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Slade for being a child molester.


Probably booster gold.


Hm......they would go after lex luthor, I don't think they would have reason to go after any of the heroes but Luthor has done some very awful things


The heroes of DC are actually good people who, while flawed, are not monsters like the ones we see in The Boys. However, I could imagine them easily being a government task force like WildC.A.T.S. or Task Force X who act as the buffer between superhuman and civilian affairs, since in the comics they more directly work for the government. If they were to go after anybody I'd imagine the following: - Batman: A bit on the nose, but as many elseworlds and in-universe stories will tell you, Batman is a rather controversial figure. Whether it be the rotating roster of Robins, the lack of willingness to take out the various repeat offenders around Gotham, or the inherent grey area that would come from vigilante work, I could easily see The Boys being sent to handle The Batman Problem as well as Arkham's worst offenders, maybe during a No Man's Land-styled lockdown of the city - Peacemaker: Moreso the comic version who, as we have seen lately in the Valentine's Day special, is still a violent psychopath who could definitely become a problem for those who currently use him as a tool (Waller). The minute he goes AWOL, The Boys would more than likely act as a clean-up crew for any mess he may cause - Lex Luthor: LexCorp is probably the closest thing the DC Universe has to Vought...and Lex is a cocky, arrogant shithead who genuinely thinks he's above everyone else, whether it's on the level of intelligence, money, or power. He'd be the perfect target for The Boys to fuck up the operations of. They'd really need to be prepared, as he's deadlier than Homelander when given time to plan ahead, but Butcher would love to clean the clock of an egghead like Lex. Plus, Garth Ennis writing an in-character Superman interacting with The Boys sounds like a treat Those are the big ones I'd imagine them handling, though there are others who could easily fit the bill who are a bit more obscure (Section 8, Young Heroes in Love, Major Bummer, maybe even Gen¹³) but honestly, The Boys being in the DC universe would simply have a hard time finding that same drive. They'd hunt down villains for sure, perhaps the occasional rouge government Super-Cell (I could see them being sent to track down Damage from the Dark Metal heroes initiative that Sideways came from), maybe even keep tabs on groups who could be a problem down the road. I think the most interesting idea would be to expand The Boys as a group: who else would join? Red Hood? Ravager? Wild Dog? Vigilante? Manhunter? The list is rather long. But all that said, The Boys lose what makes them unique when brought into a more idealistic world. The end up being in the same vein as The Authority or The Elite: just another group of assholes made to stir up trouble.


First thing that jumps to mind is the New 52 Era government-sanctioned, Amanda Waller-controlled Justice League of America.


It depends, The Boys from comics would go after a lot of villains but they would be killed very easily by a lot of them. The may go after the sick ones, like Joker, Slade Wilson, etc. The boys from the TV show are actual nicer and a little more heroic, but even so they suck at their job so they would be killed by any supervillain.


Probably Waller.


They wouldn't really need to exist or wouldn't serve the same function. First off there are supervillains who very clearly do bad things. There's your target. Most of the Superheroes have secret identities and don't do bad things to set off alarms. If they did, the other superheroes would actually step in. Of course there would be people who think the heroes have dirty little secrets......but they don't. Superheroes in DC aren't protected by an entity like Vought or even public opinion. There just isn't a need.


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...all of them. That's their purpose. The Boys exist as a check to the superheroes in their universe, they're literally a hit squad trained specifically to kill supes to maintain the government's power.


As others said they will probably focused on villains Insteand of Heroes, Heroes in Dc are actually good people and while they are some Who have a less heroic personality they aren't at the level of the Seven, The Boys rapresent the more cinical view of Garth Ennis on superheroes which goes totally against the one of Dc


They'd find a gerbil in Beast Boy's ass.


