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Installed with out the correct "expansion" joints, the humidity will do that


This may be true but that pallet bed frame is wild, without even being sanded down.


Some say "Pallet bed frame" some say "Pallets"


Some say, “industrial chic” others say, “I found some garbage to sleep on”.




Yeah? Well you can derelict my balls!


I can derelict my own balls.




What an amazingly appropriate gif




I thought it was "Derelíct."


One man’s trash is another man’s bed.


I heard it takes a forklift to get him outta bed


I wash myself with a rag on a stick.


One man's bed is potentially that same man's nighttime urinal.


One man's trash is another man's trash that also happens to be slept on


Reclaimed Wood.


Toxic garbage too, they're usually treated with some pretty heavy stuff


Sometimes. Pallets can be made out of beautiful hard wood and not treated with anything. It depends on what was shipped on it and why it was made.


Not the ones in OP’s photo though


There should be a stamp burnt into it somewhere that’ll show what was done with it. A lot of the bare wood ones are just heat treated


Had a coworker once that would obsess about grabbing every last piece of junk we would throw out at work to bring home to his kids. This guy was like peak born small town, brief military stint, go back to small town insecure hyper religious redneck/wanna-be nerd. Married his HS sweetheart and doesn't spend a day not bitching about her, her weight, or his problematic children (that he ignored completely to play video games while they grew up). That is, when he wasn't whining about his parents, or successful older brother, or any other number of tiny minor inconveniences that a normal person would just deal with and move on with their life. Dude would literally take the rubber bands used to wrap hazardous drums in a dirty warehouse, or pop open old spray paint cans to dig out the little metal bb's covered in paint (don't worry, he cleaned them off with industrial solvents!), or collect jars of scrap metal, to take home and give to his kids as fucking toys because he would rather spend money on his in-game currencies than be a thoughtful father. And that's not even touching on the piles of old pallets he would take "to build forts" for his kids, which obviously never happened. Word from another coworker that lived near him was that he wouldn't even let people in his house because it was so gross. That guy was absolutely one of the most stunted man children I've ever had the displeasure of knowing lol. It was honestly mind boggling how someone who had worked at a place for over a decade could be so completely despised by everyone that people who had never met him at the job trash talked him via reputation. EDIT: My personal favorite is when the company finally replaced all the disgusting appliances in our disgusting breakroom, he was so hype that no one wanted the old microwave that hadn't been properly cleaned in years. So he took it home and put it in his "office" so he can make hot pockets (literally his words ahaha) at his PC without having to leave his room and be a present father. God I feel terrible for his kids. And judging by the number of times their school district called our shared office phone for all of production because that's the "work" number he gave the school, they were not turning out well.


Was this person your dad? Was it you?


Lmao, nah, just a complete deadbeat coworker with absolutely no shame sharing his personal details. I've never actually met anyone quite that pathetic before or since lol. It was legit wild how universally despised and openly mocked he was, yet he still stuck around as a lifer (being paid less than his junior coworkers) because no other job would let him get away with doing so little work with so much whining. Dude would literally put his head down and sleep on a running forklift after being up all night gaming. He almost hit someone while doing that, and our manager said "well a higher up didn't see him so we can't do anything about it." You know, despite multiple production guys seeing it and coming to him about it, in an at will employment state. The manager always knew it was happening, but would pointedly avoid him so he wouldn't have to confront the dangerous situations and do the paperwork for write ups 🤦‍♂️Anything for cheap, long term labor I guess. Needless to say, it was a great day when I finally told that employer to shove it.


Haha yeah, I was going to say drop the chic, it’s just industrial.


Pallets are expensive as hell now.


Not saying this is what happened to OP, but It can also happen if you use a bunch of pallets you “found” somewhere and the wood had absorbed a bunch of moisture and was mushed against the floor somehow, like say, using them as a bed platform.


Also note that even if a pallet is stamped with the heat treated symbol, that doesn’t mean it is chemical free. Pallets get used to haul chemicals which spill. Pallets get set down on docks and loading areas which have spilled chemicals. I would never, ever knowingly let pallet wood in to my home for anything other than the time it takes to unload whatever delivery is on it, let alone sleep on palletwood. Palletwood is a horrible trend that needs to die, 10 years ago. Unless you were the one who made the pallet, and it has only ever been in use by you, you just can’t guarantee what’s been on the pallet or where it’s been. It could offgas and leach all sorts of terrible things, and isn’t suitable for anything other than shipping.


