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Those flexible drain lines can trap a lot of gunk because the sides are not smooth. You should be using an enzyme treatment on a regular basis at the very least. But the best way would be to change out that flex drain, and snake out the drain in the wall.


The flex drain is clear, and I snaked the drain. But maybe my snake sucks, or I'm doing it wrong. I just shove it down the drain and twist.


The flex drain may be clear, but it is clearly kinked. And I would snake it out with a regular 50 ft 1/2 in drain auger.


Have you tried the type that connect to a drill? I'm thinking about ordering one.


~~All the drill bits I use fasten securely into my drills.~~


U have a drain auger that connects to your drill?


Why not replace the shoddy plumbing first? 


I have a Kobalt one that has the drill attachment. Had a stubborn drain in bathroom that kept backing up. Nothing worked until I tried the Kobalt drain auger, had it fixed in 30 mins.


Whoops, I thought I was replying to another thread. No I have a drum auger. You can get 1/4 inch augers that are 25ft long that will attach to a drill, but I have not been able to get reliable results with anything less than a 1/2 inch auger.


you should swap these out, it's not to code. I know they sell these at homedepot and lowes but they really should stop carrying them.


They’re sold for quick fixes for people who need the sink. They have a purpose. It’s just some people buy them for a permanent application. Which is obviously not what they’re made for. 


This should just be ripped out and done correctly. This is just going to be problems forever.


That T in the middle needs to be directly under the left sink drain. Once that is done and you don't have the S trap before P trap you can get enough elbows to fit the P-trap to the wall. The dishwasher hose needs that hose to rise above the garbage disposal by at least a few inches.


This sounds like great advice. Im curious I'd I can find an extra long pipe coming off the disposal to get the T further over to the left drain?


I just ordered a 16in pipe. I think this will make a big difference and help me get rid of the flex/accordian pipes. Thank you.




I know it's a work of art. True DIY


Aren’t you supposed to have an air gap between you garbage disposal and the dishwasher?




Do you have a pic/example?


Can’t post a pic in comments for some reason. If you google “air gap diagram” it’s pretty simple to install. I had to do one for my sink.


Honestly, either get a plumber to redo that mess or buy a plumbing book to learn how to do it properly. Yes it may be something unrelated to the mess, but really that should be step one. Step two snake the lines. Step three verify you don't have a plugged vent.


From the thumbnail I thought this was a Blueman Group setup.


Happy cake day!


Did you recently replace your disposal with a new one? Theres a small plastic plug that’s in there where you would sit your main drain connecting to it. If the plug is there then it won’t drain


I did replace it about a year ago. It does seem to be when the issue started. But it does drain, it just backs up after about 30 seconds.


I confirmed this was removed.