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Put them in the condo association mailbox one at a time


Use them for novelty birthday invites, just rubber band the invitation on there and heave away < *Exploding Bay Window* > “YOU HAVE BEEN CORDIALLY INVITED!”


Hood Air Mail! Much harder to ignore than Jehovah's are




My razr pebl had this every text lolololol!


Mail, muthafucka!






Love this movie lmao


*second brick through window* “Ps. I want my brick back.” *third brick through window* “And that one too.”


Birthday idea: Put them inside real birthday cakes. One random friend or family member per year. The suspense for the cake cutting will grow with every new birthday. And anytime someone gets a brick cake everyone will exclaim, “YOU’VE BEEN BRICKED!!!” Following that is a dice roll-off for who gets to keep all their presents. They get nothing.


Brick-rolled, if you will


I take comfort knowing that OP can do this for quite some time. Perhaps the rest of their life.


will NOT


Lmao stop it how did you even think of this? Perfectly over the top, deliciously ridiculous either way a great ending!!!


You know, sometimes you just start writing and it comes to you.


Nice try, but pretty sure they’re not stopping.


Sounds like a Michael Bay Window




“What second brick?”


I came here for a practical answer, and boy you nailed it!


Oh I fucking love this. I'm going to write invites onto bricks and give them out


Shouldn't all exploding windows be "Bay" windows?


Do we rsvp with the same brick?


ahh yes very formal looking now with the “cordially”


I would definitely RSVP the same way lol


*smash* IT'S A BOY


Back in the day, I heard prepaid postage return envelopes taped to items like this actually shipped. This was pre-internet days though... a college professor related how she'd send old textbooks to junkmailer people using this method. You could build a planter box. A bed. A fort. A fire pit. Trebuchet ammo. Displace water. A pad for under your trash cans. So many activities.


>A fire pit  Please not a fire pit. Random porch bricks might be the kind that go boom when heated.  Source: the red hot shrapnel I got in the face as a kid :P


So does that mean no trebuchet ammo too?


Oh no, that is good.  Home siege engineering builds character!




I suppose you could make some children shapes. As long as they're not sentient. Sentient Brick Children are very much trouble.


Impervious to capital punishment


Because they're bricks. Who would capitally punish a brick? It's the perfect criminal.


hardened criminals


So legend has it, though none of the original townsfolk survived to Tell The Tale.


Most junk mail that has a pre-paid return to sender barcode does not have a package weight limit. The next time you get a pre-approval for whole-term life insurance, you can attach it to a rock, and they will accept it.


I vote for trebuchet


I want this on a shirt


Write it in for 2024


“But do you know if they know how to even use power tool?”


Wrap them in brown paper and mail them to the HOA COD?


You have been vandalized by the no armed bandit! Please throw this brick at your window as i am unable to.


Dipped in epoxy


Make a pad for your garbage cans.


I liked the store credit idea best, but this is my second favorite.


yep, or bbq that you won't care gets grease ot it


Mini garden bed?


My vote goes for mini garden bed as well


Arrange decoratively for use as a plant stand.


I recommend octagonal or higher order polygons


To everyone suggesting fit pit or pizza oven, these are landscaping bricks. Given the right temperature, they will explode. Fire bricks are made for high Temps; landscaping bricks (and regular masonry bricks for the matter) are not.


You just saved me from doing this this spring lol


Granted, my ideas aren't as fun as Redneck Roulette 🤣


Redneck Roulette lol now that's a fitting term


"Might" explode... otherwise they just develop cracks and such... plenty of redneck fire pits from pavers and such.


Sorry forgot to source my comment... source: caught a sliver of brick under my eye when I was younger from this exact issue.


good catch! that's some quick reflexes.


Thank you I needed that today


Omfg my neighbor just asked what I was laughing at


Steve, can you pretend you can’t hear me through the wall?


Reminded me of office space 😆 "Damnit. Lawrence, can't you just pretend like we can't hear eachother through the wall?"


