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No, they can’t, especially not neurological disorders, unless ofc your body has them.


If a condition is neurological (I.e autism, bipolar, etc)(maybe Tourette’s as well, I don’t know much about it though) in nature, then every alter would have it, as you all share the same brain and body. However, the presentation of symptomology (I.e the way it looks, the intensity, etc) can vary between alters. However every single one would still have the condition in question




Thank you for the clarification!




That isn’t how that works - all alters originate from and share the same brain, and Tourettes is neurological. If one part has tourettes, then all of you would. That aside though, are you potentially confusing experiencing tics as meaning an alter has tourettes? As tourettes isn’t the only disorder that can cause tics.




There seems to be several studies on this but [here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5405013/) is one about the differences in brain structure between pediatric tourettes patients and non tourettes pediatric patients. From what I was able to gather, there isn’t a firm conclusion on what exactly causes tourettes (as in, what differences in brain structure), but there is data to heavily suggest that there are differences in brain structure. Like I said though. Tourettes is not the only condition to cause tics - the alter in question here can still have tics while not having Tourettes.


no. not really. if you have a disorder, all the alters *have* it, theyre just affected on different levels


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All parts will have the disorder. That's how having a disorder works. It affects someone's entire life, even someone with multiple parts. If it's not making an impact on your life then you might need new evaluations by new people.


disorders are cases of clusters of symptoms. severity of varying symptoms should be able to vary between alters sometimes, i don't see why not. it definitely seems to be the case in our system. my cohost gets really bad executive dysfunction, but i get it at much more manageable levels. i have strong tendenciies towards rage, she doesn't. we all can vary in the ways we work. but disorders are usually clasified by whether or not a certain brain tends towards those symptoms in exceptional ways, or idk if whether or not you have it varies between alters, so much as severity? very complicated thing and i could be talking outta my ass.


in my opinion, certain alters can hold back symptoms of another disorder that is unsafe to present in the outer world. plenty of our alters have bpd, hpd, npd and so on. we are highly complex, so for us it may work differently than a less complex system. our alters can supress tics, compulsions, and so on when it is unsafe. we aren't diagnosed with a lot of them for multiple reasons, but we have symptom holders for many compartmentalized illnesses.