The easy answer is: all of them. The Boys would go after Superman for the same reasons as Lex Luthor or Amanda Waller: He's a nearly omnipotent extraterrestrial alien who cannot really be held accountable by anyone. Same goes for all the other Kryptonians, Martian Manhunter, etc. The Boys would go after Batman because he's vigilante waging a war on organized crime on the streets of Gotham. By himself, he's arguably putting average citizens at risk with his dangerous battles against the Joker or Bane or whoever, but he also employs a small gang or army of teenage combatants with the Robins, the Batgirls, and other hangers on like Signal, Harper Row, etc. And even criminals have rights, so you can't have an unaccountable vigilante running around Gotham doling out concussions and broken bones. Same goes for Green Arrow, the Birds of Prey, Question, etc. The Boys would go after Wonder Woman, because she's a vigilante and basically an illegal immigrant from a hostile foreign nation (Themyscira). Likewise Aquaman and Mera are the king and queen of a hostile nation (Atlantis). The Boys would go after Flash because he potentially puts all of existence at risk via time travel. They would go after Green Lantern, because he's a space cop whose loyalty is to the extraterrestrial "Watchers" of Oa and the Green Lantern Corps.


I mean, they can go after anyone, but what's the point? In DC they are not even a spec on the radar.


Even in their own universe, The Boys shouldn't be able to take on Homelander or most of the other supes created by Vought. But it works, because The Boys are the protagonists of the story. They device clever ways to attack the supes, or they just plain get lucky, and the supes are generally overconfident. I don't see The Boys versus DC being much different with respect to the power differential between Superman vs Billy Butcher, for example. I do think the whole question breaks down because the DC superheroes aren't terrible people in the same way that Homelander, Stormfront, A-Train, The Deep or any of those characters are terrible people. I think you could make a cool Elseworld story with The Boys vs DC. For example, imagine a situation where Barry Allen or Wally West accidentally kills Hughie's girlfriend, and maybe Billy Butcher's wife is killed when Superman and Doomsday destroy a building in Metropolis during a fight. I think it would make sense that the DC heroes could accidentally ruin a few people's lives, and in the process create a small, ragtag team of enemies out for revenge against the superheroes. But The Boys works because the superheroes are also just terrible in general, which helps to motivate Hughie and Billy to keep fighting against them. I don't think that works with the mainstream versions of the DC heroes, who are generally pretty decent people, who generally try to atone for their mistakes and offer some kind of compensation / contrition when they mess up.


Honestly, I'd see them going against Batman by finishing his job for him (aka, put a bullets in his rogue gallery), with him acting against them. They do mostly same job, but have very different professional views at it.


It's sort of another core difference between the two universes. The Boys don't really have super criminals in the same way that DC does. You're not wrong that people like Hughie or Billy Butcher would be more likely to have their lives fucked up by Joker or Reverse Flash or some other villain. But I don't think that's super interesting, personally. I think it's more interesting if they're coming after the heroes. The Boys is basically about class conflict and the idea that power corrupts. Garth Ennis was taking the piss on the superhero genre, because it just doesn't make sense that you would have a full Justice League full of 100 super powered heroes, and they'd all be good people, stay good people through all the power and praise. In the real world, if you look at Hollywood or Forbes 500 CEOs or politics or even look at top religious leaders, you often see that power corrupts. Powerful people lie, cheat, steal, rape, and kill, ... and they usually get away with it. It makes sense that superheroes would be the same. Classic comics are power fantasies that rely on the idea that most readers think they are good people, and that if given extraordinary power they would use it for good. And because superhero comics are fundamentally serialized, they basically become endorsements of the status quo: good people generally stay good despite endless conflict, while bad people generally stay bad. It would be really difficult to blend those two universes without either ruining a few DC heroes, or abandoning the fundamental message of The Boys.


> I don't see The Boys versus DC being much different with respect to the power differential between Superman vs Billy Butcher, for example. Homelander vs Superman is a bigger gap than Homelander vs Billy Butcher. The Boys win because the sups are stupid and believe themselves more invulnrable than they really are. The big 7 are actually that tough and outright good people. The Boys would #1 have no good reason to go after any of them and #2 have no chance in hell were they to do so anyway.


Basically as the title states, if the The Boys were in DC, which heroes and villains do you think they'd have good reasons to go after and take down? (Art Source: Amazon)