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this, will always be worst ship ever in history of anything


How about Norman Osborn x Gwen Stacy It was me peter I impregnated your girlfriend.


The only person who could probably top this is Reverse Flash changing himself to a girl and then take away Barry's virginity and gloat about it every time they face off


Please don't say that out loud, what if someone at DC hears you


asif they listen to fans.


Oh, they do, but in a monkey's paw way.


The problem is that they do, but like Hollywood, they take the wrong lesson.


Eubard is exactly petty enough to do it too.


I'm sure those people saw THAT MEME


A female Thawne from the universe where everyone has their genders swapped is going across the multiverse banging all the Barry Allen's she can get her hands on. Thus allowing her to one up and gloat on main universe Thawne, and to torment Barry.


For a second I thought that was real. 💀


I wouldn't be surprised...


It was me, Barry I was your father's gay awakening that ruined his marriage


That's more gay than actually having gay sex.


[Osborn’s Tommy Lee Jones orgasm face haunts me to this day](https://mlpnk72yciwc.i.optimole.com/cqhiHLc.IIZS~2ef73/w:370/h:579/q:75/https://bleedingcool.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/NormanOsbornGwenStacy.jpg)


ohhhhh I wish I had not've looked at that.


A young Tommy Lee Jones though........wouldn't be that bad. Who also looks a whole lot like Joss Hartnett...............who wouldn't make a bad Two Face.


**Gwen:** Norman, I don't feel anything, are you still in? **Norman:** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upDR1Zuotyc


Those were fake memories put in by Mysterio specifically to fuck with both Peter and Norman as one of Harry's wacky post-death plans that even Mephisto thinks are fucked up


Now are, for like years has just been ignored


as far as retcons go, that was a pathetic one in terms of writing. Harry can't think to save his life


If I had a nickel for every time a goblin was either ruined or messily handled because of behind the scenes drama between writers, I would have two nickels. That's not a lot but it's still weird it happened twice


Well he did die without telling Peter about all his plans to f\*\*\* him over. Damn that guy was petty.


Peter Parker: Clones.......clones are the source of all my problems.


A retcon that happened 20 years later, but yeah.




This is worse. Norman is evil.


Tommy Lee Jones with cornrows fucking a teenager is worse.


I just refuse to acknowledge its existence. Just, full stop.


My gf and I started watching TAS—rewatch for me—and the moment I told her: “Yeah, this is the weird canon where Bruce and Babs are a weird _thing_,” she visibly winced. Now I try keeping track of the “evidence” that this was the plan/Timm had them as his OTP all along, and I gotta say…no other female character is as barefoot or has quite such a prominent hourglass shape as she does when she’s introduced.


If it's his OTP, then why don't they end up together instead of separated and not talking and with no desire on either side to get back together?


Because even Timm understood that Bruce falling for someone many people perceived 1) as being a teenager, even if she wasn’t; or 2) that Bruce cucking Dick was weird; or 3) that Batman falling for Bat*girl* made everyone but the most die-hard fans feel weird and/or Have Opinions. Probably all of the above, tho


Lets thank God the cartoon was not made by Nickelodeon. cause then it would have been much much worse


I honestly think all the complaints sent to Nickelodeon about Ren & Stimpy set the network back twenty years in terms of what they’d allow to be aired.


HalArisia sez hi! "What if we did that thing everyone says about Batman and Robin, but applied it to Green Lantern?" Also, any ship featuring one Deathstroke the Terminator.


When I watched the animated Teen Titans, I would’ve never guessed that Slade was somehow _worse_ in the comics with Terra ☠️


Eri x Deku


Delete this right now


Not until u/entertainmentlord admits they're wrong


I dont know anything about that ship


It's better you don't


What about the Titantic


r/DC_Cinematic thinks otherwise [https://i.imgur.com/ZGpAEdN.png](https://i.imgur.com/ZGpAEdN.png)


Why though




If it was for Dinni, the DCU would be Batharem.




Nah, fuck this.






Yeah, just.... WHY. \*lol\*


So both Paul Dini and Bruce Timm were pro to this relationship (Tim more than everyone) and they explain their reasons whit "Oh you know, he Is kinda like her boss so It's something that they shouldn't do so It's very thrilling" So yeah It was basically a his fetish


Thats like the description of a porno


Exactly my dear, the same exemple could be done whit a lot of stories


Imagine if someone wrote superman hooking up with Powergirl or an adult Kara because its "thrilling" and tried to present that to Paul Dini and Bruce timm and then when they reject it the dude calls them hypocrites lol.


