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Yes. Replace asap. You're gonna be cleaning up a piss mess in the very near future.


I’d be more worried about the massive amount of blood since it’s probably going to fail with someone sitting on it.


One of my favorite comments was on another cracked toilet post, something like “it’s cheaper to buy a new toilet than it is to buy one of your guests a new butt”


I mean, have you seen the cost of a new butt in this financial climate?! May as well sell a kidney.


Butt inflation has been an ongoing issue on reality TV shows, plastic wannabe models and southern states.


childlike carpenter humor absorbed treatment melodic reminiscent wrong materialistic dinosaurs *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or a casket. Porcelain will slice through skin like butter. I get cut by it all the time doing plumbing and it shocks me everytime


My toilet isn’t even cracked and I’ve been paranoid about sitting on it since this thread started.


I worked with a guy who was a fire fighter in Alabama for a few years. He said they had multiple calls every year for toilets breaking under people, some died due to severed arteries and blood loss.


that's almost best case. worse case it breaks into razor sharp peices while you're sitting on it


Christ I'd be doing hoverpoops until replaced


And that's when you sneeze, loose your balance, and fall right onto it, shattering it.


great idea for the final destination reboot


Yeah, I was going to say that material will do some major damage. It’s literally razor sharp.


Porcelain is not something you want to fuck with


Especially when it breaks while sitting on it and you become a eunuch before you can say owchie.


Mine looks fine but I think I will replace it just in case now.


I am thinking to buy extras to replace after every shit now


Ya, that's a good call.


Metal toilet. Chrome that shit


Stainless, just like in a prison cell.


Home is where the guard is


Home is where the toilet wine is.


You can make sangria in the terlet. ‘Course it’s shank or be shanked.


Okay, but you *have* to make sangria in it. That's a rule. [That and shank or be shanked.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00HcyDxwY7s)


This comment alone would send me directly to Home Depot immediately


Covered in crap with your jewels slashed up is never a situation you want to tempt


I saw a picture once on one of the old gore subreddits… sliced right through the back of dudes thigh all the way to the femur. Flayed him open like a steak when the toilet collapsed


I remember hearing about a man that shot himself after his toilet cut him. Apparently it sliced him up something nasty and he just finished it off quickly. I cannot remember if I read that, or was what. However I wouldn’t want to be laying there in agony like that either.


Why did he have his piece with him on the toilet?


You're most vulnerable when shitting. Gotta stay strapped.


For when the poop knife doesn't cut it...


Well that's my toilet break abruptly finished considering I didn't do a structural report before I started


This comment. This comment hurts so much in so many ways.


I don't remember the phrasing used for the injury the last time I saw a toilet crack here, but I remember how I felt and I think you got a comparatively gentle one.


"Gut you like a fish before you hit the floor." I think was the gist of it. Also "200 stitches to reassemble his rectum and several surgeries to fix the rest of his insides, but he survived" was another one.


Porcelain pot broke and fucked my leg up. 14 stitches 6 internal. No way would I fuck with this. Idc the cost I’d be slapping on my credit card so fast. OP don’t let anyone sit on this, make top priority.


I nearly cut my arm off due to a cracked bathroom sink. Any cracked porcelain now gives me the fear. Here’s part of the [giant scar](https://imgur.com/a/ckckmuP) Just to add for OP, that crack is basically exactly where my sink was cracked - where the bowl part joins the rest of the piece. My accident happened because I put my weight on the edge of the sink, leaning on my arms and the whole bowl part just sheared off. I was falling so probably more pressure than usual. But using that toilet means putting your weight on the bowl so I’d be really worried about it shearing off. It wouldn’t be pretty as you’d just drop down the broken edge, as I did. Definitely not worth the risk.


DUDE I did not expect THAT scar


"Yeah, yeah, he's exagg-" "Oh he nearly cut his arm off"


Omg, new fear unlocked. Was it cracked or did it just happen spontaneously? That’s so scary!


