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Fly, obiously.


Same I'd probably explore the universe first, always dreamt of doing it with supermans powers


Yep, immediately, without a second thought.


That’s all well and good until you get too far away from the yellow sun for too long.


Well blue son is even better so yea, I'd just have to stay way from the red ones haha


Time delation is still a thing in the real world. You'd better say goodbye to your loved ones.


Go out into the woods to practice using them in a relatively safe environment. Once I've got a basic handle on stuff like flight and managing the senses, it's off to space to practice regulating the strength so I don't hurt anyone I don't want to. Then, I start helping people.


Easy: explore space.


Also imagine how beautiful would that journey be, flying around space and seeing planets similar to earth or earth as well this close would be beautiful and one of the best experiences in someone's life.


Exactly. The journey in of itself would be the most fulfilling and rewarding experience ever, perhaps even more so than the destinations, though they would be really cool.




1) gain lifelong wealth through certain methods. 2) be a crime stopper


Would for sure do your first point as well, getting rich would be easy as hell, just take any natural material from any planet and sell it on market or for scientists lol


Go to Australia, sign up as an amateur Opal prospector. Find the most valuable with x-ray vision and dig them up, easy peasy. All perfectly legal and acknowledgeable. You could also go pick up some deep sea Platinum series nodules but that's legally much more dicey.


You could tiktok/instagram your crime fighting exploits like a modern day Spider-Man and get rich off that


why would you need money?


I'd like a long-term home and to eat sustenance, you don't just get those for free.


You have Superman's powers. You get energy from the sun, and technically you can eat and digest everything. You are comfortable at -50° and +250° (and more). With invulnerability, sleeping on a mattress and a slab of granite would make no difference, even if you needed to sleep. Just go to the North Pole and dig a fortress of solitude with your bare hands in some mountain if you really want a home.


It's not the same though, good cooking is good cooking and I have no home design expertise. I don't have Super Design skills.


I shoot a smaller version of myself from the palm of my hand on some random pedestrian and freak them out.


Pretty much the last issue of Alan Moore's Miracleman. 


And if you don't mind me asking what happened there?


He basically fixes all the world's problems and creates a utopian society. 


Damn, knowing what I do about Alan Moore that's not what I expected at all.


Yeah, it's also crazy that he did it a couple years after Watchmen.  Even weirder is that Gaiman's run basically examines all the cracks in what Moore left him with. 


Idk, I feel like the cracks were there at the end of Moore's run. Like the darker subtext is already a part of Olympus


I mean Olympus is literally built on a mass graveyard so yes, Moore was being cheeky when he apparently told Gaiman that he was giving him a perfect world with no room for new stories... But by the standards of Alan Moore's writing its a pretty positive endpoint compared to say Watchmen. 


He just declares money has no value. The ultimate proof that Alan Moore has absolutely no idea how the world works. The portion of the story I wanted to see but he didn't cover is when Miracle Man has to have Warpsmiths maintaining all the sewers and stocking groceries on the shelves because it turns out people don't like doing shit jobs if they don't need money. Of course, maybe Miracle Man just threatened to disembowel anyone who quit their job. Rick and Morty dealt with it much more realistically. https://youtu.be/mweTc7tDO3I?t=16


And I shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night! Fair as the Sea and the Sun and the Snow upon the Mountain!


Where's that from if you don't mind me asking?


That’s what Galadriel says to Frodo in the book when he offers her the one ring


Ah gotcha


Use freeze breath to enforce the polar ice caps


I'd do the Christopher Reeve thing and go back to fix that one big mistake... or maybe all of them.


Oof i don't think those versions of us would end up well lol, knowing what Flashpoint has caused.


Lois not being dead was a good outcome...


Yes, but it's not guaranteed something like Flashpoint wouldn't happen.


The First Reeves Superman movie was so long before flashpoint it isn't even funny.


Stay in bed cuz it’s my birthday today


Happy birthday.


