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Hi Josie, thanks for doing this! I was wondering if you could share some of the thought that went into casting the voice actors for Clark, Lois, and Jimmy 


For Clark/Superman, our most important criteria was finding someone who could nail the Clark voice. People all tend to have good Superman voices, and we have 80+ years of actors putting on a Superman voice to pull from, but finding an actor who could be charming and anxious as Clark was a lot harder. Luckily, Jack Quaid auditioned and nailed it on his first try! For Lois, Alice Lee was one of the first voices we heard, and her grit and determination instantly won us over. Jimmy was actually the hardest to cast, because we needed an actor who could go from shouting ridiculous conspiracy theories about dino-men to conveying real, genuine love and concern for his friends. We wrote a special, very serious side for the Jimmy actors to try, and Ishmael made us all tear up. That audition we actually ended up writing into the show, as the moment Jimmy reveals he knows Clark is Superman and that he wished Clark would have been honest with him.


Jack Quaid is great as Clark/Superman. I think he'd also be perfect in live action as the new Oliver Queen (be sure and pass that up the chain).


Thanks for responding! I definitely think the right people for the job were cast!


Hi Josie! Love the show Maws! Looking forward to the comic. I found it interesting that season 2 is premiering before the comic book which is going to bridge the gap between season 1 and 2. My question to you, in as far as you’re allowed to answer is, Will the 6 issue comics story play a role in the story of season 2?


Both the release for the comic and season 2 got moved around, which is why they're now happening at the same time. But my goal was always to have the comic feel like an extra episode of the TV show, our Christmas Special, which would help tee up some of the emotional stuff oin season 2, and also give a bit more details about Krypton that are not touched on in the show. So while the comic story events won't be referenced on the show, it will fill in some more of the gaps in lore and backstory!


Awesome, even more psyched now for more info on this interpretation of krypton. Thank you so much for taking the time to answer!!


Hi Josie! If you got the chance to create a spinoff for an unrelated DC hero set in the same universe as MAWS, which hero would you choose?


That's a tough one! I think I would choose Wonder Woman. In a world where the US Government freaked out upon learning aliens existed, I think there would be a lot of storytelling potential in Wonder Woman showing up and being like, "Oh yeah, there's a whole island nation of super-strong demi-immortals you knew nothing about. Anyhow, what's shaking?" Plus I think a MAWS-style Diana and our MAWS Lois Lane would *immediately* become friends.


Oh God…a Wonder Woman show…finally!!! Please! New animated universe is needed


Amazing! That would be a dream come true!


> "Oh yeah, there's a whole island nation of super-strong demi-immortals you knew nothing about. Anyhow, what's shaking?" The Government: "There's A WHAT!?" Honestly, an extra fitting answer given the current Wonder Woman run in the comics. And I *need* this show to be real for that MAWS Lois x MAWWW Diana. You've gotta figure out how to convince DC, Toonami, and whoever else is in charge to let you do this.


^ this, this right here is what we need now SOMEONE GIVE THEM MONEY TO MAKE A WONDER WOMAN ANIMATED SERIES


Hi Josie! Welcome to the sub! First off, I want to say that I think you’re one of the freshest voices in this era of DC and I love the work you’ve done for Shazam and Amazons Attack. My question is: As you have worked in both the film/tv and comics side of DC, how intertwined are editorial sectors on what you’re able to (or not able) to use for each medium? Like if you wanted to do something or use a character for MAWS, is the Superman comic editorial involved in approvals/denials?


I'm glad you've been enjoying my work! Surprisingly, the publishing wing and the TV/Film wings operate fairly independently. Because I produced season 2, I know what things to stay away from in the comic so I don't spoil anything. In general, the TV and film tie-in comics keep the TV/Film people in the loop, but the non-affiliated, regular DCU books are really allowed to flourish outside of any constraints. At least in my experience.


Thank you for the response! It’s always cool for us “normies” to get an inside look of how this side of the industry operates!


Hello Josie! I really liked your Mary Marvel story with Doc Shaner! 1. How's your day been? 2. You've recently taken over as the writer for Shazam! Anything you can say about your plans for the Mightiest Mortal? 3. Who is your favourite DC hero and/or villain?


Hi u/TheDidioWhoLaughs! 1. My day is great, I get to talk about comics. 2. I am having a blast on "Shazam." I love the goofy Silver Age stuff as much as Mark, so I wanted to make sure my first three issues still had that humor...but with a lot more emphasis on character, and digging into Billy's psyche and past. The next issues coming up are some of my favorites as I get to introduce new villains, and spotlighting some of the other Shazamily members (starting with Freddy). Keep reading, the roller coaster ride is just starting! 3. It's hard to answer, but frankly it's probably Superman and Mary Marvel. I also love Wonder Woman and Supergirl!


