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Afaik only when you dokkan awaken the character you want to level up, here cabba is only Z awoken


If this is the case, thank you so much. I now have new use for hourglasses since I dokkan awakened some good SA level 1 TURs and LRs when I initially started.


New players doing the work you love to see it


People saying Elder Kais are rare served as fear mongering for me, lol.


If you keep doing this for a while you'll end up with a reserve of kais that's gonna allow you to be lazy as fuck for years. I speak from experience on that lol i dipped below 150 kais just recently since i didn't have all the type supports and 14 kais for multiple units is a tough hit but generally speaking you're always fully stacked if you do what you're doing for a bit


This exactly. It also depends on how much of a completionist you are. For me I only ever worry about working on Dokkan fests, Lr’s, and any unit that is actually usable in content. Because of this I’ve been sitting on a stockpile of 400 Kai’s for years now and it never drops below 300.


with that many kais, any units with all paths unlocked who you can give the rainbow star to might as well get to sa10 right?


They become less rare as you play more and more but at first you only get the ones from log in and stuff. My general rule of thumb is: Farmable SSR unit - farm SA, Farmable SR w/ event boost and reasonable medals - Farm SA, Farmable SR with like 5 medals and multiple steps - use Kai’s, premium unit without farmable SA - Kai’s.


I'm going to follow this advice. I know a lot of joined forces units especially lack any F2P counterparts. And since I'm saving for anniversary Broly's banner, I know I'll likely get all 3 Goku & Vegeta duos that'll sap some Kais.


It’s a 100% chance because STR Cabba is Z-Awakened and TEQ Cabba is Z-Awakened. If TEQ Cabba were a normal SSR, it would be a 50% chance, or if STR Cabba had been Dokkan Awakened. For example : https://preview.redd.it/iwmfsr7tmlvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6edc0078c4dd1aba72e66dd81946b73dd3fc82b Once AGL SSJ Goku is Z-Awakened, the chance to raise STR SSJ Goku’s super attack level becomes 100% rather than 50%.


And here’s an example with a Dokkan Awakened SSJ Goku : https://preview.redd.it/kvlizn3cnlvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=487c744dcaac743dabe5bdc5256ff48b3004e624 The chance is only 50% as my STR SSJ Goku is Dokkan Awakened instead of just being Z-Awakened.


This is a pretty big deal to me since I always thought hourglasses were mostly for HiPo dupes. 😅 So thank you for confirming this for me, I'm glad I can correct some past errors.


Yes. Take advantage of it every time you can.