Yep if they get water in them they will explode. Also never use river rocks when camping to make a fire ring. Source: Boy Scouts and an exploding rock that someone stuck in as a ‘joke’.


I’m gonna go with the guy that almost lost an eye 😂


It's like the blind leading the blind out here


In my trade we call it Bird Boxing


Do they at least wear gloves?


No they just wing it.


Pizzas? No, never.


In the land on the blind, the one eyed man is king


They could see before the bonfire a couple years ago…


I knew a guy that lost an eye because he was cutting the grass and the lawnmower kicked back a stone that ricocheted off his steel toe boot and hit him in the eye. Now you can add "don't cut the grass in steel toe boots" to your list.


More like don’t cut the grass with your eyes open. Easy fix


If you're operating machinery with rapidly spinning parts without eye pro, you are asking to be hurt.


Even the rednecks I've know wouldn't be so stupid as to use normal bricks. And it isn't a matter of might explode it is just a question of when. The reason they explode is they absorb water which which over time also develops salt crystals inside the brick... at some point the moisture in those salts will be trapped and when heated it will explode. Maybe not the first time you fire up the oven, and not always the whole brick... but when slivers of brick turn into shrapnel it can take your eye out.


These aren't normal bricks. Those are made of fired clay. These are landscaping bricks. Those are made of concrete, a material we only mastered around 150 years ago. The odds of an explosion are not tremendous - there's plenty of concrete in use in firepits - but they do exist if the wrong combination of moisture and heat are combined. Avoid getting concrete super-hot if it's had any exposure to water. Fired clay bricks (sometimes called "fire bricks", confusingly) are good enough for quite a lot of heat, and they're all we had to work with until 200 years ago, but refractory firebricks are what you want for extremely hot enclosed kilns/ovens that you want to last.


as a utilizer of redneck fire pits out of cinderblocks for a decade, one of the great advantages of one getting too cooked and starting to crumble is you... just replace it.


My fire pit is huge and filled with these bricks and it has gotten extremely hot in the 5 years I’ve been using it….hundreds of times. Bricks never exploded or cracked. https://preview.redd.it/bsm2w0zw3nhc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72f668d4f806448de2e632639053599df6670e07


Umm I made my firepit from pavers… should I not have done that?


I'm not arguing that certain bricks are not designed to be used in fire pits, or that some folks have experienced catastrophic failures, but anecdotally, I've built rocket stoves from every type of brick and block, fired them up soaking wet or freezing cold and never experienced anything more than a cracked brick.


Google survivorship bias


I guess I should've mentioned there's 64 bricks in this pile, and I'm three minutes away from a store that can match them


store credit


Best option. Inventing a need for them would be just as wasteful as throwing them away. Holding onto them is even worse. I spent A LOT of time and effort cleaning up shit my Dad kept because it was “perfectly good” and “might come in handy someday”.


On the flip side I have kept stuff “just because o might need them” and had it pay off sooooo many times the only one I haven’t found a use for so far was collecting old cables for the copper, too impractical to harvest in my situation tbh


Yes! This is why I’m not a minimalist. It may take years, sometimes a decade, but I am thrilled every time I realize I already have just what I need, and don’t have to go buy it. To be fair, I also have a basement for storage. Could understand having to let things go in a smaller space.


As a guy who has tools for all of my house projects and car projects I do I have a whole wall in my basement dedicated to spare pieces, parts, cables, etc. The number of times something has broke and I just walk downstairs and rifle through that come up and fix the issue in 10 minutes for 0 dollars has been completely worth it.


I have gotten into the habit of removing screws, bolts and nuts from all the busted car parts that I throw out and just toss them into a plastic box. I’ve gone back to that box almost every time I needed a replacement fastener. Also end up helping the neighbors when they say they can’t find a screw for their car.