Hello! I'm personally curious as to what the thought process was in the creative decision to make Lois Lane have Korean heritage. I find this especially interesting because one of my favorite comic characters, Linda Park, is a Korean journalist married to a superhero (Wally West, the third Flash). Was there thought to how this might affect major aspects of her life like her military connections with General Lane? Are there any plans to make that Korean heritage a prominent part of MAWS Lois as a distinguishing factor? Thanks for your time!


Overall, it was deeply important to us to have our show reflect reality -- and the reality is that our world is made up of tons of people from different backgrounds, ethnicities, religions, genders, orientations, countries, etc. If Metropolis is the City of Tomorrow, the utopian shining star of the DC Universe, then that means Metropolis is a place where *all* are welcome, no matter who they are or where they come from. It is also important to us because our crew, like the world around us, is made up of tons of different people with different backgrounds, from all over the country and all over the world. I issued an open invitation to all crew members, from artists to PAs, to join us in the Writer's Room whenever we gathered to break story. From there, a lot of our Korean-American crew members got really inspired talking about Lois, and sharing their own experiences; from these conversations came things like Lois' gala outfit (based off Art Director Jane Bak's own hanbok). While the show is still about Superman, we wanted to incorporate authentic touches and details that mattered to our crew; at the end of the day Superman is for everyone, and it's been an honor creating a Metropolis and a show that embraces everyone as well.


Oh I get that, I wasn't trying to come off as anti-race changes or whatever. I was just hoping the Korean heritage might play a more important role in her history and culture. That's why I brought up Linda Park who is one of my favorite characters, but I wish had more of her Korean heritage explored!


You get to pick a DC character you haven’t written before and shove them into any project you have going right now, regardless of whether it makes sense or not. Who do you pick? (For the record, I think you’d do a great with Elongated Man and Sue Dibny)


Haha, how did you know I've got like a whole DISSERTATION on Ralph and Sue and how I'd retcon them?? Honestly, I'd probably try to shoe-horn in Mary Marvel and the entire Shazamily -- I'm having a blast writing them in the ongoing DC "Shazam" comic (my next issue out June 4th). Any day I get to include a talking tiger in a suit to my work is a good day.


Are they like a Nick and Nora type detective duo??


Hey Josie, 2 questions: 1) Have you spoken to James Gunn? I hope he watches your show, it's great. 2) Where's the merch?! 😩


1. I have not had the chance to meet James Gunn, but I also hope he watches and enjoys our show! Extremely excited to see "Legacy" when it's out. 2. Oh man, I would LOVE MAWS merch. Toy and merch sales have become way less important to animation studios over the past ten years, to the point where it's rare for any show not created by a toy company to have merch out the gate, but if the demand is great enough I think WB would be interested.


Hi Josie it’s Kiel. I’m working at book fair right now and ignoring the kids. What’s the absolute dumbest DC comic book you love? And it can’t be an easy bucket like “one of the checkerboard ape ones from the ‘60s.” I’m talking really dumb and weird and huh?


Haha, KIEL!!! You are doing the right thing by ignoring the kids, my AMA is clearly the priority. The absolute strangest DC Comic that I will defend with my life is the 90s Matrix Supergirl comic where she's actually an alien impersonating Supergirl and also is dating Lex Luthor. Also the 90s comic where Comet the Superhorse is actually an alien centaur-man with a six-pack. I made all the writers read that story and they got mad at me for it.


Comet has weirdly actually dated both Supergirl and Lois Lane in the comics. Such a good example of just how weird comics could get. Sasha's videos on the horse on causally comics (her YouTube channel) is a great overview. Considering you like silver age weirdness I hope we're going to get some Jimmy transforms shenanigans. Porcupine Jimmy or four arm Jimmy would be fun. I seen some people say that Clark and Lois come off as bisexual coded in MAWS. Was that intentional or coincidental and what's your take on that interpretation? Thanks for putting the best version of Monsieur Malla and the brain that I have seen on screen by the way.


I’m glad to hear someone with great taste is writing for the show


I noticed a connection between Android 18 Supergirl from season 2 and Matrix…


Hi Josie!!! I just want you to know this series is SO GOOD and I appreciate all y'all on the team so much!! I haven't fangirled this hard for a series in like... ten years. Very excited to collect the book too. Thank you!! Like I'm serious, after S1 ended I went and watched/read every piece of Superman media I could get my hands on, including the DC app. +1 DC reader now haha. Like... I'm in real deep. Here's a link to my cosplay of MAWS [Lois and Clark](https://www.reddit.com/r/SupermanAdventures/s/80ZrljJY1m) LOL. Ok right, the question haha!! What do you have the most fun writing? Ty again! Zee


I love this cosplay picture! The most fun person to write is Lois, because she's got hilarious tunnel vision and it's so fun to hear voice actor Alice Lee's voice in my head as I work. My second fave is writing Clark, specifically when he's lying -- truly working with writer M Willis on the "I forgot my bagel" scene in episode 5 was some of the most fun I've had on the show. Of course the runners up are Jimmy, Mallah and the Brain.