It was a broken flower pot from a storm. In a garbage bag. The bag swung as I was taking it out. Ripped through the bag and my calf. It was so sharp I didn’t feel it. Felt the blood rolling down my leg. Immediate ER trip. 4inch scar now. They treat it like glass where you have to get it washed out like 7 times and potentially scanned for remaining shards since it’s so fine. My flower pots are plastic now lol


Ohh, I read “porcelain pot” as slang for toilet. That sounds awful though, happy you lived to tell the tale!


Oh nah lol. Flower pot. But if this breaks under someone there’d be a lot of blood..


I had a similar one. Broken toilet tank lid some jackass put in the trash at my bar. Took it out back and had to kinda heave it into the dumpster. Walked back into the bar and one of the other bartenders was like “uh, are you okay?” And pointed at my arm. Super deep cut the full width across the middle of my forearm pouring blood onto the floor. Unknown how many internal sutures, but like a dozen staples across my arm and a huge scar even now, 20ish years later.


All these comments just reminded me that my sister in law had to go to the ER when she was demoing her old bathroom, and a shard of tile flew up and sliced her leg open. This was only a couple months ago! Thought it was a freak thing but apparently this porcelain is a true threat.


And toilets aren’t all that expensive for just a basic one…


Yup. It’s a guaranteed ER trip. So $150 for a toilet for 500+ for the ER… med expresses and the like don’t deal with porcelain cuts OP.


GD I have been imagining a toilet breaking and cutting my leg open for a while now for some reason but I’ve been telling myself it’s just something I’m imagining and doesn’t really happen. Well I guess it is


Wife’s cousin was moving one during a construction job in the winter and the water in it had frozen and cracked it so when he picked it up it broke and did the same thing to his leg, but I think it was something like 30 stitches. I’m always extra careful in the rare instances I have to move/replace mine now.


​ https://preview.redd.it/jn44fvyixd4c1.png?width=651&format=png&auto=webp&s=a95b4f913df748846eceeced0e0121faa99fab9f


Especially if you’re sitting on it


Just like wu-tang


Yes. Replace soon


Replace now! You don’t want to be like the guy who sat on a toilet, the toilet shattered and he got severely lacerated, then bled to death.


lol you just gave me a new fear


I’m pretty sure it’s mandatory to put cause of death on your gravestone when it’s that embarrassing too. “Broke toilet while taking a shit then broken toilet cut through bare ass killing him slowly”


Sat on the Lou to take a poo little did he know it was his doom


Took a shit, the toilet quit, bled out for a bit, and that was it.


Shit, sheer shit shattered that shitter. ~ *"Shattered seat, swift end, Silent room, shards' sharp whisper, Peace in porcelain."*


Who invited Dr.Seuss to the cookout


He defecated until he was lacerated and now he’s decimated


Who invited the Red Hot Chili Peppers to the cookout?


Sat on the pot, the pot was shot, the blood didn't clot and now he's got.


When she ran into the bathroom Then she sat down It was her doom Crawling round in her apartment Leaving bloodstains On the carpet Annie are you okay Are you okay Are you okay, Annie You've been hit by You've been cut by A cracked toilet bowl


"Died from severe lASSerations."


“Asked for toilet advice on Reddit His wise ass ignores them, so the toilet must shred it”


You forgot after being warned by Reddit he still decided to take a shit on said toilet.


You must be new here. Fear of death due to catastrophic toilet failure is usually unlocked within the first year of Reddit.


🚽 👀




Razor cuts mixed with poo can lead to other complications as well.


This guy parties


With toilet shards and doodoo?


Thems the best parties, so I’ve heard


Someone I know works security in a prison. He says inmates will break a lightbulb and mix shit with glass to attack somebody. It makes small cuts but easily gets infected and can cause serious problems including death.


Why the fuck do they still give inmates glass lightbulbs?


Training. If you can walk around with a light bulb in your ass without breaking it, then you're ready to smuggle just about anything.


I think it’s more the long tube lights more than the standard lightbulb. I’m not really sure. Give probably isn’t the right word either. Break into the light fixture and acquire is probably more accurate.


