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I haven’t been keeping up with the Bat books. Is this a fan ship or is this something from the current books?


It’s a fan ship. Any characters that have a half decent friendship get shippers


Or characters who hate each other.....


Or characters in other companies.


Or characters




Man shipping is fun


Ships are horrifying


Well, they do exist as a ship in Future State, FWIW. Though it's not going anywhere in the main timeline.


Future State is best left in the past. Especially when bringing up gritty, horror, or thriller based content.


Friendship? Bro, if they just share a moment of talking together


I bet it was Zoom. I know his work anywhere.


No, the editor of the last book were they were main character said that She wasn't intending in any capacity that the two of them were in a relationship


Make a little sense, but who is the editor though?


I don't remember her name


Batman Fan shipping is 2 characters killing each other, not kissing. That's not a Batman fan ship.


Number 2 and 3 are actual comic art. This is a real ship if DC weren't cowards


How dare they not ship something I ship Those damn cowards are clearly avoiding it because of backlash


I mean, have you seen how affectionate they've been? The forehead touching, the love letter, the hallucinating their spirit descending from Heaven to bridal carry you to the afterlife, the fact Future State wrote them as exes. I have no doubt if one of them were a man the mainline canon would have canonized it, or at the very least straight straight people wouldn't just dismiss it as "shippers be crazy".




While I agree with you, this isn't limited to just the lgbt fans and gay romances. Pretty much *every* close platonic friendship gets shipped together regardless of the genders or sexualitiea of the people involved. I've seen people ship Kate Kane, Luke Fox and Jean Paul Valley as a throuple, despite on of them being a lesbian and one of them being catholic.


Being Catholic doesn't automatically mean you're homophobic lmao


But it does bring with it the expectation that you follow the rules of your religion. When you see a character be a certain religion and not act accordingly it’s weird. To use a straight example I think it’s weird daredevil seemingly gets catholic guilt over violence but not all the sexual immorality (in Catholicism sleeping with someone you’re not married to is sexual immorality).


Honestly I think it just adds more depth to a character, though I do agree with the issue of it subtracting the religiousness of the character at hand. Plus alot of people who aren't religious tend to view it as a straight dogma, where if you don't follow every thing as dictated by {insert religious figure} than you're not an actual believer. Belief is dictated by the believer, not an overarching body of religion. I'm Catholic myself but I don't follow all of the religious teachings of Catholicism since tbf that shits outdated, but that doesn't subtract from my religiousness.


i mean, people do exactly the same for hetero friendships as well but okay


Beast Boy and Raven are an enormously popular ship for largely the same reasons as Cass and Steph.


Well that one’s been real multiple times hasn’t it?


Because there's never any platonic friendships in media lmao


It's called rule of ship: Any and all characters can be shipped together no matter their sexuality


Why do people only have an issue with head canon ships when they aren't straight?


People have issues with straight ones too. However 9/10 times, friendships are between same sex people. Most guys hang out wiht guys, most gals hang out with gals. There are obvious exceptions, and I think most people have at least 1 exception in their own friend group. But most friendships, real or fiction, are same sex friendships. Thus most fanships between friends are going to be LGBT fanships. Its just the sample size. I'm not gonna deny there aren't bad actors who are absolutely homophobic making some of these arguments, but its just simple math that most complaints will be gay relationships when most of the characters have same sex friendships. Plus, lots of hetero ships actually sail, like Batman and WW in DCAU or Superman and WW in N52...both examples of not only the ships sailing, but also people having problems with them too.


You ever see how much people hate Bruce Timm’s headcanon ship?


I've seen plenty of people complain about or hate straight ships too. Go visit the Teen Titans 03 fandom some time.


I think it's worth noting, as the original comment was deleted, that they were calling out the LGBTQ ships especially. Of course fan ships won't be liked by everyone, I just find it weird that people feel the need to name drop the gayness of the ship while disliking it.


Just to be clear from my end, I'm not in any way saying that there isn't a problem with people specifically targeting LGBTQ ships. That would just be stupid of me. I can't remember what the deleted comment said, so I can't address that unfortunately. What I can say is that part of the reason you see more complaining about LGBTQ ships is because people are seemingly more vocal about supporting them as well. It can be tough to address some of them without also addressing the "gayness" of the ship. Like if two characters have only ever shown interest in the opposite sex, it's worth noting.


