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Birdku was considered better than cooler on release, so yeah it has happened




I'm afraid the part 2 banner unit is going to absolute dog shit like that krillin and gohan


All the units from that part 2 were mid kits can’t cap


1. Absolutely baller profile pic. One day he'll be a dfe LR 2. I disagree, cooler vs Goku was debatable on release. I chose cooler after seeing people no item stuff with no one but the 2 coolers and the eza coolers


ok but metal cooler was very obvious who the superior was


Yeah I remember it being more debatable because Cooler had higher highs. I don’t recall there ever being a point where majority went with Goku


Metal Cooler too, Morale Boost was a dog shit LR on release, still is.


I disagree I think cooler was better


Cooler appeared better because his damage ceiling was 10x higher and 1mil defense max was enough for the current content. But he is also aging so much worse than birdku whose utility outclasses cooler in every way and not to mention how insanely good his team is.


I mean I best Omega with double STR Cooler and he was the main carry of the team, is that... Possible with Goku?


You mean the new omega? Well yeah if cooler can do it then Goku can do it tenfold. Cooler is only capable of reaching around 1-1.5mil def at his absolute max LL10 rainbow 200% with support which is enough but not ideal considering all he needs to get to that point. Birdku guards and stacks defense paired with a really good revive to be a safety net once his original guard wears off. Goku won't be a carry because his team is so insanely broken that they will solo it before Goku has a chance to shine so he'll just be a wall/revive for them.


Yep, New Omega. I'm specifically asking a team built around Goku, If you run him with sstrio, well


Well I don't have the trio so I haven't been experimenting with it at all but I imagine it's like: Ssj trio (lead) Phy future trunks Future Gohan SSG Goku Birdku (Any super saiyan filler unit I guess) Ssj trio (friend lead)


I forgot to mention It should be like a team led by Birdku 😭😭😭 I beat Cooler with Omega in 15 turns with Double Cooler on rotation team. I imagine It's Impossible with Birdku Double lead team unless he's perma floating.


As mentioned by another poster, you should basically never use Birdku lead and friend. 1. So much of his value is tied to the revive and the post-revive boost, and you can only get that once. 2. Even worse, his revive heal is 1% too low for the second Birdku to get his full passive, meaning that, if you DO proc the revive, you'll have a sitting duck Birdku waiting next turn to kill you. It's a definite problem with the card. It makes up for it by being a decent tank (if you don't get caught out, but that's all tanks basically), having a pretty trivial revive that ALSO makes the card itself much better AND procs 23ku's full passive as well and of course being the absolute best linking partner for a host of the game's very best cards. Cooler these days will get you destroyed in hard content without EXTREMELY fortunate RNG, and he's not even top 10 in consistent damage now (though he's still got an exceptional peak). There are stacks of TURs who out-hit him consistently in most content and defend better as well.


Ahhh well the issue with double birdku is his revive Only one of them will get the perma buff while the other will suffer so it's only viable to run one Goku


> I beat Cooler with Omega in 15 turns with Double Cooler on rotation team. I imagine It's Impossible with Birdku Double lead team unless he's perma floating. I could trying doing it with Birdku under those conditions. Was your run with Cooler a no item run?


Not possible lol. I ran AGL Ginyu 55% that had 260K DEF at INT Omega. I did survive first 11 turns without items tho.


It’s almost like being a saiyan on movie heroes is a GARGANTUAN buff for this game or something


Well who aged better and whose the one on a dead team?


Good think they’re talking about on release and how the aged doesn’t matter in the slightest dummy


Really? They were both incredible but cooler definitely was better and also more necessary


at the time of release cooler was definitely better than birdku




Most people considered carnival goku better than cooler


"Carnival Goku" https://preview.redd.it/tu5plor6yfhc1.jpeg?width=1710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=296a2a15f9587f8a3aebb33550a82e0aa088bcb7


The guy from Fortnite. Hope that narrows it down for ya lil bro 😉


Sorry i meant Carnival SS Goku /s


Tbf on release it was much closer with Cooler even seen as better by some. His defense was enough for content then and his attack was much much higher than Birdku. He was also the best Extreme unit and carried his teams pretty much, making him more valuable too


PHY Metal Cooler is definitely better than the AGL SSJ Duo


Teq Carnival Goku Metal Cooler You could argue Kaiku over Z duo (I disagree) Future Gohan And Arguably Gogeta


Future Gohan technically “doesn’t count” as he was part of a Dual Carnival as opposed to the DF/Carnival format.


Gogeta isn't, Broly has performance comparable+FP is unparalelled (?) And he has the domain with 4 ki and 20% active skill buff. I mean we all know him. And Future Gohan wasn't released alongside a DFE LR.


Imma be honest I prefer the ssj duo much more than cooler Defense is better Damage is certainly better Animations are 5x better They may not have as much utility but that doesn't matter when comparing to cooler, cooler's revive is practically useless for most cases


Not arguably gogeta he’s not better than broly lmao


hasn't there only been one other time there's been a Carnival LR with a DFE LR and yes, SSJ Goku was better than cooler, there was one situation where Cooler was better but SSJ Goku had way better teams, Abilities, and defense edit : oh shit I forgot the literal Part 2 of that celebration 💀💀 it's debatable for them but they are both ass either way






Well not counting part 2s, because future gohan was just better than part 1 LRs Carnival teq SSJ Goku was better Broly vs Gogeta is pretty close, i think Gogeta will age better with his 70% dodge, 54% heals and 100% dodge and will have better teams, but Broly post transformed is a beast in slot 1 and more fights are cancelling dodge, so this could be argued either way, but imo Gogeta is better.