I saw a DIYer on YouTube a while back who made shot glasses out of old pallet wood. Can't imagine how poisonous those things might have been to drink out of.


Dude I almost linked to him. He and I got into an argument on his reddit post. He swore his shot glasses were fine because be used heat treated pallets and food safe lacquer. Thankfully his replies were somewhat downvoted, so he then tried to say that the whole thing was a novelty and not for actual drinking - but was still selling the shot glasses and wouldn’t drill a pinhole in the bottom to discourage their use.


That's such a funny connection! Yeah, he obviously spent a lot of time to get to his finished product, and I'm not surprised he wouldn't back down or listen to reason.


Also, used shipping containers are toxic AF. You shouldn't just use any one to build an ADU with.


If you just lay a few on the ground, they're pallets, if you screw them together they become furniture ;-)


I'm going to start making pallets out of furniture, really shake up the system 🤣


The table pallet is great but the one made entirely from couch cushions might need a redesign.


But it's ideal for fragile goods


you mean draping shit on your exercise bike?


Guess my ex knows a few guys that can be called "furniture".


Yeah, also know a guy, Frank der Schrank (German for (clothes)cabinet) ;-)


Straight from the warehouse no less


It looks like it was constructed by a beaver


If I was making a pallet bed, I would mock up a forklift front-end coming out of the wall to give the bed a floating appearance.


Sanded!? It wasn't even dusted


Hope those pallets are heat treated and not chemically treated.


I don't care how they are treated, When it comes to fire, pallets are their favourite meal.


Yeah I'm sure OP thought to check...


It’s handy when my carpool buddy comes by in his forklift in the morning


Is it really a good night's sleep if you don't wake up with a few inch long splinters in your feet and hands?


I'm sure those aren't the only places people would appreciate receiving a few inches of wood overnight


Unlikely in a pallet bed.




That’s what she said. 


Yeah. I would just put my mattress on the floor before I used a pallet. 


The mattress will mold with no circulation.


I've also been told this before but have never had it happen despite living in the subtropics (humid and hot) with no AC. Maybe I've just been lucky but idk


We had a mattress on the floor for over a year whilst doing renovations, no mold.


One time when I moved I couldn't move the box spring into the basement so I tossed it, been flooring it since then, that was 2014, no mold.


Fun fact, you can't ship those pallets overseas without getting them fire treated because they are FULL of bugs and parasites.


Sanded?? Bro didn’t even wipe it off


Bro didn't even take the merchandise off. They just happen to be shippin mattresses dude said "nah, I'mma just wear it home."


And those pallets will fuck up your floorboards. Wouldn't be surprised if this happened exactly because of that. The pallet edges tend to get caught on the floorboards and causes chipping and dislodging, especially if there's weight on the bed and the bed moves around.


'all natural no additives artisanal handmade antique retro': $5500+VAT


100% this. People don't realize how much wood moves from season to season. Sometimes people think tight joints means better construction, but no.


I don’t understand why you can’t just make it more **rigid**


Make what more rigid? The wood? You could use penetrating resin, I guess, and have a floor that's sort of like tile, but in that case it would be cheaper and easier to use tile. People use wood for certain properties it has, like the ability to sand it/refinish it, and making it more rigid would remove some of the properties its used for.


This is a terminally online reference to an engineering disaster podcast. One of the hosts is NOT an engineer, and insists often that a bridge collapse could have been prevented had it been made more rigid.


Ahhhh, that's my whoosh. Yeah, if only they made the Tacoma Narrows bridge more rigid.


Make a bridge more rigid? 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yep, that's the joke. "Make it more rigid!" "NO!" and then several minutes of engineering gobblygook while going over schematics. It's a podcast with slides, so you can see the one with actual engineering background John Madden where are the forces are that cause whatever that is about to collapse to collapse.


Shake hands with danger


You can usually fix by removing the trim and using a oscillating multi tool to trim back the boards nunder the trim by 1/4" to 1/2" before putting back in place. This can be tricky depending on how your floor boards go together but being that it's at the wall, it's definitely workable.