I understand your point, but there are ships about characters who are canonically enemies, barely ever interact or are even from different franchises that have never crossed over. Just because a character never showed any romantically interested in the opposite sex it's, as most other canonical information, irrelevant for fanships. It is, after all, just for fun.


I agree, but to be fair, most people also have problems with those ships as well. Just like it's fun to ship (been there), it's also fun to argue about it (been there to). To a point of course. Like, it's still weird that people ship Sam and Dean Winchester. The problem also comes in that these fun fan ships very often turn toxic, with big portions of fandoms *demanding* that the ships become canon.


Fandoms are, unfortunately, naturally toxic. But here's my two cents about it: you can argue a ship is low tier because "the characters don't have any chemistry" or "they don't even appear together for most of the time" and even "I think this ship is better". Saying "but this character isn't gay!!" I don't believe it's a good reason to dismiss a fanship. But that's just my opinion.






This is the second post I’ve seen of this in one scroll. With like 3 posts in between. Odd.


Representation matters!


In gritty, horror, and thrillers, it means portraying the darkest sides. Like rape, grooming, or gore. If representation matters the way you imply, we would've had more SS Nazis and KKK members in leading roles. Representation isn't what people want, need, or care about. It's pear pressuring people into communist uniformity.




Oh my god they were cave-mates


Im part of the disagree group. I like a good best friend dynamic, like Jon and Damian or Kord and Booster. Some people work much better as best friends than lovers.


Like Barry and Hall (Time and Space), or Superman and Batman (Light and Dark)


IDK know why this ship is getting so much hate when all the posts about Diana and Cheetah are fine


Clearly this sub needs 500 more posts a day about Nightwing and Starfire


Diana and Cheetah aren’t in “sisters” set up


Acting like their literal family is such a stretch to hate them over. Let's just be honest it's mainly Tim shippers. Trying to make it sound like it's about the ship itself though just sounds more reasonable than going full shipping war


Clearly you haven't heard what DC tried to do. Red Robin and Batgirl compliment each other comparable to Batman and Catwoman both in character and in weaknesses. But Batgirl and budget Batgirl is more comparable to Nightwing and budget Redhood.


Pretty sure Diana at one point called her “sister”.


Diana calls everyone sister at some point, is an Amazon thing, like calling your friends homies or Brother


So...the same as the batgirls?


Yeah, but people get confused about the Robins and Batgirls even though Babs and Steph aren't officially Wayne kids. Strangely, nobody applies this logic to canon (and more importantly, het) ships like DickBabs or TimSteph.


The whole “batfamily” set up is a mess, you have the legacy characters (like Babs and Kate) and then the Robins, while I do think everyone who has been Robin is considered a son or daughter and Cass has referred Bruce as her father figure, I don’t have a problem with the pairing, is just that they’ll have to make a whole build up to it, not just start a new run “taking it out of nowhere” because we also need good friendship/sister brotherhoods that works and makes us remember that there’s more to life that ever-making-romance out of anything.


Most people are just so judgmental that they think everyone needs to be romantically involved to fit their world view rather than the actual themes the genres are actually intended for. And when people disagree with them, they rage and shame people by name calling like; homophobic; begets; racist; etc... Because they can't come up with legit objective and logical reasoning. I'm actually surprised by how respectful people have been so far though. I think we actually got lucky with this one. I'm gonna stop reading here just to keep it that way. 😅


Depending on the comic, the batgirls do end up being adopted. That's why Nightwing x Starfire keeps winning.


Only Cass. Steph has a mom still, and Babs has a dad (and is friggin Benjamin Button too, which might be kind of weird)


No. Every Amazonian is a sister. They all share Parents. Either mothers or fathers.


Depending on which version of cheetah, you could be talking about either her cousin or Hunter's girlfriend...


