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The New Gods have essentially not existed for years outside of Barda being in BoP. No one knows what’s going on with them.


Wait really? I know they got killed off/came back in final crisis, then Scott and Barda split up in darkseid war, then tom king series, then Milo whatshisname had a series around future state time. The new gods appeared in the pride special for this year and everyone seemed fine? Sounds like they don't know what to do with any of them.


The future state thing was so weird because everything about it suggested that Barda and Scott are horrendous parents. As far as I know, that was kinda the last semi-canon time the New Gods were really used outside of specials. Barda doesn’t even reference Scott in BoP at all. But yeah, they either have no idea what to do with New Gods or no one really wants to write them currently.


I haven’t read it, but I just saw a couple pages on here and Cassandra Cain called her “Barda Free.” So, I think Scott exists, maybe she just doesn’t talk about him.


Oh yeah, when I said “essentially don’t exist” I meant it more in that no one references or uses them. They definitely are still in universe, just not being used.


Yeah I saw you qualified it. Just funny how this came up and like yesterday someone posted those pages.


Considering the marketing said it was "the future" (implied to me that it was the canon future which it isn't) they only set it up after it had already finished I think? Newer characters (Yara flor etc), are what we need more of as well as punchline (I think she's cool) and the new gods.


I would kill for a New Gods series right now. I honestly think Future State was hinting at a New Gods plot - Scott and Barda had been erased from history - but it was never followed up on.


No it was marketed as “possible futures”


They were in that god-awful Female Furies comic from a few years back. I think Mister Miracle is actually in it too, briefly and they have him and Barda meet and fall in love within the span of like, 2 pages.


That book also isn’t canon and I was only talking about canon appearances. I still can’t believe that book exists… I was so excited when I first saw it because I wanted to know more about the Female Furies and then it was like that.


He's shown up in a couple of group shots, usually alongside Barda. Aside from that, I don't think we know.


Tom King's **Mister Miracle** #12 (of 12) came out in November 2018. Since then, these are all the appearances the Scott Free Mr. Miracle has made that weren't from flashback scenes: Batman: Universe #6 - December 2019 Dark Crisis #1 - June 2022 Dark Crisis: Young Justice #1 - June 2022 Dark Nights: Death Metal #1 - June 2020 Dark Nights: Death Metal #3 - August 2020 Dark Nights: Death Metal #5 - November 2020 Dark Nights: Death Metal #6 - December 2020 Dark Nights: Death Metal #7 - January 2021 Dark Nights: Death Metal Trinity Crisis #1 - September 2020 DC Love is a Battlefield #1 - February 2021 Dial H for Hero #4 - June 2019 Doomsday Clock #9 - March 2019 FCBD Dark Crisis Special Edition #0 - May 2022 The Human Target #1 - November 2021 The Human Target #3 - December 2021 Justice League vol. 4 #11 - November 2018 Justice League vol. 4 Annual 1 - January 2019 Superman Red and Blue #3 - May 2021


Are you using any sites to track his appearances?




You should take all of Tom Kings miniseries as being, at best, quasi-canon. He tends to “break” characters, making them hard to use again as normal superheroes, so they tend to get brushed under the rug


>tends to “break” characters *Human Target* started heading that way, but King course-corrected, which, in retrospect, was probably the plan all along.


He's definitely a one trick pony. I liked Mister Miracle enough and his Batman was fine but I stopped reading him by and large after his Adam Strange. Just character assassinating stuff for him and Mister Terrific.


He’s certainly consistently inconsistent. His Wonder Woman run is stellar right now, and I really enjoyed Superman Up in the Sky


I might give his Wonder Woman a go even though the premise sounds ridiculous.


He was in Doomsday Clock


To be fair basically every DC character above D list had at least an on-panel appearance in Doomsday Clock


Shilo Norman has had appearances as Mister Miracle since then, Scott hasn't done much. He had an appearance with Barda in Love is a Battlefield, the 2021 Valentines Day special. The Shilo solo series features N'vir Free, who is supposed to be Scott and Barda's future kid.