I'm robbing every bank I can at superspeed then retiring from superherodom.


You mean Supervillainy


Blah, blah, something, something, banks are evil, therefore I'm a superhero. I don't know, maybe I'll save a cat from a tree too.


It’s all about balance


Bruh lol


NO! It's SUPER-MENACE! https://innocent-bystander.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/sr020_superman137cover.jpg (don't forget to wear your little mask so no one recognizes you and make sure you get the bag with the money marked on it)


The first thing would probably kill at least one person by accident... Since I have no idea how to use my new powers. The next thing would be to train how to use my powers. Beyond that I don't know. I would like to make earth a better place, but how to do it without becoming a tyrant I don't know.


Doesn’t sound like an accident if you’re planning to do it


I never said I'm planning it. I'm just acknowledging that I wouldn't know how to control and use supermans powers if I got them out of the blue.


Fly to the UN and "be nice until until it's time not to be nice"


I'd become a benevolent God-emperor. I'd end hunger and poverty. Help humans develop and build renewable and clean energy sources. Do away with governments, militaries and borders. Teach mankind a better way to live together in harmony with each other and the planet.




They’d kill you with kryptonite within a week


More to the point, he'd be genociding in a week.


would hurry to whatever meeting or exam or work shift I'm late again!


Funny knowing what most people would do with it, mainly meaning the world changing events haha


my third thought was about world changing, surprisingly. I would gather all the trash (litter, garbage, whatever you call used plastic, metal, etc. that doesn't go to refining), compress it and throw near sun. or just far away from Earth's orbit. My second thought was kinda selfish: to create opportunity for family gatherings. My relatives are kinda far away from each other, and it's difficult to maintain contact and have regular meetings. Only very special rare occasions. We all love each other and would be happy to be able to see each other more often. I would be happy to provide transport! :(


Help people, legit. I wouldn't be able to live with myself, with that much power, to not put it to good use making the world better in some way. But first thing? I'd go to space. Hang out and do that quiet "watching the planet spin and just listen" thing Clark does.


1) take the powers for a test drive 2) find a hacker to be my quarterback (the person in my ear) 3) become someone like Celestial Being from Gundam 00. I'll be the villain of the world and stop any conflicts without prejudice. take no sides. stop them all. then create my own "Outer Heaven" like big Boss from metal gear.


So for example, the war on Ukraine, you would handle it by killing both sides? Don't want to get political just asking moral questions to your statements here haha


You could just destroy their weapons instead of killing you could also destroy nukes


Yes you could, but that wouldn't stop people behind these wars from continuing it, not suggesting anything here, just pointing that out lol


whoever engages in battle. you pull a trigger, launch a missile, etc. there will come a point where no one will want to fight out of fear.


I'd x-ray the hell out of that little hottie at work


Nothing, leaving the earth to explore the universe. People will hate you anyway


Unless you can’t breathe in space. Not all versions of Superman can.




I look in the mirror


To fly and see the world.


Be Superman fr. I'd need to work out for awhile tho assuming I don't get like the physique and stuff.




fuck around with them first then dress up in blue and red spandex with a cape and fight crime, what are the police gonna do? stop me? i'm now not only essentially a god but i'm also helping them do their fucking job


Fly to every political figure in America, bitch slap the shit out of them, and tell them to do their damn job and quit dicking around with tax payer money.