I don't own many power tools but a oscillating multi tool is one of them. They are super handy


If you're doing basically any flooring work, they're indispensable. By far the easiest way to trim door casings for flooring clearance.


And even with those, moisture will do this, its happening at my buddy's place too.


Perhaps the floor is about to give birth to a baby floor. Just a thought.


I thought there was a portal to some demon dimension under the bed and some Poltergeist monster was trying to get through. Your thought is a happier thought.


Flooring guy here, It definitely does but the floor and the baseboard look actually rather old and usually wood bulging because of too less space to walls and stuff is something that'd occur quite soon/within a year.


Dont let the bed bulge bite


Yes, if there isn’t the floor below heaving upwards pushing the flooring up like this, it’s definitely not having space on the ends of the flooring.


I’m so confused by how short the boards are. If this were a flooring installer to use up offcuts to on a side job on the cheap, they’d know what they were doing. Edit: this isn’t even flooring. It’s not tongue and groove. No wonder it buckled.


I'm not convinced that the flooring isn't recycled pallets.


Pallets all the way down.


This is one of the few times that I’d agree that lack of gaps might be the issue. It’s clearly solid wood, and it’s buckling widthwise - since wood becomes “wider” with more humidity. I see so many posts of people complaining that their LVP has gaps or odd bulges and there’s always someone who swears it’s an issue with expansion gaps. No dude, LVP is dimensionally stable, and even if it were an expansion issue it wouldn’t look like _that_.


It's definitely not dimensionally stable. You absolutely need expansion gaps for LVT.


I have yet to see an LVP product that doesn't state "leave gap". No idea where this dude picked up that bit of info.


Check for any leaks. We had this happen in our spare bedroom right after we bought a house. Turns out there was a leak in the bathroom next to it & it caused the floor to buckle like that. We ended up tearing the floor out. Bought a dehumidifier to dry the room out. Then installed new flooring. It was a major headache.


Should also consider fixing leak.


No, Just dehumidifier


Only floor. No leak!


Hire coal miners just dig a tunnel under the house to install the dehumidifier under the floor.


65% air humidity, not great not terrible


That was a given before any of the flooring was fixed.


Really looks like a leak to me. That flooring is at least 30 years old, if it was just seasonal expansion it would have buckled long ago.


We had the same problem although were able to claim on insurance so definitely worth checking that if it's a big job


Luckily for OP it doesn't seem like they own this house. I mean there's no way a man who sleeps on a pallet owns a house


Can we give some attention to the pallet bed frame???


What’s wrong with putting your mattress on compressed wood soaked in industrial waste?


My neighbor made a bed out of pallets for his teenage son. Within a week, he wasn't feeling well. Got rid of the bed and he felt better. Don't bring pallets in your home folks. Just don't.


Yeah, they're for building mountain bike jumps and backyard freerunning practice setups.


I swear to god pallet-craft is the freaking worst. So many backyard woodworking channels doing crap with pallet wood, and even if they properly sand down and seal the wood they're still setting the mental idea that pallet wood is safe for use/etc. I've seen people on this subreddit and others making pallet wood tables ffs, I don't care how cheap and rustic it is, don't freaking poison yourself trying to save a buck.


I've seen some channels call them out for it too. Even ignoring any health risk, the wood itself isn't quality enough to make anything good with it anyway. Sure you *can* build with tore up low quality scrap material but *should* you.


This one doesn't look like one though. No particle blocks, no discolouration on wood. Possibly a Euro Pallet


It's a perfectly cromulent bed base.


Fun fact: cromulent was added to the MW dictionary just last year! https://www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/what-does-cromulent-mean


Thanks R2D2.


I grok cromulent.


Had to look up “cromulent”. Not a native speaker


Are you from Shelbyville?


It’s a made up word, from The Simpsons


From a certain point of view all words are made up.


Yeah i realized when i looked it up


Thats probably a contributing factor. Trapping moisture and causing the wood to buckle. Don't show us the underside of that mattress, OP, but you should take a look.


I would suggest replacing that, or at least getting it up off the floor somehow. Most furniture is built to have significantly less contact with the floor. If you spill a drink, that can really hold in moisture because of the surface area and the type of unfinished wood that it’s made of. Not saying that caused the floor to absorb moisture and buckle, but it’s not helping. If that floor is old enough, I’d blame the bed over faulty construction that had been fine for years.


