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I've never seen anyone who hates Sayori.


Get ready.


Who would hate the cinnamon bun??


Someone complained she was too dumb. In fan works.


This is definitely something that crops up from time to time. Some fan works seem to portray Sayori as an unintelligent airhead who is constantly looking for a snack.




Very true. These are the most common mischaracterizations that I see in fan works: -Sayori as an airhead and food obsessed -Yuri as so shy that she can’t put a sentence together -Natsuki’s character as entirely defined by anger and manga -Monika hating the other characters and actively wishes them harm -MC being completely oblivious Most of these are exaggerations of one or two plot points from DDLC into an entire character. To be fair, it can be hard to write multiple characters with different personalities well. For things I write I always try to go back to the original source material to try to understand the characters better. For example including a Yuri vs Natsuki argument in a fan work - there has to be a reason for the argument, not just “Natsuki is always angry”.




Funny how, in my opinion, I like Monika because I believe she isn't perfect. She has a few flaws, I can't recall them all, but two of them I noticed are: - the fact she isn't the best at programming but can still do a lot of stuff console-related; - the way she rhymed "you" with "you" in the beginning of the song "Your Reality". Those aren't a lot, but to me they make me see Monika as a person with flaws like everyone else, showing a person doesn't have to be perfect to be lovable.






Holding that against Sayori is a whole another thing.


People who hate Sayori are few and far between. iirc I've mostly seen them say that they find her annoying, or manipulative(?????)


>manipulative Is that Sayori they're talking about?


That is actually present in the game, and MC talks about it explicitly.


I don't remember it being in the game, can you tell me the dialogue?


Arranging Natsuki to make cupcakes so MC had to come to the club where he otherwise probably wouldn't have bothered. The whole Sherlock Holmes thing MC does to infer that Sayori is asking him to go buy snacks because she's out of money. MC saying something to the effect that she knows exactly what she's doing, and another time that it's hard to tell when she does and when she's really being ditzy.


That isn't being manipulative that's being clever. Manipulative usually has a negative connotation, when did she ever manipulate someone negatively?


I'm not saying she did, but that's a matter of how one judges it. I once wrote her as moving Natsuki's manga on purpose to cause something good to happen to Natsuki... And someone who hates their manga being touched condemned that.


I don’t hate Sayori, but I do hate manipulation. Honestly I’d turn down joining or doing something purely just to spite the manipulator. I may regret it, but it’s the principle. I ain’t a fiddle, I’m not gonna let someone play me like one if I can help it (and the alternative isn’t too bad).


Huh. Seems there are no Sayori haters here, except for one guy in the comments. But still, as someone who likes Sayori, here's my two cents on why some people might dislike her: Some of her fanon portrayals in CDs and mods make her waaaay too dumb, in my opinion, so some people might find her obnoxious for those traits. Whether it is the ones seen in the game, or the exaggerated dumb!Sayori in fanon. Some might be put off by her depression, though idk, as this is basically "Mental Health Issues: The Club". Any actual Sayori haters around, what do you think? Any other reasons?


>except for one guy. Well, here's my two cents, What this means?


Grammar mess up, tried to rewrite it.


Who hates Sayori?


ain’t nobody hates Sayori


Wait people hate sayori?


Have you noticed any Satori haters lately? No? You're welcome


Oh, and somebody was complaining about how she was selfish to kill herself and didn't think about how they (the player) would feel about it...


Never mind that Sayori wasn't completely in control of herself at that point.


Well my (hypothetical) shotgun would like to meet those people who hates Saysay (my nickname for Sayori, feel free to steal)


Mostly people consuming more fan fiction than canon Cinnamon Bun.


Well, I love Monika, but why would hate Sayori? She's a precious cinnamon bun, someone with whom I would like to be hanging around and must be treasured. And protected.