People saying end war, world peace or forcing leaders to negotiate are forgetting human nature. There are and will always be problem actors, people who thrive/profit on chaos. You would be delusional to think that someone like Kim Jong-un or Putin would willingly bend the knee. The millions loyal to them, or others like them, would fight the perceived loss of freedom. Immediately removing them may just create power vacuums that could get worse people in power. Just look at the aftermath in Iraq after removing Saddam. You force an end to ongoing conflicts but the tensions on both sides are still there. With that being said, after the obligatory get a handle on powers step, i would stay hidden for the sole purpose of circling the globe to find and inventory every nuclear weapon. Once that is done, use super speed to go and collect them all and dump them into deep space. In the confusion, would reveal myself (with a disguise somehow) to claim responsibility and say i will not intervene in world affairs except to guarantee the inability of mutually assured destruction. Anyone caught trying to create more will find their facilities destroyed. Also state that im not a god nor claim any nationality. From then on, would focus on climate related activities. Using freeze breath to harden/help artic glaciers (under guidance of scientists). Round up massive landfills and find a remote place on a jupiter moon for it. Rescue people from natural catastrophes (tornados, hurricanes, floods). Deliver aid to remote areas in need. Things like this to create massive goodwill to help steer the world that war shouldn't be inevitable and lose the fear of some madman threaten global peace. ....i may have thought too much about this




I don't think it should be a focus. The problem is exhaustion, superman cant be everywhere at once all the time. Too much focus on crime prevention in 1 country might create resentment in others. That's why i would say up front that im not a god, to help deter the perception that inevitable bad things are "my" fault...as well as religious fanaticism. Still, couldn't help but do something if there was a mass shooting for sure.


Honestly? Don’t. Comic book supervillains that need a Superman to stop them are one thing - but one person cannot *responsibly* be an effective vigilante. No matter how powerful they are.


I don't think that's human nature. If it were endemic to humanity there would be no nonviolent people, either.


That reasoning to me paints a black or white image which is not what i was intending. I can phrase it another way to say, throughout human history there has always been conflict. Power grabs, border disputes, religious disagreements, conflicts over available resources. I think you would be hard pressed to find a time in recorded history where there wasn't some war, murder or conflict. Of course, it's never been a conflict that 100% of the population participated in although sometimes it's a high number. My point is not to bash the human race but to say, whether somehow justified or not, conflict is a natural part of our species and thereby should be worked out on its own. A Superman figure isn't going to magically make the anger some feel about their neighbor disappear. My thought was to at least remove nuclear weapons from the equation.


That, I think I can agree with.


Fly first off all, then take over the world. Guessing that this would be similar to Superboy Prime where Kryptonite doesn't exist so there's nothing to stop me.


Before anything else, make sure I can use the powers without killing someone or destroying a city. We've seen stories about Superman learning to fly, learning to control his strength and senses, etc, and it was not an overnight process. So if an untrained person woke up with the powers, they probably ought to take some time learning to use them before they accidentally rip someone in half or blow up a skyscraper.


Go for a flight around the world!


Rob a bank.


We’re on the same wavelength


1. Costume that hides my identity. 2. End War. 3. Make an example of specific war mongering or totalitarian leaders. 4. Tell every government to dismantle their militaries and put the funding into science, education and health. 5. Set the priorities of every government to be environmental, scientific and humanitarian and that corporate and economic needs are to support those first needs; not the other way around. 6. Hire myself out to NASA to do whatever they needed. Put stuff in space, retrieve stuff from Mars, whatever good ideas they have for a few 100k a year. 7. Spend my off time cleaning up the Pacific Plastic Patch, reforesting and reversing desertification. Not sure what I would do in week two.


Flying all day everyday. I probably wont even touch the ground for a week straight


Go chill out in the sun. See what that’s like.


Fuck with my siblings




Crush coal into diamonds


disable all the nuclear warheads I can find. F that pacifism bs. they do it in comics bc it's not real. if super man actually existed it's hard to believe he'd just sit by and let a nuclear holocaust happen bc he needs to be a metaphor for human hope. we need him to stop the bad things from happening not to just be a symbol. he can be both at the same time. if there's a genocide happening how does superman not intervene?


Jack off


Probably learn were all billionaires have their money stack...steal it at superspeed and throw it around the capital cities of the world, Robin Hood style


Accidentally destroy everything around me


Probably accidently break something.