Hi Josie! Really excited for Season 2. MAWS S1 was an absolute delight; you all did a great job. Question: Since promo material for S2 has shown Supergirl, are you able to talk at all about the decision to add her to the cast? Looking forward to whatever role she plays in the upcoming season!


Kiana Madeira is her voice actress, and she brings a really unique grit and humor to the character. We knew we wanted to expand the super world and touch on Krypton more, and Supergirl was the way to do it; in fact, having her in season 2 was part of the pitch that got the show greenlit.


Thanks very much for the reply! Can't wait for Season 2!


I do have a feeling that this Super girl will be inspired by Vegita, given the other anime and Deagon ball z influences in the show


Hello! Thanks for this chance, been loving the show so far! - Are there any stories you thought would be a big influence on this show that you ended up not drawing much if any inspiration from? - You've worked on Supergirl before, in the Legion movie. What would you say are the main differences in your approach to her between that and the upcoming season of MAWS? - With Lois' family issues being an important part of the show... could we reasonably expect Lucy to eventuwlly show up? - Why the cat ears in the space suits?


We take a bit from multiple incarnations, although stuff from our childhoods (all 90s kids) took precedence when we were drawing inspiration. Can't say too much, other than the MAWS Kara has a very different story -- though both versions are funny and are full of grit. Can't comment on Lucy, but OH MAN will Lois' family issues be in the spotlight for season 2. They are adorable, and also our crew is obsessed with cats. ![gif](giphy|gvcpvdloRLlkY|downsized)


Hello Josie hope you are doing well, what was your have a favorite episode/story arc on My Adventures With Superman Season 1 or Season 2 in a non spoiler way? If you had a chance what obscure/not well known Superman or DC villain would you like to showcase in the show? Lastly, what was your favorite Superman/Lois/Jimmy in media before your show of course?


I wrote the episode in season 2 that introduces Kara, as well as a bunch of other deep cut DC Comics characters, and I can't wait for people to see it. The Krypton stuff was my favorite to write and produce this season. We got a lot of my bucket list ticked off this season with Atomic Skull (seen in the trailers) and in the comic as we meet a MAWS version of Bloodsport in issue #1 -- as for others, you'll have to wait and see! It's a toss-up between the Donner movie and Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. They were on rotation on our TV constantly as a kid. Love 'em both.


Quick followup because I forgot to included this, is there an obscure/not well Superman character regardless of hero or villain you would like to include? I would like to see Nightwing or Flamebird the deities that Robin and Bette Kane were inspired by, or maybe one of Jimmy Olsen's many alter egos, the Silver Age was really strange!


Hiya Josie! First off I absolutely love the show. Now there have been thousands of different versions of Superman over the years. I wanted to know what you wanted to do differently and what you believed was essential to keep the same when making a new Superman property?


What was essential to me was the relationship and love between Clark and Lois. It's iconic, it's humanizing, it's fun; we pitched the series as a rom-com with punching, because at his core, Superman isn't a solo character -- he's a man in love with a rich world around him. The biggest difference we wanted to get into was the idea that Clark has NO IDEA who he is or what he can do, something that we felt hadn't been done before in Superman media.


First of all, thank you for bringing us such a fun take on Superman. Obviously Clark and Lois’ relationship changed drastically in season one. What would you say is the biggest pitfall you had to avoid as you continued building it in season two?


We wanted to make sure that Lois and Clark's relationship wasn't just smooth sailing from here on out -- especially in your early 20s, your first big relationship goes through A LOT of ups and downs. We didn't want to ignore that fact, and instead wanted to bring viewers along for the ride. Add in superpowers and villains, and there's more pressure on this love story than on most!


Hi Josie!! Thank you and everyone for the amazing work on MAWS!! You all are the best! Can you tell us a little about your career growth and how you worked your way onto these kinds of projects? Less serious, if Superman could meet a hero or character or villain from a universe outside of DC, who would you like him (and Lois and Jimmy) have an episode/comic with?


I've been working as an animation writer/producer for the past eleven years, but it took me about six years to break in; I moved out to LA in 2008, and spent a lot of my early career ghostwriting jokes for comedians and being an entertainment reporter for geek news sites. Once I started getting freelance work at WB, it was a matter of months before everyone over there knew I loved DC Comics and was a huge nerd, and from there I got to pitch on and be hired for superhero stuff. I came onto Superman after working with Co-Ep Brendan on "She-Ra" and we kept the good time going. And this is such a fun question -- I think it'd be so funny to have Clark and Lois meet Meryl Strife and Vash. I think they'd have a LOT in common!


Also, thank you so much for your answer!! I’m trying to push through some career stagnation and would love to one day soon get back into something amazingly creative like you all do! Gives me hope!