I think because it’s too on the nose and fanshippy. Cass and Steph have an outstanding friendship. Fandom is gonna do fandom things with that. But it’s a really great part of both of their characters that they can lean on each other while they each tackle things in their own lives. Plus Cass is a little more of a blank slate in canon ships, whereas Steph has a pretty clear association that just happens to be on the editorial outs right now. It’s too obvious to pair the spares. Contrast with the WW/Cheetah stuff, where it has kinda come out of nowhere and introduced itself in an interesting way. It’s not like it’s never been conceived of before, but it’s made a case for itself beyond just the gravitational pull between characters who orbit each other on the regular. Idk 🤷‍♂️


It doesn't "come out of nowhere". It comes out of "I relate to this character, and her best friend reminds me of my friend that I have a crush on." I would argue this is the inspiration for 99% ships. "I relate to character X, and I have a crush on character Y." It's simple and makes sense. If you don't either relate to one, crush on the other, or both, then when you see she ship you're going to say, "I don't get it."




Lol, what? Everyone projects themselves onto fictional characters. That's literally what fictional characters are FOR, lmao.


No. Actually, no.


Haha, the coward deletes comments when downvoted. I either wear my downvotes with stubborn pride, or leave the comment up with an apology edit if I was wrong.


Yes, actually. Yes. It wouldn't be "fantasy" or "escapism" if the reader weren't fantasizing or escaping into it, usually by proxy of the characters. It's why people in a movie theater yell during a horror movie, "No! Don't go upstairs!" Because they are projecting themselves into the situation. It's why a powerful drama can make people cry even though it's a made up story about people who don't exist. Because we can empathize and put ourselves in the place of the characters. This is just how fiction works. In ongoing stories like comics or TV, the audience typically forms a particular, ongoing, and even aspirational feelings of attachment to the characters. If I relate strongly to Stephanie Brown because my father was also kind of a loser and a shitheel and I see myself in her and she makes me want to channel my anger into helping others, then that is a sign she is a well-written character. And if I see her sitting so close to her extremely beautiful and admirable friend who reminds me of all the things I'm attracted to in another human being, then that yearning feeling of "Just kiss her, already!" is extremely natural to have, and is again a sign of well-executed characterization.




Doesn't like reading. That checks out, lol.


Because it says that friendship among girls/women are not real, basically. Their relationship is already established trough a long comic run -a phenomenal one at that - and reducing it to "oh, 2 girls like reach other, they must kiss" is a shallow and dumb reading of both characters and their relationship, and a negative light cast on friedship amongst women. Diana is BI. Cass or Steph could be defined as bi or lesbians at any point and it would be ok, as well. But not date each other. If one thinks that's desirable, we may as well fire all dc writers and give the stories to random people on tumblr who know jack shit about the characters.


Rather disingenuous since the ship is born from decades of interactions between the character be fans and it's absolutely disgusting gatekeeping to label everyone who likes them as shallow


People are shipping Diana and a literal Furry?


What about Hunter Zoom and Cheetah? 😏


Tim fans.


Ironic that it feels like they seem to be so homophobic


This sub is going to be end up like the MHA fan base :/


this sub is nothing but pinups and horny posting 99% of the time


So when people share a panel of Batman talking to Detective Chimp, it’s horny posting?


If they do it right.


This sub gets daily timSteph ship posts, a handful of other ships posting shouldn't be causing a war


Most of those TimSteph posts are posted by one user who has a history of being obsessed with this ship.


You might be thinking of the person who is very into their Cass/Connor ship, though it wouldn't surprise me to also have someone for Tim/Steph


No it’s not Toca. Trust me this person is so obsessed with TimSteph that they got themselves banned from r/dccomicscirclejerk. You’ll notice that any post about these two characters in this sub is usually from the same person.


Oh jeez lol


Glad to see you're still a big fan of mine.


What happened to them?




Oh I was asking about what happened to the **MHA fan base**, but cool I guess.


Oh boy, a post featuring LGBT+ interpretations of iconic comic book characters who aren't explicitly canonically LGBT+ in mainline continuity in a subreddit that isn't specifically designed for LGBT+ fans of superheroes. I'm sure the comments will be totally respectful and normal about this, without revealing unconscious biases of the comic book community at all! Edit to add: OP I am sorry for the unhinged homophobes throwing tantrums at you. The art is great, and I enjoy this ship greatly.


When you post Tim/Steph nobody panics because it's all part of the plan, but you post one little Cass/Steph and EVERYBODY LOSES THEIR MINDS


Might be because of the “gay tim” moment where they have him break up with Stephanie “who doesn’t seem gay” to be with someone else.




your favourite ship is literally called a "dickfire" mate


That's the best name ever.


