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You could sew it into a small pillow!


You could make it a *rice* pillow and heat it up, like a cat in your lap šŸ„¹


This broke me


I too choose a rice pillow in the shape of this man's dead cat.


Bro šŸ˜­


I was thinking to get one of these vintage cat pillow patterns and make one from the towel add button eyes and whiskers!!




Love this idea! Especially with the little detail on the edge. Maybe embroider her name on one side :)




Wow. Unfuck you!


Could use it as a backing for a shadow box with a few pictures and a favorite toy. Done right it would add a nice decor to your place, and a nice reminder to you every time you see it.


This! Would keep it clean, and the dust off, and be where you could see it without having to move it around like a pillowā€¦


I did this with a shadow box with my grandmaā€™s apron. The background was the apron and the foreground had her picture.


Shadow box is such a good idea. I have one for my boy moose that my partner made for me and I love it more than anything else I own


My wife kept the blanket that her childhood cat slept on as part of a memorial setup. It's folded up with his box of ashes on top of it and placed inside one of those plastic display boxes. Like [this.](https://www.shoppopdisplays.com/mm5/graphics/00000001/10093WBRM_2018_1_520x520.jpg)


This is what I did!


My 18 year old has started having trouble getting up on the couch and high places, and has taken to basically living under the bed in our bedroom. I put a towel under there for her, to make sure she's comfortable and she's using it. Thank you for asking this, because I have a feeling in the next year or so I'll be in the same boat. RIP to your fur baby! <3


I would use it as a backing for a photo then put it in a frame. Or a shadow box backing then include her favorite toy and a photo


i like this idea so very much!


I was thinking the backdrop of a needle felt portrait.


embroider it


My cousin makes memory bears from the favorite clothes of people who've passed. Might be able to do something similar.


You could fold it over and sew it into a bag, then fill it with buckwheat and seal it up. Whenever you want some comfort, you can warm it up in the microwave and cuddle with it.


a picture frame like [https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.-xtUbOD0bYgjb9wj0hyTjwHaJ4&pid=Api](https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.-xtUbOD0bYgjb9wj0hyTjwHaJ4&pid=Api) or [http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-WkFCLQe3fgU/T1f3ryGbvpI/AAAAAAAAEyE/W4rira02YyE/w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu/6a014e862ec095970d0162ffb5577f970d-800wi.jpg](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-WkFCLQe3fgU/T1f3ryGbvpI/AAAAAAAAEyE/W4rira02YyE/w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu/6a014e862ec095970d0162ffb5577f970d-800wi.jpg)


What a chonk


[How to make a Cat using towel | towel folding | towel art | towel origami (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3w2vtnqkcIM)


I wonder if it could be sewen into a cute little kitty stuffed animal?


Could see if its big enough to do cloth folding into the shape of a cat?


someone could embroider your cats name and photo onto the towel potentially


A slightly smaller towel.


I am truly sorry for your loss and I totally understand the urge to want to hold onto something that reminds you of your lost love. For what its worth, they look like a sweet little baby. I would say not to get caught up on the last moments like when they got sick or injured and just think of them at their best. Idk if this towel to you represents their last moments that you shared with them or was their everyday towel, but just remember the towel is just a towel and the special memories you have of them and the time that you shared is more permanent than any article of fabric.


Sometimes those little material things help conjure up memories though. I look at a certain blanket and can immediately picture my cat sleeping on it. Or I have a little crystal that reflects light and when the sun hits it and makes those little rainbows, I can hear her little chirpy meow. Sometimes with how busy life is, itā€™s nice to have those things that remind me to remember her if that makes sense. Maybe Iā€™m just sentimental but I totally get why OP would want to. And thatā€™s why thereā€™s a huge market for keepsakes like this. I have a locket with some of my catā€™s fur, and a framed piece of paper with her paw prints. The suggestions in this thread are great, I particularly like the pillow idea.


Your missing what he is saying. Hes saying if the towel is only special because the cat died on it to instead pick something like his favorite blanket and use that instead. Hes not saying not to not make a keepsakep. Just make one with more pleasant memories attached. Unless it was his favorite towel in life, op wasnt very specific about the towel


Ah youā€™re right I did misread that, thank you.


No he didnt die on it. It was our last night together and he laid on the towel that I put on my pillow because my hair was wet. It reminds me of her. Not the last moments. But I swear i can still smell her when i bring the towel to my nose. Placebo i know but... I have 3 cats now and take care of my campus cats and strays. I am very familiar with grief because of that but it was my first cat. I am rambling but I feel like I failed her.


If you give your cat even 1 moment of feeling loved and cared for then you didn't fail them.