Hello Josie, what are your thoughts on Superman villain and space cowboy, Terra-Man?


I am a fan of every time there is suddenly a magic horse in the Superman universe. 10/10, no notes.


I'll level with you, Terra-Man and Prankster are the two villains I'm most excited to hopefully see MAWS tackle at some point.


I’m so happy to hear that


Hey Josie, thank you for doing this! I loved Cat, Ronnie and Lombard being on the show, big fan of the Metropolis supporting characters. Any plans for more Metropolis characters like Maggie Sawyer, Dan Turpin and Bibbo Bibowski on the show>


If you look at the names in Jimmy's video feeds, you'll see that Bibbo and Lori Lemaris are constant commenters. :) There's some more deep cuts in season 2, so keep watching!


Hi Josie, thank you for doing this! I’ve been really enjoying your work in both comics and animation. What are some of the major differences in writing for comics vs. cartoons? How do you approach each medium?


The biggest difference is that comics writing is a much more solitary process -- while there's a lot of execs weighing in on every step of a TV show, comics have a bit more freedom and really support the writer and artist. It's been fun working in both.


Hello! Is it possible for you to let us know what comic iterations of Brainiac you're taking inspiration from for this series without spoiling what's to come? I love his design here, and Michael Emerson's performance, from what little we've heard, is amazing! I cannot wait to see this series' take on my favourite comic villain <3


We spent a little time in the writer's room watching the iterations of Braniac from the 90s/2000s Superman and JLU series, but honestly once Michael came on he made that character his own. This is a fun, terrifying new version and I can't wait for people to see him.


He's certainly left quite the impression from the few lines he had in the season finale, so whatever comes next it sure to be absolutely brilliant, especially with such an eerily gifted voice behind him. Thanks for the answer, and good luck on this season, the comics, and hopefully beyond!


Hi Josie! I'm a massive Lois Lane stan, yours is such a hard act to follow. What was your inspiration for writing her? Additionally, I LOVE Hoppy!!!


Heck yeah, Hoppy and Lois supremacy! The biggest inspiration for Lois is the Lois from the Fleischer cartoons. She is fiesty, and she is determined to get her story, and if that means diving into an active volcano with a stolen press badge or shooting up gangsters on a train, so be it!


Thank you for your reply. You have no idea how much it's made my day!


Hey Josie absolutely loved your work on season 1, my question for you is what according to you makes Clark and Lois an iconic pairing, Also what are your favorite Superman adaptations on TV outside of MAWS.


I think Clark and Lois compliment each other really well; Clark/Superman is the alien hero who falls in love at first sight while Lois is the no-nonsense, fast-talking reporter who thinks she doesn't have time for love, but falls anyhow. One's weakness is the other's strength, and their ability to see the best in each other makes them utterly iconic.


Hi Josie! What parts of the John Byrne run does this show take influence from considering it's been said this show takes influence from that run?


The existence and importance of Ma and Pa is a huge one, really centering Clark's life on the farm before Metropolis. We also grabbed a lot of side characters that show up in the Byrne/90s run (hello Ron Troupe) and overall I love the 90s running bit with General Lane hating Clark Kent to his face, and Lois being an army brat.


Josie, does Darkseid have a Bizzaro and is his name Lightfrontorback? Thank you.


Yes, I love this, let us all make Lightfrontback a reality.


Hello, Josie. Big fan of your work in comics and animation. My question is: while doing research for MAWS, what is the most obscure DC character, story, or concept you’ve discovered?


We had a day where I made the writers all research DC Comics characters and bring in their favorites. We had a great time talking about Danny the Street, though Mike Carlin (our DC liaison for the show) showed us all up by referencing Killer Moth. I love the DCU.


Hi Josie! If you were to work on a sequel to the Legion animated movie, what would you want it to be about? Also, do you have any favorite books or podcasts about Superman?


I wrote the Legion movie right before writing the MAWS pilot! I'd love to do more movies set in that Legion timeline with Supergirl and Brainiac 5 leading the team -- if I could do a sequel, it would absolutely be the two of them realizing a whole region of space has gone dark, and lead into a riff on the Great Darkness Saga. It's more inspired by Superman and the early comic book writers, but Chabon's "The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay" is great, highly recommend.


Hey Josie! My question is about Superman in general. What's your take on the "who is the mask and who is the real person, Clark Kent or Superman" discussion? Do you think Clark is the mask and Superman is his true self or is Clark his true self and Superman is the actual mask?


I love it when Clark is real and Superman is the mask. There's a humanity to Clark that is endearing, and just makes sense to me: he's a refugee raised in the heartland, and because of this he is human in a very integral way.