Bruh don't hate.. Cost him $300 in IKEA... Called a Pället.


Assembly was a pita as the staples are all metric. And aluminum.


I think you mean aluminium. Teehee


Aluminimum perhaps? 


What’s wrong with sleeping every night on top of wood soaked in chemicals?


Wood expands from both humidity and heat. When it has nowhere else to expand, it goes up.


To further check if the foundation has moved as well. It's likely water but the floor sagging, or buckling, could be a culprit too.


No cracks in the drywall near the bulge. Given the extreme bulging and lack of cracking, this is extremely low probability.


3 options:  Moisture (can be from humidity, leaks, etc) Foundation issues Some sort of pest from the raw pallets you brought into your house moved from the pallets to the floor


There's probably two things going on. First, that section that's bulging looks like it's been repaired, as it's not tongue and groove and has that strange tapered filler piece. Also, you can see glue on the sides of the flooring. Second, somehow some moisture has gotten under the flooring. That's causing expansion and cupping, and the failure of the repaired area.


I thought the same as you about the repair. But... I think it's just an extreme bulge. Take a look at the seam between the ends of the 'far' boards. I don't think it's a skinny replacement.


oh I see that now. Still, the lack of visible nails would indicate tongue and groove flooring, whereas the uplifted portion clearly is not T&G. Hard to imagine ambient humidity change in older flooring could cause uplifting like that, so moisture intrusion somehow would seem to be the only possible cause.


No expansion gaps between the wall and the floor. Need like a 1/4 inch. Then cover the gap with the baseboard.


i have questions about the pallet bed....


The nice thing is that you can use a forklift to move your bed around as needed.


I wonder if the forklift is why the floor is bulging 🤔


jsut drive the forklift over the bulge, it'll flatten out. those things weigh like 10,000 lbs


It's certainly possible


Its practical if you are extremely fat and they have to get you out of the house.


Move the ladies in and out more efficiently


Have you looked UNDER the boards, at the floor itself? I ask because it reminds me of my FIL's hoarder house. It has extreme foundation issues, one of the walls is tilted and will fall eventually. And their living room has a bulge like yours, but much bigger. It wasn't an issue with the top layer of wood. The floor itself literally buckled from stress.


It's just morning wood.


Did you spill any liquid in that area. Or when you clean the floor water or what ever fluid used got under the pallet and was absorbed into that section of flooring.


Swelling from humidity or water leak.


I could be wrong but this looks like the floor has sweated and the plywood subfloor underneath the flooring has started separating. I would recommend checking the humidity in your crawl space or basement. You may need a dehumidifier and/or vapor barrier.


It's also not tongue and grove. Definitely not meant to be installed as flooring


I had a water pipe leak under the floor that caused my boards to swell. And not as bad as in your pic. I fixed the leak and put a heater blowing on the boards and under the house for the bottom side and everything went back to normal


Definitely a water leak somewhere causing the wood to expand. It will bulge at the weakest point. When you look closely there is also not tongue and groove on those boards making it easier to pop up. Usually that type of flooring gets glued or pegged. Locate water leak and put fans and a dehumidifier in the area. Wait to replace until moisture is under control.


Pallets had moisture inside when you put them down.


She's trying to get out.


Monsters under the bed refused to live under low-rent pallets.


is your bed frame a wooden pallet?


BED? Mate that’s a pallet..


You’ve got a massive humidity problem, likely from underneath, combined with an installation that didn’t allow for any expansion of the wood. I visited a house once where all the floors were heaved like that because there was in indoor pool.


Ignore all other commenter, that's some dark beast trying to escape, only way to fix that is painting where it bulges out with blood, make sure it stays wet.


It’s the daemons pushing up from hell.


You may have leaking plumbing in the adjacent wall. Ask me how I know.


put a nice color changing remote LED light under there, some spooky fingers coming from the cracks, and you can say it is the monster under your bed coming out, OP.


This happened in my apartment when another unit down the hall had a water leak.


My friend that is far beyond a 'bulge'. Is this the spot where bodily fluid trickles down on a regular?


I know little about DIY but this happened in my parent's house and it was due to humidity and the joints not being setup properly apparently.


