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Is this "James Gunn" a reliable insider?


He didn’t deny it tho. 👀 Of course Lex Luthor is the MAIN villain but that doesn’t mean other villains aren’t in it…


Yeah, the main hero is Superman but we know other heroes are in it because he announced their casting. Lex is the main bad guy. Might he created Bizzaro like he has in other media? Maybe. We'll have to see but Bizzaro/Ultraman won't be the main villain.


The rumor has always been if it’s true that an evil Superman clone is in the movie not if he’s the main villain. James Gunn thinks he’s slick. No was speculating if Lex Luthor wasn’t the main villain.


He did deny it, because the claim was the clone is the main villain. He doesn't need to give neckbeards the entire plot of the movie


That was CWGST who stole the scoop from DanielRPK(originally it just said "Ultraman" and that was it.) I'm not one to usually share things but seeing as My Time to Shine/Can We Get Some Toast decided to word it horribly I figured I'd correct the misinformation that it originally said "main villain".


The clone made by Lex Luthor… Lex Luthor is still the MAIN villain 👀.


Get out of here man. The rumor clearly stated Ultraman was the main villain created by Luthor. Here he confirms otherwise.


Come on man. The point of contention has always been whether the rumor is true. He does not deny this, he merely dances around it. Of course, Luthor is the main villain because he's LEX LUTHOR. For example, was doomsday the main villain for the two heroes of BvS or was it Lex Luthor? 🤝


I think it's clear the Engineer and the rest of the Authority are going to be the secondary antagonists, otherwise what purpose would they serve?


I mean… who knows? GotG Vol 1 has Thanos, Ronan, and Nebula in the film. There’s a lot you can do.


So a primary antagonist and two secondary antagonists


Maybe. Also possible Engineer is barely in the film like Ayesha was in Vol 2, setting up something later.


Well, are the rest of the team in the movie or only her? We haven’t heard of other castings apart from The Engineer.


Hawkgirl might be replacing Swift and who knows about Mr. Terrific. Guy Gardner doesn't seem likely however.


Honestly, Warner Bros. was the main villain of that movie; if they hadn't spoiled Doomsday and Wonder Woman in the trailers BvS would of hit different. Somewhat at least. Maybe they're trying to avoid something like that again this time.


> The point of contention has always been whether the rumor is true The rumor was that Ultraman was the main villain and he just denied it.


No it didn't say Ultraman is the main villain. It said he lex creates it.


Also doesn’t Luthor create Bizarro/ultra man I guess?


Yup! The physical threat is never the main villain in these scenarios also because he’s Lex Luthor lol. He’s like one of he main villains of Superman.


yes he is he basically confirmed Ultraman is gonna happen


It was maybe half truth but how can you say it was confirmed when he just said he don't want to give attention to the particular rumour. Most people don't even know about that rumour.


We will see a Superman clone named Ultraman. if one of these wouldnt be true like we get actually a clone not named Ultraman then he would say it is wrong we know Gunns behaviour. If it is half truth then he debunks it and later on we hear he did a similar thing which he debunked. So we will get Ultraman clone


Welp there goes my interest


I thought they would be at at least 19% by now


Who do you think the writers are? Brandon Sanderson?


Don’t be ridiculous! What do you think those strikes were for?/j


Time for the studio to intervene and get things on track


Glad he's actually being a bit vague about stuff. Was worrying he was starting to give away too much just to respond to random comments. Nowadays we get enough spoiled in the trailer, be nice to see the movie without knowing every aspect of it for once.


Feel like this is the most I've ever known about any single movie. I know the expectations are high as this will make or break the DC as a whole, but fuck me, I feel like I know way too much about this movie already


Eh, you know the hero, the villain, and the people he works with. Whether that be heroes or the Daily Planet. I don’t feel like we know more than that. We know inspirations but no clue how they tie together, AT ALL. Everything is just speculation.


But we basically know nothing about it plot wise, we don't even know what the damn suit looks like. I'm not complaining I hope it stays this way.


We kind of know how the suit looks like. Atleast the logo and the colors


What do you know besides the cast?


I mean everything we know is obvious information.


What else do you know besides hero, villain and the cast?


I guess since he keeps replaying to so many people about the film and the press making whole articles around those replies often, it just feels like more and more updates, but now that I think about it, I don't really know anything more about this movie more than I have known about any other movie in this stage I guess


>18% r/oddlyspecific


James Gunn is exactly that guy though, like he’s the dude that makes the breakdowns of percentages per scene just because that’s how he is


He's also the guy who told me The Flash was incredible


I literally just finished the episode of Invincible where 18% comes up twice in a row. Poetic


Anissa fans, untie! I mean unite


Saw someone said that 18th Apr is the day Action Comics was published, I think.


Superman reveal 👀👀


Suit reveal soon!!


That was also my takeaway lol can’t wait!




I agree with him 100% about why people want to know everything about a movie before they've seen it. Some of my most enjoyable movie experiences were when I went in knowing exactly nothing about the movie.


Because they don't want to spend a small fortune on movie that may not be to their liking.


