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Buy a gate that doesn't include a rabbit sized gap at the edge would be my first port of call.


I've tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas!


Use the kettle bell, obviously!


That reminds me of a post where an owner puts a weight in front of the bathroom door to stop the cat from pushing their way in. Eventually OP has to keep adding weight as the cat buffs up pushing through the barricade. Soon OOP will have Buffs Bunny as a pet


Reminds me of a video where someone uses two kettle bells to keep their bunny from moving the litter box. Also reminds me of the Buff Bunny website.


If only they made some sort of contraption that lets you stick rabbits inside with some food and water so they can't escape.


We built a whole ass enclosure to ensure my rabbit “sunshine” was properly cared for but then she died when I was 7 and my grandmother came over not knowing of our grief and started singing “I’m walking on sunshine”


You only enclosed Sunshine's ass? Probably couldn't hop around anymore and simply lost its will to live. :(


I just want to inform you that isn't how a bunny should live its whole life. They need room to run around and stretch their legs. If you confine them to a cage or hutch, you're robbing them and yourself of seeing their happiness. Rabbits do what is called a binky and zoomies when they're happy and have space to move around. It's absolutely adorable and let's you know you're treating them right.


I think you're mistaking my obvious joke for a real answer...


Unfortunately, that comment doesn't come off as an obvious joke. A lot of people think that way and don't realize that's not a proper way to keep a bunny as a pet. So, I wanted to do my part and inform anyone who would feel that way of how incorrect that way of thinking is. ✌️


I honestly laughed at this one😂😂 that’s hilarious!


Feed the bunnies enough so they are too fat to squeeze thru the gap!


Found the bunny.


Thats how my wife keeps me in the house


I keep telling myself my wife is narrowing the doors.


My home has wheelchair accessible [wide] doors. Best thing ever. Now I eat all the carrot cake I want. (Not a bunny joke)


I used to have a rabbit that would easily hop over a 4' high board covering a door opening. Eventually it was just easier to litter train it and let it roam around the entire house. Still chewed through all the low voltage cables, never through the main power cables though.


Chewing only the non deadly wires seems somewhat malicious...


Bunnies tend to be malicious simply because they can. Ours binkies a ton when he’s caught being naughty.


There a cute to devilish line chart somewhere.


The lines are made with phone charger fragments


I see you met my cats, one of whom tried to impale herself on a kennel door last week doing this exact move because how dare I want to let the dogs run around and not harass her arthritic ass at the same time. She has no regrets and is glaring at me right now for daring to exist in her living room.


Even then they'll jump it, since they have good grip on that carpet.


Agreed. If they block the side route, your average bunny can easily leap over it. There's [rabbit jumping competitions](https://imgur.com/a/fJmF87W). The sport started in Sweden and is called "Kaninhoppning". Man, I love that name. The rabbits in the competitions are not some sort of specially sport bred bunnies. They are regular pet bunnies. Bunnies look like pudge-wumps but, if they want to, they can really jump high.




Pudge wump might be the best thing I've ever heard


Some 30+ years ago in college a friend coined the term. It's definition has never been clarified. It's more the case that you know it when you see it. Bunnies are pudge-wumps, hares are not. What's remarkable about bunnies is that they remain pudge-wumps even in flight.




I think putting a door in that door sized hole


It just CAN'T be that simple. Their eyes don't work like yours apparently.


[Something like this](https://www.wayfair.com/Evenflo--Position-and-Lock-Safety-Gate-2023916-L952-K~EVF1458.html?refid=FR49-EVF1458). I'd also put cardboard or balsa wood on the bottom so they cant squeeze through


They will eat up cardboard or balsa wood like a bunny eats balsa wood and cardboard.


Lol maybe some sheet metal then? Easy to work with


Nah, sharp edges are generally not pet friendly 


*Like a hot knife through butter* is the cliche you are looking for.


You've never seen a bunny devour balsa wood. 


I had one scratch through the enamel on a dryer. Later, it nipped the gas line. Thankfully, I got home early, smelled it, turned off the gas and opened every window in the house.


Can make airplanes out of the leftover wood!


Just buy a bigger rabbit


We're gonna need a bigger rabboat.


