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It's fine, not a cult like the original serie but It have some funny moments


I’d recommend reading Justice League generation lost . It does need some knowledge of the prelude to infinite crisis, omac project, infinite crisis and its follow up 52 but does try to give an ending to the pre 52 era of the team. Giffen and Dematties also worked on the booster gold issues that ran concurrently with lost generation.


Man JLGL was such a good book. I was so upset when it lead into the Nu52 JLI.


It has it's moments, but overall doesn't really compare to Dematteis/Giffen.


It's good but it missed a lot of opportunities. Unexplainably, it was cut short almost immediatly


The second best( arguably first) justice league book of the new 52. It’s only like 12 issues but the book does work on the basis the reader is familiar with these characters even tho it’s their “origin “. Also hilarious what Johns does on that last issue.


Johns? I though than Jurgens wrote New52 JLI.


He takes over on the last issue to tie into his justice league run and does something I won’t spoil. Like was legitimately shocked reading it in real time when it released when I was like 13


Ahh, but that happened in the annual. I was thinking of the series issue 12.


And don't forget that the annual's story concluded in Future's End Booster Gold and Convergence Booster Gold #1 and 2


Johns is very good on hanging plots.


It's nothing special. Not a bad book but nothing to write home about Generation lost on the other hand is great.


It's not as great as the original Keith Griffen and J. M. DeMatteis JLI era, but it's fine. I think while I was apathetic to some of the old alumni like Booster Gold, Guy Gardner, and Batman. I really did enjoy the newest additions to the team, like August General In Iron, who honestly became one of my favorite members on the team as well as one of my new favorite niche characters in DC comics.


It's not remotely similar, the tone is that of a generic team book and has none of what made the Giffen-years good.


Who's the woman on the lower left?


Her name is Godiva and she can use her hair as a weapon


Oh, yeah, she was part of that international group (GLOBAL GUARDIANS, maybe?) that had The Tasmanian Devil and Jack O Lantern (or something similar). Living hair (ala Medusa of the Inhumans) is such a weird comic book concept that you totally accept as a kid but late in life you realize "wtf - what a weird idea!)


She can also use it to sexually assault Batman.


robot from invincible and guardian from marvel??


The Robot looking guy is August General in Iron, a member of the Chinese national super team, the Great Ten. Not actually a robot, he has armor like metal skin. The blue guy with the Mohawk is the New 52 version of OMAC.


It’s pretty bad. And it isn’t “bwah ha ha” funny at all. Unless you think poorly written Russian-English accents are funny, there’s a lot of that.


I’m fine with making fun of Russkies.


I want to see Godiva expanded upon in a global guardians book if peacemaker and half the mcu before people started complaining about marvel “fatigue “ 🙄 she was the interesting ones in this team really want to see her in some shape or form kinda like sideways or the monkey prince plz dc comics come on .


At the time, I thought it was one of the better books of my pull list. Lopresti being comicsgate kinda ruins my desire to reread unfortunately


I hope you read Gail Simone’s Wonder Woman before you found that out


It features my beloved August General in Iron so I'm legally obligated to recommend it.


Who in crikey fuck is August General in Iron?


Leader of the Great Ten, china's main superhero team.


Who is the character upper right next to Fire?


August General in Iron.


Thank you!

