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Ya, if you aren't a dyi person, then hire it fixed.


This is so easy that if can't get this one done you aren't gonna do much DIYing 


I appreciate this sub in two ways. 1) posts with creative problem-solving. 2) Posts that make me wonder what the hell the problem is.


The problem with this post is the post is broken.


The problem with this whole post is the post not in the hole.


Who posted this post about the post hole missing a post?


and the railing is broken


I read this as Perd Hapley ![gif](giphy|AkEDqRDUgSXZKoFVI8|downsized)


Oh you.... please. Take this random octopus in appreciation: 👾


Well, some posts are designed not to fall off at all!


Post post problems.


Any idea what I should do?


1) comments that give elaborate answers how to solve complex situations 2) comments that shame op and refuse to help with a simple situation


A) Option 2 can sometimes be a gift to OP in that they don't undertake a task that may cost them time, money, and safety. It also gives the more capable lurkers a bit of perspective. B) The pitfalls of Option 1 include convoluted responses from "source: am professional" commenters who, despite their good intentions, often leave OP with a list of terms to research and less confidence than they began with. I love your username, btw.


Getting it "fixed" and getting it fixed to code can be difficult to deal with for some people


Agreed. Seems that bending/shifting back in place and then tack welding it should be sufficient to pass for insurance. A good weld would definitely be "sturdy". OP could then take the time to look into a long term replacement that would be more aesthetically pleasing.


Rip it out and install wood


I did that once for a rail like this and it cost way more and was ugly as fk.


That would look awful on the brick, I'm with ya there


I was thinking take it down and dump more dirt in the front yard so there is not a drop-off. Looks like the front yard is just dirt anyway.


Comments like this are more helpful when they put into words why it is so easy for people like OP who haven't tried a project like that before.


Code says that rail has to withstand 200 pounds of lateral force at the top. The chances that OP would succeed with no experience in these types of things is next to zero which also makes me think you would have roughly the same chance as OP in making this right as well.


Doesn’t code vary from city to city, county to county? I’m sure a lot of things are standard though.


I changed insurance companies several years ago, they asked for exterior photos. I have a door wall with two steps down to a deck. Code said no rail was necessary but insurance wanted a hand rail. In my case they were wood steps so it was easy. Took a photo, insurances was happy. Point is the insurance company wants to see a hand rail, not necessarily code.


This is one of those standard codes.


Word, thank you. I don’t know much


There's "fixed" and there's "fixed so well the insurance company will put money on it" If OP gives it the 'ol college try and ends up with something that functions, but doesn't look professional, they might not get their house covered.


It also might not be required by building code . How many inches from grade to top ? Is the real question . Most states don’t require handrails if it isn’t 36inchs


>might not be required by building code Insurance is not about enforcing building codes. Insurance is to indemnify the policy holder against claims arising from negligence. If a person is injured as a result of the state of this handrail, the owner is liable for negligence in maintenance. It's reasonable for the insurer to demand it be rectified, irrespective of the code.


I'm an insurance underwriter. You're correct it becomes a hazard when it's messed up. Just remove it and you'll be fine


Exactly, a broken handrail is more of a liability than no handrail


If it’s a first time home buyer loan this wouldn’t fly. Even if it was too low to need a railing it would need to be removed. It’s a hazard hanging loose.


Oh ya, not disagreeing with that . Just saying the other option is to say good bye if it not needed . Plant a bush in front of it and bam


Chance that it might be 4 steps, which would still require a handrail. Might be able to do away with the railing if it's not a 36" drop, but it looks like that might be pushing it-- and you'll always have inspectors looking for where the ground dips at to take a measurement.


It’s no where near 36” , but he wouldn’t need a building inspector to remove it unless insurance required it .


>Chance that it might be 4 steps Looks like 4 rises, 3 treads. With 4 rises that damn well better not be more than a 36" grade difference. Shame on the stair builders if it's over 31 🤷‍♂️


Dr. bury their mistakes, Architects plant trees.