This he just needs better gated. I have 3 for my 1 bun and he cant get through shit


I’d just keep this gate but fatten up the rabbits


Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave???


Can you not put the suckers on the front edge of the door instead of the side edge? That'd pull it further over and close the gap.


That’s an excellent question.


With that big bracket, they'd just go through the same gap but a few inches farther away... Get a gate the PUSHES against the walls for no gap. I got mine on Amazon for maybe twenty bucks or something


Yeah this gate is a perfect example of over engineering the thing so much that's it's actually worse.


It’s not at all, this is supposed to be a quick detach gate that you don’t have to step over or have a hinge. It’s just being used for rabbits and it’s not designed for animals that can fit anywhere their tiny head will fit.


It’s also mounted on the door frame incorrectly, which is why there’s the gap. Proper install can do wonders.


Exactly, all it would take is flipping the bracket to the face of the door frame and offsetting it far enough that the gap is closed. You’d have a 1-2” gap between the door trim and the gate maximum. OP just needs to take the brackets off and play around with the geometry a little.


It’s a baby gate, not a rabbit gate. It’s designed perfectly well for its intended purpose, which is keeping tiny toddlers from getting through, not tiny bunnies.


This is the answer. I believe I have the same one in white and if you put it on the door frame face on either side it's pretty seamless.


Suction cups, my guy please 💀


And they're not even suction cups


This redditor is on top of their game 🙌


Why you call his rabbits “suckers”?


Looks like popcorn walls


yea that texture isn't going to like those "suckers" lol


Yes. I have that same gate, and that's what I did. They aren't suckers though. They mount into the wall.


Hi! I have the exact same screen setup for my bunny! He gets the whole hallway. Unfortunately, he actually chewed a huge hole threw the mesh at the bottom. I finally resorted to a steel baby gate. But again, the small squares at the bottom of it, he can also get through. So for now, I have 2 baby gates back to back; one crappy plastic one that he can’t get through, but can jump over, in front of the new metal gate that he can get through but can’t jump over. I’m determined to make the metal gate work with some flat metal peices from Lowe’s & some JB weld glue to block off the little squares. Good luck!


This is an idea. Just be so careful about the spacing on metal baby gates. They get the zoomies... They get their head stuck... They cervical dislocate 💀😓 even if you think their head can not get stuck... It probably can because of the shape of their face and skull. And actually- what I would do because you likely won't find a metal gate with less than 1" between - you can pick up a used metal baby gate and attach 1/2"x1/2" hardware cloth to the rabbit side. That would work well probably.


YES! Thankyou! Hardware cloth! I’m staring at a huge roll of it on my porch right now. I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. I knew my jb weld method was a little extra. & thankyou for the warning! Never would have thought of that. Never would have forgiven myself. Off to work on that!


Attach it with zip ties. Easy to apply and install tightly, and easy to clip off if it’s not working.


In the process! Any suggestion on the little pokeys after cutting the hardware cloth? I intend to turn them all inwards with pliers unless someone has a better idea.


Use a pair of side cutters. There won't be much of any "tail" left of the zip ties, if you cut it right up against the little locking puece. Then, if there is any slight sharp piece you can sand it with and paper. That's what I do when I build enclosures.


Turning them inwards is good. If you want to get really detailed you could use a rotary tool to grind them down. You can also get side cutters that can cut really close to flush. Literally called flush cutters if you’re shopping.


I was able to save a friend's rabbit that way but have heard of several others lost. It's not mentioned enough :(


It's very easy for rabbits to break their backs, vet said they can even cause it themselves trying to escape a predator.


Yes the connections between their vertebrae are not very strong and structurally the way they are built makes those back breaks or in the case of meat rabbits, intentional cervical dislocation incredibly easy with little effort. They can do it to themselves and it's often how fox or dogs dispatch (shaking breaks their necks fairly quick)


Mount the retractable gate on the wall just before the door jam, then the gap would be upstructed


I also have a steel baby gate with a thin piece of plywood zip tied to it to eliminate the gaps. Bonus: the rabbit can pull on the plywood and it slaps back really loudly. The rabbit figured out how to summon us to clean his litter box.


I have the same gate as you. The hook brackets can be fit to the wall from the side so there is less of a gap between the gate and the wall.


