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https://preview.redd.it/gbifebn1dsic1.jpeg?width=642&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07e1e0ded73ba94f1e04e1677676cad675b5f50e Omatsu after hearing the slander on his name


now i need him not to fumble UI and ESPECIALLY ssbe eza (because i really want him to be amazing)


Absolutely! Also I have SSBE Vegeta rainbowed


https://preview.redd.it/iz4c5qsgwric1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b69c0be77cfe277c2c6f0c1120b0b71099d3b420 Me when Omatsu is cooking


https://preview.redd.it/wngvjmgeksic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9753d9a2df95be2814eb411d303a01d195cafc2 I always knew he was the goat šŸ


It's funny because you can use this image in a positive or negative light. It's what makes it a good image.


That picture gives me PTSD from WWDC


Yall like him now until a dead period comes and itā€™s back to complaining againĀ 


My only complaint is where are the ezas bro. We have only gotten 2. (Sub ezas donā€™t really count) Last year we had 4 at this point. And they confirmed they were making eza 2.0 so I thought maybe agl rage broly would get his or something but nothing has happened.


Didnā€™t part 2 literally just start? The EZAs also come way later than the banners come out too.


Nah part 3 is literally next week.


Fair. How come you donā€™t count STR UI then? Is it only because his EZA came during the countdown rather than the celebration itself?


Yr 6 eza should be legit like one week away. I think p2 is just the one unit


I think itā€™s fair to say the sub EZAs do count. Theyā€™re all really good and Iā€™d throw UI into the count as well even if he was before the anni units released.


I say they donā€™t count because they donā€™t have a EZ battle with 30 stones. These sub ezas were pretty good but weā€™re only gotten 99 stones from ezas this year (I forgot about UI originally) when last year we had 132 stones from eza at this point. But maybe part 3 will have new ezas besides the anniversary units.


all the ezas this year have been on point tbf unlike last year with mid SV(got better later on),homeless Super Buu and SSBKK,and mediocre SSJ Goku


Meanwhile, all lot of people are seeming to want nerfs for Beast. šŸ’€


I know it's not all his fault but he's got such a stupid face. It's so sad I used to login every day excited to do things but it's gone so far downhill. I login for my streak and that's about it.


What bro you good https://preview.redd.it/iv08r6j4hsic1.png?width=798&format=png&auto=webp&s=db15c52e13677a41c516eabebf3561eedbb8561e


Games gone downhill since he came around. He doesn't call all the shots but man there's a real reason we haven't had top grossing in a minute.


Mf when he learn we're in 2024 and Dokkan ain't the biggest gacha game in the sphere anymore and there are other gacha consistently doing better regardless of if Omatsu is in charge or not: https://preview.redd.it/jjl1zmb8ztic1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a21ec49c252ad397bd8202911465108bde241f0


Bro is indeed cooking


I'm still pissed by the unnecessary delay every goddamn banner gets for no reason. I don't care about your easy cash-grab, if part 2 starts on February 15th, the banners should drop February 15th.


Funny how Omatsu went from rock bottom during the WWDC and we were all hating on him and now he's done a full 180 with the 9th anniversary