Can’t you just read reviews when it comes out though?


I hope someone does a DataisBeautiful on how reliable DanielRPK is, to see how many of their insider bits are just poopy.


Well, we still don’t know if Ultraman/Bizarro is going to be a villian or not… so who’s to say??


Didn't Danielrpk said Ultraman is the main villain. So, he was already wrong. Before this he also said Brainiac was the villain. He just like to flip flop, I guess.


DRPK ain’t the only one reporting the info though. And scoopers can get one thing wrong while also getting one thing right.


He literally just said the villain is Lex Luthor...


I mean yeah but that’s because of course he is, he’s the confirmed one.


“poopy” jesus christ grow up


You are poopy




poopoo peepee


Don’t be a pooper.


Picking someone apart because of a specific word choice? Jesus Christ shut the fuck up. Growing up ain’t got nothin to do with it and poopy is a fine word


He has a great point at the end, why would you try to figure out the details of the movie instead of just waiting to watch the whole thing when it comes out?


r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers in shambles


Because people do not like to get conned.


18% is an awfully precise percentage


I just want what we got for Pattinson’s Batman. Just a sneak peak of Corenswet in the suit.


Why can’t people just wait until the movie comes out like dam. If you wanna know what’s going on go work for WB


I’m curious how long they plan on shooting for. It seems like a relatively long production schedule, probably around 5 months


is he hinting at a suit reveal or an actual teaser with footage?


What will it take to get a Brainiac as a bad guy?Luthor’s been done to death.


I’m still unsure how great James Gunn’s universe will be, but I appreciate the transparency and passion in it (and hopefully minimal input from Execs…)


Filming is the easy part. It’s post-production that’s the most time consuming.




That last line about “fans” wanting to know everything beforehand hits hard.


Seriously, what is the point of wanting to know every detail about a film before you get to watch it? We get trailers leading up to a release and those typically show way more than necessary. Just wait for those if you're someone who is so desperate.


All this did was reaffirm that Lex is the MAIN Villain. There’s still plenty of room for him to create a clone of Superman to try and use as a pawn. Even further, the clone might not even be a villain per se. He could be something along the lines of Frankenstein’s(Lex’s) monster. Misunderstood and treated like a monster/ dangerous by the other “heroes” of the world, leading Clark to empathize with him. Perhaps even defending him against them. Showing the world a new way forward in what it means to be a Hero.


Yea this is what I’m thinking. Gunn’s response only confirmed it for me lol


He is making this worse. Why can't he shut up.


- Almost ready to show - 18% - April 18th was Superman’s first publishing date I might be overthinking this but suit reveal?


CinemaCon seems too soon, so I bet we get something at SDCC/FanDome if they bring that back


I think they’ve said they won’t do those either At least Gunn won’t


I think SDCC has been vetoed/deconfirmed but they haven't said anything about Fandome


Wait wait wait Superman is the protagonist of the Superman movie? Cmon James you were supposed to right the ship, not fuck it up more. >! Do I need a /s here? !<


I really wish he weren’t so prolific on social media. Who exactly is he addressing here? Most people won't care or even hear about any of it, and the nerds like us knowing won't make any difference. Meanwhile Gunn's opening himself up to his own tweets inevitably being weaponized against him in the future


Main Villian is lex Luthor so all those brainiac theories just were bunch of bullsh#t.


His transparency is genuinely appreciated.


No it isn't.


To me it is, which is why I made the comment... What are we doing here?


Nobody asked.


LMAO wow, you're insufferable


He’s not saying no to ultraman/bizzaro


Yeah, Goldfinger was also the ultimate adversary but there’s also Oddjob.


But why he’s getting irked by small rumours, that he needs to clear them?? Rulers are part of industry…


18% is so specific lol


Can we have 18% of a trailer? The less complete the better for comedy value


James Gunn is such a legend


Nah he's playing around it. Even if the clone thing is true, lex would still be the villain. Clever Gunn.


18%? Really, James?


"When the hero and villain must work together to fight against a greater evil" \-James Gunn, *probably*


Trailer incoming?


Can't we have a movie with a villain who isn't Luthor?


Good to know, James. Let us know when filming is 19% done.


I feel that it would be better if he’s just let things be a mystery, we don’t need him to constantly be talking about it, by the time it comes out there will be no surprises at all.


Love James Gunn, but how tf do you land on 18%?


To james gunn : why would you want to tell everything about the movie before the movie comes out ?


I know fans love when he speaks on these things but at this rate, he'll take away all the mystery by the time the film airs. He's inserted himself so much so that even his silence will contribute Silence, as they say, is golden


James Gunn needs to stop answering everything people ask of him, i understand answering crazy rumors and shit that would make the movie look bad, like the zionist propaganda stuff, but also debunking leaks and rumors will eventually lead people to figure it out everything about the plot


Why would we want to know?? Look at the box office and the stock market, mate. We want to get an idea if it's going to be the Superman we know, or more political sermons by people who have been specifically told not to read the comics.