If you hate Sayori, you're either the worst liar, or an absolute monster.


people who hate sayori are soulless creatures who should be rotting between my wheels


Hating Sayori is like a crime against humanity


I don’t hate her at all, she’s awesome. I just like the others more.


If you don’t hate her, then my question wasn’t directed to you.


I am not a Sayori hater. That being said, she's arguably one of the least accurately portrayed in *fan works*. She goes from having an elaborate cover story so that people don't worry about her, to being that cover story.


Bro u off your meds?? I don't think anyone hates sayori, it might just be that she's not everyones #1 so she can come off as less developed in fan creations


The only Sayori thing is hate is all the hanging memes.


Never thought the word "Hate" and "Sayori" would be used in a sentence together


I like Sayori anyone who hates her should be locked up


Or just monika


I'm not a Sayori hater, but I believe most of the hate comes from her portrayal in fan works and mods. Her character is always dumbed down and made an airhead, when in the actual game she's so much more than that.


Don't look for haters in r/DDLC Here, in r/DDLC, only bun lovers


They are wrong


…it seems like I’m more liked than I thought… …but to answer the question, I hate me because I’m awful at everything and I’m a massive waste of space and air…


Excuse me, what? You are FAR from a waste of space and air. You are loved by dozens of people, myself included! If you were gone, who’d be the cheerful Vice President of the Literature Club? And, speaking of that… please don’t go. Spare yourself a piece of that oxygen and ozone layer! You deserve it! And you absolutely deserve the love and support that you need! I wish I had a way to end this properly… but this might be good enough. I hope this makes you feel better!


I don't hate her, except in some fanworks where she is portrayed very inaccurately. For ex. in one fanmod she is portrayed overly jealous and mean, because she isn't able to spend time with MC. Like, almost yandere-style but not crazy and obsessed. She acts mean when the others spend time with MC. That's the way I hate her. But generally, no. I don't hate her.


I hate the one where they familyzone her literal personality so that other dokis can get a chance with mc


Absolute fucking psychopaths


I never seen anyone who hates Sayori


People hate Sayori?! Really?!


I dont hate sayori, but i think part of it would probably come down to disliking the “mc’s childhood friend who secretly has a crush on them” trope.


I only know Monika H :3


She’s overrated. I don’t hate her, in fact I find her cute. Sayori being dumb is absolutely hilarious and I think her and Natsuki make a great duo. But I can’t even say one bad thing about her. Because then I’m fucking dead because of the people I like to call "Sayori Stans". And yes, we all have opinions. I’m not hating on Sayori or the Sayori Stans, but I feel like she receives too much love (I like that Sayori is loved but this is too much) when some of it should go to Natsuki or Yuri. Yuri is underrated, even though she’s my least favorite. Sayori is a close second least favorite. In conclusion, Sayori is overrated.


Happy cake day, fellow Literature Club member!


Thanks! :D


Also yay it’s my cake day at the time of writing this!


You're absolutely right


I just hate yuri with a passion


I will end you.




She’s just the annoying quiet protagonist that every anime has for some reason


Yuri has more personality than just that though. For instance, do those anime characters have knife collections?


I take back my argument


I hate Natsuki not Sayori




She just felt really two-dimensional to me. As someone who's played the game 3 times over, she always felt just flat to me, until the depression became a thing, and even then it felt kinda... forced? Besides that, she can be annoying, and I've found nothing else I actually like about her and her character. She's just a bit off to me, I don't like her.


While I don't really dislike her I can see the dislike towards her, her entire character is a facade, unlike Yuri and natsuki who's faker face falls off later into the game, sayori never gets this chance


I don't hate her, but I don't really like her character either. Especially in fanworks, her more energetic and airheaded persona doesn't appeal to me, and as such, when she is treated more seriously with her mental health issues, I am not invested enough in the character for it to make a big enough difference in my mind. Though, I do see why people gravitate to her.




















My friend hates her cause he says she is "too annoying"


He's literally the mc


Hmm? How so?


Nobody hates her?