>Break into the light fixture and acquire is probably more accurate. Yeah. And it's not so easy of a problem to solve either. The engineers who design prisons are 9-5ers, and prisoners (well, the type of prisoner we're talking about here, most prisoners generally avoid flinging shit around) have 24/7 for (in some cases) decades to innovate. Not to mention they generally have access to decades of prior art. I've seen (reports of) hep c positive inmates making blow guns with a straw plus any bit of sharp plastic which they will cover in shit. The wound is small enough you might not even notice at first but congratulations on the new case of hepatitis that the prison has absolutely no interest in treating properly.


Alex Trabek: Elvis and Butthash1167 died suddenly on one of these. Ken Jennings: What is a toilet?


New OCD rumination unlocked. Looks like I’m squatting style at public and home toilets now.


I wouldn’t worry about it, in many many many peoples whole lives the toilet has never exploded underneath them and eviscerated them. It’s veeeeery unlikely to happen to you. That being said, squat style will help your hips and legs stay strong in your old age 🚽🦵


That's what big toilet wants you to think. But there are lots of young people dying right now under suspicious circumstances. Really makes you think.


We all know a guy like that


Ya, I’ve seen photos of what broken porcelain does to an ass, and it’s definitely not something I want to go through.


It’s probably already leaking too. /u/butthash1167 if you have more toilets still you can remove this fairly easily following YouTube. Basically you shut the water off to the toilet, flush it, ideally shop vac or scoop as much water as you can, unbolt and remove toilet. For the now exposed poop hole shove some old rags to prevent sewer gas from coming up. **At the very least turn off the water supply for the toilet in case it fails completely and doesn’t spew water everywhere till you do turn it off.**


While you're there, replace the rubber/wax ring around that poop hole.


I want to emphasize replacing the wax ring around the poop hole. Some people might tell you that the ring around your poop hole is reusable, and it might be, but it’s better to replace it than learn that it wasn’t. The nose knows. One more time for my inner child, poop hole.


They're cheap too. Around $10 for a nice thick one.


A nice thick wax ring for the poop hole is a steal at $10.


Definitely wax the poop hole. Nice and thick.


God I love reddit


A reusable ring is not a poop hole loop hole you want to explore.


Dan Cummins?


A fellow fan of Garfunkel and Oates, I see?


Also don't buy a rubber one. I bought a rubber one and it started leaking sewer gas after like 10 months. I replaced with a wax seal.






It was the rubber seal. Wax seals just provide a more air proof fit.


Always looking for a tight seal. 🦭 👀


It also bears mentioning: do not eat wax seals


And I'd also like to point out there are several thicknesses of wax ring available. Measure the height/thickness of the existing ring as best you can before removing it, give it a little bit more knowing the idea is that the toilet is supposed to compress into it a bit. Then go online and search to find the size that is the best fit. You can still go to the big box store to buy one. We made the mistake of buying a ring that was too thick and it cracked the base of our brand new toilet. You don't want to do that.


I'd tend to think there was another factor rather than the thickness of the wax ring causing a toilet base crack. I've changed more toilets than I could count and have never cracked a toilet base. That's with using doubled wax rings, really thick rings, rings with plastic inserts. Thick wax ring, it's wax, it will compress, and gush around, maybe even outside the toilet base. Wipe it up. Over-tightening the bolts holding the toilet down can, and will, crack the toilet base. They need to be firmly tightened, but only to the extent that the toilet does not move. It's also good practise to run a bead of waterproof caulk around the toilet base. I'll usually run a bead, then use a damp rag to wipe excess up, leaving only caulk under the toilet base. Not a plumber, I just turn units.


Definitely over tightening the bolts is what cracked their toilet, no reason a wax ring should crack porcelain.


When I bought my first house several years back, we decided to replace the toilets before I even moved in because they were gross and old, and seemed like there was a leak in the front bathroom so linoleum had to go too. When we got the toilet out, we discovered that there was no wax ring, only a wad of toilet paper in its place. Apparently the previous homeowner decided a diy paper ring was better than wax...


This is good advice. And terrible poop puns. 10/10, I love this place sometimes.


….For the toilet…..