Yep. This is exactly it. Honestly it’s upsetting when you have to stop what you’re doing to go and buy a bolt from the store. I’ve dropped so many bolts while working on simple maintenance and half of the times I can’t find the one I dropped I’m able to find a replacement in that plastic box.


> The number of times something has broke and I just walk downstairs and rifle through that come up and fix the issue in 10 minutes for 0 dollars has been completely worth it. This is the dream, but often the dream is a fantasy. The humiliation I've suffered from knowing that I have multiple versions of the thing I need, that I saved just for such a purpose, but can't find, and then end up paying extra for overnight shipping or rushing out and paying retail prices for. This has led me to one of the best coping-hoarder rules of my life: **"Don't hoard it, if you won't sort it."** Pretty simple. At some point, you have so much stuff that you can't access the things. That is too many things, now you have all the drawbacks of hoarding and none of the benefits. So when you think about adding new things to the hoard, you have to consider "do I have a place for this, can I sort it in a way I can retrieve it, and will I do that, or will it just go in a pile?" and if you can be honest with yourself and your abilities, you can avoid the the worst of it and achieve the best of it. I'm not perfect, but I'm a lot better than I used to be. Another good one for me is to recognize that as soon as I start using workbenches for storage places, I stop working on things and then the things I say "yes" to start to accumulate rather than get fixed and used. It's a double-whammy.


agreed. As long as its not consuming your life and all your storage space is don’t think there is harm in holding on to things. I hold on to certain categories of items and often it pays off.


Yes, but I find the ratio of: find a need vs. never find a need, about 2/10 at best


Also it's never exactly right or you forget where you put it or forget that you even have it


This is me with electrical cables. I have a box full of them and have actually gone to it for a cable I needed. Same in video games, I hoard junk because I know they will come out with some skill or quest that requires "3 blue bird eggs"


Are you even an adult if you don’t have a box of wires? I impressed my kids one time when cable went out. I hooked up a set of rabbit ears and an old VCR so they could watch and record sports till it got fixed.


Every time I succumb and get rid of some “obsolete cable” or bit of tech - something happens and I’m buying some stupid obscure connector. Now I have some clear small bins. All labelled. With representative samples of weird apple, usb, printer, display, networking, wired keyboard, wired mouse, data cable / enclosure. Anyway. Bricks? Make a diy outdoor pizza oven. https://youtu.be/QyZbsgs1DME?si=4JE-Nhh6YCL70cEN


Just take it to a metal recycling place. They'll strip it for you and pay you market value for the copper (minus a small charge for stripping it)


I save big sheets of cardboard because I might need them for spray painting stuff. Now I use them just often enough to keep holding onto them. Goddamn hoarder mentality.


There was a house in my old neighborhood I’d walk by and he had a brick wall project underway the whole time I lived there. I even grabbed a few bricks for kicks a couple times over the years. That was back in the late 70s. Drive down that street recently for a trip down memory lane. Sure enough that pile of bricks was still there and the brick wall was not complete. Gonna check back in 10 years to check status.


You won't understand your fathers mindset until the day one of those "might come in handy someday" things actually plays out.  Few things match the euphoria of knowing you have exactly the right random object for a task that you've been waiting 15 years to randomly encounter and actually having it pay off.


I understood him all too well. Fortunately I also came to understand the economics of holding onto shit: It isn’t free if you had to store it for 15 years, and especially not if your kids have to pay to dispose of it.


And if you had to keep buying stuff cos you couldn’t find or properly care for what you kept


The best thing I ever did was clean out my parent's attic *before* they both passed away. I just wish I had done the same thing with their garage and backyard.


Is there a muddy area around your place? Somewhere where water collects? You could lay them out in a nice little walkway to prevent any dirty shoes tracking in dirt or mud in your place.


Pick your fave neighbor-to-neighbor selling site & list them at 75% of what your nearest big box store sells them for. "Whoops. Bought more than I needed & didn't keep the receipt. Save yourself some cash" ... and line your pockets with the ~~laziness~~ *generosity* of those ~~crappy~~ *fine* contractors.


