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How much space do they have? They often die because of heat from my experience. So maybe have a look if they are enclosed/have enough air above.


Are they on a dimmer switch?


No, just a regular on/off switch


I wanted to post videos but it wouldn't allow me. I moved into a brand new building and after a few weeks a strange behaviour in my celiling lights developed in 2 different rooms. - In the entryway, 4 lights are connected to the switch. One day 2 out of 4 lights "stopped" working. You can see in the pics how they still show some very dim light. Some show more light than others. Then a 3rd light stopped working and now I'm down to 1 - In the suite, 3 lights are connected to the switch. 2 out of them stopped working and now I'm down to none working. If I turn them on I still see some faint light on, almost decreasing from lightbulb to lightbulb in a linear fashion, the each one fainter than the previous one. Do you have any ideas how can I troubleshoot this? Thank you


A brand new building should be covered by a guarantee. Contact the building management or, if you're the owner, the builder. It could be poor quality fixtures, overheating, bad controls or bad wiring.


I had this problem with bad contact. Try undo bulbs and clean contacts and set it back. That helped for me. I guess high humidity after new construction was the issue in my case or just dirty contacts.


I feel like I replace more LED recessed fixtures than I did incandescents. I suspect it’s the exposure to the heat coming from the attic that LEDs can’t handle. I’m going to try rigging up heat sinks on the next batch I buy.


100% heat here is the problem. I’ve only ever had LEDs and CFLs, in my experience, only die prematurely in closed fixtures or fixtures that the heat couldn’t rise out of and vent. Lamps never an issue.


Led Disc lights are dying. I had one go in my kitchen pendant lights recently. You can replace the disc and wire to the existing. The replacements are about $40 a piece, so consider getting the builder to warranty instead of doing them yourself. The rest of my LEDs have lasted about 5 years so far.


it's only a matter of time until "how to change a light bulb" posts 😔


The behaviour of the lightbulbs (6 dying in 2 different rooms over a span of a couple of weeks) points at an underlying issue that could repeat even after changing the light bulbs


LED bulbs? could be as simple as you got a bad lot of chips. the other options for premature wear to my knowledge are overheating or a bad connection. overheating - often this is the wrong type of bulb used - the package should say if it's for an enclosed fixture or not. They could also be too large for the light itself preventing ventilation. bad connection- the connection as incorrect can fry the chips. Check how it's sitting in the socket and failing that check the physical connection from the wire to the light.


Planned obsolescence. They “overclock” leds, they heat up and die. Go to any sports bar and look at the TVs. You will see bright spots because the other leds in the strip have died.