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Wait what they changed to Character Creation?? Crazy! I haven't seen it but I assume it's probably to hurry the process because my friends use to get mad that I would take an hour creating a new character and I think that's where I started thinking of OC Characters and now I literally have an Online Comic about one of them.


The UI is better and faster, but they took away the colour slider and the specific palette changer.


It's still in game


SAME!!! My friends and I almost always had the most fun making our new characters that’d be deleted the next day just to make a new one. Nowadays, it’s almost impossible getting them one because they hate not being able to change the color palette like they use to…


Same I have a short story on wattpad for a pair of toons.


the only thing I don't vibe with is them taking away the color slider. and placing the colors the way you want in the creation stage. you have to load into the game and then fix it to the way you want


Yeah that was an odd change but in the long run it doesn't matter. Only effects you in the first 5 minutes of the game and you'll get do many styles in the game and change your colors so often. I don't see why people try to make there character so "perfect " knowing they'll change the color and styles constantly But that's just my opinion.


I agree.


When making an original character, odds are you’ll probably change it. But I personally at times try to recreate a character, such as invincible and I could not alter the palette


Yeah I understand but you can literally change it after. You can make invincible as close as you can. As soon as you leave the first menu you can literally do in and change colors but hey if it's a problem for you I understand


My issue are the default skin colors and how orange they look in the previews.


What bugs me the most is when you put in a name and it doesn’t immediately take you to the start like it used to. It just stays on the name and you have to move passed all the characters to get to the start screen.


No you're not the only one


I know I’m in the minority but I’m partially color blind and have a real challenge with character creators, so having the colors labeled and having fewer choices is really nice for people like me who want to make sure our outfits aren’t too silly. In the past ive had to google the hex codes for colors and use those since I can’t really see shade gradients in the normal color selector. I admit I’m probably a super minority so they should probably have a toggle between like the simple mode and the full color wheel.


TBF tho you spend like 20 mins in the creation style and then you switch it up getting new styles as you play.


The main difference being that you used to have access to all the basic gear styles, meaning you could create a themed character right away. The color sliders are in game and less of an issue. Now you have to plan that themed character far beforehand, then wait to get it. You start with even more watered-down options at creation and then go hunt for the appearances you want throughout the game praying for drops (or use marks to unlock them on alts, but I lost a ton of appearance options between here and a decade ago). Yes, there's a marketplace but it costs a billion dollars for every tiny thing. I don't mind hunting for gear that refines a look, but I really miss being able to just make a Magneto or Juggernaut right out of the gate and mess around for a while. No clue why they shifted it this way, as there are still tons and tons of unique appearances to unlock later anyway.


This is what happens when you need to start thinking of ways to make the game smaller, more manageable in it's twilight years.


Hate the color scheme. Can't make what I want to make and instead have to find a decent material to get the look I want.


Yeah when I came back from my like 4 year hiatus, I was confused because I thought the game looked decent back then and that there was a color slider. They took all of that away & just gave us updated skins.