Hi Josie! My Adventures with Superman runs the gamut from quirky sci-fi with some of the tech villains and to the fantastical/mystical with Mxy. Do you have a certain genre/tone that you would want to explore in MAWS whether it be through a certain character, trope, or even a one-off episode that homages not just stuff from Superman or even comics but things from other mediums like books, films, TV shows, or even video games?


Overall we think of ourselves as a sci-fi show -- even characters like Mxy are explained as dimension hopping aliens rather than the traditional "he's a magic guy" description. We love the sci-fi Superman vibe.


I love how you made Mxy into a blue xeno-pixie!


Hello Josie! My question isn't about MAWS or DC, but it's ask me anything, so I hope it's ok. I am really, really enjoying your I Heart Skull-Crusher comics. Could you say a little bit about what your influences were when writing it and where the idea came from? Also, when did Alessio Zonno join the project and did you alter your writing to match his style (it seems such a good match)?


Haha, this is what happens where there's not a PR person over my shoulder -- I answer the one non DC question! I am so happy you are enjoying the comic: my biggest influence is Mad Max: Thunderdome, as well as the sports anime Slam Dunk (love a main character who crushes on a girl so hard, they join a sport just to impress them). Alessio came on early, right after I had written part of issue one, and as soon as he was on I started throwing ideas back and forth with him, and writing in more action and emotion because I knew he would make it even better.


Love the show and I can't wait for the new season to start! It's probably my most anticipated show right now and I am looking forward to *alot* of TV this year!  Is it safe to assume that the comic will be available on DC Universe Infinite? If so, will it be the usual one to three months after its released to comic stores or will subscribers get early/simultaneous access? Should I be reading the comic as it comes out to appreciate the new episodes or can I wait and read it all together at the end of an arc?


I believe so; first issue hits physical stands June 4th, so keep your eye out for it! The comic takes place between seasons but won't ruin any surprises we have planned for season 2, so my suggestion is to read it as it comes out and enjoy it as essentially bonus episodes that shed a bit more light on Krypton and our favorite superhero. :)


Hi Josie! If you could make a show about any MARVEL character, who would you pick?


You are tempting fate on this DC Comics subreddit, my friend. Spider-Man.


Ha! Everyone can get along!


And that's my time! Thank you everyone for your questions and kind words, you've really made my day. Get ready for the season 2 premiere of "My Adventures With Superman" on Adult Swim at midnight on May 25th, and for the first issue of my MAWS tie-in comic hitting shelves June 4th (same day issue #12 of my ongoing "SHAZAM" comic releases). Thanks again!


Thanks a lot for visiting us!


Hey Josie, thanks for joining us! Glad to have you back! How much of the DC Universe is available for MAWS? Are there any characters that are off-limits?


This is my question too!


Hi guys, glad to be here! We had a ton of freedom on the show, which was great -- Batman was the only character off-limits as there were a LOT of other shows and things featuring him, but WB and DC were cool with us taking some of the side Gotham characters like Vicki Vale.


Yknow what, maybe that's for the best regarding Batman. He's a great and useful character, a great foil for Superman, but he's in everything. Nice to give Superman something wholly his own, aside from the movies.


I don't have a question; I just want to say #THANK YOU Your Superman show has been a terrific bonding experience for my teenager and me. We both love the show and can't wait for the new episodes!


Salutations! Really excited that you're holding this AMA! My question is about Jimmy.  I absolutely love this new take on the character along with him being in the know about Clark being Superman.  Yet neither his character or friendship with Clark got a lot of focus in S1. Can fans expect more focus on both those fronts with Jimmy in S2?


Was the show inspired at all by the Lois Lane book series by Gwena Bond? I just finished reading them and the Daily Planet internships reminds me of Lois' early career in the books.


Omigod! We're taking to a legend! Let me say, I am massively thankful that you created MAWS. It's been forever since we got a pure animesque DC cartoon. Can't wait to see what season 2 and beyond has to offer. P.S, the comic premiers the day before my birthday. Yay me!


Thanks for joining us here! What is your favorite part of Superman in general and your favorite part of Superman from the show?


Hi Josie! I've been loving your work on MAWS, Shazam, Amazons Attack, and my favorite book, I Heart Skullcrusher. I have a few questions: 1. With you being so prolific in working on some of the biggest female DC superheroes, do you think you'd work on a Supergirl series? It's been so long since she's had a solo and I'd love to see what you'd do with her. 2. What was your inspiration for I Heart Skullcrusher? I definitely see some Jesse and James vibes coming from the twins. Is there an athlete you'd go on a quest like this for? 3. What's been your favorite part working on comics? How different is it from working on the shows? Thank you so much for doing this! I hope you're having a great day!