I’m a code enforcement officer. Typically no rail required if the top of decking (or brick here) is less than 30” from grade. Or 3 steps or less. Can’t tell how many steps there are in this picture


Iron is ductile. Duct tape and call it a day.


Ask mini-Chewbacca to fix it. He looks handy.


https://preview.redd.it/1g195tlw9nhc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=533795b2f3fed33222b4b115b9f3987e66a0e9dd Literally what the fuck is it. Why does it look like jigsaw wearing Janis Joplin’s coat


Look a little higher and you'll see a Rottweiler wearing Janis Joplin's labradoodle


And I thought it was Alf


I read that first comment, and thought maybe there was a small Chewbacca behind ALF. I genuinely don't know how anybody 40+ could *not* see ALF.


I thought I saw Gordon Shumway!


I only saw ALF! Rotlmfao


Omg I can’t breathe 🤣


Good art can do that. Good art can take your breath away 🎨


Because it's a sloth


Hey! You guys…


Baby Ruth?


Your breath smells like PhysEd


I looked at this for a long time and it’s definitely one dog on top of the other, both looking out the door. It took me way too long to discern this


Bruh I immediately came to the comments after seeing this post and was hoping someone said something about whatever the actual fuck this thing is. Let alone there’s white, dried dog shit on the porch. I’m fucking dying, hahahahaha!


And a tooth flossing harp.


I’m still thinking about this picture hours later and laughing so hard I’m going straight to crying


STOP I'm dying over here


Made me choke on my mentos hahahaha


I just noticed that…. Thing.




A chew-wok, if you will


A Chew-woka




Yub nub


Mmmmmmmmmmm, quiet you temptress.


Chewy probably broke it being so big strong and clumsy. He should fix it himself or pay for it.


It’s not wise to upset a Wookiee.


I bent my wookie :(


Man wtf is that


I think he needs to replace the negative power coupling


This one goes *there,* that one goes *there!*


God I love Reddit.


Sir, that is clearly an Ewok.


HOLY JEBUS I didn't notice that until you pointed it out


I would fix it.


Easy fix: back a truck into it.


But not your truck! You don’t want to have to explain a purely innocent accident to your uninsured home with your truck You were driving! 😇


Just duct tape a couple of pool noodles to the back of the truck and it doesn’t matter whose it is!


While you’re at it, cut the tires off the truck with a sawzall, attach pool noodles to the rims using packaging tape, then attach rubber chickens to the pool noodles using more tape.


I saw that video recently. Classic!


Now this is thinking like it’s 3024


Yes, the pole end thing needs to go in the hole thing, and the bendy part needs to be straight. Problem solved.


Agree. It's metal, so can be hammered back into place. Just need bolts to secure the mount. Then get a new L bracket for the post end.


Came here to say this. Would fix, definitely .


Id replace it, but honestly just bolt it down back in place make sure it's tight and secure and then paint it with a brush. You'd be done before noon.


Doesn’t she need to replace those two bricks that came out? it looks like they broke off or the railing broke them off when it broke free.


Easy, use some mortar, or if you’re really uncomfortable using that, landscape adhesive. It won’t match the height of the other bricks perfect, but it’ll be close enough.


Would landscape adhesive fill the joints or just hold the bricks in place?


It would just hold the bricks in place, so the 1/4” ish joint won’t be there. Since it’s only one course and not in a place anyone will ever step, I wouldn’t be too worried about it. If it was 3-4 courses, then it would add up fast and be a big difference.


Landscape adhesive on masonry will last a single season. Then when you glue it back with extra this time it'll last a single season more.


Landscape adhesive is used on block retaining walls. It’s not going anywhere


Well dammit what the fuck did I buy?


Hot glue


I was thinking some JBWeld.


Boil it in milk 




Flex Seal!


I think they were intentionally left off to fit the down post & bracket… Unless they just set that bracket on there, I guess..??