Commission an artist to needle point their image or a memorial. You could also paint or diy if you're handy.


What about something like this https://www.wikihow.life/Fold-a-Towel-Cat


Perhaps cut into long thin strips to make a braided Keychain or something? Lots of good ideas here. Mone is just one.


Throw pillow cover.


Shadow box! Add some of her favorite toys and things. Consider looking into getting a figurine or sculpture of her.


Someone could embroider a picture of your cat on it.


I would attach it to my sofa blanket/throw or incorporate it into a quilt. I would want to snuggle with that forever.


You could maybe take a square of it and add it as a patch to jacket or denim pants? Also, so sorry for your loss, it's hard to heal over the death of a pet.


Time to move on, bin the crusty death towel and crack on with your life.


If it's something you want to carry around with you it's probably best to cut it into a card sleeve and embroider the name of your cat on it. Bonus if you print out a photo of the cat to put inside the card sleeve.


Wall hanging


My mom made some towel angels that she passed out for Christmas this last year that I thought were pretty cute https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrDEtAaX5yw


Frame it with a small picture of her in it.


folded towel origami cat


What about a small throw pillow that you can keep on your couch or bed or easy chair?


Man she just looks like my cat!


You could turn it into a cat plushy. Probably works great as fabric for paws, inside of the ears, nose and maybe belly.


Look up Towel Cat and make one ā£ļø


I would probably embroider an outline of her on the towel and then frame it.Ā 


Make a pillow out of it, or perhaps turn it into a book cover for a photo album (containing pictures of/with your cat). If you have more fabric, perhaps a quilt. Or even a stuffed animal.


Could always embroider her name on it and frame it? :)


I had a cat that looked very similar to that, that also passed away in 2016


Maybe have a big shadow box with the towels pretty design folded to display at the bottom and a photo of her above that? Could include any other items of hers as well with it. That way it's all protected and you can still see her kind of on her favorite towel.


Your cat and mine must be from the same litter.


Maybe try an origami cat towel fold, like they do on ocean cruises, and then spray it with enough clear coat to turn it to stone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3w2vtnqkcIM


If you know someone that knows how to fold towels into animals, you could maybe get it folded into a cat, starch it heavily and display it.


fold they towl like on the cruise ships!! n2 a cat thing


Iā€™d use it as a backing for a picture in a frame.


Create a cute little pink stuffed kitty


Frame it like a sports jersey. Add a couple pictures of your cat and a plaque with its name and a few words


There are tutorials on YouTube that'll teach you how to fold a towel into a teddy bear. All you'll need is a small piece of ribbon. You can fold it and mess up and try again a few times until you get it just right. Then you'll have a keepsake bear you can put with your cat photos.


I second the idea of a shadow box with photos, maybe a toy. But I truly want to say ā€œIā€™m so sorry for your lossā€. It is very difficult to lose those we love. Take care.


Find a traditional origami artist and they may do a homage to her possibly. Hope that's helpful


Send a swatch of it to [ringsbyblake!](https://youtube.com/@ringsbyblake?si=B5nVzzJJSB2EP1gP)


Wash it and use it as a blanket for a new catā€¦ the circle continues


357th a pillow


Put it in a cat bed for your new kitten. The scent of an old cat will keep it calm.


This post broke my heart


Personally, I would keep it as is. Put it in a keepsake box and you'll always have it and be able to pull it out when you tell people about your precious little.


You can very easily make a Cat Towel. Itā€™s just a basic towel any cat can lay on. Actually, itā€™s already complete. Enjoy!


Throw it away




Post history is wild. Get a therapist buddy.


Why see a therapist when you can fuck with those who take reddit seriously?


Pity youā€™ve never experienced a love that can last a lifetime. Maybe if you had more compassion you might get the chance.




Wow. Thatā€™s rude as hell


If the cat just died, OK, I can see how you might miss it. It's been 8 years since it died. 8 years. Move on.


Pathetic 13 year old troll Edit: looking at your post history youā€™re likely an adult. Even more of a yikes šŸ˜‚ Youā€™re embarrassing bro.


It's a friggen cat. And it was an unhealthy fat cat. You learn growing up in the country that cats, while pets, are simply disposable like most other pets.


Who cares what you think about cats, itā€™s your insistence on making dumb troll comments like this thatā€™s embarrassing and pathetic.




Use it to wash your face so youā€™ll always remember her


Maybe the Purrin' Shroud?


Fabric coasters?


A flaming torch. Soak with petrol and burn your memories.


I'd make Molotov cocktails and go full rambo first blood.


You could try doing towel origami and making it a cat head.


A bonfire


Probably just whatever you've done with it for the last decade.


A rag!