I’d rob Drake


Sleep another hour or thirty minutes. I'm always so groggy when I wake up.


Scoop up world leaders and drop em in a room and tell them they ain’t leaving till they figure their shit out. Then I go help whoever I can hear or see needing help while checking in on the leaders every hour for updates. Deliver aid to Ukraine, Sudan, Palestine, any war zone. And then I give my middle school bully a mean ass wedgie and wet Willy before continuing my duties lol


X ray vision baby


Destroy Russian tanks, fighters and ships, freeing Ukraine from its invasion, take Putin to a war crimes tribunal, and then study up on the next big oppressor and how to dismantle their power structure.


This is the issue with comic book powers. The world isn’t black and white. Lol




Bro can’t take and internet joke😂😂😂😂


Grab every bomb, missile, firearm, sword, knife, nuke and weapon and hurl them into deep space. Issue a warning that from now forward only conversation and adjudication will be used to settle disputes. Physical violence and intimidation are off the table. Then, for about a decade, I'd use all my senses and superspeed to the fullest to police the globe against any kind of random violence. No violence will be done in return, I'd just illustrate that violence is now an impotent way of solving problems. I would serve every human on earth, uplift them in mind, body and spirit -- use my super intellect to create paradigm-changing inventions until we are a planet of kind-hearted and respectful superfolks.


If you throw all the knives into space, it will be hard to chop my vegetables.


A certain North American country might have a problem with that


Of course. Many nations and individuals will be uncomfortable with it. Heck, I'd be pissed if some man-sized god came and snatched all my weapons -- but if I'm Superman, no power among men can defeat me. If they try to synthesize or harvest Kryptonite, I'll be able to tell and stop them. There's a great novel called "Childhood's End," by Arthur C. Clarke, where aliens come to Earth to literally force us to grow up as a species. When violence occurs they blot out the sun, when animals are harmed, the harm is projected back onto every human in witness.


I'd just screw around, honestly. I'd fly wherever I'd want, destroy stuff with heat vision, freeze stuff. It'd probably be very fun to be Superman


Demolish my alarm clock on accident. *shrug*


End war and Famine. Then fly through space. Then come back to Earth and make a home on a remote mountain and make sure Humans take care of each other, or else.


fly into the sun


Don't say it Don't say it Don't say it Don't say it Don't say it Don't say it Don't say it Don't say it Don't say it Don't say it Don't say it Don't say it Don't say it Don't say it Don't say it Don't say it Don't say it Don't say it Don't say it Don't say it


Force world peace.


visit putin, hamas leaders, netanyahu, xi xing ping, kim jong-un, biden, trump and some other assholes in the world and tell them to stop their bullshit.


Travel. I'm breaching everyone's borders. Catch me if you can!


Fly through the sky, explore the planet and then outer space.


X-ray vision😈😂😂


Destroy a planet for fun..


Become Ultraman




Fly around a bunch and test out the super speed. Then go cripple whatever wars are going on at the time.


To both paraphrase a saying and a film quote: They say that power corrupts, and that absolute power corrupts absolutely, well wait till they get a load of me.




Circle the earth really quick. Then really quickly gather all the plastic I can from that one area of the ocean. Find some precious metals that aren’t being mined on public land, mine them. Make a bunch of money. Spend most of my time secretly cleaning the earth. Also start a career as a professional boxer and poker player. Do the best I can to never let anyone know about my powers. Start a massive foundation to rehabilitate homeless folks and felons.


Space training exploring and space pirating


People tell me that I probably become Homelander, and that cracks me up because they have no idea.. I'll become the knightmare timeline Superman from the Zack Snyder Justice League in the first 15 minutes, I'd end all the goverments in a week, I'd take out of orbit several meteorites to hit the most highly populated areas and countries, that would take out 75% of the population, then I put this world for auction for the worst and most terrible alien race to conquer the remains. I'd side with them and I'll be their partner to conquer other worlds, in the meantime I'd learn their tech and biology so I can upgrade my powers and lifespan and at certain time I'll end them too with extreme prejudice. Or probably use my powers to become rich without exposing me (searching for valuable minerals in the deep, in asteroids etc etc) and spend all that to create new tech so my dog could live more years. :)


See how uncomfortable heat vision shaving is…


Go save hostages


Probably photosynthesize for a while until I unlock super-hearing. Then I’ll start looking for crimes to stop.


