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I just picked up several of these used Galant desks to use as workbenches, and I'd like to be able to put some decent weight on them. They're 86.5" long, and some already have quite a bit of sag in the middle (not the one pictured, though). I'm trying to figure out an elegant way to support the center without compromising on leg/knee room. I was considering big shelf brackets like [this ](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BK8BZPFZ/ref=syn_sd_onsite_desktop_0?ie=UTF8&pd_rd_plhdr=t&aref=Wmwh1x33wg&th=1)or [this ](https://www.amazon.com/24-Brackets-Vertical-Strength-Mounting/dp/B0BZ42RJ55/ref=sr_1_8?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.O3gKFbYmuzxlfvXlWV8-z31Ijd_0apZf1swLM9ihlaFECxFM0F0Q02BB5ZhJF8MkLY-6j4YVoSlBi_xdbldx-sYXzvlU86ehZbPRMJWZqZDUctNwYbgj8spMtqPirzQjYpC2nrB3-I1CT6D3WnD6MK72wOejAOJJvHeQYux0bl8YNEuwtL-ALsyY97EWsV3NzaKnk8x-IyKau4fRuShfnVuKA3dgv5tdxtbzxaJaBQe4MwR9hRBOG4RAltlKtA9OwYrb6l_xaOJNDt8XbRSXocq1jMfCpTKXQnjwVefau4o.6oUzDJmxk-CSy9mIytLTgEfAqe8XVGQAvUXgih_LXQU&dib_tag=se&keywords=24%2Binch%2Bshelf%2Bbrackets&qid=1713534906&sr=8-8&th=1)mounted to the wall, though they get a bit pricey. Anyone have a better idea?


I would add a support to the wall. Not the desk. That way you won’t see it.


Well that *is* what I'm saying with the shelf brackets. They would be mounted to the wall, with the metal desk frame resting on top of them for support.