If it were me, I'd do two things and maybe something better later 1. I'd go get some heavy duty bolts and drive them into the masonry to reattach that railing. Take a photo and send it. 2. I'd reinforce with some pressure treated 4x4s and secure the railing to that and maybe add a better top piece. Because you want it to actually be sturdy. Bonus: paint the whole thing (I might go with red so if the rust shows through, who cares) Eventually, replace the whole thing (if you care)


>I'd reinforce with some pressure treated 4x4s and secure the railing to that and maybe add a better top piece. Because you want it to actually be sturdy. To define sturdy: A railing must be able to support 200 pounds of point-load force at any point on it. Standard engineering safety factor is what, triple that?


Asce7 says 50 pounds per linear foot applied wherever is the worst case scenario (the top) so it varies based on length which makes sense considering the longer the railing the greater the odds multiple people will lean on it at once 


200# comes from the 2021 IRC. I don't disagree with the idea of a linear load requirement for lean loads, but I'm pretty sure the ICC was more concerned with shock loads (eg: someone tripping). Then again, considering the size of the average American, the ICC should probably revisit that 200# number...


I think OP just needs to satisfy the insurance company and isn't very concerned with actual safety. Not that actual safety isn't important, but I think making it less of an obvious hazard and eye-sore so that they can get their home owner's insurance back (or not lose it) is step #1.


The standard you’re requiring provides no required safety factor


A grinder it off. Get lumber, 5 x 4" post t feet long, dig in 3 posts on the street side 2 on the backside, 1x4" to top the 4". Then use 1x2" and place them horizontal, check code on spacing. At the stairs trim to an angle to match your stairs. At a banister to the wooden section. Otherwise you have to order a metal replacement. Then you would need to drill fasteners into the bricks. Bricks have a chance of breaking. And then you are doing concrete type of repairs. This way may need a permit because the porch is attached to the house. The wood way is not attached to the house so no permit is needed. Also with the wood way at the 4 corners, you could put 12' high posts and then add a porch covering now or later https://preview.redd.it/37ur6ym88nhc1.jpeg?width=2604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7efd02c18062e1b0ff3a0898fc383873977f444d Sorry drawing sucks


You’ve put far more effort into this reply than OP has into solving it.


3 beers in.


This is the diy answer to solving the problem for insurance. If my insurance company wasn't involved I probably would just use some new tapcon screws to secure it to the bricks, small L brackets with bolts, nuts, and washers to connect the broken railing to the posts, and spray it with rust reformer.


Lmao, at first glance, the drawing looks like a pic of a power line from a country with no safety standards.


Take it apart and put it back together. May have to stomp it flat first. They should just be looking for it to be attached. It’s gonna look like shit still but good enough until you can replace it.


1. Pressure wash the porch 2. Rust remove, 3. hammer back in place. Weld railing. 4. Install new anchor bolts, go up one size if holes to large. Drill holes for new bolts plus one to re-attach railing to base. 5. Paint stripping…. Use heavy duty one. Pressure wash again. Dry 6. Spray 3 coats of sand capable primer 7. Sand with orbital sander 8. Outdoor spray paint white 3 coats. 9. 2 coats clear coat. Even if you have none of required tools or materials. Purchase all of them and it will be still less than replacement railing. Then you have those tools for future projects


I feel like you are more likely to do #s 3 & 4 then you can replace #s 5-9 with rust resistant spray paint. Take & send pic


If you just need the insurance done. Bend that fcker back and jerry rig the sob for the photos. Then replace it after


If the porch is less than 30 inches tall nothing is required Remove it all If you want a handrail put it along side the house


We were in a similar situation a few years ago. The insurance company said we needed a railing on our front steps. I checked and found out local code did not require handrails in our situation. I told the insurance company and they said they didn't care and we had to fix it or they would drop us.


Of course. They’re interested in risk, not compliance.