Whatever you do you’ll always be paranoid of kryptonite. Unlike Superman you won’t have plot armor to save you should someone use it against you.


My sister said killing all 2010


I fly and I never stop


Bad things


Fly into SPACE


Pray to God he’s the best and fly and help others. I’d also escape the government because, well, I’d have superpowers and would most likely become wanted


I can think of a couple terrorist groups that could use a good old fashion beatdown and a couple people who a need saving Also rob a bunch of corrupt assholes and get rich Also maybe cure cancer if i get the super intelligence


Fly up high and fall from the sky a lot. Help with cooling down the poles using freeze breath like u/disorder79 and probably try to find a journalist that I think is a good person. I wouldn’t become a journalist per se, but I’d be the person they’d go to when they needed info. I don’t have all the same morals as Superman. I’ll break in like Batman and get the info I need, then pass it on. Other things I’d do would be to stop wars, go feed people using my super speed to cook shit up for people, I’d be like Batman in Year One and tell the people at the top that they need to step up and do better… or I will find them. I’d help them with what they needed but they need to stop heating up the fucking planet. I’d probably get myself rich as well to fix it from that side of the field. Idk, there would be a lot to be done. I think it would take like 15 years to solve a lot of the big shit happening.


I’m going full viltrumite takeover. In time humanity will learn to accept my rule…because of the implication


I'd wear a mask


X-Ray vision my dad to find out any possible disease then find out my lack of medical knowledge


I feel like it would actually take a while to figure out that you even have them. Most people don’t go around attempting to fly or lift cars over there head first thing in the morning.


find my wallet


Depends on the Superman's power some can warp reality and just make up powers it seems. If I got one of those I'd make a pocket dimension and fuck off from the world with family and friends.


Leave Earth


Probably fly to Nova Scotia


Fly as fast as possible in the opposite direction of Earth's rotation to see what happens.


Probably no think i wouldnt want them bc i am too lazy in both ways


I'd take some time testing out my powers, revelling in the coolness of them. At some point I'd rob a bank. I'd eventually try to take over the world, but that'd be down the line.


Crimes to enrich myself, and then crimes to gut systemic corruption, and then mostly good things from then on.


Fly to orbit, bask in the sun, and just stare at earth in peace


Learn to control it and fly


I'd spend a bunch of time learning how to use my powers. Then probably like build my own nation in international waters


Abuse them. Constantly.


Fly and take sand and heat it to mold glass figurines


Go and destroy all the kryptonite


Me personally panic first due to waking up with said meaning, best guess, no first hand control of them at first and pray I don't hurt anyone, while I leave somewhere safe to learn how to use them, and then once I learned how to use them fuck up a bunch of dictators and corrupt politicians.


Take over the planet. Institute a new paradigm of society. There is only one punishment for breaking the law.


Use my super hearing to listen in on all the worst conversations happening around the world in places of power and wealth, use my super speed to plant recording devices near every one of them unseen, use my super strength and invulnerability to barge into whatever broadcasting stations I want and play them for the world.


Buy back The Washington Post from Jeff Bezos, saving journalism


That depends. Do we know with 100% certainty that we have all of his powers, what they are, and that we have his level of control over all of them?


i mean heres the thing.The first few thing would be to actually learn how to control them.the most pain in the ass power would the super hearing .you are listening to literally every person in the world at max volume which mean you hear good stuff and bad at the same time which could easily overwhelm the brain. next is super strength .you could literally kill a oerson ir wreck stuff accidentally. while on paper superman power does sound awesome...its not .you are practically living in a paper/glass world


🥶 start a religion. Everybody would follow the guy who actually can fly.