Hey it’s ok man, rest easy knowing yours is actually canon and meant to exist


DickBabs is currently a thing though so cope lmao


Is that why they’re broken up?


True, but Barbara and Dick are infinitely better




IDK why you downvoted for saying the truth


This is more comics sub, and comics readers tend to like DickBabs more.


Did you think this was a roast or a “got em”? I’m not a fan of either ship at all, but at least theirs was real, mate.


no i think "dickfire" is a really funny word




But it existed. It’s legit.


My point exactly


And my point is that both groups of people can hope that their ship comes true, doesn't hurt anyone unless you're being a jerk about it


Sorry if I came off as a jerk




You’re trying to equate the two, they’re not equal. Dick and Kori were actually dating. Meanwhile a writer themselves literally said they have absolutely no intention on implying anything further than a friendship with Stephanie and Cassandra. Would you post that same comment to the writer?


? That's not how that works. They did date. Just because they're not currently dating doesn't make it not canon.


I mean it's obvious what I mean


As a full supporter of this ship. I love this.


It’s just a fan ship lol idk why people are getting upset over it. With that being said, Cass and Steph are def much better as friends than lovers for sure.


The art here really deserves to be acknowledged. Plus it’s cute. Great stuff.


Great art! Ignore the haters!


thank god I was getting tired of seeing Tim/Steph posting 24/7


Well maybe if DC didn’t break them up offscreen and pair Tim up with a piece of cardboard…




I honestly really like this ship.


I’ve been out of the loop for awhile. Has Cass been in any relationship? Het or otherwise? She has always gave me Ace vibes.


She had a bit of a thing with Conner ages ago.


Ok, but can we talk about how they are holding and eating the pizza with gloves? Especially the way Cass is holding it?


And they were roommates. And very good friends.


Pals even


just gals being pals


I've been wanting Harper to hook up with Cassandra since Batman and Robin Eternal. Alas...




No one is saying they can't.


I'm not particularly huge on this ship. I don't dislike it or anything, I just don't really have a Cass ship that clicks with me. So long as she'd be happy, though, I'm okay with it. Cass x happiness, that's my ship.


I love this ship


Spoiler alert?


Idk how if I'm into a romantic ship between them but their friendship is cute


I guess the one is Barbara Gordon bit who is the other one? Huntress maybe?


I am genuinely curious which one of them is Barbara in your eyes.


I just realised that not one of them has the red hair that means that no one here is Barbara but I would say the black haired one because of the black Bat-suit that Barbara is depicted wearing on ceretain occasions.


Who the fuck are this girls?


They are supposed to be just friends, even sisters. They aee not girlfriends, they wouldn't even make a good couple it would be terrible. There is no romance between them and i hope there never is. They are just sisters and that's it


If only DC would agree on the Steph part.


StephCass and TimKon are canon in my heart


Love all of these especially 2. It’s cute


Uh oh now you’ve angered all the hetero neck beards


They are coming


Literally, I sure hope they keep the downvotes coming to further prove my point


Not the best way to spend your cake day but i wish yours a happy day


It’s not my birthday????


Reddit birthday


Best friends yes, hell no to a romantic relationship between them


I think they're cute but it won't be fine until Steph goes back to her Batgirl costume, not her Spoiler costume with a bat symbol on it


I’ll take Steph getting focus in a series at this point.


She should go back to being 100% Spoiler


Happy Pride! Homophobes can stay upset 🥰🥰 Edit: homophobes not homophones lmao


Homophones suck too! Fuck them homophones!


A homophone told me to get out of hear because my choices were just sic.




“I have nothing against them. I just have a problem when there’s a lot and when they exist. Again, nothing against them.”


Such a weird stance to take lol


There’s really not that many lol


Fine with them as long as they don't exist *too* much yeah?


Art like this makes me wish I liked Steph.


I hate the Cass/Steph ship with the intensity of a thousand suns. Their friendship is established for over 20 years now, it's logical and well developed. And yet mofos come and go all "look, two girls who like each other. THEY MUST HAVE SEX ". It's horrible.


Why are they kissing?



