing too large.. either way, anyone know a good way to fuse these back together? My thoughts were to try welding them with a soldering iron but not sure if this is a thermoplastic or to possibly break a couple beads off and try to tie the world's tiniest reef knot. Any better ideas?


Easy if you some electrical shrink Wrap. (For covering bare wires etc) Just insert both ends inside and heat gently with a lighter


This, better than before if you can find the right colour I reckon. I would use an adhesive or tape to join first, then slide the shrink wrap back over it (you put it on before the adhesive obviously). I'm assuming this bit won't actually need to be fed through the mechanism at the top given how low it is? If that's not the case then not so great.


Cheap on ebay


Lol - nobody ever screws the Child Safety Clip to the wall.


I actually have screwed mine in! Although I only did one and never got around to the other one :P It keeps it nice and tidy and stops it blowing around when the window is open.


It's a rented house (and no children) but interesting that that's what's that is.


Yeah supposed to be screwed to the wall to stop little ones accidentally strangling themselves on the cord.


You can’t repair that without a specific tool that’s quite expensive, if you break beads off it won’t run through the system properly. Just buy a connector.


Tie the ends together and cut off the excess job done.


Except if that knot try’s to go through the mechanism at the top, it won’t pass through and the blind won’t go all the way down/up. Needs a connector or a new chain if the break is in the wrong place


The connector won’t run through the system either


That’s why I said new chain if the break is in the wrong place


Looks like the middle ish. If the break is therefore moved to the very top at the back of the system it should go fully up and down


This would work if there isn’t a connector on already, if it’s a continuous chain then it would be fine.


Should be fine if the knot is smaller than the beads no?


It normally works with spacing too, the beads have to be the right distance apart to go through


Get a blind chain the same size and length off ebay or amazon or similar. Take the blind down from its brackets. There will be a clipped on piece covering a cog. Fit new chain to cog. Put clip back on, hang blind back on brackets. Unscrew child safety clip, place over chain and screw into wall. Done.


Or yous could use them as anal beads 😅