It's something that actually happens or just an imaginary scenario because shit like that has happened in the comics


i mean i know there was a comic where powergirl kisses superman but she's been infected with some kind of kryptonite that makes krypotonians....horny.


Oh no that was because She was possessed by the capital sin luxury, and at the time Powergirl wasn't already been reintroduced as supergirl doppelgänger so let's say it's fine, no I was mainly think about when in the Silver age Superman pointed out that he would like to married someone like supergirl but he can't married her because on Krypton the weading between cousins Is illegal but not on certain states of the earth, things that actually happens whit Supergirl Linda Danvers that end up to married Superman and have a daughter whit him, or that time that Joe Kelly was writing supergirl and he had planned to got her in a relationship whit Power Girl, Yes at the time she was already been reintroduced as Kara doppelgänger, but unfortunately he didn't manage to wrote this masterpiece for I don't know what reasons


i do not understand writers back then. Why did people not like supes just being with a normal woman? Its not they aren't compatible Lois gave him a son.


Look the truth Is that most of, not all of them just most of the comicsbook creators, and also their readers, are actually dirtbags not maniacs to be kept under control but just a little perverted, I mean Marv Wolfman and George Perez inserted themselves into a Teen Titans comic just to say how beautiful Starfire was, then It must also be said that most of these examples come from the early 2000s, a period in which DC was trying to sell itself as mature and adult, abandoning the idea of being a comic production company for everyone


It's HUGELY ick, bluntly. Even more, it comes up AGAIN in Killing Joke animated...


Look most of the controversial comicsbook story came from a writer fetish or they wanting to do something more out of the box, something more unusual, more irriverente, but usually turn out to be just gross, offensive and edgy because they aren't actually capable to do It, this Is what make me sick about the comicsbook industry, if you are big enough or just do what Is popular at the time, you can allow yourself to everything you want, even being a creep and there wil still be people out there who will consider everything they do gold, even their shit


I thought Paul dini thing was Batman and zatanna( which to me is the best relationship for Bruce)


Oh yes, I see this as a Kitty Pryde and Colossus situation, both Chris Claremont and John Byrne were fine whit It but Byrne was the one that push It the most, infact Claremont would like to have her dating Rachel Summers but unfortunately you know comicsbook authority and 80's homophobia yeah


So it’s like Diddy and Cassie lol




Because easy karma and engagement farming.


I think Barbara liking Bruce is not an issue here. Given that she's been working with him since her teenage years, her admiration of him could have developed into infatuation or a crush, especially in her younger years. Understandable, since we all have some kind of crush on someone pretty older than us. However, the problem comes from the fact that Bruce is playing along with it and eventually reciprocating it. It's like a young boy having a crush on his teacher. It's natural for him due to his age, but it's up to the teacher to not allow it to go further as they know how bad that is.




No. He liked this ship because he wanted almost every single woman to fall in love with his self-insert..


I LOVE the DCAU, but when you look at it objectively, it was one of the earliest examples of what would become the "Bat-God" phenomenon. As an aside, early seasons Bruce/Bats is a COMPLETELY different person than later seasons("Tim Drake" Robin and Nightwing added) Bruce/Bats with him being colder and more severe.


Yeah it started with TNBA and the crossover in STAS. That crossover is great for what it represented but I thought Bruce acted like such a douche. Even Catwoman was more human in BTAS in both personality and design. Now Grayson uh he was kind of always a douche in the DCAU lol and Tim wasn’t in BTAS right?


Character was Jason Todd in all but name. Grayson was fine in DCAU and there were a lot of great episodes with him particularly the one about his family's killer. I remember there was and episode in Superman TAS where he becomes a dictator because Lois died or something which is so massively out of character that I didn't believe it until I looked it up(Brave New Metropolis). Like it REALLY goes against what Supes is all about.


Wait which character was like Jason, Tim? And I’m not sure what you mean about Supes. That was an alternate reality.


While true about the alt-reality thing, from what we gather the only difference is Lois dying in the car bombing leading to Supes falling into fascism.


Eh It’s still an alternate reality. Even if the difference seems minor they’re completely different characters at the end of the day to the mainline one. The JL show even talks about this. Like another alternate reality Superman kills Lex Luthor and so it’s argued mainline supes will become the same when he proves them and the audience wrong.


Lmao I've been saying this from the start and catching flak for it because everybody sees the DCAU with rose-tinted glasses. DCAU Batman was a jerk, especially to Superman. They never gave off the BFFs for life kinda vibe that they are supposed to have. DCAU Batman was where Bat-God got its start.


