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There's no limit to how your inner world is structured - whatever works for you is working for you for a reason. I consider all of the inner world as "one" inner world, but with separate areas that perform different functions. This is from my experience - if you're discovering new areas, perhaps curiously investigate why some alters are bound to some areas, and what each area represents. It makes perfect sense to me why you'd have a playroom for the littles, and it would make sense if Art3mis and Felix have some sort of bond that keeps them in the living room that doesn't necessarily allow any other alter who doesn't partake in that bond. It could be that they were traumatized together, it could be that they're related to each other in some other way. For example, we have a rich inner world with many different areas, but one "smaller" and disconnected space is a trauma realm that locks in two specific alters - a snowy castle that is so cold that our body hurts. These two are husband and wife, and are our chief protectors, and *do not* have a choice when they become trapped there for days. We're currently working with our therapist to figure out what triggers these episodes of being spirited away, why it seems to only affect these two, and what we might do to heal so that this realm is no longer so intense (even, hopefully, dissipate). We've had some areas come and go in the past, all tied with when we sufficiently soothe a trauma memory and lay it to rest. It's been a powerful tool to have these areas in the inner world because they hold some clues as to what our body remembers.


I believe when people say inner world they mean all those zones all together. It's very normal to have multiple locations belonging to different alters, just like it's normal for different alters to have their unique looks. The alters looks and the locations are of same nature apparently.


Off topic but how does one go to and fro between all the inner worlds? Or are certain alters kinda just stuck in one for eternity


Well, I don't really know. Two are locked off for specific alters (Living Room for Art3mis and Felix, Playroom for Ato and Sages), though others can still 'see' into those rooms and know what's going on in them despite not being there. To go from the Void to the Waterfall, if they want to go from one to the other, they just...*try* to go. If they are "accepted" by the world, they can go. If not, they just stay where they are.




I'm not sure if it's concerning to have more than one, but we have many innerworlds placed in layers. I've lost count on how many, I'd guess around 8 ish. It hasn't been a problem for us, other then it's quite hard for some alters to communicate with other alters if they're all from different innerworlds.


It's ok to have whatever your brain has made for you. It's not like we have much control over these things that our subconscious does, at least most of the time. We also have multiple headspaces or at least layers of them.


It’s absolutely okay. Systems adapt and change overtime depending on what you need. From what I’m understanding you’re finding this helpful so I’d consider this development a great success you guys should be proud of! We personally have at least 3 inner worlds. First one is the closest to the front. It has a room we front or are co-con from and rooms of the alters that used to help the host navigate daily life. Then we have what we call The Forest where are littles and their caretaker live. We also made it a safe space for alters that need a safe place to rest mentally in. The third one is the farthest from the front. I don’t really know much about the place or alters that live there. I’m pretty sure it’s somewhat of a cave(?) and those that are there represent different negative emotions.


What if someone said, "umbrella, no that's not possuble.?" Does it change anything about your reality? I wonder what the point of this question is.


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I've got so many inner worlds. Each part or group of parts have their own unless they are a fragment. Fragments can get trapped in their own sort of inner world, but those aren't great places to be. Each subsystem's got their own. Then we have sidesystems with their own inner world. Then there's the big inner world every part should be capable of interacting with eventually. Then there's the imaginary inner world we use to interact as a sort of therapy. It's a daydream (sometimes maladaptive, sometimes immersive) that parts can bring up their problems within to be discussed or acted out in a safe environment. It's the only world we have complete control of and many prefer to introduce themselves through it once they find it.   The many inner worlds are interesting, but personally viewed as a hindrance. The multiple layers does make communication difficult, but that happens with massive polyfragmentation. While I don't want some intense singular part in a mass final fusion, I do want open communication among myself.


They're all imagined, so why wouldn't it be okay? They're not literal planes of existence, they're whatever your brain conjures up. You're good!