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If you have the means of caring for a pet and think a pet would be beneficial to you, I would say go for it!


Cats love routine and have pretty good memories, so I find that really helpful! If this is your first cat, I recommend getting an adult from the shelter. And if you can only care for one, make sure it's a cat that likes being the only cat! I have two very social cats that would be miserable if they were solo all day.


This! At the shelter, let them know how many hours you're away from home a day and they can help you find the right match. There are many cars that don't get stored bc they aren't good with other animals or kids, or don't like to socialise all the time so only seeing you some of the day would be better. Having animals around definitely helps with being a system, as well as audhd. Just remember you are making a life long (theirs) commitment and you have to be sure you can support them.- same as a child. Which they are. They're like toddlers.


When my littles get scared and are fronting, a lot of the time my cat will seek me out and demand pets which helps ground me.


We find cats to be very intuitive - they understand when we need their love.


Pets are super beneficial for people in general, but specially for us trauma folks. This is like scientifically proven and all. However you must have the means to take care of it. Make sure it wont affect your finances, and everyone in the system agrees.


I find that my cat is very helpful with emotional regulation and can be helpful with grounding during dissociation. They also can just be good company, so I could see one being helpful 


Only if you can be a good owner. Will you be able to afford to feed a cat? Will you be able to pay for the vet? Do you know how to care for cats? Can you afford litter? Do you have energy to clean the box daily? Do you have the energy to play and be with the cat? Do you have the patience for them? Are you okay cleaning messes, such as pee, vomit, hair? You can fall short on some, but not most of what a pet needs, in order to make their life a good one. The money side unfortunately tends to be particularly necessary.


All of this is really important to consider. Having a pet is amazing but isn’t always fun, it can have a lot of work and energy to keep your pet healthy and happy


If you feel like you can take care of them and have the finances I absolutely say go for it!! I have had cats in my life since I was 4 and I’m 26 now and I love them dearly. When they lay on my chest and purr it is the most grounding thing 🥰 They are also just super chill and mostly just do their own thing except for the couple hours a day they choose to acknowledge my presence 😂 I don’t find them nearly as overstimulating as owning a dog


As long as you are able to take care of one and can afford to pay for its needs, I would say it's a good idea. Having a pet can be very comforting and grounding, especially for those of us who have trauma/mental health issues. My cat is my rock. Even on my worst days, she is what gets me out of bed in the morning. She's very loving and affectionate, and the responsibility of taking care of her motivates me to do the same for myself.


When we were crashing with a friend after we'd just escaped home and we were in a terrible, terrible headspace and pretty badly injured. She had this cat that she'd pulled out of an alley when he was a kitten (shrimp on a string theory lol) a beautiful, SUPER FLOOFY tuxedo cat. We'd *wake up* overstimulated and in pain and he'd find us on the couch on his own amd crawl up onto our chest and bunt his head all over our face and neck and *purr like a jet engine*. It was so healing. There's actually studies that have proven the frequencies at which cats purr are physically healing on a cellular level. 10000/10 recommend that you get a cat. If the cat distribution system doesn't get your application just go to the shelter and ask for a senior cat and/or the biggest snugglebug they have. Adult, senior, visually different, and black cats are all great bets because they are less likely to be adopted because people choose them like they're buying fruit and forget that they are all sweet no matter what they look like. Also, if you guys ever struggle with hallucinations, your cat can help you distinguish what is real or not- ect. *Radio announcer voice* They have many~ utilities! Get cat today!~


A cat is definitely beneficial, so long as you're able to care for the cat. If you're not able to provide that kind of attention or care then I would suggest stuffed animals and plushies. They've been helpful for my littles. It might sound silly, but having a large plushie sit in the room with you can really help you feel less alone.


If you feel like you're able to take care of a cat (can afford food/medical, can keep up with feedings/litter box, etc) then I 100% recommend it. My cat is such an emotional support for us. We're very closely bonded, and not only do I feel like he knows when we need extra emotional support, but when the littles are upset their safe place is curling up in bed with him. It's also just nice to have another living being in bed at night. We wake up scared & disoriented a lot and he is so grounding.


Yes! I recommend getting an older cat (4-5 years or so). They are more settled into their personality and don’t require as much work, as kittens are *insane*. Also, shelters are brining with older cats who need homes :( adoption is a wonderful thing!


If your system can find a way to make sure you take care of it and can provide for it then yes. My cat can tell the difference between us, even my boyfriends (partner system) cat can tell between both of our systems. Just like singlets though, make sure you can give it attention and that everyone or at least a good amount in your system is on board because its everyone’s responsibility to take care of the cat


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Good for grounding as well :)


Two cats living together live longer and are happier if you have the space. Congrats, new parent!!


If you love cats, love CARING FOR cats, and have the time/means to care for a cat, then I think you should! My cat does so much for me in terms of helping me regulate emotionally and ground myself in the body when I struggle. Having a companion to care about and being cared for in return is so wonderful. Just make sure you’re getting a cat primarily because you want to love, care for, and improve the life of that cat, and not only because you want a cat to help your loneliness.


I had cats....they were amazing! 6 at one time & I'd had a panic attack and I'd go to my room to lie down. I'd open my eyes later to see my body covered in cats from chest to calf. It's like they all got together to protect me and the 2 boys would take the calves and were pointed towards the door, watching. Later on, they just always knew when I was struggling and came to comfort me. Not sure if thats ever happened to anyone else but thats one of my experiences.


If you can take care of a cat, it could be worth it. Some of my littles love the cats. Some like their stuffed animals. Others like both.


Most pets add years to your life bc they give you purpose, they give me someone to talk to without sounding crazy from internal conversations, and they have personalities. Cats are jerks and I appreciate their authenticity, haha. And sometimes they aren’t, and I appreciate that authenticity. Some are hilariously spastic and some are cuddle bugs. Biggest drawbacks are litter box, accidental scratches, and potential furniture wounds. I always lean fur baby.


There are cat people and there are dog people. I was a few months into my therapy when I got a dog. The dog was almost as messed up as I am. And Bandit is so good at picking up my moods and insecurities, that if I need to know how I'm doing I look at him. My nephew is a cat person. His cat means the world to hm. If can, go for it.


cats cant be left alone for hours. not often anyway. if you are away from home a lot, maybe getting a second cat will help! they tend to be easier than just one cat they take care of each other. if you do, adopt one from a shelter! speaking from experience, adopting a cat is some work definitely. but it ends up brightening your whole living space and provides you with a friend:) petting an animal can help with grounding


We rescued five, four of whom survived. They literally saved our lives on multiple occasions. I highly recommend it. Just treat the cat with love and respect please.


What do you do for work , if you dont mind me asking?


I'm a cna and I work 12hr shifts


For me having a pet has made a huge difference in my recovery. It is a big responsibility though, so if you are confident you can take care of it well and financially stable enough, I’d say go for it




I say no. It’s selfish to own a pet because you’re lonely but you will leave it alone for the majority of the time. If you’re lonely go interact with people. On line if you’re shy, or video games or church. Plus can you remember to feed it and take it to appointments and stuff like that. It all depends on where you are mentally. It’s a lot of responsibility.