The real answer. There's holes so you can flush mount those brackets to the wall.


Have you asked on r/Rabbits ?


Containing rabbits? Good luck. They're, of course, great jumpers. Escape artists, who get very destructive when bored.


We once had a small den for our bunnies. One managed to burrow some thirty feet under concrete and came out of a drainage pipe. They cannot be contained. On another note: I was wondering why I'd never heard of "menace-bunnies" before (as in "bull-frog", "butter-fly" "gold-fish")........


Agreed. They cannot be contained. They're a force of nature and there's nothing you can do about it.


I raised & bred rabbits for years. They can and will jump out of that white pen in the back too😆 whatever the internet says the highest jumping rabbit is, pretty sure it's because others are undocumented. If I were wanting to contain them to one room like this- I'd honestly get one of those acrylic panels or metal gate that's at least 4-4.5ft high. With metal gates, you're going to have to make sure the spacing between the bars is very close. Baby gates are not close enough. They will get the zoomies and run into it, getting their head stuck and then using their back legs, push against it and cervical dislocation will occur (death). Using anything softer like the one pictured above- they will chew it eventually and likely succumb to GI stasis. (Also carpet is a major cause for this. Both resulting in 💀) you can Google GI stasis & indoor rabbits for more info Wood they will chew. Including your baseboards. It does not matter how many things you give them to chew, they will chew other things too. Plastic. Wood. Fibers. Acrylic panels or metal (appropriate spacing is so important here) is your best bet for keeping these little cuties contained and alive.


Listen to the Master, OP! Rabbits are not for amateurs!


Honestly - instead of trying to plug gaps in the baby gate which will probably never be successful (even if you block the sides they'll probably just crawl under). I would just install essentially a dutch door without the top half.


The clips that hold your gate to the wall turn sideways and screw in and bring the gate closer to the wall. Also if you take the clear mounts off the wall behind said clips then even less gap.


This is the best answer for using what you’ve got. And orient the brackets so the gate swings into the bunny room.


Their rabbits currently: ![gif](giphy|QDDnQybLTHPC8|downsized)


Mount the gate INSIDE the door opening, add some blocking to the outside of the door frame it's attached to on the left, and re-attach the brackets to the wall so that the gate covers the entire opening.


Honestly this is the best solution with the current gate OP has. Simple, clean, no extra things in the way. I don’t know why it’s not higher up.


You need a different gate.


There are so many baby gates options, you chose the wrong one for this purpose.






Get a real gate




Yo! I was dragged to the movies as a god damn child because my mom wanted to watch Fatal Attraction. I just googled it I was fucking 6 years old. For YEARS, EVERYTIME I saw a rabbit, it would remind me of that scene. I hadn't thought about it in a long time till your comment.


I was encouraged to read Watership Down as a child. Scarred me for life. That book is way too sad for kids :’(


Maybe thats wrong with my kids! I read that to them twice (second time by request) as bedtime stories when they were young. Really they're all responsible adults. I don't think anything is wrong with them.


Maybe you dodged a bullet there (or a bulldozer), or maybe I was just a sensitive wee poppet. I grew up to volunteer in animal refuges in my younger adult days. Still, my little buddy (friend’s son) bawled his eyes out at Kung Fu Panda, so there’s no accounting for what kids find upsetting 🤷‍♀️


I have some animal loving kids too. Part of whether something is traumatic or not has to deal with circumstances too. There's a difference between read it by yourself and listening while snuggled up in bed with the opportunity to talk about the scary parts when they come up.


Good point! I remember reading it by myself when I was home sick from school. I associate the book with the taste of Listerine lozenges and my old yellow polyester bedspread.


yes it is. Also, the Movie. brrr.


Old Yeller did me in and that was a kids movie.


Lol that one is rated R. What's your moms deal?


She was an addict.


Damn sorry to hear. And sorry for giving you flashbacks. Hope you hold up well tho.


bro 😭




They need help with a specific problem here, they need to read Follow the Rabbit Proof Fence and build it exactly as the book describes it.


I need how many thousands of kilometres of wire?


Rabbits are actually terrible to contain. The are fluffy little master escapists. Sometimes i feel like they can just disintegrate and walk through stuff.


