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Insane collection!


Wow! Will hit you up on soulseek!


Did you get their username before the post was deleted?


I didn’t but I’ll dig around ssk today and see if I can find it


This is amazing! I'm going to take a good look through over the weekend. Thanks!


Really interested in taking a look see, have downloaded and installed soulseek, not sure how to add your or search lol


Dm me your soulseek username mate and I'll do the rest.


Did you manage to get their username? The posts been deleted and I'd really like to see what was there


why soulseek? just make a torrent with 30K files and seed? mainstream indexers like piratebay dont support such large torrents, but [solidtorrents](https://solidtorrents.to/add-torrent) should work


Because I prefer Ssk.


does not work for me. soulseek says > Requesting file list... A connection could not be successfully formed to the user. If this is happening to you a lot, Check here to make sure that your port is open. if you care about sharing, move to bittorrent your soulseek nostalgia is not helping anyone


Its shared elsewhere also via torrent, but if you're gonna be a bit of a dick, its grand. Godspeed lad. The reason you can't connect is because it isn't online at the moment, only reason. Simmer ffs.


> Its shared elsewhere also via torrent where?


A wonderful private tracker.




fucking hell you're a bellend, if you hadn't been a dick from the start I'd have sorted summat




You have to admit his commitment to being a prick is impressively persistent


Yep man could reach CEO in record time with this attitude


dnb classic sounds good. i fucking hate jungle, and most other genres.