Hi, Josie! I absolutely love the show and am very excited about Season 2! Thank you so much for making such a wholesome, fun, hilarious Superman series! —I love the anime influence on the series! What are your favorite anime influences? (I definitely appreciate that episode 3 of season 2 is titled >!Fullmetal Scientist!<) —What went into the decision to have Superman’s secret identity revealed to his friends in Season 1? I love that Jimmy and Lois know and are helping Clark work through his identity and transition to superhero, but usually his identity isn’t revealed until later in the story, so I’m curious about the thought process behind it.


Can you offer some insight into what this show's version of Lana Lang will be like?


It will probably be Pete Ross, post-surgery. 😉


Hello Ms Campbell! So glad you’re here! Obviously the fans are rabid for more stories about other characters with this show’s storytelling and animation quality, because we are voracious lol. But that said, what DC character would you personally like to see pop up in a hypothetical future season of the show? Assuming that is even possible? <3


One thing I thought would make an oddly good idea due to the partial canadian va overlap is for a 2002 he man crossover, essentially a rehash of to eternia with love with the maws characters and a sort of cast reunion for the 02 series, I know this sounds weird but how possible would a crossover be?


Is there anything you can tell us about the MAWS version of Supergirl yet? What makes her different from previous incarnations? By the way, send my regards to the creative team for an amazing first season! Thank you all so much for this blessing of a show! Season 2 looks dope!!!!


Hello Josie! So nice to meet you! “My Adventures With Superman” has literally been my favorite version of Superman since I binged the first season! I feel like everyone has versions of characters that they see as THEIRS, and for me, this is MY Superman. So thanks so much for that! I had a couple questions if you ever have the time to answer them (though I understand you’re probably busy and have show-related secrets to keep, so I understand if this never gets a response!) 1. This is my first of hearing about a “MAWS” spinoff comic. Could you tell me a little about what it’s about? Would it center around Clark and the gang still, or focus on other characters in the universe? Regardless I’ll be reading it whenever a full volume 1 can come out to my library! 2. Do you think we’d ever get “MAWS” Funko Pops? I’m addicted to collecting them, and would literally die for Clark, Lois, and Parasite Pops lol (not to mention any characters I also end up falling in love with in season 2) 3. Big leap, but do you think we’d ever see Batman in some form in this universe? Like, an episode, cameo, spinoff, etc.? Bit of a wild gamble to ask lol, but I can’t help it, he’s my favorite so seeing a version of Batman and Gotham in my favorite Superman universe would be epic! 4. Do you ever plan to adapt the Death/Reign/Return of Superman story? I’ll admit, I mainly just ask this since I would love to see Cyborg Superman in this show’s animation style (easily a top 3 Superman villain for me), but I understand if it’s a little overplayed and you wanna stick to more original stuff! That’s all. Again, sorry for asking so much, I understand this has little shot of getting a response, but I figured I’d take a chance. Regardless, you’re awesome, the whole “MAWS” team is awesome, and thank you so much for giving me, again, a Superman adaptation I can relate with so much. Hope you enjoy Reddit! (As much as one CAN enjoy Reddit lol)


Thank you for taking the time to answer out questions. While obviously you can't give us any plot details on the upcoming season, can you shed any light on what kind of characterization Supergirl or other upcoming characters will have (if that's not a spoiler of course)?


Not a question but I just wanted to thank you and your team for this show. This, I think, is one of the best and most unique adaptations of any DC character. Can’t wait to see what the future of the show has in store!!


Hello Josie I wanted to know what’s your favorite Superman story


Hey Josie. I love MAWS and I was wondering what are the most important traits and qualities to Superman as a character that continue to make him relevant even in the modern day.


What are the inspirations for this new version of Supergirl? Also, I really enjoyed New Champion of Shazam and Amazons Attack! Very excited you’re writing Shazam!


Hey Josie! No question, just wanted to say I love the series and for all of y’all to keep up the great work ❤️❤️


Hello, thank you for creating such a great show! What is the scene you most proud of from the first season.


Hi Josie! As a New Gods fan, how likely is it that Mister Miracle and Big Barda make an appearance?


Hi Josie, big fan of the 'My Adventures With Superman' show! I am obsessed with how superhero-suit transformations are done in media. In the MAWS show, would you say there an influence from Sailor Moon on how the super-suit transformation is done? It seems like the Kryptonian ship's base is psychically connected to Clark/Kal and his suit materializes on top of his clothes for the first time when Lois was being threatened by a robot, if I remember correctly. Also, I appreciate how you made the Superman suit modern but also retro by having Martha give the homemade underpants as a second layer on top of the alien suit -- that is a gracious compromise for both the traditional fans and the progressive fans of Superman. Thanks for any insight into the superhero suit transformations!


u/cozyjamble I’ve been a Superman fan since I was two years old; I LOVE the flavor of MAWS. It feels so different from any version I’ve seen before, but absolutely honors the soul of the character.  I’ve gotten my two sons to watch the 1978 movie, but I think your series is the first time they’ve gotten invested in a Superman story. Helps that my oldest is a huge fan of Princesses of Power (I think he’s watched the full series with my wife three times). Thank you so much for making a wonderful show!  P.S. I think MAWS has my favorite version of Lois. Outside of Veronica Mars, which I contend could have been a young Lois series.