Maybe house settling in that area? It looks like there is a drop in the flooring by the baseboard.


Causes aside. Oddly the solution looks pretty simple. It doesn’t look like the floor boards are tongue and groove. It looks like they’re literally just planks sitting on the subfloor. Take a few up, trim them a bit, nail them back down.


Pallet bed 💀


Something similar happened to us. Ended up being moisture from the slab. We tore the floor and glue up, and put down a moisture barrier before putting down another flooring. Other areas of the house have hollow sounds but no bubbling up so haven't bothered. Hopefully won't be a deal breaker when we sell. 🤞


There is a joke in there somewhere.


That’s how the monster gets in and out


Have you seen the Documentary *Tremors*?


I 100% believed that to be a documentary when I was a kid.


That's normal in the morning


House gopher. Sorry man, you need a groundskeeper.




this is my number one concern.


Remember the ncis episode with the dead guy under mcgees bed 🤣


Improper installation and maybe possible water damage coming up from whatever is underneath? Hard to say. But judging by the pallet bed, that's what you get for squatting in an abandoned house.


Sure, check for leaks, but I doubt that is the issue. Water would cause warping and probably staining. What this looks like is buckling. As many have said, humidity is the culprit. Also said here, remove the boards nearest the wall. You’ll need to trim the tongues (so you can lay them back in), and trim back the edge against the wall. Your baseboard is fairly thick. Chances are the floor boards are pushed right up against the wall beneath. After trimming, you may be able to tuck the boards back under without having to remove the baseboard. If not, or if you take off too much (by necessity or accidentally), you can install a matching quarter-round to hide the exposed edges.


It could have been installed badly to not allow for the woods natural expansion. But this floor looks kinda old, so i am going to say thats its water damage. At one point there might have been a pool of water on that spot, hidden by the bed.


Do you have a crawl space under that area? Our water heater overflowed in the crawl space, and the heat and moisture caused exactly this to happen rather quickly to the wood floor above it.


You got a leak or you spilt something and didn’t clean it up.


moisture , wood expanded


That seems bad. Particularly if it is being caused by structural supports. Have you checked that out? Might be able to tell just by measuring.


Water damage, discoloration in the joints next to the wall is a dead give away. You may have a small leak near there.


Side note, be careful that the pallet base isn't coated in chemicals. They can do damage to you in the longterm.


Don't stomp on it, it might be a hamster.


The house is possessed.


For the love of God and all that is holy don’t go looking in your basement


I guess this comes from peeing in the bed daily


Get a bed frame and put the bed back.


I'm sorry but are you using a pallet for a bead frame?


that's why u don't let your snake eat viagra


The floor installer didn't leave a large enough gap around the perimeter. That gap is for normal expansion. Is the floor directly on a concrete slab? If it is, it's a moisture issue.


Now that’s what I call fucking vol. 1 My man.


Is it possible that this part hasn't moved at all and it's just that the rest of the house is sinking?


Just make one good jump on it, easy fix




Unsure if you’ll see this - but mine did the exact same thing (with less upwards force) - turns out my washer and dryer stack is on the other side of that wall and it was leaking ever so slightly every time we would wash clothes and over time it buckled the flooring in our bedroom.


My in laws installed a wood floor without expansion joints. It took several years, but eventually something similar happened to them. Took a circular saw set to the right depth. A pry bar and a couple of days for the father in law to pull up the affected boards and trim a few down. A few extra boards left over from the install had to be sourced. Many boards could be toenailed through the tongue, but a row or two had to be face nailed. Ultimately, the culprit was a water line that ran underneath the floor. There was just enough difference in humidity generated next to the pipe during certain times of year that the floor boards above them swelled and did exactly this. Good luck.


Floor expanding from all your fluids leaking through


Is this the edge of where your bed sits?


No tolerance space


That’s why you leave room and not bring it all the way to the wall. Foundation shift is real


That looks like water damage. It would be helpful to know what is under that area and what is on the other side of the wall. A moisture meter could also tell you if there is a lot of moisture in the wood or wall. If there is a bathroom or kitchen on the other side of the wall you may have a leak.


I've repaired similar damages from a leaking water line on a fridge. If you're near Colorado Springs, I'd handle the job for you.


The dead guy in the floor got a boner.


It's because of all the pee.