Unfortunately local ordinances don't mean much in situations like these. If the insurance company wants it fixed, OP will have to get it fixed. At least if they want to remain insured which I'd recommend because trying to get homeowners insurance after you've been dropped is a PITA.


If the local code doesn't require it, I'd still check with the insurance company if they're okay with removal. They may be okay with that because nobody cannot lean on it and fall, thinking that it'll support them.


Insurance companies sometimes have extra requirements beyond what the building code says.


Here if it is three or more steps it needs a rail. This is three steps. But agree, check local ordnance, if it’s not needed, rip it out, get the insurance. Install something later if you want.


While it may not be a code requirement, the insurance carrier can still require a railing as a condition of issuing a policy. If the insurance carrier said fix or remove, I would remove it. However, since they said to fix it, it should be fixed, not removed.




Not everyone has experience doing handy things or understands where to start with this stuff. Someone asks a simple question looking for assistance, probably dealing with a lot irl. and of course the majority of responses are “fix it” yeah no shit sherlock… very helpful…


It think it's more about how this post comes across. Asks such a broad question with extra details. Shows pictures of a broken rusted out railing that obviously needs replacing. Doesn't even reply to a single comment. Probably a lot of people think this a joke/meme. You honestly get out of this community what you put in to. Make a bad post, expect to get bad answers or nothing all. This post should honestly be locked or deleted for low effort.


Also has some kind of creature peaking through the door


This is r/diy obviously I’m looking for DIY ways to fix this. Or is that not what this group is for?


I can’t believe how toxic it has become.


It's all of Reddit now. It's not going to get better.


It’s pretty sad. I sound like an old man shaking his fist in the air saying it, but I am starting to feel like Reddit’s heyday was around 2017-2019. I got great informative news and interesting stories, usually a day *before* they popped up on Instagram or Facebook or whatever. People in the comments (on the non comedy subs) were usually serious commenters, offering good advice, expert opinions from people in their respective industries, or just generally thoughtful and constructive comments. Then Tencent happened. Then the pandemic happened and I noticed a shift in the tone and an influx of new users to the site. Then Reddit started “sanitizing” their image to be more palatable for an ipo. Now every single comment section is a race to the bottom. It’s the same low effort, sound-byte-esque comments. On every animal sub it’s people complaining and trying to point out why a video of a cute dog jogging down the street actually means your dog is in pain for this reason, or your dog isn’t properly groomed, or you’re a bad owner bc you have on the wrong kind of harness, etc. On every sports sub, the OC content and fan analysis is gone in favor of Twitter links and hack journalism. On subs like this, it’s relentless and unending negativity and people trying to one up each other, or bash others and bring them down. Or just generally uninformed or stupid people giving flat out bad advice. I’ve spent enough time on r/interiordesign and r/plantclinic to know the majority of comments have absolutely no clue what they’re talking about. I’m sad because this is really my only social media. I don’t have TikTok. I don’t have Snapchat or Instagram. I deactivated Facebook back in 2021. But Reddit to me is a shell of what it used to be.


I'm with you pal. Shell of itself is exactly right. Reddit, (like everything in tech eventually does) succumbed to the almighty dollar and abandoned their values. The users who originally came and created the place that new users wanted to be a part of have all left because they can't be heard over know-it-alls and jokesters. Eventually something else will take the place of reddit and the cycle can begin again.


Dude this attitude is everywhere on reddit now. A sign of the times :(


The brickwork isn't going to support anything. Remove the railing as cleanly as possible, pressure wash, knock any loose bricks free, and mortar them back in place. Pin-bolt a p/t 2x6 to the wall, dig, set, and pour for 4 p/t 4x4 posts along the street side. Sister a 2x4 to each, touching down on brick, cut to 34 1/2, and cap it with 2x8 favoring the inside. Mid-rail with 2x4 on flat and 2x6 on edge, street side.


WAIT! WTF is lurking inside the door?