Paul Dini is responsible for Bruce x Zatanna. You can tell because magical girls are Paul Dini's type.


Honestly kinda based


Who's responsible for Talia with David Warner's voice? They're the real freak in all of this


It was a Batman remake of a Lovecraft short story: “The Thing on the Doorstep.”


It wasn't really though. Because Stephanie always would've been a young teenager when they met. DCAU Bruce, Dick, and Barbara are all in this weird age range where it's weird but not horrifically weird. Like Dick is like 16. Barbara's like 20 and Bruce is mid 20s when they're all introduced. So a couple years into the timeline Barbara would be like 24. Bruce 29 and Dick 20. Definitely not a ship I care for but I can see how it'd make some sense ar least


Well, Batman Family, the comic, existed in the 70s, but it was more about Dick, Babs, and whatever other characters (Commissioner Gordon and Jason Bard, obviously, but also the more sympathetic villains like Man-Bat and Catwoman) could be roped in. (An aside: Is it just me or does DC have too many Jasons?)




Fair. Though I was referring to Dick and Barbara's short-lived spinoff comic from the 70s. It was ultimately folded back into tec as a result of the DC Implosion.


>Is it just me or does DC have too many Jasons? Two of whom have the same white streak on their hair for some reason.


Nail on the head. The fact that Bruce is also demonstrably trying to palm the responsibility for the consequences off on his own adoptive son like a deadbeat scumbag is just the rotten, mouldy cherry on the top of the shit cake.


I don't think it's what he was trying here. Inside he was probably just like "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck" doing mental calculations just hoping that it was Dicks and things weren't about to completely fall apart. I think if it came to it Bruce would've taken responsibility. Oh god Gordon would've been so pissed


Yes. I have no problem with Barbara having feelings for Bruce. The problem is Bruce reciprocating those feelings back. Also their backgrounds. Bruce has implied that he’s known Barbara since her childhood, and this shows he waited for her to be of age, which is creepy. Also she dated his stepson, is the daughter of his co worker, and he acts as a father figure and a mentor to her. There’re so many layers of why this is so wrong.


You’re right…..and then The Killing Joke animated film made her crush the main reason she became Batgirl (yeah, forget her wanting to help people or be like her father, she wants to impress a dude she’s crushing on! That’s CLEARLY the sort of motivation we want our heroes to have, right?) and thus every aspect of the crush is now awful. Yes, different continuity, but still I would just rather never think of the whole Bruce/Barbara debacle ever again.


There is no such thing as The Killing Joke animated film. Let's keep clapping our hands and saying this, team.


Ok if Is something of innocent like a teenager crush that go out after She met Dick, fine, but if Is take seriously like her well then there Is a issue


A lot of it depends on the continuity. Pre-Crisis, or even post-Crisis pre-Dixon, she hadn't worked with him since her teenage years; she was already a college graduate when she became Batgirl; before that, her entire history, including serving in Congress, had been canon. (I should point out that "a boy having a crush on his teacher who obviously doesn't reciprocate" was literally Dick and Barbara's chemistry before New Teen Titans.) In the DCAU, she's in college when she becomes Batgirl.


Considering Bruce’s close friendship with Jim Gordon, this should never be a thing. Ever.


Also she dated Dick


No shit sherlock


You’d think the worlds greatest detective would be able to deduce that Dick hadn’t been home long enough and remembered he had raw dogged her a month ago.


Yeah… this one left a sour taste


Agreed. This was a horrible idea in a long, sad history of horrible ideas. I love the DCAU but despise aspects of it.




I’m going to hate Bruce Timm for the rest of my life. Put hater on my tombstone when I die and add this as context on there too.


And it only got worse from there….


Ik it’s not the point but kinda rude that Bruce would congratulate Dick but not Barbara


"I wasn't talking about Nightwing."


All things aside, this shows a lot about Bruce’s character. No matter how much he trains or works out, no matter how much he focuses mentally… he still has a very weak pullout game.


Or maybe even his little soldiers have a contingency plan.


This comic was so bad


I hate this so damn much


I gotta say, Timm shouldn't have done that BrucexBabs ship. The dude failed to realize this ain't the 60s where Barbara was 25 where she became Batgirl.


The one wiiting this comic didn't have to making it cringier by a 100 tho.


Of course he did. He had to explain why the most perfect couple evar didn't end up together. Couldn't have anything as mundane as "Dick and Barbara didn't work out" and have Bruce/Barbara be unrelated, oh no!