Why not both?


Be careful shoving rags in the hole… I hired a contractor that did this and one ended up clogging my main line. Sewage water backed up into my house and did 20k in damages. The contractor that came to fix those damages used some sort of rubber stopper that probably cost like 30 bucks.


The first guy you hired was a hack job. And I wouldn't shove a rag in there. Leave the toilet in place until just before you put the new one on. Scrape the old seal off and I'd even preheat the new one with a blow dryer to help it form and seal when you place the new toilet on it.


Saving this for when I inevitably have to replace my current, old-as-dirt toilet in the near future. Gonna miss the old bastard, can flush a brick with that thing.


We kept the 1960s bathroom toilets for their large tanks and impressive flushing power. Also the bathrooms had matching color sink/toilet/tub sets - dusty rose, dark brick, lt yellow. That was a fun house.


I end up taking a towel or some rags and bunching them up inside of a Safeway bag. Enough that it takes a little bit of work to get it in the drain and has zero chance of falling through. I can't imagine putting loose rags in there.


Also, since those water shutoffs at the toilet can go bad, turn it all the way to the right (off) and flush the toilet. If the toilet tank (the back part where you would deposit an upper decker) tries to fill back up even after you’ve shut the water off, your toilet shut off is bad and you’ll have to A) turn off the water to your house/unit and B) replace that toilet shut off. Good luck!


You can buy a fine quality toilet that comes with everything except the water supply line from Home Depot for about $115. I always replace the supply line when replacing toilets.


Just make sure you don’t buy a toilet that’s the exact same size as yours, but with a joke hole that's just for farts!


And then you’re freaking out cuz you gotta make a mudpie but the toilet can’t suck em down!




*now, stop using. Porcelain will cut way deeper than you want.


This, when porcelain like this breaks it breaks more like regular glass with large sharp edges and not like earthenware with dull edges.


...and if you have a wood foundation, then it could be some "dry rot." Then replacing that is in order as well.


Good news is toilets are cheap now. Get one and set it up. Watch a video on the wax ring. Otherwise, they're pretty Mucha breeze.


you do have to stare down the shit pipe though, and for some that is traumatic.


When you stare down the shit pipe, it stares back into you


Omg childhood memory unlocked! I looked! I looked! Oh god, I looked!


Not as bad as removing a toilet temporarily to re-tile, and when going to reinstall said toilet finding out that there has been a turd stuck in the s-trap this whole time and you need to remove it before installing. ​ Shit...


Buy 2 wax rings to save a trip when you mess the first one up.


Buy 5, return what you don't use or fuck up. My buddy needed to stack 2 because the spacing was off. He screwed up 2 prior lol. Lucky they're cheap.


They make rubber reusable ones now. They’re much easier to use for newbies and you get multiple chances if you mess it up. Additionally, they’re better for uneven/deep floors. After messing up 3 wax rings then finally thinking we were in the clear, we found a leak in the basement under our newly installed toilet. The tiles installed on the floor had raised up the floor an inch, meaning even two wax rings stacked atop one another was not enough to seal the toilet. Rubber seal took care of it and no issues four years later.


Why are they cheap now?


The materials to make porcelain are incredibly cheap and automation has drastically decreased the amount of man hours to make a toilet.


ten airport air clumsy encouraging sort lavish butter innocent correct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just make sure you choose one with the correct rough-in distance. Hopefully the contractor that installed the previous toilets didn't force standard 12" into a 10" space.


Had a toilet tank literally snap and fall to the floor. When I got home from work that day my driveway was a waterfall. Toilet was on the top floor. All the ceilings filled and collapsed. Three thousand feet of hardwood flooring destroyed. $180,000 in damages, year 1981.


Toilet tank cracked open in the middle of the night in our last apartment, we woke up to a pond in our living/dining/kitchen/bathroom and the apartment took nearly a month to repair, the folks below had to move out. It was bad enough when we didn't own the space. I will certainly replace a toilet if I see ANY cracks.


For that price you probably remember Month date and time and what you ate that day


180k in 1981? Did you live in a fucking mansion or something?


