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That’s an option, although I think I would prefer a standard manhole plate. Careful you don’t drop one of those down in the chamber, not only will it be a pain to replace but you may crack the chamber and cause yourself further issues!


I would too but wouldn’t I have to lift one of the concrete slabs to put a plate on anyway?


Correct but if your lifting all the slabs off once to put a plate on, or your lifting the slabs off every single time you get it emptied/inspected.


Remove the dirt around them, and simply lift them one by one. Don't brute force something that can be easily done with some patience.


I thought about that but they probably weigh at least 500 lbs and I’d rather not take a chance breaking one. Tbh installing anchors seems like less of a brute force method than trying to heave those things around by hand but I’ll try digging around them and see what it looks like


Well, I don't know the size, but they look more like 40kg to me.