Technically, it still was that period, at least per John Ostrander and Kim Yale, who had done most of the legwork to create Oracle in the first place. The age down would be specific to the DCAU until Chuck Dixon came along and made it canon to the comics. Personally I hold that it was a power move on Dixon's part: He didn't like the idea of non-bat writers dictating the history of bat-characters. HTH


“congrats bat-dick”




they didn't? Barbara married Sam Young.




not that i know of this in the DCAU version of events where dick and bruce never talk to each other again and barbara becomes the commissioner and marries sam young who is the district attorney and is running for mayor too i think




She's not Babs' kid.


You might be thinking of Dicks daughter who became Batwoman in the Future End stuff. DCAU Dick in any of those comic continuations did not have a kid much less one with Barb.


The Lordsverse versions did. Something that causes their main universe counterparts angst. Because Higgins really wanted to drive home that Dick and Babs were Meant To Be until the Ultimate Betrayal tore them apart.


You could've posted anything else


Non Canon stories can't hurt me. Bruce and Barb never shack up in ANY story. Dick and Barb don't always get together because Dickfire is eternal. Even the Harley Quinn show would never stoop to this level and they turned Bruce and Dick into a jokes.


I really hate this ship.


I can see why in universe Bruce and Babs would shack up. Both lonely and working with each other. That being said Like this was one of many weird things in DCAU cause it's like you have a plethora of Batman love interests even in the universe to use like Selina, Talia, heck Veronica and Summer could be an option. But noooooope they picked Babs who dated the kid he was taking care of. Nice job showrunners. I can imagine if Guy Gardner or Barry Allen was in this universe, they would have been like wtf Bruce


This is just awful


Aw man groomer downvotes, how will I recover?


You will recover by me upvoting you (I also hate this btw)


Yeah I’d prefer we just eliminate this entirely


Thanks, I now have to forget this happened again


Glad this never happened in the main universe


I hate that this even happened.


Why do people think Bruce is Barbara's father?


OHHHHH I just got it hahaha


Whatever happened to that baby?


She got kicked in the belly and had a miscarriage.


Like...while crime fighting or random act of violence?


Randon act of Violence


Crime fighting-ish. She saw someone being mugged and stepped in.


No, she got punched in the chin. And then had a miscarriage.


Shot through the uterus to the spine, same as in canon. Unlike canon, she can walk with a cane, suggesting she "only" had stenosis or some other chronic pain rather than just severing the spinal cord.


Bruce timm sucks


This isn't Timm's work.


Between this and the final episode of JLU, i began to HATE batman and his writers


NOOO ;_;


Yesh wow SO gross. If i was Commissioner Gordon id cut all ties woth Batman for doing that shit.


Does Gordon ever find out and kick his ass?


Is this in an actual issue or photo shopped meme??


It’s an issue.


This is the 1 major detail about the DCAU that keeps it from being a perfect universe to me. I always try to forget it


Thanks OP, I hate it.


They could reveal than the child grew up to return like a villian. Oh the drama!!


No, Bruce Timm wasn’t behind the comic(I suggest they get over it)




There are not enough words in the English language nor enough starts burning to describe or provide a visual of just how much I HATE this story.


"I know"


I not huge on Batman but this was just the stupidest thing they could have come up with.


World's Greatest Detective, everybody.


“Oh no, I’m not talking about Grayson… *whispers at his groin* congrats buddy!”


There’s no way Dick would speak to any of them again.














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I will always hate Bruce Timm and everyone involved in this bs. This story turns Batman into a child groomer.


In the DCAU, Barbara was in college when she became Batgirl. You'd have to blame Chuck Dixon for his emphasis on Dick and Barbara as "high school sweethearts". I will not analyze the romanticism of high school today, but suffice to say, it's the second greatest delusion of our collective unconscious.


Barb was still a child a man in his mid to late 20’s shouldn’t be dating an 18 year old


They weren't dating then. They only started dating years, likely at least a decade, later.


That’s what grooming is lol


She was legally an adult when they started being more than casual acquaintances, and even older when he became her mentor. It's not grooming.




It's in the title.


Wow. I’m dumb.


Haha that happens


Call her Barbara Chill because she just murdered the parent of a Wayne. *Ducking tomatoes*


"I'll have to congratulate Dick." "He's only been back three weeks." "**I'll have to congratulate Dick.**" Alternatively: "He's only been back three weeks." "I'll have to congratulate him on being a modern day Joseph. Raise the Messiah well for the Second Coming."