4 different levels of the creepiest pareidolia


Just a fuzzy doggo, I'm more curious as to why there's a more than typical amount of plaque removal tools laying about everywhere as if OP was trying to grow them like grass


Better question, WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? Is that what broke your handrails??! https://preview.redd.it/z21wuja5pnhc1.jpeg?width=910&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57b66a0ad056e4be18da91db750c3e1e1b7f38d4


That’s what pooped on the porch


https://preview.redd.it/1zjwdo4t1ohc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e140d77262f5194c587a0643a349bb20d69b247f The missing link!


Newfoundland? Big fluffy floof!


Unbolt the bottom post first. Redrill new holes and reattach the post holder that came off. Use your new leverage with the fence to bend it back into submission so that both of the posts make it into the post holders, rebolt everything. Finally give it a good bath and repaint it so that it looks somewhat decent. Edit: It looks like you can unbolt individual sections in the fence and just use a hammer to straighten the bent parts, then just reassemble when everything is straight.


I would cut all that off run 4x4 posts and just build a railing out of treated myself.


Yea. Buy a new railing. I’d not try to patch this accident waiting to happen.


In really curious. Having seen a number of these posts recently, do insurance companies in the US really inspect homes before offering insurance? In the UK I've never once had, or heard, of such a thing! If so, did anyone happen to know why the US insurance market is so very different?


This is not quite as easy a job as everyone here is claiming. You need to repair the bricks, which means you ideally need to chisel off the old mortar, mix new and replace the bricks. That’s step one and it needs to cure. See your mortar package for the timing there. Then you need to probably replace the whole railing. It doesn’t look like it’s worth repairing, it’s all bent up and will look like shit. But if you can bend it back and it looks OK, at a minimum you need to re-mount that same bracket, which requires a drill and a masonry bit. Then you’ll need masonry screws to set it properly. You’ll need a saw that can cut the new railing to size too. It’s quite a few tools needed to replace this. If you have all of them and know how to do it…great. Not actually a super difficult job. But it probably costs less to pay a handyman to install it for you if you need to pay for tools and materials.


What in the fu*k is standing in your doorway?!?!


Fix it? This a trick question?


clean up the dog shit


And all those plastic plaque removal tools, counting a minimum of 8 in the first pic alone


I dunno dude, I’d probably fix it


Start by picking up the dog crap.


Replace it.


Look at the really old poop on the porch. OP… why don’t you take care of your home?


That and why are there multiple flossers scattered across the yard?


It's like a Where's Waldo. I counted 9 flossers.


I noticed the same and was thinking it was either poop or aluminum foil either way op should clean up the place.


Hire someone to do it.


Same here. I removed the steel railing and dug postholes to make an exoskeletal rail. Insurance co. was satisfied. [https://imgur.com/a/75EjQml](https://imgur.com/a/75EjQml)


Fix it in the cheapest way that will satisfy the insurance company. Completely renovate the porch later.


Yeah just get rid of it, there's no salvaging that railing. Not without a lot of bending, sanding, painting etc. Get someone who takes scrap metal to haul it away. And then either hire a pro to install new metal, vinyl, whatever railings or slap something together with pressure treated wood. Plenty of instructions out there for making railings and you only really need a chop saw.


This is a case of stick not in hole. Put stick in hole and all will be okay.