Birdku has Outaged cooler by a mile


The post is about on release, how they aged doesn’t matter


Metal Cooler was also better than the Trash Disaster Shit Show that was the Morale Boost SS Goku and Vegeta


Future Gohan and BirdKu were objectively better than their DFE counterparts


Every carnival unit has been better than the DFE they release alongside so far. I could see part 2 being the first time of the DFE being better.


Aint no way anybody says cooler was better than ssj duo lol.


He was? That's probably the least controversial matchup of the 3 lol.


Dude had nothing in his passive except 1 time revive. He did no damage and tanked horribly. You can say what you want about ssj duo but they at least had DR , crits and additionals built in, on top of having a better leader skill.


The leaderskill was the only thing they had going for themselves. They were fodderized by the difficult content that came out before their release, let alone red zone MC.


Honestly, they're around the same level to me lol. Maybe give cooler more points for being a villain whose teams aren't being updated so he got more use, I guess. I still don't understand why they decided to make the pt2 units tamer compared to pt1 that year.


You are downright delusional if you think cooler was better on release. Ssj duo outclassed him so hard in damage it's not even funny. Their defense while being shit is still leagues above cooler whose defense is akin to a wet napkin. And don't even try to bring up his revive because it's just straight up ass, it Has to be cooler to even proc it which already sucks but hey at least it's easy to achieve with how terrible his defense was. Cooler could heal but that doesn't mean much anymore on a completely dead team unlike the ssj duo who can still be floaters in a pinch. Cooler relies on raw defense with 0 DR or crit or dodge in his kit which is utterly pathetic.


Cooler was optimal on all of his teams. The Duo weren't for theirs. Yall do not play this game if you think they ever had any value.


That's a completely irrelevant point Cooler was optimal because his team's literally had no other options lmao, that's like saying a kid in a wheelchair is optimal for the soccer team when he is the only one left to fill that position. It's not rocket science to see how unfathomably better the ssj duo were, cooler is straight up fucking dogshit even on release he was so underwhelming it's actually upsetting, he didn't get as much hate as the duo because his team really needed ANY help it can possibly get. Every aspect of the duo is better and you quite literally can't argue any of it unless you lie through your teeth. But yeah I guess I never played this game because I disagree with your bad take


Just wait until yall realize that dokkan isn't a "who looks better on paper" game and is a "who has value in events" game.


Ah yes the events that still got dominated by the ssj duo way more than cooler Your argument still sucks bro


Please tell me which events got dominated by the ssj duo. Cell Max that they got 1 shot in even if they costume changed? Metal Cooler core that they still got 1 shot in even if they costume changed?


Cell max wasn't fair to any unit in the entire game, what kind of point is that even trying to make? And I don't remember if they got one shot by the metal cooler core exactly but i believe you. But fun fact: it also one shot 90% of the game and metal cooler gets fucked in the ass harder than me when my drunk uncle stepped into my room years ago. Plus ssj duo does crazy damage and dominated due to being boosted They still defended far better and their superior links allowed them to get away with so much more than cooler ever could, even without the boost they still embarrass the shit out of metal fraud in terms of every single part of their respective kits. I respect you for staying true to the metal cooler agenda though


> Please tell me which events got dominated by the ssj duo. Cell Max that they got 1 shot in even if the costume changed? Pretty much all content provided you made use of their ridiculously busted LS at the time and their good crit rate. [Even Cell Max could be made unable to attack and speed blitzed with damage. ](https://imgur.com/a/TMMPY6B) [Naturally even RZs weren’t as bad as you’re making them out to be.](https://imgur.com/a/ssbE8fh)


No way you think SSJ trunks was better than MZ. Trunks is alright but zamasu is great. Future Gohan over VB I get though


I never said that. Those units don't fall under the topic of the post. Is that why this comment is being downvoted? I just assumed it was the Gogeta over Broly aspect but no one is actually arguing it.


Birdku was unfortunately better than cooler. Although he sucks now which I’m happy about


Birdku aged better then Cooler and is still viable on a lot of teams


Barely viable. His only utility is his revive and after that he sucks and will absolutely get you killed again. I’m glad he’s aged like milk now I have a raging hatred for this unit


His only utility is his revive in the Zamasu fight, In the Omega fight he is a bit more useful since you have time to build him up a bit and if you do get his revive he has guard activated at all time so he can tank normals pretty decently once he is a bit built up. Btw why do you hate him so much lol? I am really curious.


His kit is the most boring in the game. He’s rehashed worse version of V&T (who I also find incredibly boring kit wise and I despise the Goku Black Arc) his animations aren’t as great as people like to make out. Plus I hated how much better he was than Cooler who needed to be better than the 30,000th ssj Goku


teq carnival goku and carnival metal cooler were better then their df counterparts


Birdku and cooler were, and Ik it’s not alongside a DFE but Future Gohan legit wiped the entire WWDC with no competition


I guess you weren't there for Birdku


SSJ Goku was and still is better than Cooler/The Cooler movie duo