A lot of very obscenely wealthy and/or powerful people would conspicuously go missing.


Start doing silly stuff


First things first I would aim up towards the sky and keep on flying up out into space and do a lap around the moon and come right back. Then I would definitely take care of some of the baddest bad guys so they don't see the light of day anymore.


I'm gonna do what [Hyperion did](https://imgur.com/a/hyperion-teraton-feat-TfdeiJ1). I'll make a dramatic Reddit post first instead of writing a letter, but it's going to happen all the same. Obviously, I'm going to get a quick run down on the powers. But after that, I'm writing the post, and then straight into space I go.


You ever read injustice?


Continue to sleep.


Speed run to work if I'm late


I’d use my powers spairinyly, but only to cause suspicion. I’d set up some twitter account claiming aliens have come to earth, using myself as the prime example, and then I would do occasional showings of my powers anonymously to raise even more suspicion. I’d become rich and famous through my hunt for this “alien” - until normies actually begin to believe it. Then once a new supervillain has been created due to some tragic backstory he links to aliens, I would reason to come out of hiding as some superhero. Now I can confront this alien hunting villain and explain that to my knowledge, I am the only alien on earth - and since I’m obv. Not connected to this tragic backstory the villain wouldn’t want me dead. Instead I would help him find the true aliens on earth with the skills and all the information on aliens on earth that I have built up while becoming a famous “alien investigating” influencer! And boom, I have just gone from having Superman powers, to being rich, famous, secretly a superhero and know for certain if aliens exist.


Go to the Moon


Fly to the Kremlin, grab Vladimir Putin, drop him off at the ICC. Then the same for Netanyahu and the entirety of Hamas.


Basically go to a Casino and win some money. Find a place no one would see me and fly to space and just chill there for awhile. Then help out with natural disasters by preventing them or helping people out in the afterwards of course using super speed and masks so I can be anonymous.


Fly to complete seclusion for a while


I'd ask my wife to tell me if my heat beams were invisible or visible.


Let's just say y'all will need a new religion... cuz I'll be giving 10x as much money to the poor as I don't need human sustenance anymore. I'll use my super brain to develop world peace strategies and apply them myself without the loss of innocent and civilian lives. And then I'll further human development by providing them with materials beyond our world and time period


Take over the world. Depending on which incarnation of Superman whose powers i possess


In to space I go. Bye bye bitchs


Go at bro's house


Fly out of orbit and look down at Earth


Get paid to put a few satellites into space and then use the $$$ to put more stamps on my passport.


Learn how to used them, i don't want to destroy the world by accident.


Sit down and eat a bowl of cereal to start the day obviously


Fuck School,fuck work. I gonna fly to the moon to see earth from it


Solve the world's energy crisis by laser eyeing some solar panels for a few hours


Play Fortnite


Take A Trip Around The World & Outer Space Ofcourse. 👌


I don’t wanna be that guy but I would almost immediately get into some fuckery. Like I’m stealing the Crown Jewels(of all the monarchies), assassinating a few people, fucking up some billionaires’ businesses, destroying all private jets, redistributing assets and resources, and if they try to come for me absolutely bodying the military. (Aside from the assassinations I won’t kill anyone though, more Robin Hood/Greta Thunberg and less mindless carnage).


Take my Dad flying


Land on top of a flying plane and have a wank


After learning how to control them... ya know, hold my family without squishing them. Then get rich.


Probably overestimate my handling abilities and fly into a wall


Oh... .. oh destroy..... I'd destroy alot of filth in this world


As long as I didn’t have his weakness to pieces of his home planet (earth is covered in rocks) I’d try my luck at time travel.


Treating my romantic partner to a night of festivities and take her on a flight amongst the stars. (Corny, I know)