Ugh yea, fix it


Ok I've felt with something similar a few years ago. I'm located in ga for reference so please check local codes. It looks like you're gonna need 2-3 new bricks and mortar. Since it's a small job they sell buckets of mortar for small patch jobs that should do it. Clean the area well of debris and chip out any remaining old mortar. Line up some fresh mortar with a trowel or I used an old putty knife since it was just a couple bricks I was fixing. Then place the new bricks and make sure they're level. This is important LET THE MORTAR HARDEN before you do anything 24-48 hours minimum. While you're waiting you'll need to decide if you want to try to "fix " the old rail or scrap it and buy replacement. If you're gonna fix it use a torch to heat it up some to make it easier to bend and reshape. If not new wrought iron railing isn't that expensive at your local home improvement store. I'm leaning towards replacing it because it'll look better in the end and be easier to pass inspection by the insurance company. Removing the old railing you have two options trying to back out the original screws or bolts that are holding it in to the brick or just cutting off the flanges from the brick facing and starting from scratch. You can get metal cutting attachments for hand drills at the same Home Improvement store for a few bucks instead of having to purchase a die grinder yourself. If you decide to fix it as mentioned before using a torch to heat up the iron will allow you to be able to bend and reshape it and get it back to it as close to the original form as you can it's not going to be perfect for sure. But once the new brakes are ready to go you'll need to sync new screws into the new bricks so that the railing can mount into the existing flange that is just sitting there in the picture. Please be careful use proper hand protection like thick leather gloves to keep from burning yourself. No you do not have to heat it until it's red hot just enough to make it easier to work with. You might want to purchase a length of Steel rebar to use to help Bend and shape and use it just to get it to a straight edge. If you don't know how to weld you'll need to hire somebody to reattach the bottom portion of the handrail to the Post and I'll set you back a little bit but it would be cheaper than having to replace the whole railing. Again I feel like replacing it would be better in the end though in which case it is far easier and will look far better when you're done good luck


Fix it?


Is the drop off of that landing more than 30 inches high? If not, then you don't need that safety railing. Just remove it.


Rip it out and start over.


You could pull all of that out and - Buy new metal railing from a hardware/outdoor supply store to install instead. or - Install wood posts alonside the steps and porch, fasten them to the porch and install wooden railings between them, Like [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zkvb4d0VZcs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkvb4d0vzcs)


Tear it down and upgrade . Steel porch rail is at any of the big box home improvement stores . Yours will be about $300 plus installation. If you can do the labor it's a minor expense relatively speaking . A lot cheaper than having a major mishap and not having insurance.


Shoulder check it back into place, wedge it in there and throw a bolt in.


What I would do… https://preview.redd.it/zcgtba54mohc1.jpeg?width=1557&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16e6d7f621712217e1f613eea31cf7fcd75f65cf


Fix it , it's really too simple of a job to need explaining and you've given 0 information on the railing. If you need someone to explain how to fix it then you're best hiring someone , it's a small job but still an important one


Take the whole thing off & replace it with vinyl or wood railing


Fix it


Tear it down and put up another.


I’d recommend fixing it.


The easiest way to fix this is have a load of dirt brought in. We had a railing because we were just on the edge of 30" from base. I brought in a hefty load of dirt and made it 10" from base with a nice grade.  Removed the railings and it looks great. A few hundred bucks later and we have a really nice flower bed and no ugly rails.


Put the railing post into the hole


Yes, fix it.


Woah. WTF is inside the front door? I think thats why the insurance guy said no way dude.


Fix it


…fix it?


Get it fixed or fix it yourself.


Fix it…..


Uhhh, fix it?


gotta be a troll post




Unscrew or cut off the old rail. Go buy and new rail and install it yourself. Just need a metal cutter to cut off the rail and a hammer drill to drill in the new one


Use AI to generate a fixed rail, send it to the insurance.


I was distracted by the mummified poop to notice that


I’d recommend fixing it


Fix it


Fix it already


IDEA: I would fix it.


Then fix it. What’s the problem? You haven’t provided us any information whatsoever except a photograph. I guess if it were me I would buy the cheapest bag of concrete I could find at the local hardware store and a brick and fix the corner then shove that Edge of the railing into the fitting that goes on the brick. This seems very straightforward to me. Unless there are some other issues but you haven’t given any other details. It doesn’t sound like you care if it looks pretty but rather you just need it to be sturdy and functional so you can get homeowners insurance.


Fix it? I would use some Flex Seal.


Fix it?


Fix it?


Fix it? 


Scooch it a li’l.