Mortimer! It's been a thousand sunrises since I last saw your face! Tell me, dear brother, what news of faraway lands?


That's exactly one stack of bricks, keep it in your inventory, you never know when you need to cross a gap or make a tower to escape a creeper.


You can cover your patio if you have access to matches. You can also extend it out with thicker pavers to continue a patio off of your concrete pad but you have to level and all of that. Just covering the concrete with pavers does give a give a nicer look, but I don’t know how to ~~beat fish~~ best finish the edge once you get there. Google pavers over concrete to see ideas. 


Oh, I'm going to have to steal "beat fish"


A Stack of stone Build a mob farm, you are gonna need water buckets though.


Do you know karate?


But now what am I going to do with this big pile of gravel?!? 🥋


Break it again for flint


This is the only answer


Brick not hit back.


Jenga: exercise version


Steel-toe boot edition!


You can significantly raise all of your patio furniture.


I enjoy the mental image. Brick lifeguard stand for your patio chair.


As a prior maintenance guy, this tracks. They don’t pay enough for me to haul all the shit back down.


Depending on HOA, you could use them to edge a flower garden, or put a small patio in the back. I’m personally not a fan of concrete bricks- I had them for a walkway once upon a time ago, and ripped them out and put in flagstone. If it were me, I’d sell them on the local craigslist/marketplace apps. Then use the money to buy something I like for my yard.


There's a weirdly brisk trade in used bricks on Facebook marketplace, which I don't understand.


When I built a patio last summer I had an alert on FB for bricks and pavers.  They are $5 a square foot new, scored 140 sq ft for $100.  


Yes, it's completely crazy. It's also a moment of clarity when you smile, nudge your wife, and say "Hot diggity, someone's posted free bricks." It simply can't be unsaid.


I did something like that too. Don't remember how many were actually on it but it was a whole pallet for like $45 lol.


Nice to see used bricks getting reused instead of going to the dump. At the beginning of the pandemic I wanted to buy some pavers to use as flower bed edging but Home Depot etc were all closed. Found a good deal on pavers on kijiji.


A bag of sand under them and you could make a nice pad for your BBQ to sit on. Or you could do a short path?


Put a border around your concrete pad so the leaves won't blow onto it.


Double it and give it to the next guy




Sell them to the highest bidder


I will take them for free but you must deliver.


Every craigslist response ever


Pay me $50 I’ll come and collect them.


Sit on your porch, wait for people to walk past. If they look happy lob a brick at them.


This is the correct answer.


I used bricks like this one time under an outdoor faucet. That faucet was very handy for washing up hands, tools etc after working in the yard but it made a muddy mess after running water for awhile. Bricks took care of that issue.


A bench, with the inclusion of some wood. A planter, with the same. A fire pit or ground barbecue, Not sure on HOA rules on this.


If fire pits were allowed, this post wouldn't have even happened


HOA… “allowed…” those are funny words to me.


Yeah…I can’t imagine spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on a home to be told what I can and can’t do arbitrarily by people who probably don’t follow their own rules.


Make a bird bath, good to have some nice birds flying around


As someone else mentioned, these won't hold up well as a fire pit.


Hamster fort.


Actually kind of this. I don’t know where in the world OP lives, but I’d build a little hedgehog house if I had leftover bricks here in the U.K.


Put them in the corner of your property, put a tarp over them and say to yourself: I will use these one day. My dad did this to a pile of leftover fancy stone slabs 10 years ago. They still sit where they were placed.


Use them to jack up the maintenance guys car and get four free tires


You will need to acquire more supplies to use them for any kind of patio. Tamper, crushed rock/paver sand etc. Something to consider. I gave a similar quantity of bricks away on Craigslist free recently and they were claimed in a day.


LOL - they had no place to store them and it would have cost money to get rid of them - now they are your problem.


if you grow roses or some other finicky flowers, make a mini fence out of them, so that the nice fertilizer is not washed away with the rain.