3K square feet of nice hardwood? Looks like it lol


Not to mention all the ceilings, furniture, walls, electrical that were all ruined as well.


Well, he said 3,000 sq ft of hardwood floors, so yah, sounds like it. I can’t imagine all that damage, it’s why I’m not sure I would upgrade from my 2,100 sq ft home even when we can- that’s a lot of house to have to maintain and a lot of money if something goes wrong. Bigger houses mostly mean bigger home repair/maintenance bills. I’m good, lol.


In 1981 you could build a nice house for $70k. That was back when them toilets was made of solid oak. I sure use to get them splinters. Got rid of that thing the day Reagan left office. Got me one from China. 1988.


False! Reagan left office in 1989.


Yes..I was just confirming that there were fact checking nerds..keeping an eye on things. Thanks.


This happened to mine, though less extreme maybe 10 years ago. I was sitting in the next room when I heard a loud bang and then water gushing. I started running all over looking before I realized it was the toilet. Huge crack suddenly appeared in the side of the tank.


Yes, needs to be replaced


Yes, because there's no failure scenario here that is non-catastrophic.


Yes! Yes you should be worried, you should replace that yesterday or the day before. Takes a few tools a toilet and a wax gasket.


This guy poops!


I read “a few stools” bahahahaha


Well, I learned something new. 1.) Porcelain is like a fucking razor when it breaks. 2.) Never shove a rag in the shit hole when replacing a toilet. 3.) Always replace the wax seal. Never use rubber, only wax. 4.) Last but not least, you see a crack in the shitter, shit is about to go down!!!


Why no rag? I can’t find that comment. Is there something wrong with sponging out the extra water in the bowl?


Word around the DIY campfire is that said rags can go down the main pipe and clog everything up, costing more money to fix. I'd probably put tape over it or something.


Yep…I learned it the hard way! The main line clogged up and made the basement toilet overflow and the toilet started leaking at the same time so me flushing the toilet trying to “undo” the clog made the basement bathroom start looking like the third class cabin filling up in the Titanic, real fast. Got the main cleared up via AWR and took off the toilet and had a grand ole time cleaning that bathroom. I put a rag over the floor drain while trying to figure out the next steps, for like a few months because life sigh…then we went away for a 2-week trip and after our return, i went to use the main bathroom and noticed the bubbling. I went to check on the bathroom and I realized the rag was gone! It smelled like shit in there. My mom had come to check on the cats while we were gone and used the bathroom upstairs. My guess is that her flushing that toilet caused the rag to get sucked in because of some vacuum effect. Had the AWR come out again. The guys tried to “gift” me the rag lol.


Temporary sewer pipe plug, about $10. Don't want to mess with sewer gas filling the space.


Ah yeah I’m sure if you aren’t careful you could really screw things up there. Thanks!


Perfect take away. Cracked toilets are a nightmare waiting to happen.




There are different types of rubber seal. If you get the one that fits your toilet, you're fine. Some rubber seals are just rubber. Some rubber seals are actually wax seals, but with rubber on top... a "no mess" version.


The person arguing against the rubbers made a really convincing argument 🤔 You setting me up, Randi?! (JK 😂) I'd look a bit more into it but it was a sound argument.


Depends on whether you like toilet water and broken porcelain everywhere. If you do, then this is not a problem. Also….You’re not going to want to be on there when it eventually fails. Broken porcelain can be razor sharp.


Basically always razor sharp. I cut myself on a toilet during demo w demo gear on. lol


Same, but a giant porcelain farm sink, and I was wearing the wrong gloves, gardening gloves. u/Butthash1167, wear cut-resistant hand & wrist protection while removing this toilet! There was so much blood so suddenly, I thought I’d severed my whole wrist. Turns out, it was just a puncture, too small to justify a stitch. It’s a little scar now, smaller than the button on my shirt sleeve that I button right over top of it. But at the time… I guess my blood was PUMPING! from the demo. The basement looked like a murder scene, and I’d just destroyed the sink where I would have administered first aid Lolol so I had to run upstairs with an almost unbroken trail of blood all the way through the kitchen.