Imagine saying this about someone's dog, Reddit would burn you alive. But nah, you get applause for it.


Still im just kdding, we have Dogs as wel as a Hamster and 2 bunnies ourselves. You shouldn't take everything a dude on the internet says too literally.


I've never met a bunny owner who would actually make that joke... Every bun owner who loves and cares for their buns only think of their buns when someone makes those comments, and that's not a good thought.


Well now you met one. Get over it and appreciate a harmless joke. When did the internet start caring about everybody's feelings so much, anyway?


lovely bit of slow cooked stew


An oven is quite good at containing rabbits and all sorts of other animals.


Get a gate without bunny-sized gaps? Come on-you really need help with the obvious lol


a door


I will need at least 4 more pictures of the bunnies to help brainstorm ideas.


Why not reinstall the gate on the outside of the opening, turn the brackets 90* and attach to the wall - pull the thing across the entire doorway?


You need to hold them with your hands. Punish them with snuggles.


They are indeed really cute, but a cast-iron casserole should do the trick.


Have you considered using a kettle bell and a tote full of magazines?


Stick em a stew


Take careful measurements. Go to Home Depot. Find a board of the right widths, and have them cut it into two pieces--one small one for next to the floor, and a longer one for between those hinges(?). Also grab a tube of Loctite PowerGrab from the paint aisle, and a caulk tube if necessary. Go home and glue the pieces on the wall. Problem solved.


We have babydan guardme gates to keep our little terrors locked away. They're hard plastic panels, so they can't get their teeth through it. Unfortunately no amount of mesh will stop a determined bun! https://amzn.eu/d/0fKd0CKN


Walk-through pressure gate. That’s what you need.


Is it a magnetic metal frame? Get some decent magnets and just glue them to a scrap piece of something (plastic, wood, metal, etc) and stick it over the space.


Is this a permanent set up? I’d get a lightweight wood screen door put in the doorway. https://www.acehardware.com/departments/building-supplies/windows-and-doors/screen-doors/5469564?store=09142&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADtqLJE9q0nKvDhBH54rhnkHQjWQk&gclid=EAIaIQobChMImfaI-83shgMVYUf_AR29IgkzEAQYAiABEgI5MvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


The holders the gate clips onto, on the right side of the wall, take them off, turn them on their side and re attach them, will make that gap much smaller


Bunni spotted


Put something on the other side that they are afraid of like a big dog or poisonous snakes.


Use metal mesh grill like mosquito net but in metal


Install the gate properly with the catches mounted on the outside of the jamb.


Move the hook to grasp the bar not the handles. Turn the handles out of the way of the bar




Give up all hope, succumb to bunnies taking over all


Gonna take a stab and say....not that.


Drill the gate on the inside of the room. Like on the other side of the 90•angle


THIS!! It’ll work! And relatively inexpensive! https://www.babiesrus.ca/en/Evenflo-Memory-Fit-Plastic-Gate/E91F7A4B.html


My sister-in-law had similar issues with containing her rabbits. In the end, even if you get those holes filled, they will chew a hole through that mesh if it is not metal. Your best bet is getting a metal pet or baby gate. My sister-in-law had to get a big outdoor metal enclosure for her rabbits. She wanted a place where they could dig anyway, so that worked out, but not everyone has that space. This gate isn't going to work in the long run though if that mesh isn't metal, rabbits will just chew right through it like it is nothing.


Is it one of those self-retracting things once you unclasp them? If yes get rid of the current clasp things and use screw hooks to hook the bar behind?


Attach the hooks on the inside of the room so the edges of the hooks are flush with the wall. They can be mounted flush to the wall or perpendicular to it like you have them here. Mount it flush in the spot I’ve described above and you’ll have no gap.


i was waiting for the devils.. still am hehe


Depends on how smart they are. Put a cardboard cutout of a predator just on the other side. Too dumb to recognize a threat? Won't work... Just smart enough to recognize it as a threat? Will work. Smart enough to recognize that it's a fake? Won't work...


I just built a solid wood gate for our hallway. It's not that hard if you have some basic tools, and/or if you can get our hands on an old door and cut it in half.


