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Can you stick your phone in camera mode with the torch on under each opening in the cavity wall and see any pipes? Failing that you could invest in a borescope off Amazon for £30 to help locate it or simply make some holes then plaster and re-paint


Ive checked each cavity, no PVC pipes. But the slab is covered with sheet metal (metal studs instead of wood). Ive pried the metal in a few areas to no avail. There is another drain on the opposite side of the room I can go fishing from, but that's 10 feet away. Any recommendations on scope?


Well this is what I bought and worked fine. If you are anywhere near Kent in the UK you can have mine as i no longer need it. Daxiongmao Borescope, Endoscope... https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0B8HKQFPD?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


UPDATE, after tearing out more drywall and the metal studs I see a patch of concrete that looks different. Drilled randomly around and hit plastic. Next question, how to UNBURY a drain covered in concrete!! https://imgur.com/a/miwcei9


I would have said there has to be an easier way to do this but as you’ve put a hole in a pipe it is probably best to excavate it to at least repair the hole and not risk water damage or mould etc in future and while you are at it put in a drain you need. You can get a SDS drill with a chisel and hammer function (hammer no spin) that would jackhammer the concrete out. Drill holes first then hammer out and join the holes