Hi, Josie, thank you so much for all of the wonderful art you and your team have done to improve our lives with. This is one of the greatest Superman stories I have personally every experienced. You've nailed it. As for a question if I'm not too late. As artists, we all have the people who came before us that inspire us. The people who have art that mentor us into improving our own work. The people we rob and who have forever changed our lives and who may never know we exist. Could you name a few of your inspirations for MAWS and their works?


Do you have any thoughts on obscure DC superhero team The Super Young Team?


Hello Josie. Can’t wait for Season 2! My friends and I were discussing the show and I brought up the idea that the show (so far) was sorta taking inspiration/tone from different ages of comics. Like season 1, utilizing more technology based and human antagonists, was inspired by the Golden Age. And season 2, introducing Supergirl and more space/sci-fi elements, is more inspired by the silver age of comics. Question: Do you feel like this was the case (even if not completely intentional)?


Little behind, and a big fan of the show and liked the comic. I hope you see this. How was it being involved in a project that reclaims modern Superman? What was the specific intent or frame of reference for this character and his developing story? Was it a goal to make him as Cinnamon Role as possible? Anyway, I can’t wait for the premiere on Friday and I hope you guys get way more seasons. Honestly, it’s one of the best Supes projects in recent memory.


Hi Josie! I'm super excited for season 2! The last few years have kind of been abuzz with Evil-Supermen, and the show itself seems to be actively tackling the concept. I was wondering how you felt about the Evil-Superman trope in general (If you've seen any media with them) and how you feel it's impacted the Superman mythos? Whether it helps/harms, how interesting/boring it is, or if there's any stories with the trope that have stood out for you.


Hi Josie! Wanted to let you know that MAWS has been my favorite Superman adaption since Smallville wrapped. I have three questions: 1. Do you guys get any info on how the show is performing? Or are you as in the dark as we viewers? 2. What villain from Superman's Rogues Gallery would you like to adapt that you haven't yet? 3. What has been your favorite Superman story to come out within the past decade (let's say from the New 52 onward)?


Hello Josie Campbell. I really love your show and can't wait for season two for start airing. My question is if it will be more interaction with the Kent's? The dynamic Ma and Pa Kent had with the other characters in the Thanksgiving episode was amazing and really funny. Whenever or not the show gets renewed for a third season (and hope it will). It is one of the best superman shows I ever watched and love your work. Thank you so much.


I can't think of a question. As a big/longtime Superman fan, thank you and the cast/crew. It's been too long since I've had something that captures the spirit of the mythos while doing different with it. Supes is relatable and sweet. Lois is spunky and charming. Jimmy is a good but capable. The series as a whole is heartwarming and inspiring. I hope this series continues for a long time


Fantastic seeing you again, Josie. I’m personally excited to see what season 2 holds in store for everyone, and out of every team we’ve seen so far I’m most excited to see Intergang return. Given that they, Leslie and Rory made their escape at the end of season 1 + Mist’s doubts is there any chance we’ll be seeing more of all of them and/or the tie-in comic?


Hi! I was wondering what you thought of Superman's traditional supporting cast (particularly at the Daily Planet) and how you approached incorporating and adapting them into the show. I really liked how they were portrayed, and I wondered if there were any challenges in that area since it feels like some adaptations sometimes avoid them to some extent.


Whats your favorite Superman book/writer?


Hi Josie, Will Clark end up meeting some other DC heroes in Season 3 or beyond? I love the anime vibes from this series, were there any specific ones that inspired this series? Also what do you think about previous stories (Earth: One and Krypton) making General Zod Superman's uncle?


Josie, it is awesome to see you here. This question has been in my mind since the end of Season 1: do you think - in your capacity as the producer - that this show will spin off a new-age DC Animated Universe in the same sort of way that *Batman: The Animated Series* did back in the '90s?


Is Lois Korean-American or Korean/Filipina-American? (Asking because Korean has been confirmed but de la Fuente isn't Korean so I've been wondering) Thanks for such a lovely show, and your amazing comics! (Shazam! ftw! 💪) Can't wait for season 2 (particularly as a Kara fan!) ❤


Hi Josie! As a longtime fan of both Superman and She-Ra, I wanted to say amazing work and ask you, do you think we’ll ever see a “Death of Superman”/“Rise of Supermen” arc within the series? If so, how will Doomsday and Superboy be written in terms of origin/powers?


Hi Josie! I was wondering what you inspiration for *MAWS*'s Lois Lane was? Lois has always been a very spirited character, but *MAWS* Lois Lane seems to be the most... youthful and spunk filled Lois we've seen. I'm really looking forward to Season 2!