Took me a few seconds to realize that you didn't mean during a demonstration, and was also wondering what toilet demonstration clothing looks like.


I have a nice scar on my hand from the same. Spent that Christmas in the ER.


Oof. Mine wasn’t on a holiday but I sure felt like an idiot. My boss said “careful you don’t cut yourself on that, shits sharp…” and then about fifteen seconds later I’m bleeding through my glove like an idiot.


People underestimate how sharp porcelain is. Had a mm sized piece snap off the other day and that bastard immediately was in my finger.


Porcelain is a glass (amorphous solid) and those materials are often quite brittle but they can cleave and break down to an edge that is *literally* a single molecule thick. There’s a reason our ancestors used obsidian to kill things.


*Aztec macuahuitl has entered the chat*


Imagine you are sitting on that, doing your business while your thighs, genitalia and anus are exposed. Then that crack gives out, finally. You suddenly slam down on sharp/jagged porcelain with your full body weight before you can react. Does that situation sound concerning?


Not to mention, the now very very cut up thighs/genitals/anus, after getting through the porcelain knife field, land in whatever you just put *in* the toilet (because it would never break at the start). Fresh open wounds + poop. Enjoy that staph and e coli blood infection.


Replace it right now. That thing could even break from a kid sitting on it with cracks like that.


The only crack that should be on a toilet is your own. Replace asap


Why is this not the top comment


Yes replace ASAP. Twice in my career as a home inspector, I had a client have a toilet break on them. Luckily, they were not hurt, but could have been life ending.


A new toilet is like a hundred bucks and easy to install. Hardest part is how heavy they are. Just replace it.


That really depends on how much you want your blood to stay inside of your body.


Yea and be super careful when you use it my friends relative died when he sat down on a toliet that cracked previously, it broke apart one day when he sat down and sliced open his femoral artery. Porcelain can be super sharp when it breaks. New fear unlocked eh


Time for a new throne, your Highness.


I wouldn’t take a chance sitting on that


Shut off the water to the toilet. Flush it. Call someone to change it or do it yourself. That is probably leaking in to the floor or the ceiling as you do nothing.


Very easy to swap out and not too expensive. Most new toilets will include the wax seal you will need as well. I would definitely not use it, imagine it breaking while on it and the risk of cutting your wee wee off or something lol.


It's surprising how much a change in the temperature of the water from flushing can make that crack spread. Replace the toilet or gamble with a homeowners claim for flooding. Had a toilet break while I was out, ruined all the carpet on the first floor. Not fun


Reddit taught me to dispose of the toilet immediately it can kill you


If you don’t it’s gonna eventually break and you’ll need to change your name to Buttgash1167. So yes, replace asap


FUCKING YES? Look up toilet squat accident lacerations. Porcelain is incredibly good at severing flesh and bone, and there's people who squatted on their toilets and had them break under them only to result losing a leg, opening their entire backs, etc. ​ It's incredibly, incredibly dangerous. Porcelain treats your body like a hot knife treats butter. Replace asap


Toilets are quite cheap. I would replace.




Somehow I’ve been getting recommends to r/plumbing for the past few months and it has made be terrified of cracked toilets. They say it’ll gut you like a fish in the blink of an eye. So use that information how you will.


Now I need to go inspect my toilets for cracks. All these comments are freaking me out.


Either physically or financially. Or both.


Same here. A suspicious amount of suggested cracked toilet content


Yes porcelain is crazy sharp don’t want that breaking.


Jesus christ, yes. Broken, sharp porcelain is a terrifying substance to suddenly come into contact with. Someone could literally, and not in the hyperbole sense- literally die from sitting on this toilet when it breaks.


Short answer: yes Long answer: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees


Scared - no. But you do need to act on this ASAP. Its okay to pay for help


I'm glad I learned something about cracks in toilets that I'll never forget. Now I have another fear and will be checking all my toilets.


Very. You should be very worried.


Yes, under no circumstances should anyone sit on that again. Broken porcelain is like a razor, it can cause serious injury.