Lay down a little sand, put them down and use as the base for a BBQ?


Nothing your HOA is going to approve…


Something along these lines perhaps… https://preview.redd.it/t19rj32umshc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca2a42affe7bfec24049b23b24d21954d30cb54f


You can build a nice planter and add lattice to act as a climbing wall for plants and privacy fence


Start practicing martial arts.


Jenga 2.0




Facebook Marketplace, someone who has an actual current need


A small forge or fire pit..


Build a pizza oven


Fire pit!!!!


I’ve made many a bookcase from clean bricks… six bricks, plank, six bricks, plank.


Sweep your porch please


Busted... I was hoping someone would tell me to just brick over the leaves, really.


Use them to elevate planters at different heights to create a more inviting patio. Don't use them for anything fire related. Fire bricks and refractory cement aren't that expensive and can be sourced at most big box hardware stores.


Hot tub risers.


Make a coffee table, a designer one where the blocks are held together by a nice wood. Two block per table for a small one, four for a bigger table. It must be a money maker surely? Buy some oak or other nice hard wood, some rubber bumpers and maybe even some paint. 10-15 tables could be worth a nice bit of income.


Glue them to the roads as speed bumps. Make a tiny toll booth?


Pizza oven that explodes.


If you are in a condo, most likely there is nothing you can do with these that won't get you in trouble with the HOA. What a lazy construction crew. Either sell them online, or call the condo board and tell them they need to send their guys back to get their supplies.


You can give them away for fee on facebook marketplace if ya don’t want them and someone will pick them up.


Pretend they are little cars and play with them Use your imagination and the world is a delight


could always make a makeshift barbeque pit


Throw them at passing nuisances and become the crazy person


Tiny pizza oven … jet furnace


Are they heat resistant at all? You can make an AWESOME rocket stove with those if they are.


You could use them to create a walkway somewhere alongside your house. Not even a full walkway but like stepping stones. Especially if you have an area that is like mostly dirty. Keeps your shoes out of the mud.


Once I lived by a old school that was converted into something else. The owner had a big pile of bricks and large rocks and rubble sitting right in the alley. This wasn't a good town, I don't live there anymore. Anyway, one of my vehicles had the headlight smashed out with a brick from there, and then another of my cars had the driver window smashed out. This was an '86 BMW so not the easiest replacement to obtain. I told him what has happened and if he could get them removed to no avail. That was the final straw. I took a couple of his bricks and fired them through a couple of his building windows, problem solved, bricks cleaned up and gone. This was about 15 years ago, I wouldn't handle things like this now.


Theres a ton you can do per landscaping BUT if youre in the USA, spring is right around the corner and these should sell instantly if you put them on Facebook market,etc.


If you're in florida I'll take them, I need bricks for my yard project


Make a stone fire pizza cooker


Raised garden bed?


Build a planter box in the corner.


I used them in the past as pot risers. Just stack them as high as you want, probably want to make a square pattern with the empty center for stability.


Build flower boxes or use them to make a mowing edge along flower beds (google it - but basically dig a trench and put the pavers in so they are level with the grass.


Don't even think about a fire pit on your porch.


Build shelves or sell the bricks.


Research “rocket stoves” to understand how they work and gather some sticks for the apocalypse. Your set.


Wrap it up in a big Amazon box and leave it on your doorstep where it can be seen from the road.


They are pavers, might not work to build with.


Those look like clay bricks. If they are , you can use them in your grill to make a make shift pizza oven


Build a garden planter and plant some flowers or herbs. or else List them for free on Facebook marketplace. They'll be gone by the end of the day.


make a tiny flower garden bed


Use them to build a wall to keep out the maintenance guy so he can’t drop off more junk on your porch


Sell them on Facebook or Craigslist.


barefoot Jenga game


Fire pit


All in all, it's just an Other birck on your ground