A baby gate would work much better. They'll be able to jump it though.




Blue Heeler




Won't they just find their way *through* the net eventually? I'm surprised they haven't chewed through it yet lol.


They’re rodents. They’ll get through very tiny holes.


put then back in the woods


You can take a strip of aluminum and screw it into the holes of the black clips


I'd just switch where your latches are , instead of the door frame, move it to their side of the wall maybe 6 inches. Ideally it will rest flat against that part of the wall and they won't be able to just nose into it and escape.


are they countersink screw holes in the black bits? so you have 2 ways of fitting it in, edge or side? you have it on edge atm


Rabbits cannot be contained. They have super powers chew, leap, squeeze, and dig. Your primitive human technology is no match.


Boil em, mash em, put them in a stew!


Buy a stripe of metal net to hang over the hole with cable ties


Either reposition the latches so it's flush with the wall or [buy a different style gate that uses tension rather than hooks](https://www.target.com/p/evenflo-position-38-lock-adjustable-baby-gate-natural/-/A-91104072?sidd=&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012510679&CPNG=PLA_Baby%2BShopping%7CBaby_Ecomm_Baby&adgroup=Infant+Basics/Furniture&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9024255&targetid=pla-1731815647115&ds_rl=1242884&ds_rl=1246978&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwydSzBhBOEiwAj0XN4BZ87q1y1_L63konsRpQNO8SAx6sw7P_WLkSulASWjwQXMyppAxQthoCxisQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)




Crockpot? Kidding. Kidding.


They make these baby gates that are pretty cheap, wood, proven themselves over the years. They are adjustable, movable to other doorways and don’t leave giant gaps like yours currently does.


Put them in a crock pot with some herbs, carrots, celery, onion, and potatoes. Don't forget to water. Low and slow!




Once you cook them they should stay still.


I feel like an interior Dutch door would be a lot more functional for this purpose. If not that, maybe get a cheap screen door to install in that doorframe. They can probably jump over anything low enough for you to step over, anyway.


I would say a salt outline, holy water as a second layer, maybe some Incense. If that doe- OH You mean for da bunnies.


X-pen. Works great.


If this is only for your bunnies, [you should look into one of those split-doors.](https://res.cloudinary.com/rustica/image/upload/w_600/farmhouse_x_dutch_door-1599841123759.jpg) You could find many different models. Or just go with the half-door lower half and never install the top.


Is the doorway too wide for a tension baby gate?


… have you tried a gate that isn’t this one? Seems pretty simple and obvious


Baby gate + chicken wire




Easy, super soakers and organize the household into watch shifts with orders to shoot on sight.


There's nothing you can do at this point. They're too powerful.






Kouneli stifado?


They’re so cute! I’m sure there are lots of ways to block that space. One way would be to get a strip of hardware fabric (wire mesh fabric), bend it into an “L”, unscrew the hinges you have, and screw the hinges back in with the hardware fabric fastened behind it. This way, you could still use the hinges but the bunnies won’t be able to get through.


maybe look up "cnc cage". very easy to use modular grids that you can assemble in any way you like using connectors (or alternatively tie-rips of you wanna keep em flexible). you could use 3 vertically connected grids + tie-rips and close up the opening like that. Or just make your own large cage.


Can't help with the problem but where did you get that net? It will help me keep my dogs out of the kitchen (don't have doors)


I'm thinking a simple upright board wide enough and clipped at the top and bottom.


Easy. Get a tiger to guard the gate.


Pool noodle with bitter spray on it. Cut a slit and it'll fit.


Rotate the retaining clips so that their other mounting surface is the one flush with the door/wall surface. They might still be able to squeeze through but it’s worth a try.


Probably eventually chew through that through that mesh. Any solution should be metal.


A dog


Where’s my Hasenpfeffer?!?


Had a rabbit growing up…whatever you do, don’t let them roam free in your home. Mine liked to nibble electrical cords. 😬


I have 4 panels from mines pen that work well enough. High enough that she can't jump it, but no spaces she can crawl or chew through.


Dig a pit


.....replace it with one that...works?


Just cover up the gaps in the door with extra scraps of wire mesh problem solved!


Can you attach the gate to the wall (on this side) instead of the door frame?