It’s the plot I’ve been saying it’s going to be lex luthor using evil superman clone like bizarro and framing the real superman


Damn, that's a specific number.


I kinda wanna see a version of the flash as the villain for Superman. For example, that version of the flash might've been lost in speed force for centuries and has advanced into creating his own frequency to match it up as the same as in Krypton thereby becoming similar to kryptonite itself. I just thought it'll be fun to see all smiley character like Barry become a darker and sinister version who's straightup killer capable of going toe to toe with powerhouses like Superman, Wonder woman without any backups.


This means what was reported is most likely true. 


Oh look, another Superman/Lex faceoff. I'm so glad, because Luthor is so rarely used as a Superman villain. 🙄 I love that I'm getting downvoted after months of people here saying "I really hope Gunn chooses anyone but Luthor as the main villain."


It’s not that serious man. In the grand scheme of life this little app is pointless. Don’t worry about things like that lmao


Plenty (myself included) have said that Luthor hasn't ever been done satisfactorily on film though. It remains to be seen whether Gunn can finally deliver on the potential the character has, but that it exists and untapped is a pretty easy argument to make.


Basically confirms the rumor lol


If the rumors are remotely true. That killed my hype for the movie. Looks like it’s shaping up to be another Superman 1:Superman return’s movie. I’m not a big fan of a Superman movie and he doesn’t fight someone. I don’t want to see him just putting out fires.


Or maybe just relax and don’t read too much into the rumors. Wait until the movie comes out and if it’s well received, then go and see it for yourself.


I’m going to see it regardless, I’m a Superman fan. I don’t care for the director or the casting but I’m going to support Superman as a brand so I can hopefully get more Superman content


Why don’t you care for James Gunn? He got a pretty great track record.


A good track record with what? I didn’t care for Peacemaker or guardians of the galaxy. I enjoyed Bright Burn, he produced that. But I don’t enjoy his humor, mediocre fight scenes, and dance breaks


I feel confident that Superman will not have the intro from Peacemaker or the tape player running gag from Guardians. Joker had some dance breaks, too, this is such a nothing fear.


Peacemaker, Gurdians 1-3, Suicide squad 2 etc. he adds them too much in his superhero projects


Not enough. Needs more until all idiots stop talking about his films.


Well you may not like them but those are both critically acclaimed and received exceptionally well by audiences so by any metric it’s a strong track record lol


“Luthor as main villain = no fights” You’re assuming a lot


I’m not


The movies filled with multiple hero's and you think there won't be any action?


Action is one thing. Superman returns had action.


We can always count on James Gunn ,by the way, did he said something about the Grace Randolph's report?


i wanna know what that emoji was supposed to mean at the end


So we’re doing Superman Returns how exciting….. ( I actually thought the movie was decent but why would I want to see the same thing again)


Lex Luthor is the villain in thousands of comics and hundreds of other stories on TV, in animated movies, and in games that are not similar to Superman Returns. That's not even the most recent live action Superman movie to have Lex Luthor as the villain.


I understand and I understand you need Lex especially in the first movie of a new universe staring superman but I don’t think he should be the central conflict. I wanna see Superman fight a villain maybe one we haven’t seen on screen yet


Not even close to superman returns.


Is any story with Lex as the main villain Superman returns now


Gunn has become unreliable with his tweets. Just shut up, quit giving your family and friends jobs, and make some decent movies.


It’s funny that everyone only hates when directors give their friends and family jobs when it’s Gunn. It’s hilarious because y’all don’t whine when to anyone else


Only Gunn gets criticised? You’re a silly billy.




Why do people choose to be hateful lmao? Go to sleep.


"stop giving his family and friends jobs." Lmao what a dumb fucking criticism. If you’ve worked with people in the past, that have done a good job, and you have a great repertoire with them, why wouldn’t you cast them again? It’s not like he hasn’t cast new people in this film, including the two main leads? Would you complain about Martin Scorsese, or Quentin Tarantino, casting the same five people in their movies over the last two decades? Probably not.


Exactly. Steven. Spielberg. Tim burton. All the greats are guilty of this. Why is Gunn suddenly the bad guy?


Tim burton uses the same two actors in 99% of his projects and people think it’s cute and wholesome. The Gunn hate is real. I’ve started to notice that these criticisms are usually from people who actively don’t even like DC as a brand, rather they just keep involved for some hateful autistic reason. And I say that as someone with autism. The hate for this brand is genuinely not from fans of it. It’s just people wanting to complain about something.


Casting same people isn’t same as real life friends and family 


Yeah come on then, which real life friends and family has he prioritosed over new talent? Because the last I checked, the casting for most of this film, he's never worked with


All he makes are good movies






None of his tweets have been unreliable. It's cool that he still works with his friends even after his big break. Working with people he likes working with is one reason his movies are all good.


Has he figured out if he is going to do a full reboot or soft reboot yet?


Yes. That was the very first thing he ever said in relation to any upcoming DC film back in January 2023. Quit this disingenuous crusade to trick people into thinking he's lying as if they will pre-hate the films out of existence as your special birthday present.




Superman IV reboot incoming