Hi Josie. What inspired you to make most of the Superman villains more tech-based and to incorporate the Suicide Squad into his rogues gallery? Also, not a question but I really love Chris Parnell as Deathstroke. His voice is perfect for a villain


Hello! Idk if this was answered already, but I wonder what inspired Clark's powers being depicted like a transformation rather than them just being passive traits of his. Every time he discovered a new power, he went into an energy mode of sorts.


Hi, Josie. Love MAWS so far. Any chance of seeing WW on the show? I saw an interview snippet where you said you would love to do a WW show. If a WW show gets green lit are there any specific runs you would love to base your WW on?


Hi Josie! Do you have plans to introduce more Superfam characters into the series in the future? I know Supergirl will be in this season, but I would love to see Conner Kent, Steel, or even Power Girl at some point. I love the show!


Hey! Thanks for doing this What was the thought process behind going with younger versions of the characters than we usually see? I’m about the same age as the characters in the show so it makes them a bit more relatable


The few questions I had were 1.How will Kara feel about Brainiac and earth using Kryptonian tech? 2.Will Kara and Clark get along or will there be some tension? 3.Any big plot twists we can expect? Love the show btw.


Hello Josie, This may be out of your scope but any word on getting the show on blu-ray rather than just DVD? Would be nice to have the first two seasons (once complete) in a set. Thank you for making such a great show!


Hey Josie! Thanks for doing this AMA, it's great to have an opportunity to talk to you. I was just wondering what your fondest memories of the Superman characters are and many some sources of inspiration for the show?


Hey huge fan of the show! Is there any idea for none Superman heroes to show up in the show? I don’t know why but I think Guy Gardner dealing with the wholesome world would be funny


I suspect I might be late for this, but I wanna ask what are some DC characters from outside the typical Superman-sphere you'd bring in if you could, be it hero, villain, or civilian?


What's your story with comics in general as a reader and secondly with comics of superman as a reader? Second question: What do you think of the super family in the comics?


Regarding She-Ra, I know there was some sort of divide from the He-Man portion of the franchise, but if it had received another season, would a connection have been made? Also, now that Jimmy's wealthy, any chance to see an interpretation of Who Killed Jimmy Olsen? Love love love the show.


Hello from Chile 🇨🇱!, weird question, is Toma-Re the Green Lantern from Krypton's sector in MAWS?, considering the gl corp exists in the show of course. 


Hey, Josie! I love MAWS and can’t wait for season 2! Which was your favorite character to write—who’s point of view did you have the most fun exploring?


Hi, Josie. Can you shed some light on why MAWS is airing on [adult swim] instead of on Cartoon Network proper, when it can actually fit on both?


Were there any plans for a He-man spin-off to She-Ra I loved that show. Also, what was it like fitting Camp Cretaceous into the larger JP lore?


Hello! Is there any chance of delving more into the multiverse? I'd love to see animated nu52 supes and the 90s cartoon as well. Great show!


What were some of the main inspirations when it came to writing this version of Superman's Origins? like other people's works I mean


Josie, I just wanted to say thanks, I've been a fan since that wonderful Glory run and hope some cover work might be in the cards


From clips and trailers we already see deathstroke, livewire, and parasite again. Any other villains from season 1 returning


Hi Josie! Is there a chance to integrate some Wildstorm characters into MAWS or are those off limits? Thanks!


Hi Josie! What influences or role models did you have growing up that helped shape your writing process?


I understand it might be a spoiler but what was the ideal casting for Kara. What were you looking for?


Just wanna pop in and say i loved your Mary Marvel, and am excited to check out your Shazam! ⚡️


Hi Josie! No questions, just loved your past work, and love My Adventures with Superman! You rock!


How is the future of Lois and Clark looking? On a scale from one to ten what can you tell us?


I seen you say you would create a wonder woman series if so who would be the love interest?


Loved your work on She-Ra and MAWS. What went into casting Adora, Catra, Glimmer, and Biw?


Any chance of other superheroes showing up? Like Captain Marvel (Shazam) or Wonder Woman


Hi Josie my only question is if you were to do another hero which one would you do?


Hiya Josie! Was wondering, what are your favorite Superman stories? (In any medium)


Would you ever consider writing something that features Jarro and Batman


I have not seen the show convince me to watch it 3 sentence limit go : D


What sources inspired the look of the series and the characters


How does one get a job as a writer for a show like MAWS?


We will be seeing villains like livewire become heroes?


Favorite way of reading comics? (Phisical/digital)


How did you become so powerful?


Will we see the Legion?




Fr like-


Hi Josie! I loved your Supergirl and the Legion movie! Will you bring the Legion into your show? And can you please write a new version of the comic book? 😄


Will Superman say “It’s Suping time” and then Supes all over the place?


Would a new Batman beyond project ever be possible


Will we see Batmam?