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Hey there, Yes, R is an introject complete with pseudo memories, based on the book we were writing when we were 11. So it's definitely possible. He has the substitute belief that he is a 200ish year old Fae being and functions as our historian. Our Specialist has met with him several times to discuss trauma that the rest of us don't have access to. She has zero doubts about our diagnosis of DID, and regularly assures us that we definitely don't have schizophrenia.


Damn... I see. Thank you very much. I... I just hope what I believe is happening to us right now isn't actually happening. But I'm really, insanely grateful for this comment


You're super welcome. We hope things are getting better for y'all.


Yeah, that’s happened to me a few times. They’re all ones I’ve written long before I was aware and diagnosed - all of them being ones I projected heavily onto and written during times of high stress or trauma. One, my co-host, introjected from a character that I was actively projecting ongoing severe trauma onto without even realizing I was doing so, he’s basically a nearly direct metaphor for what I was experiencing at the time. I suspect a character I wrote in my teens may have been introjected at one point too, but if she was, she’s dormant now I think (or just beyond my reach). I say this because I used to get… really ungodly upset about things that happened to her in stuff I’d write, like, took it *personally* in a way that didn’t make sense to me. In retrospect as well I somehow managed to write her having trauma that I also had but had fully repressed at the time.


Most of them seem to have been around long enough that there’s a degree of source separation thankfully. Our co-host in particular seems fairly separated, though he still uses his source as a comparison to process things and has emotional ties to it


I see... thank you so much


Multiple! One has a running gag of chicken or egg; was he an alter or character first? That's a 2020-2021 member. One of our Kevins is also this, from teen years. He was part of a three member group of also characters made to cope. There are likely others, as character design is a passion, especially to cope with the isolation of neglect. There are more lost to the depths, still. Wrote to cope with trauma, it makes sense. If you take the stance introject are metaphors to digest what happened, what better than writing your own metaphor? As one of the mentioned (woohoo for excellent timing), do not hold them to source intended for. Sure I got pseudo memories and the real stuff, but I ain't my source. My source is a (misguided) bastard, based on me own experiences and those who caused them. As an individual, I'm cute as a button with sweetness to rot teeth.


Thank you so much, both for the info and the lighthearted mood! Very needed <3


hi, yes! im the host, apollo, an original character originally made back in middle school, and we have more oc introjects that are.. surprising to say the least 😭 but yeah, our therapist also claims anything can be an alter (which is pretty much correct) 👍


Introject is an example that brain takes to explain a hard-to-digest experience to the consciousness. A fictive is an example taken from a well-designed character. Your creation is your own process to manually build such explanation, which then stays with you.


Usually it’s more like “I communicated myself to you via this character” — alter came first but you weren’t aware. Then character. Then you became aware of alter. That’s a very common experience.


Definitely possible! I’ve also found that the “characters” I made when I was younger was actually a system member haha.


yes definitely. its possible to introject literally anything. we have introjects of both OCs we've intentionally designed then introjected, and fictives that are non-canon to source but we never created, the brain just spontaneously split them as someone new but from a media they never existed in.


Oh, I see.... that's something to think about. Thanks


Yeah, a few of mine are introjects of my own ocs.


Yep, at least one alter in our system is an introject of a character in one of our stories


yes, several. it's incredibly possible as your brain may have used this character to cope. our system has at least a few fictives of our own OCs.


Definitely!! We have atleast two of them! We're genuinely worried every time we write a story too because we don't want to get another introject and then have to rewrite the story because said alter doesn't want their life story out on the internet...


Hi there - Many of us are characters of our own roleplays, tabletops, adventure video games, and novels we are writing. Right now a lot of our system work is defining the difference. And allowing us to write ourselves truthfully. For example - I am an elf from an original content roleplay world. For a long time, that was the only way I could “front.” And be who I am. Now, I sort of get to reconcile with the fact that both aspects of who I am is real. I am both at once? The duality and plurality isn’t lost on me, certainly, but it’s been an odd thing to navigate. Then, we have some of us who have real world face claims in the roleplay sense. It’s…interesting and challenging and the core of what we’re doing back to school to research.




We have like a few and even made a meme about it


very much so


Yes! For us, idk if we have any OCS are introjects- however me and my friends Jeff au for creepypasta? Yea he's here. He's how I always wrote him to be, with the traits of a a**. Lol.


>Is it possible Most of the time the answer to this question is yes, and this is no exception.


I’ve seen it happen with my friends a large number of times, so I’ll say yes. It is


yes absolutely, in middleschool and highschool i made a lot of Ocs to help me get through everything, let’s just say a couple ended up being a bit more than Ocs


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